boo a Madea Halloween

By hybrids201324

6K 133 2

A spooky night filled with mischief, pranks,scares, screams and laughs.join Madea,Gena,Joe,hatti and bam as t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

639 16 0
By hybrids201324

Everyone can be seen sitting in Brian's living room."listen, brian, but I just thank God... That I am in my right mind."bam says making an hmm sounds brain just going along with her making the same sound."and that my heart is still beating."bam says while brain makes an hmm sound following along with her."ho!"bam preaches slightly

"Sometimes I can't hardly pee, though."bam says making brain uncomfortable while Gena has a slight disgusted look on her face."thank you so much for sharing. I appreciate it thank you"brain says awkwardly to bam who is sitting right next to him.

"Bam, that aint polite conversation."Madea tells her looking weirded out slightly that she would just talk openly about that in a group of people in front of her."you know, just one or two drops, maybe that's it"bam explains ignoring what Madea just said while holding up one finger is demonstrated."don't nobody want to hear about your one or two drops"Madea says with a huff of disbelief at bam "I wonder why that is"bam says making Gena look at with a look as if saying'did this woman really just ask that.'before shaking her head leaning back on the couch.

"It's prostate cancer, that's what it is"Joe inputs his opinion on the subject"that's what it is you got that prostate... You got the prostate cancer."

"Joe shut up!"Madea tells him while Brian just stands there waiting."what the hell you think it is? What the hell else is it"Joe exclaimed from his chair still holding his cane looking straight at Madea."if it ain't prostate ca... That's the only thing keep you from peeing. She says she got two dress."brain is seen rolling his eyes at his daddy"one say'prostate,' other say'cancer,' prostate cancer. That's what she got."Joe finishes explaining his opinion while making demonstrations with his hand making Madea look at him like he was stupid."Joe. Don't no woman have no prostate."Madea tells him which makes Joe look at her for a silent minute staring at her before saying"mabel, you know damn well you got a prostate."Joe tells her look at his sister who just huffs at him before saying"you know what I'm going to do?"she questions before lifting up her right leg at Joe"I'm going to give you a prostate exam with this foot right here."she says making Gena laugh slightly at the small argument against her aunt and Dad well everyone just looks like they had enough."hell you ain't either. This here? This ass? Say"do not enter" sign on it , tattoo"Joe retorted back shaking his head while nodding indicating at his ass."do not enter back there." "Hell no!"Hattie agreed with him while Madea just crossed her arms on a nee crossing her leg over the other just staring at Joe."who the hell you think I am?"

"Shut up." Madea just tells him done with his stupidity before looking at brain and Gena .

"Hello? Can we just focus on why I asked you to come..."brain yells slightly making Gena wince with her eyes closed knowing he messed up right there.madea and the others just look at him wide eye for a second before her eyes narrow into a glare"who the hell is he, who the hell he hollering at?"she yells looking at the others while pointing at brain"you asked me to come over to your damn house. Don't be hollering at me up in here."Madea repriments Brian with a yell 

"Don't get gutted up in here."Joe yells as well waving his Cane around" right like a fish." Madea agrees adding on to Joe's statement looking back at Brian with a glare making Brian sigh knowing that was the wrong thing to do before explaining and apologizing.

"Okay, sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean it at all."Brian quickly apologizes knowing he shouldn't have yelled with my wife eyes."yes, that's better. That's better. Show some apologiction. Apologiction into the room."madea yells the others agree."okay I'm sorry"brain says agreeing with them.

"I'm glad you're here to help me with her, cuz there's a frat party around the corner. And I want to be sure she doesn't try to sneak out and go over there okay?"Brian explains all first wall having Madea Joe Hattie and Bam look at each other confused not knowing what he was going on about."she's too young for that !"bam exclaimed

"We know but you know Tiffany she's hard fucking headed"Gena says with a huff before standing up while Brian replied more softly with an I know while looking back at the steps making sure she didn't hear them before Joe inputs on some of the things he's done."I don't know about that, I remember I used to go to a frat party, man. We had them girls up in there. Oh! God damn."Joe explains a little bit getting lost in the memories before coming back to reality looking at Brian immediately"hell, no. She can't go over there."Joe tells him immediately.

"What? When I was going I was 15, baby. And I was entertainment, then."Hattie inputs well dancing slightly and her spot on the couch."all right, you were the entertainment, I get it. Thank you. Okay listen I'm glad you're here cause I..."brain starts off with cutting her off before she could continue on."I want y'all to be quiet if you don't mind, cuz I don't want her to know that you're all here till after I'm gone and Gena will also be staying here to help you."Brian finishes off making everyone but Gena who just shrugs her shoulder to look at Brian confuse her white eyes"hold the hell on. You going to leave, you ain't going to tell her you're going?"Madea says stoping Brian from continuing with shake of her hand "looks like he's scared of her."bam then says causing the others to agree."damn boy. You letting a girl run over you?"Joe ask his son with disbelief banging his Cane against the floor."look how you standing there sweating"

"Listen, I..."Brian stutters off slightly but gets cut off by bam"these children today"she says in disbelief of some kids are know in the day but Madea disagrees with."no, it ain't the children, baby, it's the parents."Madea starts off to bam while point up and down at brain indicate what she is talking about"it's these damn parents. The parents I don't understand."Madea finishes off causeing brain to look at her slightly offended

"That's what it is. Right there."Joe adds in.

"If these parents were getting in charge of these children here, we wouldn't be having all these issues."Madea says finishing her opinions about parenting before looking at the others Brian looks betrayed at Gena who knows her head at Madea agreeing with her.

"Come on, you know. Those teenage years, when I turn to a teenager."Brian explains written his teeth clutching his hands as emphasis of what he's saying."boy come I remember them teenagers, baby, I remember the teenage years."Madea says while pulling a hammer at of her purse to prove her point"drop the hammer on them. Them teenage years, hell. I'm telling you, I keep me a hammer."she finished off while putting the hammer back in her purse.

"Now we know what the problem is, anybody in here got a solution?"Brian says looking around at everyone who just stares at him wide eye and Confucian disbelief even Gena is looking at him this please she knew what made he was talking about and she agreed.

"Is he slow? He don't understand nothing I'm saying. Hattie Gena can you both explain this to him to a language that he understands?"Madea ask of them to show what Brian on what she's talking about"whoop that ass" " you need to discipline her ass bro"both say at the same time.

"All in favor say"aye"Madea ask around making the others agree on what she's saying.all mumble where she at before standing up only for brain to stop them."sit down. I am not hitting my child."Brian exclaims quickly making them stop and sit back down and confusion again not understanding him at all."what? You can't stomach it? We'll whoop that ass for you!" Hattie tells him

"No! "Brain yells back at her frustrated"nobody is hitting my child, okay?"brain tells them firmly looking at each one of them."hold them early you need to whip them kids , I've been telling him since they were little."whoop her! Whoop her! Whoop her ass! Whoop her ass!"Joe exclaimed to Brian on what he should have done while banging his can along the floor."would he do? He didn't whoop her ass."Joe says to everybody while shaking his head at his son.

"Listen, we have never spanked our children ever. We didn't do that we weren't those kind of parents."brain explains to them makeing them look at him with disbelief while Gena just shakes her head and her brother"I know bro but look at what's happened with y'all not discipline her when she gets out of control."Gena explains to her brother

"Well, that's the problem right there!"Hattie yells making bam agree with her.

"That's right, that's right! Whoop her baby, let me tell you something. I'm not telling you to go up there and abuse no child. Even though I got a hammer in my purse. I'm just kidding about the hammer."Madea starts off with before turning slightly turns Hattie"no I'm not"she mumbles softly before looking back at brain"but listen, what I'm trying to get you to understand is very, very simple, son. Hear me clearly. A little love ain't never hurt nobody."Madea finishes off explaining to brain"there is. Love tap."points out agreeing with Madea.

"A little love tap. Just tap your child a little low top."Madea says while brain just lets out a huff rolling his eyes slightly."like I did you, I gave you lots of love text."Madea tells him making brain going wide at her.

"Lot...what? Hold on on a second,did you just say "love tap"Brian asked her and disbelief while his sister Gena just rolls her eyes at her brother to be honest she agreed with Madea's method."no,no,no,no,no.that wasn't a love tap,I was on life support" he expresses before his sister cuts them all"well actually that was your dumbass fault bro you should know how aunt Madea is by know"Gena tells her. Brother as she leans against the wall she remembers that day he was a little smartass as kid.brian just looks at his sister in disbelief that she would take Madea's side and not his or he just shakes his head turning back to Madea to continue his rant but Madea cuts him off.

"Are you--are you blaming that on me?that is not my fault"Madea explains her point of view of that situation remembering it very clearly."what'd I have to do with you being on life support"making brain look at Madea in more disbelief if I was possible while looking around wide eye.

"Am I missing something?I was four years whose fault was it?"brain argues his case about what happened that day still thinking he was in the role for what he did but you got to remember he was 4 years old.

"I told your ass to stop talking back to me, and what did you do?"Madea ask him leaning over the couch some.

"I said-- I was talking back"brain says finally giving up no he won't win this argument as he slouches slightly makeing Gena smirk since he finally gave up knowing that he was in the wrong that day."right,so when I bust your ass and you ended up in the damn life support situation, whose problem did that belong to"Madea says as she still goes at brain to prove a pont.

Brian just stands there for silent minute not saying anything before Joe looks at him"you better hold up,she's gonna explode her prostate"hoe tells his son knowing how Madea also is.

"Right.thats your own damn fault."brain just shakes his head knowing Madea will never see his side of things"the defense rests,your honor.the case is closed.the jury has been excused."Madea says leaning back into her seat as if she's in a courtroom making Gena to shake her head at her family.

But Brian can take a more so he starts another rant making Gena groan leaning her head back against the wall at her brother's stubbornness"you guys don't understand okay?I know in your day you could do that. You could beat kids, you could slap on, but this is a different day and time. You can't speak your kids these days, okay? You can go to jail for things like that now"Brian tries to explain to his stubborn family about how things run now I'm not like they did back in the day making Joe look straight at his son before leaning forward"that what it is? You're politically correct.let me tell you something about"you can't hit your kids these days".and here me clearly when I say this to you son.bull shit!"he explains before shout bull shit a couple of times as he slams his walking cane up and down repeatedly.

"Daddy, I'm going to tell you one more time, stop using that language in this house."Brian tries to reprimand his father who is just a stubborn as he was before saying bull shit a couple more times.

"Joe shut up!"Madea says annoyed by Joe repeating the same thing.

"Stop saying all them cuss words up in her,Joe,hell"Madea says causing gena to raise a slight eyebrow since she was cursing as well.

"Boy, if I do whoop your ass you know where you would be right now? Somewhere strung out on drugs. You don't know the hell I'm trying to get $20 for a fix. You don't know what the hell you talking about. That's why you turned out well like you did. That's why you're a federal prosecutor. Hell, I beat you so much, you were scared to look at a damn crack pipe"Joe rants to his son who just looks like he's done with this but looks as father weird a few times."you ain't know what a damn crack pipe was. You know what a crack pipe is now don't you? See, he still don't know what the hell a crack pipe is. You know what that is? Cuz I beat your ass."Joe finishes his rant letting out a huff leaning back in his chair Gena slightly nods her head she remembers well.

"You sure did, you was rough on that boy. I felt so bad. See, your daddy was raw. He'd beat the hell out of you and leave you out in the street, just really good all over, everywhere. I at least would take you to the hospital after I knock the hell."Madea explains how her and Joe where in those situations well Brian just looks a gena with a side eye she just shrugs she knows it's true.

"Look some, just go up them stairs, and do what I have to do to you that day that you got mad at me.just go on,do what you gotta do,son bite the bullet."Joe explains while Brian looked wide eye at that suggestion while shaking his head.

"I am not taking my daughter all the roof and throwing her off"he exclaimed thinking about that day his farther did that to him.

"Why when you do that"tell us not knowing what the big deal is.

"He did that"bam ask in shock 

"Yes!"brain exclaimed still kinda traumatized by that memory Gena remembers it well.

"He sure did. Let me just tell you something, if you're going to try and teach a child a lesson and push him off a roof at least check their pockets. Joe, you should have checked his pockets"Madea explains remembering what happened that day.

"I forgot about that little pencil. Oh. Number two, yellow stick"he says remembering what happened with the pencil that was in Brian's pocket that day. Brian just shakes his head at the memory"he had his little pencil in his pocket. Little pencil which straight through one of his little balls"the day explains making all the others beside Gena gasp in shock while Joe covers his just thinking about that happening.

"Look like a little Tootsie roll on a Stick there, poor thing"Madea explains making the three other adult slightly laugh just picturing it.gena just shakes her head at her messed up family.

"I was traumatized"Brian says thank you back at the memory it still bugs him.

"Let me ask you something did you die?"Joe ask while Brian just looks done with his farther"that's not funny.thats not funny"not seeing as that was something to to joke about.

"I bet that's just so interesting to see"bam says as she looks down laughing slightly as she pictures it in her head."I just want to look at it"making Brian uncomfortable as he places his hands folding them together over his you know what area."I bet you have problems seeing too, don't you? You probably just have the one drop plop."

Making the others laugh besides Brian and Gena who just stay quiet."bam hush that"Madea says 

"Oh...oh... Did it grow back" Hattie says making Brian and Gena look at her like she's crazy."grow back?im--im not a reptile,it doesn't"he tells her flabbergasted that she would even think that before I had he looks at the others"well, he just told us he ain't no anaconda"she makes a joke making all the other adults laugh so hard while Brian just shakes his head as family.

"So I almost felt bad when I saw that little number two yellow pencil. He almost got left poisoning."Joe thinks back on that day before looking at his son

"Daddy, you shouldn't have pushed me off that roof. That's all I want to say. You should have pushed me off that roof"fine explains how he felt about that situation thinking it was extremely wrong for his father to do that to him but Joe just looks at him indifferent"again.did you die,nigga"Joe says ounce more.

"How many times have I tell you? Stop using that word. That is a horrible word! I don't even understand why you keep using that word! Stop saying it, it's horrible! It's awful! All these people use in the music, all these kids are in these clubs saying it. Stop saying that word!"Brian explained to his father having enough of that word in his house while Joe just looks at him for a solid moment before muttering"bitch ass"

"Daddy I'm warning you.stoo that--"Brian goes to says only for Joe to interrupt him pushing his buttons"nigga"

Brian finally having enough"okay, let's get this clear. Nobody is laying a hand on my daughter okay? Now, madea, can you please not tell her that I asked you to come back? Okay can you please just tell her that--you-you-you we're in the neighborhood,and--and you stopped by.okay can you do that?"he explains while Madea looks slightly confused at what he is talking about while Gena just face palms her forehead.

"Yeah, he wants me to lie. I'm not going to lie. I don't do that. I'm not a liar."Madea says shaking her head.

"Why? You scared of her?"Hattie ask why Brian wanted Madea to lie.

"No I'm not scared of her but I just--"Brian goes to explain only for his sister to snort while mubleing to her self"yeah keep telling yourself self that"makes brain give her a side eye.

"I'm trying this approach that I read in a book, that you and your kids should be buddies. Pals. You should be friends"Brian explains to the others well Gena rolls her eyes knowing what's about to happen."friends? You ain't supposed to be friends with your damn child, you the parent. Y'all not equals."Madea says in disbelief on how brain has been raising his daughter while Joe just scroffs"what the hell you talking about, a friend? A friend?"Joe says putting his two cents in before Madea starts ranting again"they had to listen to what the hell you tell them to do. If they don't, they got about they ass about the house. Go pay their own mortgage, go pay their own rent, go pay something, do you understand? Being a damn child friend."Madea rents while Brian just sigh's waiting for her to finish talking."what the hell is wrong with you? Talking about being your child's friend? That's stupid as hell!"Madea finishes off her rant.

"I hear you, okay?"brain says before hearing his daughter from the stairs."dad you haven't left yet."Tiffany's voice is heard as she and Aday are walking downstairs as Brian was chuckling nervously before he turns to Madea whispering "remember what I said to you. That you stopped by"as gia secretly rolled her eyes at her brother when Tiffany and aday walked in Tiffany was confused to see her relatives in the sitting room."what"

"Ms. Madea,how are you"aday greets Madea with a kind smile.

"Oh I'm fine, how are you doing,baby? Good to see you"Madea greets back before turning to the others with a confused expression"who the hell is that" she asked.

"Mabel! That's the pastors daughter" bam explained while Gina and her brother both roll there eyes while Tiffany stands there with a fake smile as the three older adults bicker back and forth about how mabel didn't know that was the pastor daughter or how she doesn't go to church.

Tiffany then turns to her dad and aunt gia"um so what are they doing here"she asked her dad with annoyance dripping from her words.

Brain fakes being surprised as he explains to his daughter while Gina just rolls her eyes at her brother as she watches this play out.

Before it was made known to Tiffany that Madea was staying the night which made Tiffany more annoyed that her Halloween plans were being ruined as she turns to her dad"dad" she asked .

"What I didn't...I didn't know.i had no idea. I had no idea she was coming. But isn't it great"brain says fakeing surprised while Tiffany thought the opposite"no!" As brain chuckles with a smile "now you have somebody to be here with you all night."as Tiffany just fake smiled with a huff "that's great."

"Happy haller-ween"brain says as he gave his daughter a kiss on the head before walking away with gia following him real quick to talk to him before he left.

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