Forced Marriage | Wenclair

Od k9ine3

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"Out of the billions of people in this world, I'm being married to a werewolf?" Wednesday threw daggers at he... Více

1. Tragic News
3. "Stacked" Emotions
4. Destructible
5. Scars From the Past
6. Jealousy in Sight
7. Thinkable Actions
8. Lovestruck
9. A Gift for You
10. Hyde the Nightmares
11. Four Visitors
12. Devotion
13. A Truth to Seek
14. Woeful Birthday
15. Vow to You

2. Learning About the Addams

5.6K 143 99
Od k9ine3

Enid Sinclair

Why? Just why did it have to be me? My life turned for the worst when I found out about the arranged marriage. My parents are forcing me to marry Wednesday Addams. The girl who doesn't give a shit about anybody. My future wife who is literally going to kill me in my sleep. Great.

Currently, I'm sitting on top of a sleeping bag that Lurch had given me. I had a single pillow and a blanket to keep me comfy enough for now. I didn't unpack much from my suitcase other than my phone charger. I did not bother to change my clothes since I wasn't comfortable to do so just yet. Mainly, I was on my phone the entire time in the room. I haven't chatted with Wednesday in case she would really stab me for bugging her.

She was sitting on a chair in front of a desk that's organized, neat, and clean. Wednesday had a typewriter settled perfectly in front of her. Her fingertips pressed down the buttons with letters as it made a clicking sound while typing away. I assumed she is not planning to use a laptop anytime soon. This is really who I am marrying?

Oh what am I thinking? Wednesday is probably judging me as well. I feel like she thinks of me as someone who is dumb and beastly. After all, I am a werewolf. I wish there was somebody else I can talk to because being on my phone isn't doing me any good, and I forgot to ask Gomez the wifi password. On cue, a dismembered hand opened and closed the door to the bedroom unannounced.

I froze on the spot because I had never seen anything like it before. Its hand was covered with stitches that reminded me of Frankenstein. The hand was able to crawl on its own without the rest of their body. I think the hand belonged to a man based on how large it is. He came up to me and snapped his fingers to get me to look at him directly.

So you're the intruder who came here. Gomez had me clean up a bit just for you to marry Wednesday, the hand used American sign language.

Thankfully, I took a class before I was completely done with school.

"Well, not exactly," I declared to the extremity.

What do you mean not exactly?

"It's a forced marriage. Our parents wanted us to be engaged so we can take over their business and work together."

Oh. This is just like Morticia and Gomez when they were forced to be married. Except, they were in love already, the hand brought up a memory.

"Good for them, but Wednesday and I are not in love with each other. She already hates my guts," I pointed out.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut or else I will sew it closed, dog. And Thing, I won't hesitate to rip every single fingernail off from each of your fingers," Wednesday venomously threatened as she partially glared at us.

"Come on Wednesday. There's no need to be disrespectful towards me and uh, Thing, was it?" I was being nice to the scary girl.

"I do not take orders from anyone nor do I listen to their commands. Rather, you should be the one listening to me since you are nothing but a dog," Wednesday rose to her feet and stood right by me.

"Again, I'm not a dog. I'm a werewolf. Also, at least be respectful to Thing and not me if you want. Isn't he your friend or family?" I wanted to give some justice to Thing.

"He's family and an assistant of mine," Wednesday made known.

"You know it's not that hard to be kind towards others," I laid down while glancing up at the short girl.

"I hate being kind to anyone. It involves vulnerable emotions that get you nowhere in life. I prefer to make enemies and torment those who underestimate me."

"We are not going to be a great pair. We're polar opposites! Our parents made a grave mistake," I dramatically slapped both hands onto my face.

"Indeed they did. All we can do is wait it out and divorce each other after the wedding," Wednesday announced.

"When's the wedding?" I pulled my hands away from my face and propped myself up.

"In three months after my eighteenth birthday," Wednesday answered my question.

"What!? Three months will feel like three years. I am not going to survive here," I whined.

Snap snap!

You two are in the worst predicament. I can help you find a partner, blondie, Thing signed to me.

"The names Enid, and finding a partner won't do me any good. Maybe you should help Wednesday find one instead," I suggested.

"What makes you think I want a partner? I don't love or display any atrocious behavior to anybody. I want solitude, not a commitment. Get that through your thick skull or I will by cutting through it. Be quiet and go to sleep so I can type in peace. I had enough bombs being thrown at me today," Wednesday alerted before she went back to her desk.

She is right. Wednesday never had a love or friend interest. I remember boys would come up and declare their love to her only for them to be rejected embarrassingly, Thing provided background information.

"Damn... We are not made for each other then," I let out a deep breath.

Don't give up hope. You can at least try to be friends with her. Buy her some weapons. That would make her happy even though she won't show it.

"I'll think about it. Anyways, goodnight Thing. See you in the morning," I got myself comfortable in the sleeping bag.

Goodnight you weirdo.

"Goodnight Wednesday," I also uttered to her.

She didn't respond and ignored me, continuing to type on the old typewriter. I decided to not further bother Wednesday anymore and laid my head on the pillow. My body relaxed before my eyes closed, consuming the darkness and slumber.


This was not it. I had the worst sleep ever. Sleeping on something that's definitely not soft and squishy like a mattress is so discomforting. What's terrible is the thought of Wednesday going through with the idea to kill me in my sleep. I managed to get two hours of sleep max.

During the time I was awake, I was on my phone listening to music and watching TikToks with my headphones on. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't go back to sleep. Hopefully, this will be the first and last time it happens.

I was able to sleep for at least ten minutes until I heard the sound of Wednesday's bedroom door closing. I opened my eyes and sat myself up to find Wednesday was no longer on her bed. Thing must've woken up because he was stretching his fingers on top of Wednesday's pillow. I went to grab my phone that was charging next to me and found out that it was nearly eight o'clock.

Who wakes up at this time? Oh right. My future wife. Unfortunately, I'm not dreaming as I wished to be. My parents really ditched me here with the Addams family, and I am being pushed to marry someone who is absolutely deranged. At least Morticia, Gomez, and Thing somewhat seem sane.

I haven't had the opportunity to chat with Pugsley just yet so no opinion on him. As for Wednesday, she wants me dead and will forever hate me for as long as I exist even though I didn't do anything to her. My parents could have picked somebody else for me to be with. Somebody who is not obsessed with weapons and killing. Looks like I'll need to live through it.

"Good morning Thing. How did you sleep?" I asked the hand.

Morning. I slept pretty well. What about you? Thing reverted the question back to me.

"Honestly, it was awful. But hey, at least I survived the first night here," I rubbed my eyes while smiling slightly.

Surprisingly. Good thing you're up. Everyone wakes up to eat together before Gomez and Morticia leave to work for the entire month.

"Hold on. You're telling me Gomez and Morticia will be gone for a month?" I was appalled by the news.

Yup! It could be for more than a week depending on their trip around the country. Who really knows nowadays? Thing confirmed.

"That means I'll be here with you, Lurch, Pugsley, and Wednesday then."

You are right. It's going to be chaotic which we all enjoy.

"Except for me yet I'm gonna have to adjust to it," I shrugged my shoulders.

Good luck with that. I will be going downstairs. See you at the dining room, Thing ran out of the door, leaving me alone.

I sighed to myself quietly right as I got up from the sleeping bag. I went ahead to take my luggage and go through it to search for what I need to get ready for the day. I wanted to get ready super quick and look decent before I went to see the entire family. In the massive room, Wednesday had a bathroom that connected to her bedroom. I decided to use it to brush my teeth, change clothes, and comb my hair.

Shockingly, Wednesday hardly had anything in the bathroom. Even on the marbled counter, there were a few items laying neatly. If I'm sharing this restroom with Wednesday, I really need to keep it clean. I checked myself out through the mirror before folding my dirty clothes and leaving what I brought behind. I put away the clothes in my bag and began leaving the room.

I headed to the flight of stairs across Wednesday's bedroom and traveled down. I then caught a whiff of something that smelled like a slight, sweet bread coming from the kitchen which is next to the dining area. The aroma made my mouth water as I went ahead to follow the trail of the bread smell. Once I made it to the dinner table, Pugsley, Gomez, Wednesday, and Thing were at the table eating.

It turned out that the smell was pancakes. They weren't just ordinary pancakes. They were the color black. It wasn't burnt but rather somebody used food coloring to change the color of the pancakes. I presumed this would be my breakfast. Gomez and Pugsley noticed me first and gave me a small wave.

"Good morning Enid. Hope you like pancakes because my wife and Lurch are making them," Gomez grinned happily.

"Morning everyone, and I do like pancakes. Is Morticia in the kitchen?" I queried the man.

"Why yes she is. Lurch should be bringing out your plate soon. In the meantime, you should sit down next to my daughter," Gomez offered.

"Choose somewhere else to be seated or else you'll suffer the consequences," Wednesday sternly analyzed me like a hawk.

Her gaze brought goosebumps to my skin as I replied, "I think I should give Wednesday some space."

I went to grab a seat in front of Wednesday and on my right hand side is where Pugsley is sitting with Thing. During the process, I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned my head to find Lurch bringing out a stack of pancakes on top of two plates. There was also someone else trailing behind him.

"Well would you look at that?! Already respecting your future wife's boundaries. How unique," Morticia popped out of the kitchen and into the dining room.

She was wearing a long, black dress with an apron that has a picture of a skull and a knife punctured through, seeping out blood. Lurch put the plate in front of me with the scent of pancakes overwhelming my nose. I ignored the comment Morticia said about me respecting Wednesday's boundaries and moved the conversation to a different topic.

"Good morning Morticia. The pancakes smell delicious. You made them right?"

"Yes I did darling. I hope you don't mind them being slightly different from normal pancakes," the tall woman hoped I was fine with how the food appeared.

"I don't mind it at all. I bet it tastes amazing," I complimented.

"Why thank you Enid. Savor it as much as you can," Morticia stated while sitting next to her spouse.

"Will do," I beamed before getting a hold of a bottle of syrup and opening the lid to squeeze out the sticky condiment over my pancakes.

I put the syrup back and started cutting up my breakfast into smaller pieces with the silver utensils that were already laid out on the table. As I did so, I began a new conversation regarding the couple's business.

"So, is your business just like my parents or is it something else?" I used a fork to stab my pancake and took a bite of it while gazing at Gomez and Morticia.

"It's exactly like your parents. We construct houses but more for normies. They like our style. Even our family members offered a fortune for a house like ours," Gomez illustrated in depth.

"Wow! It's awesome that your relatives find the houses you build fascinating. Ours are like that too. The only ones who didn't want to have houses built for themselves were my brothers. They didn't want to get involved with the business and my parents," I discussed.

"Interesting. Wouldn't they want free housing? If I were them, I would take advantage of it," Morticia pointed out.

"My brothers would've wanted free housing, but not from my parents after they turned super strict. I know that my siblings didn't want to stick around any longer with our mom and dad," I uttered before taking another bite of the fluffy food.

"It seems like Murray and Esther are not playing the roles of parents correctly," Morticia suspected as she became intrigued about my family.

"You could say that again. I wonder what it's like to have parents who listen and understand you."

"Well you're unlucky because Morticia and I are here to be your parents. Actually, not until a month has gone by. We have an adventurous work trip we must attend throughout the United States. It will be distinctive. I'm putting you and Wednesday in charge since you're both the oldest," Gomez proposed without thinking about it further.

"And what about me dad? Can't I be in charge?" Pugsley included himself in the discussion.

"You can be in charge of the weapons. It's better if you show Enid how to play with them," the man winked at his son which made me feel anxious inside.

"Yes! Don't worry Enid. We are going to have a blast when I show you my parent's hidden stash," the teen boy lifted the corner of his lips.

"I bet we are," I said with a nervous smile.

"I wish we could stay for an extra day, but shortly, we need to get going to the airport. All of our baggage has been packed in the Cadillac Hearse," Morticia changed the subject.

"What time is your flight?"

"Twelve-thirty in the afternoon. We are heading to Maine first which will take less than an hour to arrive. Gomez and I have many conferences with individuals who are willing to reconstruct their houses or start fresh by building a new one."

"It's a good thing your guy's flight isn't long. You won't be exhausted, and you will have time to plan out with your clients," I mentioned.

"That is right! Thank goodness for private jets. I can't wait to fly to the west part of the country," Gomez vocalized with eagerness.

"Likewise my love. Shall we head upstairs and get ready? We have thirty minutes until it's time to leave," Morticia informed Gomez.

"We shall."

"Can I go with Lurch to drop you guys off at the airport?" Pugsley asked his parents.

"Sure thing. Go get ready. It will be quite a long drive for you and Lurch," Gomez replied.

"Okay! Come on Thing. You're coming with Lurch and I," Pugsley grabbed the hand and took him upstairs.

After everyone had left the room, Lurch proceeded to pick up the dirty dishes from the table and took them to the sink to wash. However, Wednesday remained still in her seat. She was busy playing with the blade she had pressed against my neck last night. I chose to clear my throat to grab her attention which worked. Her grim eyes landed on my own.

It felt like we were doing a staring contest because Wednesday hasn't blinked to me. She's been gazing at my face for some time as if she is in a trance. I'm positive that Wednesday is most likely criticizing the way I look or act right now. I no longer wanted things to be awkward and quiet between us, so I interacted with her.

"Hey Wednesday. How are you feeling?"

"Like a corpse. My father and mother made our situation worse by leaving for a whole month while you're trapped here with me. Maybe I should torture you endlessly as they are gone. That will satisfy me enough," Wednesday hauntingly reported back.

"You know, you are very weird and spooky right?" I disclosed it to the girl.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Depends how you interpret it. Let me guess, you don't like compliments?" I tilted my head.

"Compliments are nothing to me. It doesn't affect me. Neither does opinions, feelings, or judgements about me," Wednesday concluded.

"Does that mean you only care about yourself and nobody else?"

"Yes. I do not owe anyone anything. You can call me selfish, but I wouldn't care what you have to say about me," the smaller girl firmly indicated.

"You really are peculiar Wednesday. Do you think a friendship will blossom between us?" I asked a serious question.

"No. You turned unbearable to handle. Your clothes are too bright and colorful. You come off as a golden retriever dog which I hate, and you cannot learn how to remain silent," Wednesday snapped.

"Do you always insult everyone you meet?" Wednesday's words sort of had an impact on me.

"I do insult everyone as a way to make them run away from me. I'm never in the mood to make acquaintances or friends. They are a waste of time," the young Addams declared negatively.

"But having somebody you can trust with what you share with them is fun. I literally talk to my best friend, Yoko, about everything. We even tell each other secrets, our insecurities, and how we feel when certain moments happen to us. We can open up to each other as long as there is trust, and we communicate thoroughly," I explicated well enough.

"And what makes you think I can trust you?" Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well for one, I get vulnerable at times. I would seriously spill out whatever I'm feeling. I also like to listen, make commitments, be honest, and help out in any way I can with whoever is in need of aid. You can say I'm the therapist friend," I used my thumb to point at myself while I puffed out my chest with confidence.

"An annoying therapist is what you are," Wednesday flat out ruined my moment.

"There goes my self-esteem," I mumbled to myself.

"Alright children! We are back and ready to set forth," Gomez appeared swiftly along with Morticia.

"That was fast," I phrased in shock.

Morticia wore some smooth and expensive clothing. She had on a black business suit consisting of a blazer, vest, and pants. For footwear, she had on slink back black heels that gave her almost two inches added in her height. Gomez had his usual striped suit and pants on with a tie and leathered, dress shoes. In all honesty, they looked like a powerful couple. I'm becoming jealous.

"We are very quick when we get ready, right cara bella?" Lovingly, Gomez gazed at his partner.

"You are right, mon amour. Now, come say bye to us Wednesday. We are going to miss you dearly," Morticia claimed.

I heard Wednesday sighed before rising to her feet and coming towards her parents. She stopped a few feet away from them and folded her arms together.

"Farewell to the both of you. Don't grieve if you come home to a house blown into smithereens and dead bodies scattered everywhere on the property," Wednesday said in a monotone voice.

"I doubt any of that will happen because Enid is here, and she is in charge."

"Wednesday and I will take great care of each other and the house together," I beamed pridefully.

"We know you will. Be sure to get close with my daughter. By the time we come back from our long trip, you two won't be able to keep your hands off of each other's," Gomez was predicting.

His statement made my face become warm and most likely red. Wednesday rolled her eyes at her father and didn't give her mother or father a hug. Rather, Morticia blew imaginary kisses a foot away from Wednesday's face on both sides of her cheek. I didn't know what to think of what I'm witnessing. It really does seem like Wednesday hates physical contact.

"Don't die on us kids. We need you alive for the wedding and to take over our company. Be sure not to adopt any children after falling in love. It's too early for that. Besides that, have fun! Oh! Before I forget," Gomez paused for a second to reach something out of his inner pockets from the inside of his suit.

He revealed a dark, velvet ring box and took my hand to drop it on top of my palm. He pushed my fingers down for me to fully grasp the ring box tightly.

"Why are you giving me-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Gomez intervened and said, "These are yours and Wednesday's wedding band rings. They can be used for the wedding unless you pick out something better for both of you. But for right now, you can wear them whenever you feel ready."

"I uh... guess?" I couldn't find words to describe the situation.

"That's the spirit! See you lovebirds in a month," Gomez saluted as he wrapped an arm around his wife's waist.

"Be well my dears," Morticia waved before her and Gomez left the dining hall.

Then, I heard Pugsley shout, "Wait for me!"

And just like that, the sound of the front door being shut closed signifies that everyone has left the house. It means that Wednesday and I are the only ones here alone. I opened my hand back up to take a good look at the box. Outside of it felt slightly fuzzy. I took the chance to open it, displaying two twenty-four karat, gold rings. They were extremely shiny and brand new. I found them to be quite amusing.

"Are you going to wear them Wednesday?" I asked, then showed the girl the rings.

"No. I will not be wearing an abomination of jewelry on my finger. Don't expect me to put it on anytime soon," Wednesday effortlessly vowed.

"Not at all. I actually want to see how it would look on me," I pulled the rather larger ring which I assumed was mine and slid it on the fourth finger to my left.

Amazingly, it fit perfectly. I liked the way it appeared on my left hand. Maybe having a ring on my finger isn't so bad.

"You give the impression that you're satisfied with the wedding band on your ring finger," Wednesday nonchalantly speculated.

"I am, honestly. It's nice and snug on my finger, and I really look like I am engaged," I grinned to myself.

"You're failing to remember that we won't be wearing the ring forever. You can have mine and give it to somebody else you're planning to marry. Or you can sell it. Any option is acceptable. Now don't disturb me for an hour. I will be typing now that almost everyone is gone," Wednesday didn't waste any time to pass by me and leave the room.

For unknown reasons, I felt a pinch in the middle of my chest. Maybe because I was alone. Maybe because of what Wednesday had said. It's probably nothing. I closed the box and held onto it. I left the ring on my finger while the other stayed in the box. Pushing aside what I felt earlier, I thought about what's about to happen for the months I will be remaining here. Hopefully, I can fit right in with the Addams family.

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