✤Stardew Valley Oneshots✤

By MicrowavableEm

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This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if it's shocking xxx I accept requests! This is all j... More

♥Stay Still♥ 《Leah x Reader》
♡Forgive Me♡ 《Shane x Reader》
❃For you❃ 《Gus x Fem.Reader》
❀So, this is love?❀《Penny x Reader》
✸Valiant ✸《Abigail x Reader》
❈Confession❈《Elliott x Reader》
✳Complete✳ 《Sam x NB.Reader》
✸Time To Think✸《Sebastian x Sam》
♡I truly do♡ 《Elliott x Reader》
❆City Life❆《Sebastian x GN.Reader》
❅Ice-Skating❅ 《Haley x Reader》
★Stargazing★ 《Alex x F.Reader》
❁Beach Days❁ 《Haley x F.Reader》

❀Hiking Out❀ 《Emily x Reader》

388 4 8
By MicrowavableEm

Requested By: Frogggg45

《Y/N's POV》

Emily shoved a paper in my face, her finger pressed against one of the lines. Her face was full of determination as I tried reading what she was pointing out. The piece of paper was a bucket list idea we had made when we first started officially dating... and we had only completed 2 out of the 34 ideas.

I grabbed Emily's wrist to steady the paper and see exactly which idea she wanted to do. As I read the paper, Emily smiled brightly.

"Hiking?" I question.

"Yeah! It's easy enough to do," Emily exclaimed, "I've been searching for hills to hike up and there's one close by which looks amazing!"

"When are we doing it?" I ask.

"We could do it whenever! But it's meant to be bad weather next week so..." Emily trailed off.

"Alright! We can do it sometime this week then." I smile, already slightly regretting my decision. I had a lot of work to do on the farm before fall... but I guess a walk up a hill with Emily could be nice?

"Great!" Emily cheered as she stood up and jumped up and down, repeatedly.

"How about tomorrow?" I ask, getting Emily to halt her excitement a tad.

"Perfect! The weather should be alright... now... we need to make sure to pack everything!" Emily stated as she brought a notepad, which was left on the table, and a pen to her face.

"What are the basics?" I ask, expecting her to be more knowledgeable in this sort of thing.

"So... bottles of water, some food, spare clothes just in case, a coat..." Emily started listing all the things we needed to bring as she wrote them down on the notepad.

"What time should we set off?" I asked.

"Maybe around 9? We want to have the full day just to be within nature!" Emily smiled.

"Alright! We can meet at my house?" I suggested as Emily nodded.

"Here's the list, make sure to bring everything!" She handed me the list and started jumping up and down again in excitement.

"This is going to be great! We can see cute animals, beautiful flowers... everything!" She exclaimed, smiling brightly.

"Can't wait!" I replied, smiling as well.

【The Next Day】

《Y/N's POV》

And just like that, it was 9:05. I had my bag ready and was awaiting Emily's arrival which would be shortly, she's never TOO late.

As if I predicted it, I saw Emily jogging up to where I was waiting, a blue backpack seated on her shoulders and water bottle in hand.

"HEYYY!" Emily screamed as she jogged up to me and gave me a hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek which made me smile.

"Hey! We ready?" I asked, now feeling excited.

"Hell yeah!" Emily exclaimed and took my hand, "Let's go!"

The wind was blowing gently through our hair and into our faces as we walked further away from the valley and into the further countryside. I hadn't a clue where we were going, but I trusted Emily to know the way. The weather was perfect, not too hot, nor too cold.

"Here!" Emily spoke, handing me one earphone, the other already in Emily's ear.

I placed it into my ear. The music filled the left side of my ear and was playing 'The Road', by Cocoon which gave me a rush of nostalgia.

"Isn't this from Road 96?" I asked, silently jamming along.

"Yeah! I thought it would be perfect." Emily smiled.

"We aren't on a road though... we're in a field." I laughed.

"Hush! It's still a great song for today." Emily giggled and started swaying to the music, I did the same as we walked along the bumpy dirt surface.

Song after song, we began slightly sweating from the amount of walking we were doing... and we weren't even at the hill yet.

"Here's the trail." Emily pointed.

"Time to start our adventure!" I exclaimed.

And like that, we began trailing up the path, through the hills. It wasn't too bad, however, I did almost slip a couple of times which made my grip on Emily's hand furthermore stronger. Emily didn't mind though. After a few breaks, we made it high onto the hill and stood between two trees, large trees.

"Wanna take a shortcut through the forest?" Emily suggested.

"A shortcut?" I said, out of breath, "Of course... anything for a shortcut."

Emily laughed as we strolled through the woods. We chatted for a while as we made our way past the branches - which almost hit me directly in the face. We spotted a log and decided to take a seat and have a lunch break.

"What did you bring?" Emily asked as I rooted through my bag.

"Sandwiches, chocolates, fruits..." I began listing everything I saw and placed them on the log between us. 

We began digging into our food. It felt like heaven. There was something so peaceful about eating in the middle of a beautifully lit forest on a log that was decorated with a few mushrooms at the lower ends. Birds happily chirping and the trees dancing in the wind. I hadn't even realised it yet but it was already 12. We had been so distracted with chatting, walking, and listening to music that we hadn't realised 3 hours had passed.

As I took a sip from my bottle, I realised it was near empty. Emily had realised the same.

"Oh no." I silently respond.

"It's ok! We'll be fine." Emily responded, optimistically.

I, again, trusted Emily and let that anxious thought escape from my mind as we viewed the forest and took in all of mother nature. It was truly beautiful.

"Hey, look!" Emily exclaimed, pointing towards a tree.

"Yeah... there's many of those," I replied, sarcastically.

"No, I mean just look!" Emily, again, pointed.

"I'm looking... and it just looks like a tree?" I replied, confused.

"It's the perfect tree to climb," Emily replied as she stood up and laid her bag on the ground.

"You're gonna climb that?" I asked.

"WE are gonna climb it!" Emily exclaimed and dragged me from the log, "Here, let me boost you up first!" 

"Are you sure?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Yes! We will get a beautiful view from up there." Emily smiled and started helping me up the tree. I began climbing myself and sat down onto a branch, clinging to it's sides.

"Alright, I'm coming up!" Emily exclaimed and began climbing after me.

I looked out in front of me and saw... a waterfall. It was stunning. My eyes wouldn't dare look away as I was amazed by its beauty. Emily made her way onto a branch below mine and stood up, trying to see what I was gazing at.

"Woah." Emily sighed.

"I know right..." I replied.

"I didn't know about the waterfall..." Emily spoke, amazed.

"We should go check it out," I suggested.

"Agreed!" Emily exclaimed.

After a few more minutes in the tree, we decided to get down - not without scraping my leg on the tree's rough body.

"It's this way!" Emily grabbed her bag and began running North. I hastily grabbed mine and followed after.

After a few minutes of endless sprinting, we made it to the peak of the waterfall.

"Careful." Emily grabbed my hand and led us towards the edge where we looked off from, below there was a stream of water which, presumably, ran towards the ocean.

I looked at Emily and noticed her debating something. I stayed quiet, trying to analyse her movements and understand what she was thinking. When all of a sudden, she took her bag off and threw it down below. I looked to where it had landed and was on the side of the land beside the waterfall.

"Uhh... why did you throw your bag?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

"You brought spare clothes, right?" Emily asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, still not understanding what she was saying.

Before I had a chance to understand her motive, she took a few steps back and exhaled heavily. Her eyes re-opened and were filled with determination and will. Without further notice, she began sprinting towards the edge and leaped off. I stood there, frozen, for a second before looking down. I saw Emily's figure falling rapidly and colliding with the water below.

"EMILY?" I shouted.

I kept my eyes on the water below, waiting for her to resurface. After a few seconds of worry, I saw her bright blue hair poke up beneath the water, followed by her head and hands which stuck up in the air.

"WOOOOO!" She screamed as loud as she could, laughter followed.

Me, still standing like a total idiot, started debating my life choices... surely there was another way down, right?

"COME ON, Y/N!" Emily screamed, now full of life and no longer exhausted.

"Jesus have mercy." I silently wept, "Am I really doing this?"

I began taking off my bag, as well as my shoes just in case. I placed my shoes into the bag and tossed it down. It landed next to Emily's.

"Right. Ok." I began slightly shaking. 

"HURRY UP! IT'S AMAZING!" Emily screamed.

"Look, whoever is listening... please don't let me die. I'm sorry for my sins and promise I won't do them again.. just don't let me..-"

"COME ON! YOU CAN DO IT!" Emily interrupted my prayer.

I sighed and took a few steps backward. I looked up at the sky and began controlling my breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 

"Here goes nothing, I guess." 

I dug my feet into the soil, and then let loose, staring into the sky as I began sprinting toward the edge. I lept and let my body fall. The thrill was too much to handle. My body felt frail, and light... like a feather, almost. I began closing my eyes, as I fell down. Although I was falling at a fast speed, time seemed to slow down. It felt almost calm in a way.

"Oh shi-" The water hit my body at an alarming rate. No longer was I calm and free-falling. Nope. I was just freezing and trying not to drown.

"You did it!" Emily exclaimed as she held onto me, preventing me from drowning.

"I did," I replied, out of breath.

"Wasn't it amazing? The thrill. The excitement!" Emily exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess it was," I replied, smiling, as my heart race began to slowly calm down.

Emily turned to me in an embrace and kissed my lips. It would be more romantic if water wasn't belting us every second... but it was still nice. Our moment was cut short due to our shaking, the water was fucking cold let me tell you. We began swimming towards land and where our bags had been placed. After getting out, the wind burnt our cold bodies and we frantically went through our bags and retrieved our spare clothes. After slowly drying, we began changing and felt a little more comfortable. 

"That was so much fun, we have to do it again sometime!" Emily exclaimed and hugged me tightly.

"Agreed!" I replied in the embrace.

"But, considering we don't have much water left, I think it's time to head back," Emily replied, much more sadder.

"I guess. We can always come back though," I replied, trying to lift spirits.

Emily was staring off into the distance again, thinking. I turned around to see what she was staring at and saw nothing but trees.

"Emily?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her.

Without a minute passing, Emily headed towards a tree and picked up a sharp-looking rock. She then made her way over to a tree and started carving something I couldn't quite see. After she was done, she presented it to me. Our names were carved into the bark with a heart surrounding them. I smiled and she smiled back.

"This is our special place now," Emily spoke and took my hand.

We then began following a different trail and made our way down a hill. We chatted and sang all the way down until we heard a noise that made us stop in our tracks.

"Do you hear that?" Emily asked, turning to me.

"Better not be a skinwalker. I can't deal with that right now." I joked and started looking around to where the noise was coming from.

As we investigated the source of the noise, we noticed something moving within a fence. As we took a closer look, we discovered the noise coming from a white bunny that had been caught under the wooden fence. 

"Oh dear, poor thing," Emily stated and started slowly approaching, I followed behind. 

After further inspection, we discovered the bunny to be fine and hadn't been hurt, only trapped.

"Don't worry, we will help you." Emily smiled, "Y/N, could you try and gently push the bunny outwards, I'll try and bend the branches."

I did as Emily said and started gently moving the small bunny. Emily began breaking the branches and pushing the wayward fence. Slowly but surely, we began seeing progress as the bunny's legs were no longer bent and almost freed. We kept trying and before we knew it, we had set the poor thing free. It ran away into the woods.

"Aw, hooray!" Emily silently cheered as we helped the poor bunny free from its trap.

"I want a pet bunny now..." I sighed.

"Come on, we're almost back now." Emily took my hand and began taking us further down the hill and back into the field we had started from.

"Today was amazing, right?" I smiled.

"It was! We need to do more things like this." Emily replied.

"We still have our bucket list of ideas to go through first!" I exclaimed.

"I can't wait!"

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