Cats In the Cradle

By enterthecircus

232K 4.9K 608

Married to My Master/ Hide & Seek Spin-Off Warning: This story is explicit with graphic sex scenes, foul lang... More

1. Daniel
2. Daniel
3. Daniel
4. Daniel
5. Daniel
6. Daniel
7. Daniel
8. Daniel
9. Emma
10. Daniel
11. Emma
12. Daniel
13. Emma
14. Emma
15. Daniel
16. Emma
17. Daniel
18. Emma
19. Daniel
20. Emma
22. Emma
23. Daniel
24. Emma
25. Daniel
26. Emma
27. Daniel
28. Emma
29. Daniel
30. Emma
31. Daniel
32. Emma
33. Daniel
34. Emma
35. Daniel
36. Emma
37. Emma
38. Daniel
39. Emma
40. Daniel
41. Emma
42. Daniel
43. Emma
44. Daniel
45. Emma
46. Daniel
47. Emma
48. Daniel
49. Emma
50. Daniel
51. Emma
52. Daniel
53. Emma
54. Daniel
55. Daniel
Epilogue 2

21. Daniel

4.2K 84 3
By enterthecircus

I was going straight to hell.

Or wherever these horny, weird-ass freaks believed was the Bad Place.

Or maybe just prison. Likely prison.

Maybe I was destined to be just like my old man after all.

Orion was watching us somehow. He wouldn't even allow us to leave the house until we had sex. And I wasn't even sure if we would be given food or anything. Would he refuse to bring us food until we "consummated" our supposed marriage?

There was running water. And plenty of tea in the fridge that was mysteriously always restocked. But I'd searched the cabinets and pantry after Emma returned to the master bedroom, and there was no food.

I knew—somehow—that Orion was going to fuck with me if I went through with this.

He'd already threatened to release pictures of me laying in bed with Emma, so I could only imagine what he planned to do with actual, concrete evidence that I'd taken her virginity.

And something told me these people didn't believe in birth control, based on the way they kept emphasizing breeding, so there would be DNA evidence to prove there had been a release of bodily fluids.

I sat on the bed, massaging my aching temples, trying to think of a loophole.

Maybe I could just pretend to have sex with her under the covers. Although I had a feeling that wouldn't suffice for Orion's perverted, sadistic taste...

Maybe I could pull out and finish in the bathroom. But then there was still pre-cum. I couldn't really control that.

I was seriously fucked. I wasn't even sure my mom could get me out of this, if Orion actually tried to hold this over my head.

And then what if we did escape, and he tried to lure me back with this? Would I ever actually be free from him, even if we did make it out of here?

I was for sure going to need whatever lawyers Alessandro had when he got out of prison early the first time.

My thoughts were racing as we sat silently on opposite sides of the bed. I was going back and forth, weighing the pros and cons, wondering how long we could go without eating. Maybe she was about to turn 18? We could probably live off of just water and tea for—

"Please." Emma suddenly whispered, jerking me out of my miserable contemplation.

My head throbbed even harder, and I squeezed my eyes shut to say what might have been my first prayer ever.

Dear God.
Or...Great Spirit—actually, not you. You're clearly fucked in the head. Fuck you.—so God... Universe. Please forgive me. I'm trying not to be like Alessandro, I swear. Just...don't send me to the Bad Place for this. Or prison. And send help... please. Amen.

My heart was still racing and my head was throbbing, on the verge of a migraine. My eyes were still squeezed shut, and I was still facing away from Emma. But I knew she was waiting for me to respond to her plea.

So I whispered, "Just...take off your...panties...and keep your dress and everything else on...and lay down."

I could feel her scrambling to do as I'd asked, and I slowly stood up to go grab some more tea. I was too petrified and ashamed to get hard right now. My family would be horrified if they knew what I was about to do.

I poured myself a large glass and chugged it as fast as I could. Then I poured another one.

I didn't want to be out of my mind or black out again, but there was clearly some kind of drug in the tea that acted as an aphrodisiac. It was like ecstasy and alcohol and Viagra all in one.

Then I took a deep, deep breath, exhaled slowly and walked back into the bedroom.

Emma was laying down on the bed in her dress, with her arms folded across her stomach. She was staring at the ceiling, and I could see tears on her cheeks.

What did I do now??

I walked up to her and hesitantly touched her shoulder again. Then I sat down on the bed next to her and gently took one of her hands.

"Hey, what's wrong? We don't...we don't have to do this. There's running water and tea in the fridge. Maybe we could wait—"

"Did you ask me to leave my dress on because you think I'm unattractive?" She asked mournfully, still staring at the ceiling. More tears fell down her cheeks.

"No! I—I think you're very pretty. You're beautiful, really. If I...was from around here...and grew up thinking that having a 17-year-old wife at my age wasn't...disturbing... I'd be...proud to...deflower you." I said awkwardly. This felt like losing my virginity all over again.

"But Orion...he always made me undress during my training. He...he said my husband owned my body and it would be disrespectful to hide it from him."

Wait, what the fuck??

" you mean? Orion has seen you naked? What do you mean by 'training', Emma?" I asked her, starting to feel the effects of the tea. But they were dampened by my rising anger.

"Every woman undergoes a month of premarital training with Orion. He...teaches us how to...pleasure our husbands. With our mouths. And...h-hands....And..." she trailed off, eyeing me nervously.

I think she could tell I was about to murder him.

"I'm-I'm sorry, s-sir... I didn't...mean t-to upset y-you..." She stammered, sitting up to clasp my hand.

I knew he was creepy. I knew he was a pedophile, by the way he talked about marrying Emma and turning her into his sex slave/Prophetess. But I didn't realize how bad it all was. Everyone here was brainwashed into believing it was perfectly ok for that old man to "train" their teenaged daughters.

He'd tricked them into giving their consent for his abuse. And he was essentially blackmailing everyone in return, coercing older men to marry underaged girls, recording them during their consummation. Not allowing anyone he didn't trust to leave, in case we tried to bring him down.

But then, if he was going down, we were all going down with him.

So I was going to have to do this. I'd have to have sex with Emma at least once, pretend to be a happy, brainwashed member of the community, gain his trust. Destroy the evidence against me.

And then bring him down.

"Ok. Then...take your dress off." I told Emma, trying to sound less freaked out than I really was. This was for the greater good, I told myself.

Even if I went down with Orion, at least there was a chance that some people would finally be set free. Orion wouldn't be able to molest anymore young girls and hold these families hostage.

If I was going to be good and kind, I'd have to pretend to be bad.

I looked up at Emma, who was having trouble undoing the buttons on her heavy wedding gown.

"Turn around. I'll help you with the buttons." I told her breathlessly. The tea was kicking in a lot more, and my erection was finally springing to life.

With shaky hands, I helped her unbutton her dress, and it slid down to the floor.

Underneath, she wore unexpectedly sexy lingerie and a garter. And her panties were already removed. A glance on the floor confirmed that they were also very skimpy and lacy.

I don't know what I expected... Maybe long underwear and a corset or something. It was such a juxtaposition to her conservative wedding attire.

I reached up to her lacy bra and undid the clips, and it fell away from her body. She slid the straps off of her shoulders, and it fell down to the floor, next to her thong.

There were marks on her pale ass that looked like belt marks or something, and I made a mental note to find out what—or who—had caused that.

"Ok...uh... Fuck. Um. Go ahead and lay down again." I told her, feeling a little more relaxed as the tea took over my senses. My dick was close to being painfully hard now, like it had been during my bullshit welcoming ceremony.

She quickly climbed onto the bed, already panting hard. I slid my pants and boxers off, then gingerly climbed on top of her, wondering if missionary would be the most gentle position. It would probably be too deep if she was on top for her first time, and doing her from behind seemed insensitive.

Missionary was the first position I'd done when I was 17, but I had no idea what I was doing then, and neither did she.

"Is this ok?" I asked her quietly. She nodded quickly.

"Yes, sir." She whispered.

"Please stop calling me sir." I whispered back, smiling a little. She smiled back at me and blushed.

"Ok...I'm going to go slow. Tell me if it hurts, and I'll stop, alright?" I watched her closely for any signs of hesitation or discomfort. She nodded quickly again, then opened her legs a little wider. She looked like she was freshly waxed, and I usually didn't really have a preference...but in this case, I honestly wished she wasn't.

Her bare pussy just felt like another reminder that she wasn't an adult yet.

For the greater good.

I slowly nudged the tip of my cock towards her entrance. She was already pretty wet, which was also surprising, seeing as how I was way too freaked out to do any foreplay. There was plenty of lube available, but it didn't look like we'd need it.

I slowly pushed inside her, still watching her closely to see if she was in pain. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was biting her lip.

"Emma, if I'm hurting you, I'll stop. You have to tell me if it's hurting." I said worriedly. Maybe we did need the lube.

"No. No it's ok. I'm ok. Please keep going." She said tensely, with her eyes still shut.

I withdrew and got off the bed to grab the lube.

I knew I probably should have prepped her first, but I wanted to do the minimum required of me. Maybe it would somehow lessen my time in prison.

I applied a copious amount of lube to my cock and around her entrance, then climbed back on top of her. I slid back in slowly, and she seemed to be wincing less.

So I pushed in a little more, shaking as I fought to restrain the urge to bottom out. Her virgin pussy was squeezing the shit out of my thick cock, and it was getting harder to focus on being slow and gentle.

I pushed in a little more, now about halfway in. I looked up at her, and she was watching me closely, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Please, sir—Daniel—just. Just put it in. Please. Just get it over with." She pleaded through clenched teeth.

Fuck, was I fucking this up?? Was slower somehow worse??

"I'm sorry. I-I'll stop..." I stammered, preparing to withdraw. I technically did penetrate her, so—

"No please. Please keep going. It's ok. Just do it." She said firmly, sounding less pained now.

She nodded at me.

And then I nodded at her.

And then I fully impaled her with one sharp thrust.

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