The Bottom Namjoon Collection!

بواسطة Sheiala

151K 3.9K 430

A collection of many different Namjoon centric / Bottom Namjoon, stories that I have written over the years! المزيد

Paperwork can be sexy! (NamJinKook)(Sex Pollen/Superhero)(NSFW)
1 to 10 (NamJinKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Sailor Moon (NamGiSeok)(Canon verse)(NSFW)
Fly Baby Fly (NamJinGi)(Canon)(NSFW)
Three is better than two (NamGiJin)(University)(NSFW)
Our Love (Maknaeline x Namjoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)(Part 1)
Why am I the baby? (NamVMinKook)(Canon-verse)(Rated M)
Way better Sugardaddy (NamTaeKook)(Sugardaddy)(NSFW)
Our Cute Little Calf (MinJoonKook)(Hybrid-verse)(NSFW)
Unbreakable Rut (MinJoonKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
"Yes Young Master?" (Namjoon x BTS) (Canon verse)(NSFW)
Together in heat (Namjoon x BTS) (Omega+Canon-verse)(NSFW)
Daddy Overload (Nj x BTS)(SugarDaddy)(NSFW)(Part 1)
A Ryan Shaped Walk of Shame(Ot7)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Omega on Omega action (NJ x Markson) (Omega/Canon)(NSFW)
The Shark, The Crab and The Seal (Namjoon x Markson)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Himbo love (Namjoon x Wonho x BM)(Canon)(NSFW)
My vet is an Incubus(NamGi)(Incubus Joon)(NSFW)
How to feed your Incubus boyfriend (NamGi)(Incubus!NJ/Canon)(NSFW)
Friendly knotting (NamGI)(Omegaverse+Canon)(NSFW)
Somno (NamGi)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
I broke my own heart(NamGi)(Not idol)(NSFW)(Part 1)
All I ask (MinJoon)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Time to sleep baby (MinJoon)(Idol verse)(NSFW)
My little prey (MinJoon)(Hybrid)(NSFW)
Nobody does sexy like you(MinJoon)(Canon)(NSFW)
Stop having sex in my bed! (MinJoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
It's you or Nobody (Minjoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
I faked being mated with my leader(MinJoon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
The Scent of Peaches (Vmon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Bad Decisions (NamTae)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
Big useless dick (NamKook)(omegaverse / canon)(NSFW)
Unexpected Player 2 (NamKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)
No dumb questions (NamKook)(Omegaverse)(mature)
There are No Dumb questions(NamKook)(Omegaverse)(Mature)
Sucky Soulmark (NamKook) (Soulmate AU) (NSFW)
Pining idiots (NamKook)(Superhero AU)(NSFW)
Frozen Heart (NamKook)(Wolf omegaverse)(NSFW)
Big dick energy, small dick reality (NamKook)(Canon verse)(NSFW)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(Sugar daddy)(Part 1)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(part 3)
Winter Wonderland (NamGi)(College)(SFW)
Finding Namjoon a date (NamGi)(Hogwarts AU)(SFW)
It might not be perfect, but it is us(NamKook)(Omegaverse)(SFW)
Holding Hands (NamKook)(Hogwarts AU)(SFW)
Cookies (NamKook)(Canon)(SFW)
Meet-cute (NamTae/Vmon) (College) (SFW)
Unconditional Love (Vmon)(Familiar+Warlock)(SFW)
Cat Nanny (vMon)(SFW)(canon)
Elf (NamSon)(Christmas)(SFW)
Broken heart (Vmon)(Non-idol)(NSFW)(Part 1)
The Sick Fic (TaeJoon)(Omegaverse)(SFW)
That Genshin AU nobody wanted (Vmon)(Genshin AU)(NSFW)
Tit fucking (Ot7)(Canon)(NSFW)
6 Alphas (ot7)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)(Part 1)
6 alphas (ot7)(Omegaverse) (Part 2)
Emotes and emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 1)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 3)
Emotes and Emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 4)
Emotes and Emojis (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part final)
Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Omegaverse+soulmates)(NSFW)(Part 2)
Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Part 3)
Enigma (Ot7)(SFW)(hurt + Comfort)(Part 1)
Enigma (part 2)
Enigma (final)
Kinktober Day 1 - Leather - Namjoon x Hoseok - NSFW
Kinktober day 2 - Tit fucking - Namjoon x Jimin - NSFW
Kinktober Day 3 - hate sex - Yoongi x Namjoon - NSFW
Kinktober Day 4 - Teratophilia - NamKook - NSFW
Kinktober day 5 - Collared - NamJin - NSFW
Kinktober Day 6 - Frottage - NamKook
High road - Ot7 - SFW
Kinktober Day 7 - Hole in wall - Ot7
Kinktober Day 8 - Breeding - NSFW
Kinktober Day 9 - Lactation - MinnieMonnie
Break me (NamKook gang AU)(NSFW) Part 1 out of 11
Break me (Part 2 out of 11)
Break me (part 3 out of 11)
Break me (Part 4 out of 11)
Break me (Part 5 out of 11)
Break me (Part 6 out of 11)
Break me (Part 7 out of 11)
Break me (Part 8 out of 11)
Break me (Part 9 out of 11)
Break me (Part 10 out of 11)
Break me (Final part)

Daffodils in Distress (NamKook)(Omegaverse + soulmates)(NSFW) Part 1

888 37 2
بواسطة Sheiala

This was never how it was meant to be.

"Fuck... close...-"

How had it ended up like this?

"Relax, you can't... argh...- Take my knot like this."

He wished that he could fully blame the omega, but in reality, they were both too petty to accept fault.

One thing had led to the other, and now it was just... broken?

"Maybe if you actually fucked me right, I could relax!"

The matching white daffodils, that forever bound them together, snaked up both their upper bodies. They were meant to tie them together, but now they just seemed to be making fun of them.

Taunting and ridiculing them.

"Well, you aren't really making it easy! Maybe put in some work pillow princess!"

Oh, how had they ended up like this?

"You are the one who wanted to dedicate your life to being a meathead and giving everything else up! So, you can very much do the work!"

"Your soul mark is well known, and so big, are we really to believe that nobody with a matching mark has been found?" the journalist asking the question was a younger woman, alpha if Jungkook had to guess by her height and the way she carried herself while talking to another alpha.

It wasn't the first time Jungkook had seen her, and she was hard to forget. Taller than even Jungkook himself, with a foxy face and dark judgmental eyes that made it very clear that she was not believing a word out of his mouth, and she was not stupid enough to be charmed by his boyish smile and silver tongue.

Jungkook was already exhausted from this press conference, but he knew that his manager would kill him if he didn't play nice for the media, so he put on his most winning smile and soft tone "of course there has been a fair few who has tried contacting us about it, sadly every time it turns out to be fake and false. Maybe one day..." he let the words hang in the air, building in suspense as he continued, forcing a little wishing sigh that all of them seemed to blindly believe in "you all know how much I want to find my soulmate, how I want to be with them, but it seems that destiny has a few more tricks up its sleeve before I get to be that lucky."

The little sigh that some of the nicer journalists let out was sign enough that Jungkook had managed to sell his story once again.

After all, he knew that nobody would come forward being his soulmate. His soulmate was back home in his hometown and wanted nothing to do with him outside of their occasional hookups.

The press didn't know about Namjoon, nobody did outside of Namjoon himself, Jungkook and their parents.

The daffodils that Jungkook was known for, that he so often sighed about and held little speeches about on the front of covers of magazines, Namjoon instead kept covered and hidden away.

It was... a complicated story.

A story that nobody could know about because there was no happy ending to it. Just hurt feelings and old wounds, that had long since scabbed over to just be scars on their souls.

So Jungkook played prince charming, the alpha who longed and sighed to meet their soulmate. He was the most longed-for bachelor, he was the one on the cover of every magazine. Captain of the Korean national football team and his normal team had won the league the last two years.

He was the dreamboat they all longed for.

"You did well." His pr manager clapped him on the shoulder "I almost believed you for a second."

Seokjin, his pr manager, didn't know about Namjoon, or about their story, but he knew enough that he was well aware that Jungkook had no interest in a soulmate. After all, he was the one who had made sure that multiple omegas were found in Jungkook's room after a fun night signed NDA and made sure that nothing got out about it.

"Why do I have to keep doing this?" Jungkook sighed, throwing himself into the couch as Seokjin made his way to his own spot behind the desk.

"Because you want a career."

"That is why I play football, not why I make stupid press conferences. I just want to kick a ball around." Jungkook was full-on pouting, not a fitting gesture for a 27-year-old fully grown alpha.

"Yeah, we tried that, and then you decided to attempt career suicide." Seokjin was tugging off his tie, they had known each other long enough that they were more than just client and agent "if you wanted to be just a player, then you should have been more decreet. You made your bed, now lie in it. The fact that we managed to save it after Milan is a damn miracle." he stretched in his chair "just a few more interviews, and then you can go spent a month at home as you requested before the season starts. Not that I will ever understand why you would want to go home to your family to spend your rut. I tend to want to be as far away from them as possible."

That was why they worked so well as agent and client, Seokjin while not understanding most of what Jungkook wanted still got it done.

"You wouldn't understand."

"I am not sure I want to understand, just know if you are shagging your sister, don't get caught. I am not sure that even I can get you out of it if you get caught in some incest stuff." Seokjin wasn't even looking at him, instead going through what were probably emails on his laptop.

"I AM NOT COMMITTING INCEST!" Jungkook spluttered the words out, horrified by the idea. He liked his family, but not that way!

Seokjin didn't even look up, instead just said in a light voice "as I said, I don't want to know. Now go, you have a gym appointment to get to, and you are insufferable to deal with when you don't get enough exercise in."

The worst part was that Seokjin was right, not that it stopped Jungkook from mumbling about how he would never do incest as he left the office.

The gym session helped a little but with his rut so close he was not a big fan of the interviews he still had to do.

He really did try his best to play the warm and smiling alpha, the one that they all thought he was, the one they all wanted.

Answering stupid questions, with a smile on his lips and a soft look in his eyes. Dressing down to just a pair of football shorts for a front cover shoot, showing off his newest tattoos, and acting like he had no idea exactly what his near-naked body made people feel.

A half-naked selfie on Instagram, with a light caption not even seeming to allude to his near-naked state, instead a wishful caption about how he hated falling asleep alone and wished that he would find his soulmate soon. Making sure that all the daffodils were clear in the picture.

What everybody didn't know was that Jungkook did not end up in bed alone that evening, instead finding a lovely and sweet beta who was more than happy with letting him show them a good time. When they left in the morning, it was having signed an NDA and made clear that they should never talk about the publicly, or to their friends.

Luckily, they didn't seem to mind that much, having had more than their share of mind-blowing sex with Jungkook that they were willing to keep it on the down low.

They were seemingly more than happy to leave with them having covered Jungkook in their scent and more than a few different marks and bruises all over his body, all aching perfectly as he made his way to their airport.

Namjoon would not be happy when he saw Jungkook, but that was part of the fun now wasn't it. Namjoon would bitch and moan at him, but they would end up in bed no matter what.

Destiny was hard to fight, but they were trying their best.


"They really do match, every part of them." Namjoon's hand was so soft on Jungkook's chest as if he barely believed himself.

Jungkook couldn't stop himself from beaming, he had dreamed but never dared to really hope that this would be a reality, as he rested his hand over Namjoon's on his chest "they really do. You know what this means right?"

Namjoon leaned forward, and for a second Jungkook thought he was finally gonna get the kiss he had dreamt of, but instead, Namjoon leaned his forehead against Jungkook's "yeah... I am sorry I didn't believe you before. You were right."

The two of them smiled at each other, soft looks in their eyes "it doesn't matter now, all that matters is the future."

"Our future." Jungkook agreed, looking over the omega with a happy feeling building in his chest.

He had always been convinced that Namjoon was it for him, that Namjoon would be his omega. He hadn't needed a goddamn soul mark to tell him so.

"Do I get to have my kiss now?" He was unable to stop the eagerness in his voice, as he looked over Namjoon's soft and sweet lips. They had totally not been a frequent part of his dreams.

Namjoon just laughed at him "I make you a deal, you win today's match, and I will give you your kiss."

That was all the convincing that Jungkook needed.

He played the best game of his life that evening, and in the end, when everybody else looked away, he did end up getting his much-earned kiss.

What none of them knew was that the same evening where the promise of a kiss made Jungkook the top scorer of the season, was also the same evening when a talent scout was in the audience, and changes to their life had been set in a motion.

Things would not be this simple again.


Sleeping on the plane was never comfortable, but Jungkook managed to get at least a few hours before they landed at home. His mother picking him up, as she always did "Oh look at you! My little boy." over the years she had gotten used to ignoring the press as she hugged Jungkook tight, acting as if it was the first time years, she had seen him, not like they had talked on the phone just a few hours earlier "you really need to eat more! I should call that manager of yours, and make sure that he treats you right!"

The flash of multiple cameras as the journalists asks questions both of them ignored was constantly going off in their faces, but neither of them paid it any attention, Jungkook was still not sure why they even did it anymore, they should know that neither he nor his mother would answer anything.

He hoped that they at least got some pictures of his airport fashion, because he was looking hot as fuck, and he hoped that Namjoon would see it.

For no reason, of course, he just wanted the omega to know that he wasn't the only fashionable person because Jungkook was looking fly as fuck.

"You know that I eat more than enough, but I don't think my manager would appreciate it if I rolled more than the ball did." it was good to see his mother, he laughed happily as he kissed her cheek "it is good to see you again." maybe his mother wasn't the only dramatic person acting like they hadn't seen or talked in forever.

"Such a charmer, that is my boy." she took his hand to guide him out past the journalist, still eagerly snapping pictures of mother and son as they made their way out of the area "shu shu, all of your leeches, I have a son to feed!"

They both knew that Jungkook most likely wouldn't be home for dinner, but the press didn't need to know that, and they lived in a small enough town that none of them was stupid enough to follow them on the long drive home.

They press laughed at it, snapping a few last pictures.

It was nothing out of the ordinary, Jungkook genuinely was a social media darling. And they had no reason to doubt him or his family.

It was first when they got in the car, having driven at least a few minutes away before the real conversation started "I don't know why you keep doing this. One day you won't be able to keep coming back like this. I love you, but you are an idiot."

"Thanks, mum, love the confidence you have in me." Jungkook stared out the window, watching as snowy fields flew past them. There was just a month until the season kicked off, and the brisk January weather still held the country hostage "and I have no idea what you are talking about."

She laughed, a light airy laugh that made Jungkook look at her, he noticed to his horror that grey had started streaking her hair. When had his mother started getting old?!

He knew that he was away a lot. He had spent more and more time away the more popular of a player he had become, but it was so easy to forget that just because he was gone didn't mean that time stood still, just waiting there while he was busy somewhere else.

That was part of the problem, wasn't it?

"Of course, you don't Love, I am just telling you that things will change one day." it was not the first time she gave him this speech, but with the grey added to her hair, he couldn't help for the first time to wonder if maybe she was right.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook could feel the anxiety rising in his chest, this was NOT how he planned on finding out that his mother was dying.

Oh god, what if something had happened to his father? Or the entire town was gone! He would have known if the town got bombed right?

Oh god.

He got taken from his spiral of horrible thoughts by a slap to the back of his head by his mother, who managed to both steer the car and hit him at the same time. A truly capable woman, never let anybody say that betas were pushovers. Clearly, that was not the case.

His mother was a terror of a woman, who cared not what sub-gender her victim was.

And today her victim was her son.


"I am okay, you worry wart." her laugh made him relax a little as he rubbed the back of his head "it has been so many years, and we still haven't managed to figure out how to stop you from getting lost in your own brain."

"I don't do that." Jungkook mumbled it while crossing his arms, staring out the window while he pouted "I am an adult." Mostly because of course, she was correct.

Their conversation took a holt, as both of them just took in the area surrounding them.

His mother had turned on the radio, playing one of those old CDs with music from when she was a kid. Jungkook would normally always complain about it, saying that nobody listened to it anymore, that they should just listen to the radio instead, but at that moment, it made him feel as if he was really home, that he could just relax with his mother.

Playing with his phone, Jungkook finally sent the message he had ached to send all day, to a number not saved in his phone, but he would always know by heart he sent the message 'Ey, I am home.'

Just as quickly as the message left his phone, he got the text back 'Seems like a you problem.'

It was enough to leave Jungkook laughing, just a little, under his breath, as he leaned back against his seat, closing his eyes for just a second. He didn't know what exactly he had expected, but this was what he should have expected at least.

"He will move on." his mother's voice was serious "I don't know what happened with you two, but if you don't do anything, he will move on."

Sighing, Jungkook opened his eyes, refusing to look at her, instead looking at his hands, rough from more than a few tumbles on the pitch "He already has."

"Not permanently, you call still fix this."

"We don't need fixing." they had had this argument so many times before "there is nothing to fix."

"So, you are just going to let him get away like this?" Her words might be harsh, but her voice was soft in a way that only a mother could be. It showed just how deeply she cared for him, how much she wanted the best for him.

It was an argument that they had had so many times before, for so many years, but this was the first time that it had hit him in this way "I don't want him, and he doesn't want me. There is nothing to lose when we are nothing. We were never anything."

She didn't call him on his lie, of course, she knew them, she had been with them as they found out. Instead, she just kept her eyes on the road, reaching over to hold his hand "if you say so, I just want the best for you."

She didn't need to say out loud that she thought that Namjoon was the best for him.

She didn't understand.

None of them.

Jungkook himself wasn't even sure that he understood.


"I have been invited to try out for Jeonbuk FC!" He couldn't believe the words that he was reading, the letter almost blurring in his vision, "Can you believe it?! Me! I get to try out!"

Namjoon was laughing, leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder "I can, you deserve it. I am sure that you are going to knock them out of the park. They are going to end up begging you to join them." Namjoon's smile was so soft and sweet that Jungkook's heart was beating fast and heavy in his heart "you will show them, I know you will."

They had only been soulmates for a few months, but Jungkook already knew that there was no way he would ever want to be without the omega. His heart beat not just for Namjoon, but with him.

Every beat of his heart, matched by that of his soulmate, additional adding to their already large soul mark slowly as they got closer and learned to love each other.

"We will show them." Jungkook kissed the top of Namjoon's head where it was resting on his shoulder "I can't do any of this without you. We do this together."


Oh, naïve they were.


This was meant to be a stand alone fic, but I can not overcome having to create a new story on this website, so you will get all the part of the fic under this one

This fic was voted on by my readers over on Twitter, if you wanna take part of future polls for this fic, you can follow me here 

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