Helluva Dragon Vol1

By KyleAkersXD

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What If Issei Joined I.M.P? More

I Go To Hell
A Boss' Mistake
The Offer
Murder Family
The Exorcist Goes Cray Cray
Loo Loo Land
Company Picnic
In The Fallen Angel's Den
The Jackpot
Day Out
Spring Broken
I.M.P. V ORC : Dawn Of Volleyballs
Crossdressing With A Vampire
Sweet 17
Rumble In The Party
The Mummy..... Has A Dirty Mind
Holy Swords!
An Uneasy Alliance
The House Of Asmodeus
Truth Seekers
Weekend At Stella's
Escape From D.H.O.R.K.S.
The Circus
High School War Zone Pt1
High School War Zone Pt2
High School War Zone Pt3
Would You Die For Me?

The Harvest Moon Festival

405 3 2
By KyleAkersXD

It was another sexual aftermath of stolas and Blitzo as the Imp lights a cigarette for stolas to smoke as he was being tied to his bed at the moment.

Stolas : I'm sorry for having to move our little rendezvous early. I have an engagement this month on the full moon.

Stolas is shown wearing a ball gag and harness, his hands tied to the headboard with rope.

Blitzo : When this happens, it's not really something I fuss about...

He uses cigarette to burn the rope, freeing Stolas, who takes Blitzo's cigarette from him and takes a long drag of it.

Blitzo : But, do you really need the book for this farm bullshit? I have, like, fifteen new clients waitin' for heads to roll.

Stolas : As shocking as it may seem, Blitzy, my grimoiiiiiire is actually incredibly important. And it isn't supposed to be lent out to itty-bitty Imps like yourself.

Stolas puts out the cigarette in one of Blitzo's horns and pinches his cheek before Blitzo shoves him away.

Stolas : The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion! It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the Ring of Wrath. It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals.

Blitzo : *pulls a feather out of his mouth in disgust.* Wrath, huh? My employees are from there. I've never really been. I hear it's full of inbred chucklefucks.

Stolas : *sits up* Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I can guarantee you all... *pulls the covers over his head and his head appears near Blitzo's crotch.* ...special access~ *chuckles*

Blitzo : Look, I told you, we're not bodyguards. Okay? That was a one-time thing and then it became a two-time thing after that. we did badly. Twice!

Stolas : *stands up with the covers on his head. He does a playful owl head tilt.* I'm simply offering a work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. It's the same every year.

Blitzo : Well if you promise this isn't some fuck fest invite, it does sound like it could be a blast and a half. Plus, it's not like we can do jack shit without your book anyway.

Stolas : *baby-talk voice* Aww, I'm sowwy your clients will have to wait...

Blitzo : *waves a dismissive hand* Oh, fuck my clients!

Meanwhile in moxxie and Millie's home. The two loving Imp couple sleep peacefully when they hear Asia's loud scream from the other room. Two of them sighs to each other knowing one thing.

Millie : mox... she's praying again...

Moxxie : ....I'll go get the medical supplies...

Moxxie gets out of bed as millie did too. Later in the bathroom millie turns on the water to cool Asia's hands off. She could see the little red burns on her hands as she gives asia a serious look.

Millie : darlin... this is the 18th time you've done this. We've talked about this didn't we?

Asia Argento: n-no praying in hell because it causes pain on the hands to feel immense burn...

Moxxie : alright give me your hands.

She does what she's told by her adoptive father, moxxie wraps the bandage on her hands making sure their wrapped on her hands to heal the wounds.

Moxxie : there we go. Good as new. Feeling better now?

Asia Argento: a little....

She looks at her bandage hands sighing depressed as her adoptive Imp parents look at each other with concern on their faces and then they look at her.

Millie : now, now asia. I know living in hell with us ain't as easy as warm apple blood pie. But there are limits in hell we gotta live by, it ain't so different from dealing with some limits on earth was it?

Asia Argento: w-well sometimes if I don't listen to an order back in the Grigori I would be force to live outside while kalawarner would sneak food for me to eat.

Both moxxie and Millie's eyes were wide in shock.

Millie : I don't know why mox... but I feel the urge to kill those fried chicken fucks for what they have been doing to our precious baby girl.

Moxxie : oh asia... *pats her shoulder* it's okay, your living with us now. You don't have to be afraid of those fallen angels knowing where you are. Since your under the protection of the house of Goetia.

Millie : and us.

Moxxie : that too. Anyway we would never let anything bad happen to you. You know that right?

Asia Argento: y-yes sir....

Moxxie felt uneasy when she called him sir.

Moxxie : dad would be just fine..

Asia Argento: o-oh I know father. I was just trying to be respectful towards you and mother.

Millie : well... your daddy don't like being called sir. Heck I don't know why either? He just doesn't feel comfortable being called that for some reason?

Moxxie : well... I just don't feel like asia should be calling me that all because I'm her father... *rubs his eyes still tired* it's getting late. Let's get you to bed.

Asia Argento: yes si- I mean father.

Suddenly moxxie gets a phone call. A Phantom of the Opera organ ringtone is heard. Moxxie taps the phone and rolls over. The phone rings again. In annoyance, Moxxie grabs the phone and stands up.

Moxxie : What do you want, sir?

Blitzo : Hey, hope I didn't wake ya, Mox! How would you, Mils and your kid like to visit the Wrath Ring for some harvest bullshit this year? I'm even bringing Loona, Gasper and issei as four of our kids could see it themselves.

Moxxie ; you mean your forcing your juvenile daughter and your degenerate son along with your recent vampire son to come with us?

Blitzo : same thing. So what do ya say?

Millie stands in excitement.

Millie : The Harvest Moon Festival?! Yee-fuckin'-haw! Plus this would be a great place for asia to finally meet my parents.

Asia Argento: I... I have grandparents there?

Asia smiles at the idea of having grandparents at this festival.

Millie : ya sure do darlin! And I bet they'll be thrilled to meet their very own granddaughter! ^w^

Moxxie : *sighs* Well, Millie and Asia both love the idea. Wait... Where are you calling from?

Blitzo falls down onto the bathroom ground from the ceiling. His phone bonks him on the head. Moxxie narrows his eyes as Blitzo purrs happily. Moxxie looks annoyed while Millie seems amused and asia gives out a giggling smile.

Moxxie : Mm-hm... Of course.

the next morning in the wrath ring, the I.M.P. van makes it's destination to the rough n' tumbleweed ranch as millie gets out of the van out of excitement that she is meeting up with her parents after so long.

Millie : mama! daddy!

she happily runs to her folks and hugs them so much. Her father hugs her and spins her around before placing her down.

Joe : Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing? *ruffles Millie's hair affectionately.*

Millie : I'm good, Pa! Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree.

Lin : It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went "freelance".

Millie : Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doin' fiiiiine! *serious* It's fine.

Millie walks over to Moxxie, who is struggling to carry luggage.

Millie : Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?

she shoves a nervous Moxxie in front of her parents. They stare at him in disapproval.

Moxxie : Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been, uh, with all the... flaming twisters and stuff around here? *nervously holds out his hand*

Joe : We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week.

Moxxie : *laughs nervously* Oh, crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I- I didn't mean to open that wound... sir.

Blitzo : Hey, watch it! I'm the "sir" here, bucko!

Issei Hyoudou : your always the sir of everything. *rolls his eyes*

Lin : *looks at issei, asia and gasper who are by loona's side* hold on now... are those... humans?

Blitzo : is that gonna be a problem here?

Joe : it's just... it's often rare to see humans in the wrath ring? i thought they only stayed in the pride ring though?

Millie : Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitz! And his hellhound and his human!

Loona Wolf : I'm not just his hellhound.

Issei Hyoudou : and i'm not just his human either.

Blitzo : yeah! *holds them close to him* their my children!

Loona Wolf : only on paper.

Issei Hyoudou : and only because of circumstances.

Loona Wolf : *pulls out smartphone and begins typing* Y'all don't deserve to know my name.

Lin : and who's this little one in the cute dress? she looks lovely.

Blitzo : oh that's my son too!

Joe/Lin : son?

Millie : gasper loves wearing dresses.

her parents looks away from gasper then caught their attention at asia.

Asia Argento : um.. h-hello... my name is asia argento... *bows her head* and... i'm your granddaughter... i'm very pleased to meet you both. *tilts her head up* mother has told me stories about you two before arriving here.

millie's parents were now more confused then ever.

Lin : mother? millie? are you saying that human...?

Millie : oh yes she is mama! daddy! meet your granddaughter! *hugs asia with so much love* she just couldn't wait to meet y'all!

joe and lin were having mixed feelings over what they were seeing when asia was intorduced as their granddaughter. millie notices their faces.

Millie : mama? daddy? everything alright?

Joe : y-yeah... you know it pumpkin... so... asia did you say?

Asia Argento : o-oh yes! i did. i've always hoped i could one day have grandparents to love and now i finally found them-

as she was about to hug joe and lin, they both backed away feeling more awkward.

Lin : y-yes.. we're.... happy to meet ya too... i guess?

asia was feeling a little rejected when they backed away, millie looks very worried that her parents aren't exactly comfortable having a human for a granddaughter. Blitzo walks over to Millie's parents as he handshakes them.

Blitzo : It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory *shoves Moxxie away* that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a *playfully elbows Millie* sturdy bitch!

Joe : *chuckles* That we did! So... Blitz, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name.

Lin : It reminds me of war.

Joe : *sighs happily* Nothing like a little war to make a strong man! *flexes bicep*

Issei Hyoudou : war makes a man strong huh?

Joe : you know it.

Blitzo : i like you people.

Moxxie : Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape ever since the three way war ended. but with the devil king trying to find a way to make peace with two of the other factions to ensure no more bloodshed will be spilled, i don't think we might need to have another war after all in the near future and-

Millie makes a "cut it out" motion with her hands. Joe crosses his arms.

Moxxie : I mean... *deep, awkward voice* War fun!

Joe : let me tell ya how i fell about the devil faction's so called fearless leader. he's lucifer Morningstar's right hand man with such power that could even destroy a whole entire landscape if he so choses. hell even he and many other devils could just wipe out all life with just their powers alone. but instead he strives to find a peaceful solutions to end wars without gore and violence? i think lucifer's devil king is nothing but a sissy boy if you think about it? guess being raised by those high and mighty aristocrats in the devil factions can do that to ya. even some devils would agree that his way is nothing but pansy talk. and i know full well that he ain't no devil king i would gladly fight my battles for. you wanna know why? cause he ain't no real man. a man ain't nothin' if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare... hands!

Blitzo : HAAAA! He's right, Moxxie! *speaks baby talk* You got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick!

Blitzo grabs Moxxie's hand and reaches toward his crotch. Moxxie slaps his arm away.

Moxxie : Refrain... sir.

Asia Argento : w-we've actually met the devil king before and he seems very nice.

Lin : yeah well being nice doesn't make anyone like him a man. a real man would fight for his people no matter the outcome.

Joe : speaking of a real man. y'all should meet our newest help. Hey! Striker!

Black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. An Imp's spiky tail whips a black horse's flank. An Imp wearing a cowboy hat rides a black hell horse with a fiery mane. The horse leaps over a fence. The horse rears up and roars in front of the group.

Issei Hyoudou : holy shit! That is so not a little pony!

Gasper Vladi : I don't know what a pony is but if that's what that thing is? Then I don't wanna look at that scary thing anymore!!

Gasper hides behind issei's pant leg annoying issei. While Striker tips his hat in greeting, a straw in his mouth.

Striker : Well, howdy! Oh, lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred! *gets off the horse and walks toward Millie.* Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady. *winks*

Millie : Ohhh! *laughs sheepishly*

Striker : *shakes Millie's hand.* What're y'all doin' so far away from Imp City? Heh. The free workin' finally slowin' down?

Millie : Oh, no! Freelance isn't free!

Issei Hyoudou: hey boss? If freelancing isn't free? How come you don't pay any of us?

Blitzo : you get paid in whatever pornhub is charging ya for to watch girl on girl breast touching. That's all you ever get from me.

Issei Hyoudou: oh yeah. That's right. I'm pretty much cursed to be your slave by your lovecraftian boyfriend.

Blitzo : issei if you don't think I'll smack the shit out of you just cause your a kid? Think again!

Issei Hyoudou: would not be the first time. *rolls his eyes*

Striker : Boss, huh...? Ohhh, so YOU'RE the bold imp to start his own killing biz? And I'm guessing this where is your sacred gear ass slave who's helping your successful business.

Issei Hyoudou: woah the fuck!! I'm not his ass slave!

Striker : oh? But you said you were his ass slave did ya not?

Issei Hyoudou: I said I was his "slave" not his ass slave!

Striker : could've fooled me with that sissy voice of yours.

Issei Hyoudou: s-sissy voice!?

Blitzo : oh yeah when I keep hearing you talk? It does sound pretty sissy to me.

Issei Hyoudou: your really not helping blitz. 😑💢

Striker : i gotta say though, Not many Imps start businesses on their own. That's pretty impressive, sir.

Blitzo : Oh...! Yeah? It is-- I- I- I guess- I guess it is, isn't it?

Striker : *shakes blitzo's hand* So you even conned that ditzy blueblood into gettin' you to the surface?

Blitzo : *shakes his hand right back* Well, it's long and complicated, but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know-- W- We're y- We're not, like... We're not doing it... We w- What's betw- It's a transactional fucking, you see.

Joe : Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!

Blitzo : *scuttles sideways over to Joe.* I heard games! What games? I'm in!

Issei Hyoudou : what's a pain games? sounds like something a masochist would enjoy? or a sadist?

Lin : Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!

Millie : *crosses her arms and pouts.* Yeah! Wish I could play!

Lin : Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals.

Issei Hyoudou: holy shit! Everyone dies in this pain games!?

Joe : with millie, it's a lot more then ya know boy.

Millie : oh please I only caused nine of them! How come Sallie May still gets to compete?

Lin : Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count.

Millie : She so does!

Sallie May carries a sack and a small imp drags an Imp body in the background.

Sallie May : It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!

Issei Hyoudou: *checks sallie may out* woah... that's Millie's sister? Damn~

Millie seethes at both sallie may and issei.

Issei Hyoudou: what? Your sister looks hot is all.

Lin : Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss!

Issei Hyoudou: and also your co-worker!

Issei raises his hand with everyone just looking at him with disbelief on their faces.

Joe : *wheeze-laughs and slaps his leg* ...Wait, you?

Issei Hyoudou: why not me? It's not every day a human competes is it?

Joe : well it ain't every day we get sinners here in the wrath ring at all.

Issei Hyoudou: well I'm alive! And I've taken down alot of assholes who tried to have my head! I once even killed a fallen Angel one time!

Blitzo : kid does have a point. *rubs his chin* he did kill a fallen Angel one time.

Joe : oh? And what? Am I suppose to give ya a Medal of Honor just kill a fallen Angel?

Issei Hyoudou: maybe it's hard for any of you country bumpkins to believe but I have within me a Longinus! And not just any Longinus, I'm the next dragon emperor!

Issei does a pose of victory in front of them. Though no applause for him which made him irritated on how he gets no respects.

Issei Hyoudou: seriously?! No praises for me!? No girl out there willing to show me their tits? Nothing!?

Striker : well, well. *claps for issei sarcastically as he walks over to him* you seem pretty eager to prove your strong ain't ya?

Issei Hyoudou: I don't need to prove anything! I know I am! Stronger then you anyway!

Striker : is that right tough guy? If your really as strong as you say you are, then Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?

Striker mentions to a large sleeping hell hog in a pigpen.

Issei Hyoudou: that's it? I have to catch that thing?

Striker : more like kill it till the life from it's eyes fades away.

Gasper Vladi : t-that sounds really scary....

Asia Argento: d-do you really have to kill it?

Issei Hyoudou: it's fine asia. I mean if these pigs from hell are the same thing as pigs from earth? It shouldn't be hard as peeling a banana from it's body!

Asia Argento: o-okay... um.. what's a pig?

Loona Wolf: that hog over there.

Asia Argento: o-oh that big one sleeping in it's filth?

Loona Wolf: I was talking about issei but yeah sure that thing too.

Striker grins and hands Issei a dagger and rope.

Striker : Nah... with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'.

Issei Hyoudou : I-I .... Yeah I knew that! I didn't need your help on killing. I've done stuff like this plenty of times before.

Blitzo leans in toward Issei and grabs his shoulders. While moxxie leans in as well.

Moxxie : issei? Are you truly sure you know what your doing? Hell pigs are completely different from how you view pigs from your world.

Issei Hyoudou: even if they are different, I'll still manage to kill it off. Simple as that.

Moxxie : your going to die. You know that right?

Issei Hyoudou: come on! Have some more faith in me. I know someone else will when I'm done dominating this beast. *smiles lustfully at sallie may*

Blitzo : love the enthusiasm kid! Just remember your rep is on the line here. So, no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone your trying to impress. Go get 'em, tiger.

Blitzo shoves issei forward. Asia could only watch in fear of one of her friends about to get himself killed.

Asia Argento: oh no... I can't watch! *hides on Millie's chest*

Millie : *hugs on asia* there there sug. Issei's gonna make it alright.

Asia Argento: r-really?

Millie : of course.

Moxxie : *leans towards millie and whispers* you do know issei won't make it out alive right?

Millie : *whispers back* oh yeah I agree, he's definitely gonna die.

Blitzo : you can do this kid! KICK IT'S ASS!! YEEAAAHHH!!!!

Blitzo cheers as issei enters the pen. He nervously walks forward, knife in hand. Issei leaps forward and wraps the rope around the hog's neck. He moves the knife down and it strikes harmlessly against the hog's hide. The hog roars and runs around, trying to buck issei off with issei screaming.

Blitzo : FUCK yeah, issei! Ride it, issei! Make it that bitch you won't call back in the morning!

Asia Argento: oh dear!! Issei!! Should we help him!?

Loona Wolf : *grins and records a video on her phone.* I know he's helping me. This is fucking beautiful.

Blitzo : Doin' great, issei! *whispers to Loona* Send me that video later.


Striker leaps and pushes him out of the way. Striker twirls the dagger in his hand and lifts it in the air with a smug grin. He brings down the knife and slaughters the hog.

Issei Hyoudou: *rubbing his butt* ow.... My ass....

Striker : *stands over issei, his spade tail rattling like a snake.* for what it's forth kid? You never stood a chance.

Striker walks away with the dead hog over his shoulder. Issei growls at him.

Striker : Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?

Blitzo : Oh, I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!

Loona Wolf: That's what she said!

Blitzo : What "who said"? Wait, what bitch is talking shit about me?!

Everyone leaves but issei while he was still covered in mud from all that struggle with the hell pig. Then sallie may walks over.

Sallie May : you know for what it's worth? I thought you were very manly~

Issei Hyoudou: r-really?

Sallie May : nope. *puts a straw in her mouth and rolls the haystack away*

Issei Hyoudou: welp.... My dignity is crushed.

millie was about to head inside until she sees behind her asia not going with them, she stands there sad and alone.

Lin : you comin?

Millie : sure am mama. just gotta see what's buggin asia is all.

Lin : oh.. you sure you wanna well...

Millie : well what?

Lin : ....just come inside when you bring her in i guess?

lin leaves inside the house, moxxie sees millie walks over to their human daughter.

Moxxie :m-maybe i should see if asia is alright too?

Millie : it's alright mox. i got this.

moxxie understood his wife and heads inside. she walks over to asia.

Millie : everything alright darlin?

Asia Argento : ...w-well....

she looked away from a little bit but then looks at millie again with a depressing look on her face.

Asia Argento : ....i thought my new grandparents would be thrilled to have me in their lives like you and father did when you first adopted me. but they haven't... do... do they hate me?

millie felt like her own parents weren't giving asia a chance into their lives. she was very pissed deep down at them for treating their own adopted granddaughter like an outsider. she sighs and smiles for asia while she places her hand on her cheek.

Millie : asia... your grandparents... their like many imps here in the wrath ring. their stuck in their old ways of thinkin and only get a little scared of seeing things that they don't exactly understand. very much how you humans would feel if any of you saw our kind out in the open on earth.

Asia Argento : but.. i don't see you as anything else. i see you as a kind caring mother who took me in when i had no where to go in my life. and if i'm being honest? i don't ever regret joining I.M.P. yes... it's still very scary for me since you and father along with blitz and issei killing so many people... but you and father are always protecting me when i have no fighting skills. but i do make it up by healing all of you during those missions. in a way... i've grown to love this new family god has blessed me in.

millie was shedding a tear while smiling.

Asia Argento : o-oh no!! mother i didn't mean to upset you i-

Millie : *hugs asia closely* it's alright sug. these are happy tears.

asia hugs millie back smiling.

Millie : and don't you worry your head about what your grandparents think of you. *let's go of asia* just give em time to know ya better. they'll come around.

Sallie May : no they won't, their old school human hating imps like our family generations before us.

millie glares at sallie may.

Sallie May : what? you know i'm right.

Issei Hyoudou : *walks over to millie and moxxie* alright. after thinking about this. i've made my decision!

Millie : you gonna respect women for now on?

Issei Hyoudou : i'm entering the pain games!

Asia Argento : oh no! issei don't! if people really do end up being dead i... i don't know if my heart would take seeing you die...

Issei Hyoudou : geez asia, there's really no need to react like that, i'll be fine.

Millie : issei, you could barely hold on to one of our hell hogs, what makes ya think you can handle yourself in the pain games? shit if anyone should be participating it should be me!

Issei Hyoudou : i'll admit... that was not one of my best moments there.

Millie : issei? when have you ever had at least one best moment?

Issei Hyoudou : oh yeah? don't forget i've been trained by blitz to kill and beat the shit out of anyone who pisses me off the wrong way! i have to- no, i must partake in the pain games so i can boost my confidence, win the hearts of any babes that might be watching me go through hell and wipe that smug look on striker's dumb asshole face!

Asia Argento : w-well... if.. if you think you have what it takes... then i'll be rooting for you!

Millie : asia?

Issei Hyoudou : oh.. well good. glad someone is supporting me and it's one of our comrades who has never even insulted me, kicked me in the balls or belittled me on everyday of the week.

he pats asia's head as she blushes feeling appreciated like that. millie looks at asia feeling a little worried of what she was seeing here.

Issei Hyoudou : now if you'll excuse me ladies. *picks a straw and puts it in his mouth* i got some manly training to- *accidently chokes on the straw and coughs alot* oh man!! *coughs more* i should not have done that!! *choking and gagging more* it looked so cool in those western type films!! *runs off* does anyone have any water?!

Asia Argento : s-should we help him?

Millie : *sighs* nah darlin. he'll be fine. or whatever?

Sallie May : Hmmmm? say sis? how many tears would your human daughter there shed if i bet her boyfriend over there dies first?

millie glares at sallie may again.

The next day at the harvest moon festival. Wally Wackford stands on stage with a microphone and speaks dramatically.

Wally Wackford : Welcome, I say-a, welcome-a... all to Wrath-a Ring's-a annual-a Harvest-a Moon-a... a-Festival! To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas-a, here to usher in this here Pain Games! With surprise guest star all the way from the devil faction, here is Lucifer Morningstar's second in command, the devil king sirzechs Lucifer!

Sirzechs looks to see the imps not very happy to see him while stolas takes the microphone.

Issei Hyoudou: man... I didn't think the devil king would be in this thing too? Did you knew?

Blitzo : first time I'm hearing about it.

Stolas : *chuckles* How kind, Wackford. Greetings, tiny... Wrath Ring Imps! I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell! Before we begin the annual harvest moon festival. Sirzechs Lucifer has graciously wished to join me in this... hoe down. I sure hope I'm saying that right? For a special message he has for all of you imps out there.

Sirzechs Lucifer : thank you. *takes the microphone* citizens of the wrath ring. I've come here on this special event as a humble guest within your community.

A crowd of Imps glare at him and boos are heard.

Sirzechs Lucifer: ......I understand fully well that the relationships between devils and imps have been very strained. Same goes for every hellborn from different race who are against each other when it comes to royalty and poverty. And while some of you might have a strong belief that devils such as myself only believe in peace being the only solution. That you may prefer that we pure blood devils would be strong enough to kill anyone with just one blast alone should they ignite war on us. You wouldn't be wrong. But this is why I am the only pure blood devil who has joined with my friend stolas to prove a better point. That we don't have to continue the cycle of bloodshed amongst each other, that peaceful gatherings like these can prove once and for all that all of us can finally come together in equality to end wars and death towards each other and make a better future for our next generations to look forward too.

Issei hears his speech and so did asia.

Issei Hyoudou: (wow... that's a powerful speech. I bet a lot of imps here would have to lay off on him now)

Kid Imp : ....LAME!!!!

Dad Imp : you tell 'em boy!

The crowd begins booing again and this time they threw a tomato right at the devil king's face. Issei and asia were both shocked to see them do that to sirzechs.

Asia Argento: oh no...

Issei Hyoudou: oh fuck... I bet he is really gonna be pissed after that!?

Issei thought that sirzechs would ooze a red aura of rage and kill the disrespectful imps of the wrath ring. But instead. Sirzechs just takes the abuse instead of inflicting it upon the denizens.

Sirzechs Lucifer: yes... well... I suppose that is all I needed to say on my part. *hands the microphone to stolas*

Stoles : yes.... *looks at the crowd* a-anyway I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest Imps to show their skill in dominance. Good luck to you all! Especially that sexy little one there... Yoo-hoo! Blitzy!

Stolas waves at him while Blitzo glares.

Blitzo : Ugh. Fuck me.

A gun goes off and the games begin. Issei gets trampled with a yelp as the other imps race down the trail. Striker climbs up a wooden ramp structure while Blitzo leaps down ahead of him. Issei tries to catch up. He climbs on the structure and falls into a small puddle. He gets chewed up and thrashed by a monstrous black and white shark. Striker grins smugly at Blitzo who has his legs, arms and horns tied behind him. A muscular Imp holds a rope and grins at a scared Issei. Striker, Blitzo and Issei team up in a tug of war match. Issei falls into the water and the shark attacks him again. The next game was a wrestling match in the mud between Blitzo and Striker. A group of imps do a football huddle on top of Issei. The shark leaps over the fence and begins to elbow drop Issei.

Issei Hyoudou : MOTHERFUC--!!

After the pain games come to an end, Wally stands up on the stage.

Wally Wackford : I say, I say, for the first year ever, we have a tie for winner of the Harvest Moon Pain Games!

Stolas takes the microphone from Wally Wackford.

Stolas : The winners are... Striker, aaaaand my darling Blitzy!

Stolas walks onto the stage and does a pose as the crowd cheers

Blitzo : *walks onto the stage in frustration.* Just say my name RIGHT! Fuckin' dick!

Issei just looks at himself defeated and humiliated like that in front of everyone. Asia walks over to him.

Asia Argento: I-I still think your amazing out there. Your a winner to me and to the eye of the lord.

Issei Hyoudou: asia, god doesn't care what I do. As for crowd out there, they all saw how much of a loser I was out there. Just like friggin high school all over again...

Asia Argento: p-please don't doubt yourself like that Issei. I don't care if you lost...

Issei Hyoudou: it's not like it matters anyway. That striker prick thinks he's so cool and tough! Look how smug that bastard looks right now! He's doing this to piss me off that's why he's doing it!

Asia Argento: m-maybe he's very honorable and knows you played very hard out there?

Striker : *pulls out a guitar* I'd like to take this opportunity to sing a quick song I wrote just now, about me winnin'. *strums the guitar he pulled out.*

Issei Hyoudou: Oh, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Asia Argento: m-maybe his song is about the fairness of the game and how he respects you?

Striker : ♫ Sweet victory... I smell the smell. ♫

Striker kicks a squealing fangirl Imp in the face, sending her back to a group of Imps. The group then maul her.

Striker : ♫ From up in stinkin' Heaven, to the rugged rocks of Hell, sweet victory With everything I do With every talent, I'm so much more talented than you ♫

Blitzo arrives with a slice of cheese on a stick and sits next to Issei, Asia, Gasper, Moxxie and Millie in the bleachers. He eats the cheese.

Blitzo : *mouth full* Isn't this guy great?

Issei Hyoudou: Pffft.. not really.

Striker : ♫ Everytime I tryyyy, I push it and succeed. ♫

Issei Hyoudou: can he be this self centered?

Moxxie : like you?

Issei Hyoudou: what's that suppose to mean?

Moxxie : you brag about how much you want to lose your virginity while striker's out there bragging about how he beats you at everything.

Issei Hyoudou: e-even so, I... I... oh whatever! At least this is our last night here in this hick town.

Blitzo : oh yeah It's gonna be nice workin' with him. *pours hot sauce on his cheese and takes another bite.*

Issei Hyoudou: Working with him...? WHAT?!

Striker : ♫ Every first attempt of every single deed ♫

Issei Hyoudou: blitz what are you talking about?

Blitzo : Yeaaaah! I asked him if he wants to join I.M.P.

Issei Hyoudou: You asked... But...

Striker : ♫ Me! I'm totally the best. ♫

Gasper Vladi : big bro? Are you alright?

Issei Hyoudou: I.. Blitz I can't believe you agree to have that ass working with us!

Blitzo : jeez kid calm down. No need to get jealous of our newest employee.

Issei Hyoudou: like hell I'm jealous!

Striker : ♫ The super cool me, handsome guy- *cough* Issei, go fuck yourself ♫

Asia Argento: issei? Are you alright?

Issei Hyoudou : .....I need to take a piss.

He gets up from his seat and walks away from the crowd.

Striker : ♫ Did you hear something? It was just the wind. ♫

The crowd cheers in applause from striker's performance.

Striker : Thank you. You're too kind.

Asia only looks at issei walking away feeling sorry for her friend.

Asia Argento: um... b-blitz.. maybe you may have hurt his feelings like that?

Moxxie : don't get involved in this asia.

Blitzo : it's fine mox. Look asia, issei doesn't need to act like the whole world revolves around him. I think strikers will serve as a perfect role model for him on how strong a killer should be. He'll walk it off.

With issei he storms off feeling very angry at Blitzo for hiring striker. However Blitzo notices issei getting mad like this and sighs deadpanned as he gets off the bench seat and goes following issei.

Issei Hyoudou: (the nerve of that cruel selfish dickwad! After everything we had just been through together he still doesn't show me any respects at all! Yet he shows more respects to that bastard striker who insults and disrespects me more then he did! ......*sighs* did I make the right choice just sticking with I.M.P.? Should I have taken up on Rias gremory's offer to work for her? ....then again she didn't show much respect to any of my comrades and after I've learn how devils like her treat their servants who don't do well on their jobs... damn it... who's side am I suppose to be on here? Even if I did took up on Rias' offer I bet it would've been far much worser to serve as a reincarnated devil.... But would she have helped bring back the memories of me to my parents at least? Am I even making any right choices at all?)

Issei sees a few kid imps throwing popcorns at sirzechs' back while he is eating a hotdog and drinking a soda. He goes over to them.

Kid Imp#1 : hey Lucifer's bottom bitch! How's that all pansy peace shit comin along!

Kid Imp#2 : yeah you ain't so tough are ya? We ain't scared of a pansy devil king like you!

Issei Hyoudou: hey you little shits?

They turn to see issei.

Issei Hyoudou: leave him alone.

Kid Imp#1 : or what human trash?

Kid Imp#2 : or his dad will kill your dad probably. What's he gonna do to us?

Issei Hyoudou: he's not my dad. He's my boss. And I don't need his help from skinning two snout nose pigs like you!

The two kids felt frighten by issei giving them a death glare. The two of them run off.

Kid Imp#1 : w-whatever fucktard!

Kid Imp#2 : yeah striker is better then you!

He then turns his head to see sirzechs looking at him.

Sirzechs Lucifer : can't say that's honestly the best way of dealing with bullies. But I suppose a thank you is in order.

Issei Hyoudou: well you did offer your griffin for us to ride back home on. So we're even.

Sirzechs Lucifer : thank you.

Issei Hyoudou: ....I thought you gave out an amazing speech back there about peace and all that. Even if everyone else didn't wanna hear what you wanted to say.

Sirzechs Lucifer: it's no different from the human world's politics.

Issei Hyoudou: it was still disrespectful of them to treat you like that. I'm gonna be honest here, I thought you were gonna murder every last one of them for throwing that tomato on your face.

Sirzechs Lucifer: I would've.... But what kind of point would I have made if I did do that to them?

Issei Hyoudou: ....huh? Guess I never thought about that? how do you deal with that harsh criticism like that from so many ignorant jerks?

Sirzechs Lucifer: most imps aren't the only ones who don't agree with peace. Even the devils from the underworld while still stuck in their old ways would've agreed with the imps of the wrath ring that we devils would easily kill anyone who would be a threat to us.

Issei Hyoudou: then why don't ya? If someone pisses you off, wouldn't you just kill 'em? I mean I know I would. Back on earth anyway. But in hell I would face consequences apparently.

Sirzechs Lucifer: same if you were still in the human world. Issei Hyoudou?

Issei looks at sirzechs as he sees the devil king take another slurp from his soda.

Sirzechs Lucifer: violence never solves anything. And war only causes more deaths and bloodshed. If a second Great War were to start? That would cause the apocalypse to happen. Everyone would end up being involved and we would all die.

Issei Hyoudou: so your saying... if the apocalypse did happen? You wouldn't even fight at all? Even if it meant protecting yourself?

Sirzechs Lucifer: .....I would do anything to protect my family. That's all I would ever do.

Issei Hyoudou: you got a family?

Sirzechs Lucifer: I do actually. I have a beautiful wife and a son who is destined to be the future heir. I also have a little sister who is very demanding at times and is easily embarrassed.

Issei Hyoudou: she really sounds like a handful isn't she?

Sirzechs Lucifer: *chuckles* yes. She sure is. But despite that I still love her. And I would want her to be safe most of all.

Issei Hyoudou: .....god... it's been so long since I even thought about my own family back in the human world...

Sirzechs Lucifer : you miss your parents don't you? And your old life?

Issei Hyoudou: .........

Sirzechs slowly gets up and stands infront of issei.

Sirzechs Lucifer : did you really mean it when you said you enjoyed hearing my speech back there?

Issei Hyoudou: I mean... yeah. I did. I mean I do! Yeah. At this point I would love nothing but just not having kill anybody to survive or do this as a living. But with every asshole around the world being dicks and bitches out there. Is there really a chance for peace?

Sirzechs Lucifer: issei Hyoudou. I never had a chance back at stolas' home but I would like to offer you a chance for you to find the peace you want? No more blood will ever be spilled on each sides every again.

Issei Hyoudou: what do you mean?

Sirzechs Lucifer : I mean why don't you join us? The devil faction.

Issei Hyoudou: what!? I'm sorry... m-me!?

Sirzechs Lucifer : you are the current red dragon emperor.

Issei Hyoudou: yeah.. so I've been told...

Sirzechs Lucifer: every action you take as the next red dragon emperor will make an impact on the entire future of peace. You could be the one that would end the apocalypse before it begins. No one would have to die.

Issei Hyoudou: ....me.... Stoping the apocalypse.....

Issei thinks about this for a moment but thinks about everything he has learn about devils and how they treat those they reincarnate as devils as servants instead of people.

Issei Hyoudou: would that mean I would become a devil if I were to join? Cause if I did agreed to this I would want to help everyone out as I am now. A human.

Sirzechs Lucifer: .....I'm afraid it is not that simple as that. The population of devils are very low on our side. That is why we must reincarnate those who joins us into devils so the legacy of devils can still continue. But it's alright. As a devil you can still help us out. You can even become a Maou like me.

Issei Hyoudou: a maou?

Sirzechs Lucifer: it's a very powerful position for ultimate class devils. You can make a big change for the children of the underworld to inspire from. So what do you say?

Issei Hyoudou: ......look. I'm glad you don't want war and all that. That's your choice to make but... I'm okay being under stolas' care while working for his boyfriend who also looks after me... kinda. Whatever problems you devils have is your problems not mine or my comrades.

Sirzechs Lucifer: ......so your answer is no then?

Issei nods to his question as the devil king sighs.

Sirzechs Lucifer: I was hoping you would agree to help us. We could've helped you bring the memories of you to your parents if you want. You can still have a normal school life while helping the devil faction out. You can choose to change your mind if you want?

Issei Hyoudou: (.....he could bring my parents back to me? They can still remember me when I thought it wasn't possible? Maybe... maybe I-)

However Issei has flashbacks of the deaths he has caused since working for I.M.P. He sighs with a sad heart

Issei Hyoudou: ....even if what you tell me now is true... I can't....

Sirzechs tilts his head confused on what issei was trying to say.

Issei Hyoudou: ....I can't go back to my old life... I'm already far long gone. I've killed a lot of people and there's no going back from that.

Sirzechs Lucifer: ......I see.....

Issei Hyoudou: ...can you bring innocent people back from the dead?

Sirzechs Lucifer: .....we cannot... no...

There was some silence between the two until issei speaks one more time.

Issei Hyoudou: well.... I should probably be heading somewhere now. Have a good evening... your highness.

He leaves sirzechs be as he heads into Joe and lin's house. Sirzechs sighs.

Sirzechs Lucifer : ...... I suppose you should feel proud that your son refused my offer.

Blitzo stumples and trips on the ground while quickly getting up.

Blitzo : I- I have no idea what the fuck your even talking about!

Sirzechs Lucifer: I know you overheard our conversation before he left.

Blitzo : I didn't overhear whatever the fuck kind of girl talk you two were even talking! I was... just... I just came here right now! That's all! Anyway don't you have a fancy rich people castle kingdom to get back to?

Sirzechs Lucifer: I'm here as a representative just as much as stolas is. I won't be here long.

Blitzo : of course. *rolls his eyes and turns away*

Sirzechs Lucifer: that boy of yours.

Blitzo stops as he stands there listening to what Sirzechs has to say.

Sirzechs Lucifer: he has been through so much. Wouldn't you agree?

Blitzo : ....that's how life is like for all of us. I Wouldn't expect you rich fucks to know what that's like. *was about to leave but then he looks at sirzechs one more time* oh and by the way? Stay away from my horny dumbass kid. Politics isn't our business.

he leaves after warning sirzechs to keep issei away from whatever the devil faction was going through. meanwhile with asia, she sits all by herself near the hell hog fences as she thinks about the time issei saved her life from raynare, when she allowed issei to use the sewing machine to help make team uniforms and how he stood up for him along with her imp parents against xenovia and irina threatening to kill her.

and the moment issei patted her hair. she felt something for issei. even though he didn't agree with her on her religious beliefs and always judged her naivety. he had shown her some kindness. it was something no one other then kalawarner had shown her since she was exiled from the church.

moxxie sees asia blushing to herself and goes over to see how she was doing.

Moxxie : hey asia? are you alright?

Asia Argento : *snaps out of it and looks at moxxie* oh father... i was just... thinking is all.

Moxxie : about what?

she didn't say anything but from how moxxie saw a blush on her face he smiled.

Moxxie : or maybe about whom?

Asia Argento : w-what?! 0////0

Moxxie : it's alright asia, i know that feeling anywhere. even when i first met your mother, you've fallen in love with someone haven't you?

she couldn't hide it anymore as she nodded yes quickly.

Moxxie : asia that's great! who's the lucky guy or gal? is it someone you just met recently in the wrath ring? wait... it's not striker is it?

Asia Argento : n-no! of course not!

Moxxie : phew. that's good. i'll be honest with you, even i agree with issei that he's very egotistic and a narcissus. and now blitz hired him to work with us? did he get stoned? as if we need two narcissists in the office am i right?

Asia Argento : ...w-well... there is someone... since you wish to know.. but... it's one of our friends...

Moxxie : our friends? i don't- wait? is it BLITZ?!

Asia Argento : n-no!! no it's someone else... they may not be very friendly but they have a kind heart.

Moxxie ; ....is... is it loona? i've noticed you two have been talking to each other la-

Asia Argento : it's issei! >/////<

a silence was between moxxie and asia for a moment as moxxie's face was frozen in disgust.

Moxxie : ....i-issei? as in issei hyoudou? another sacred gear user who is sorta like blitz and is so not normal when it comes to talking about sex?! that issei hyoudou?! the one who works with us?!

Asia Argento : .....are you angry with me?

Moxxie : .....n-no... i'm not...  i'm more of... confused then anything... asia? are you on drugs?

Asia Argento : what are drugs?

Moxxie : okay so that's a no then. in that case why are you having feelings for.... him?

Asia Argento : ...do you remember when raynare was about to steal my sacred gear away from my body?

Moxxie : it was a very traumatic experience for you yes. what about it? did... did he do anything to you? if so then i'm gonna give him a piece of my mind right-

Asia Argento : n-no he didn't! i'm telling you the truth... he saved my life remember?

Moxxie : ....*sighs* yes. your mother and i remembered that very well. so wait? is that when you first fell in love with him?

Asia Argento : *nods yes to moxxie's question* i know you might think he can be perverted and sees the bad in everyone. but issei is a good kind person. he has been showing signs of being nice to me at most times and always looked out for me during missions.

Moxxie : your mother and i would do that for you too. but asia, you don't know the type of boy issei is.

Asia Argento : the... type of boy?

Moxxie : didn't the church at least warn you about trusting strangers?

Asia Argento : n-no... not really... but issei isn't a stranger. He... he's my friend.

Moxxie ; and so is Loona but both her and issei are not the kind of people to get involved with at all.

Asia Argento: but god-

She remembers about how her Imp parents forbade her from ever being religious since she was living with them in hell. She sighs depressed.

Asia Argento: ...s-sorry... I forgot again...

Moxxie ; ....it's okay asia. *pats her back* your a good person. I suppose living with the church has kept you away from any horrible influences growing up. I understood where you were getting at though. Your mother and I want you to see the best in most people, while I agree that issei has shown to be loyal and helpful towards us. I can't really say his perversion is helpful on explaining his character properly. We just don't want you making a horrible choice you'll regret making.

Asia Argento: ...by having feelings for issei? Why should that be a horrible choice for me?

Moxxie : ......I never told anyone this. Not even to your mother. But there was someone before her I once briefly dated at one point in my life.

Asia Argento; there was?

Moxxie : *nods yes to asia* I thought he was someone who was right for me... we've done everything together. And during that time... my father had me under his thumb. So my ex was my escape from him.

Asia Argento: .....your father?

Moxxie : .....he isn't a nice guy towards me growing up. It was a hard time in my neighborhood to be living in with violence, criminal activities and the lawlessness on a daily basis that made everything... well... hell for me. Not literally but metaphorically. One day... my ex-boyfriend and I were involved with something bad.. and he left me for dead.

Asia could see the sadness in moxxie's eyes.

Moxxie : I didn't I'd ever trust anyone ever again after that. When I left my hometown, I made a promise to myself I start a new life and never look back on my old one.

Asia Argento: ....so you're in exile? Like me?

Moxxie : in a way.... I am.

She hugs on her Imp father comforting moxxie.

Asia Argento: I'm so sorry you had a horrible life... I had no idea imps had it far much worser here then what humans like me would've endured..

Moxxie : well... I wouldn't expect the church to tell you about how hard an imp's life can be. But you get use to it. *hugs her back* anyway. I soon met your mother and I started to work as a murder professional to pay for bills and now she and I have you in our lives. And you know what. I thank satan that you came into our lives. That's why I just want you to be safe and make a good choice. Even if your around.... Those two.

Asia Argento: b-but their good! Really they are. M-maybe they just need god in their life? Maybe that's why their so miserable as they look now.

Moxxie : ...sometimes things aren't as simple as that. Promise me you'll be careful when your around them alright?

Asia Argento: yes s- I mean... father. I'll try. So mother doesn't know about your... ex? What is an ex by the way?

Moxxie : w-well... an ex is someone you once dated but things didn't go so well between you and that person you once had romantic interactions with mostly due to being hurt by them. So you cut ties with them and whatever love you two once shared is over. B-but yes! Your mother doesn't know and she can't know. I... I don't want her to know about my past either...

Asia Argento: .....very well then. I'll keep it a secret. I won't tell her. But you should, she deserves to know about your whole life? She has told you her life right? It's only fair if you do the same.

Moxxie : ....I will. When the time comes.

Asia's stomach growls.

Moxxie : I'm guessing your feeling hungry?

Asia Argento: yes. I sure am.

Moxxie : let's head inside the house. We'll catch up with your mother there and we'll have some left over rips you enjoyed last night.

Asia Argento: I would love that very much. It was my first time eating... rips? Are they called rips?

Moxxie : uh yeah. They are called rips.

Asia Argento: then yes, I would kindly love some rips please.

As they head back to Millie's parents' farm home. Issei gets out of the bathroom after taking a piss and sighs to himself. But then issei notices light shining through the bottom of a door.

Issei Hyoudou: what am I seeing here?

Issei opens the door and peers around. He notices the light coming from a box. He walks over and sees a rifle with glowing designs in an open gun case.

Issei Hyoudou: is this a rifle? *He runs his hand along the side of the rifle.* damn look at this baby! It's so... fancy looking? I wonder how striker got his hands on a beauty like this?

Striker : wouldn't you like to know virgin. *leans against the door frame behind him*

Issei Hyoudou: wh- were.. you just waiting behind that door for me to come in?

Striker : pretty amazing rifle isn't it?

Issei Hyoudou: yeah it- I mean whatev! I see like many rifles in my life. It's normal for me to look at these things.

Striker : perhaps. But this rifle ain't any rifle you get from earth or in any rings here in hell. This rifle is a mighty powerful type. It could just kill any supernatural being very fast. Even oh let's say... maybe a demon prince? Or a devil king?

Issei felt uneasy when he says this and he gives him a worried look.

Issei Hyoudou: okay.... Question.. um.. why do you have a kind of gun like that?

Striker : *flicks his wheat stalk away* why wouldn't I?

Striker runs his claws along the door. He closes the door and advances menacingly toward issei with a grin.

Issei Hyoudou: okay! Yep! I knew it! I mean not really cause when I first met you I knew you were an absolute asshole I disliked a lot and now I know fully that your nothing more but some psycho assassin who wants to kill stolas and-

Striker grabs issei by the throat choking him.

Issei Hyoudou: ...S-sirzechs....

Striker : I wouldn't expect a filthy weak ass human like you to know what we imps have to go through!

Striker wraps his tail around issei's neck. He tosses issei hard against the wall. He chokes issei on the floor as issei grunts and tries to push him away. Striker holds him down with his body weight. Issei glances over to see a lamp on a table. He kicks the table and the lamp crashes into Striker. Millie, Moxxie and Asia hears the crash from outside. Issei stands up and races toward the door. He pulls the door open but Striker roughly pulls him back by his tail. Striker covers issei's mouth and begins to strangle him. Striker chuckles evilly as issei begins to lose consciousness.

Striker : pathetic. As all you humans always are.

Issei's eyes were blurry but he could see what looked like moxxie and millie finding seeing him down in the ground and the blurry red figures fight against striker but he over powers them. Then he sees a blurry figure that looked like asia panicking as striker knocks her out.

Then everything just fades to black. Next things he sees though is fire everywhere.

Ddraig : once again... you continue to hold me back.

Issei Hyoudou: why are you doing this to me? Just leave me alone...

Ddraig : I cannot.

Issei Hyoudou: why?

Ddraig : because it is our destiny.


Issei hears nothing but silence. He starts tearing up.

Issei Hyoudou: I just wanna go home.... I just wanna see my parents again.... I just wanna go to school again... like the good old days.... I don't wanna kill everyone...

Then he hears a familiar feminine voice behind him whispering in his ear.

Raynare : then your not a real man aren't you? If your planning to run away like you did with me. ISSEI!!!

Issei wakes up in a cold sweat as he was tied but saw moxxie cutting the rope to free him and then he sees asia worried and millie got herself in a trap.

Asia Argento: oh issei! Your okay! *hugs him*

Moxxie : *cuts the rope* got it!

Issei Hyoudou: how long was I out for?

Moxxie : not that long.

Issei Hyoudou; guys we gotta stop striker! He-

Millie : he's planning to kill stolas and the devil king, yeah we know, he told us plan before locking us up here.

Issei Hyoudou: oh.... Yeah okay that saves me from explaining it then.

Moxxie : come on issei, we have to stop strike before he assassinates them!

Issei Hyoudou: what's the point... I'm not as strong as he is! I thought after my hellish month of training for my own life to survive I could be strong enough to take on anyone! But not everyone I suppose... fuck! Why am I so weak?! Blitz should just fucking replace me right now then have a fuck up in the team!

Asia Argento: please don't say that!

Issei looks at asia when she walks over to him.

Asia Argento: you've always been strong. You saved me once back in the human world when raynare was about to end my life, you can also save prince stolas and the devil king.

Issei Hyoudou: asia... I... I'm weak... I'm not really capable of-

Asia Argento: please... no more self doubt. You don't have to be strong psychically. True strength comes from within, that is your one true strength god has gifted you when you are born.

Issei looks down to see her hand on his chest and gets confused.

Issei Hyoudou: my abs?

Millie and moxxie are deadpanned right now.


Issei Hyoudou: okay okay!! I... I think I understand where asia was getting at now.

Moxxie : do you?

He slowly gets up and gets a gun that moxxie lends him from his pockets.

Moxxie : asia, stay here and look after your mom okay?

She nods to moxxie and stays with millie while he and issei get near the lock as issei shoots the lock and opens the gate.

Issei Hyoudou: booyeah!

Moxxie : wait? You mean I could've just shot that lock?

Issei Hyoudou: did you not know that?

Moxxie : ....huh? I suppose this is something I really should've known about earlier?

Millie : I love you, hun... But, for fuck's sake!

Issei Hyoudou: yeah now who's an idiot!

On stage where sirzechs was standing next to stolas.

Sirzechs Lucifer : I suppose the finally event is in order.

Stolas magically flips through the grimoire.

Stolas : My dear commoners of the Ring of Wrath! I, Stolas of the Ars Goetia, hereby curse this year's harvest with the glow of the true Harvest Moon!

The clouds swirl as Stolas creates a portal. The portal reveals a glowing orange full moon in the sky. The crowd oohs in wonder. Striker chuckles darkly as he aims the rifle at Stolas' forehead first before he would aim at sirzechs' head last. A click is heard behind him. Blitzo aims his flintlock pistol at him.

Blitzo : Uh, excuse me? The FUCK?!

Striker : *turns around* Bliiiitz! I thought you were still at the ceremony!

Blitzo : You thought I wanted to stand around with a buncha hillbillies excited about corn n' shit with a thirsty owl on stage with some pure blood privilege devil trying to draft my human?!

Striker : Huh. And now you seem disappointed in me.

Blitzo : Yeaaaaah. Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back. I don't mind you killing lucifer's bitch slut but the prince is where I draw the god damn line!

Striker : Blitz, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords and high class devils?

Striker walks around Blitzo. Blitzo's eyes move and he appears conflicted. He aims his gun as Striker moves in the shadows.

Striker : Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable? *pins a frightened Blitzo against the wall.* Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything?

Blitzo : *grins very lustfully* Ooh, that's kinda hot.

Striker : We could be the most dangerous beings in Hell, Blitz.

Blitzo : Wow. That was a good fuckin' pitch.

Striker : Been workshoppin' it.

Blitzo : Y'know what? Fuck it. I'm in.

Striker grins, but hears another click from issei holding his rifle with moxxie right behind him.

Issei Hyoudou: so what were you saying about me being jealous?

Blitzo : Took ya long enough, kid! Ha-HA! Wow, you should've seen your dipshit face!

Blitzo looks down to see Striker holding the knife in his other hand from behind.

Blitzo : Wow... Woah, okay. Cliché much?

Striker points Blitzo's pistol at Moxxie. Issei blocks the bullet with the rifle side saving his life.

Moxxie : thanks issei.

Issei Hyoudou; no thanks necessary!

Blitzo : Oh, you daddy fucker!

Blitzo bites at Striker's arm

Striker : AAAAGH!!

The fight begins as Blitzo elbows Striker in the face. They exchange blows, and Striker slams Blitzo into Moxxie and issei both of them falling to the floor. Issei sees the rifle on the floor and reaches for it. Striker pins issei's arm down with his boot.

Issei Hyoudou: AAAGH!!!

Striker : You dumb fucks lost the upper hand fast, huh?

Blitzo : HA! You seem to have forgotten something, fucko!

Blitzo whistles several times for Loona. Outside, Loona taps on her phone and ignores him.

Moxxie : ...sir I don't think she cares right now.

Blitzo : Ugh, fuckin' damn it, Loona.

Striker : It's a damn shame, Blitz. We might actually've made a good team... Ah well.

Blitzo : In your wet dreams, you honky-tonk GOAAAAT!

Blitzo swings his foot under Striker and trips him. Blitzo kicks Striker away, causing him to drop his rifle, which Issei grabs. Blitzo races toward Striker and knock his head with a lamp. He lands punches at his face and swipes his tail at him. Blitzo uses his tail to toss Striker to the side. Moxxie fires a warning shot near Striker's head. Blitzo, Issei and Moxxie close in on Striker and Blitzo pulls out his pistol.

Striker : I still think it's embarrassing. You're wastin' a lot of potential relyin' on a weak filthy human-

Issei shoots right through striker's arm making him grunting in pain and agony like that. Issei gives him a death glare.

Issei Hyoudou: You gonna finish that fucking sentence... pard'ner?


Moxxie : yeah! Guess our human isn't as weak as you thought he was!

Issei Hyoudou: damn straight! So suck it bi-

Moxxie and issei gets slammed against the wall as Loona opens the door and enters the room with a worried asia with her.

Loona Wolf: I'm here.

Asia Argento: I'm so sorry I disobeyed your orders father! I was so scared I ran to Loona and told her what was going on! I was afraid you weren't going to make it...

She was sobbing so much.

Striker narrows his eyes and uses the distraction to kick Blitzo's gun out of his hand. He shoves Blitzo aside and heads toward the open window.

Striker : Maybe you'll get me next time... Blitzy.

Striker escapes through the window. Blitzo points his pistol outside, looking at the celebration in worry.

Issei Hyoudou: well... shit. We're gonna see him again aren't we?

Blitzo : oh yeah.

In the aftermath of the brief rough and dangerous battle with striker at the ranch. Lin bandages up Millie's arm as she sits with her foot in a cast. Moxxie struggles to fit clothes in a suitcase.

Lin : I can't believe you let him trap you, Millie! Haven't we taught you better?

Millie : I was seein' red, Ma! And he was slippery!

Lin : Excuses! You're better than that, Mildred! *glares at asia* and what about you? Did you help your mother when she was in pain?

Asia Argento: I couldn't use my twilight healing on her foot because she had it trapped tight on that dreadful thing. I had to get help-

Lin : get help? Is this what you've been teaching this human filth here? Getting someone to help her?


She hisses at her mom while asia was feeling shunned by her adoptive grandparents.

Issei Hyoudou: you know you two should be happy that both your daughter and your granddaughter made it out of that situation alive!

Joe : now don't you be callin that human trash like she's family to us! We are pure blood imps and that's how it's always has been!

Lin : there is no way we ever accept someone like her as our granddaughter! Especially since she didn't even fight at all!

Asia Argento: b-but grandmother-

Lin : stop calling us your grandparents human!

Joe : yeah what are you an idiot or you deaf girl?

Moxxie : that's enough! I won't just idly stand here while you insult our daughter like this! *glares at lin and joe* you can insult and belittle me if you want to. But you treat asia with the same kindness and respect and compassion as millie and I have shown her! And another thing, maybe I'm not a strong beefy dickhead, but Millie has the strength enough for both of us! You two are getting on her case about being hurt by a psychopath you hired?! Shaaaaame on you!

Asia and millie were both heartfelt by how much moxxie was willing to stand up for his wife and adoptive human daughter.

Issei Hyoudou: wow! Okay now that is how you tell 'em dude!

Blitzo : Aw, Moxxie, look at you! Speechin' like a big boy with his big paaaants!

Both Joe and lin look at asia again and then look at millie.

Millie : ma. Daddy. I know she ain't blood related to us. But that poor girl has been through so much hell then we all have. I wouldn't care what species she was. Moxxie and I love her with all her heart. And I wanted you two to accept her into this family as well.

Joe and lin look at each other concern and look both at millie.

Lin : sorry Mildred. We can't.

Joe : this human girl here ain't an imp like us and we don't want her to be a part of our family.

Millie : .....I see.... Then I guess I ain't a part of this family either am I?

Lin : ......no. I guess not.

The two leave back inside the ranch house, millie felt disappointed and disgusted at how her own parents will never see asia as their own. But both asia and moxxie give her a group hug with Millie's smile on her face.

Gasper Vladi : I can't believe that mean old striker was going to kill stolas and rias' brother.

Issei Hyoudou: yeah I know right? Thankfully I manage to wrestle him down myself and show him what a real- wait what about Rias now?!

Gasper Vladi : um... I-I said sirzechs is rias's older brother.

Issei's eyes were wide.

Loona Wolf: did you not know that?

Issei Hyoudou: ........that would explain the red hair he had.

Loona Wolf: and how many devils do you know other then Rias to have red hair?

Issei Hyoudou: .......damn it I knew it! That would explain why he was so eager to get me to join him!

Gasper Vladi : join him?

Issei Hyoudou: yeah he wanted me to join the devil faction to make peace or some crap and I was gonna-

Blitzo : but you didn't. Did ya?

He thinks about what Blitzo was implying and then looks at Blitzo.

Issei Hyoudou: no... not like there was a chance for me to have a second chance at life anyway with the death toll I've made so far.

Blitzo : that's true. But hey fuck him.

Issei Hyoudou: yeah... hey wait? How did you-

Blitzo : I was just minding my business when I heard you talking to him kid.

Issei becomes very pale and bows down in fear.


Blitzo : get off the floor kid I ain't mad.

Issei Hyoudou: *gets up* y-your not?

Blitzo : I'm glad you turned him down. We have one certain horny as fuck owl I have to deal with every weekend, and that's just enough.

Issei Hyoudou: y-yeah .... Hehe... fair point.... Hey blitz?

Blitzo : yeah?

Issei Hyoudou: ...I'm gonna try my hardest to get stronger. Even if I have to train my hardest or like hell to take down my opponents.

Blitzo : good. I'm glad your getting more interested in training yourself cause we start the minute we get home.

Issei Hyoudou: .....m-maybe we shouldn't we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves here?

Blitzo : nope, too late it's official!

Issei Hyoudou: fuck!

At a sleazy motel, striker bandages his bullet wound after carefully taking the bullet out from his arm and was on the phone.

Striker : Huh... I failed to kill the targets at the festival. But don't worry, ma'am... It won't happen again.

The mysterious villain who paid striker to off stolas and apparently issei was revealed to be stella who was sitting in an dark room tapping her fingers on the desk.

Stella : It better not! I want that cheating prick and that human turd dead! I don't care who you have to go through! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

She furiously hangs up on him while riser Phoenix pours them both a drink to calm their stress.

Stella : thank you. *sips her alcohol*

Riser Phoenix : it's the least I can do. Seems like hit men like striker are hard to come by these days.

Stella : on that we can both agree. Very well riser. I'll let your servants take care of our "dragon" problem for good. I will not allow the Goetia name go down like this.

Riser Phoenix: thank you Mrs.Goetia. *bows down and kisses her hand* I promise you. The red dragon emperor will be slain before he reaches his true powers.

Stella : indeed. It's for the best. Not only for my daughter's sake. But for both our factions.

She gives a wicked grin as did riser, meanwhile striker twirls the gun in his hand.

Striker : I'll get him next time.

Striker chuckles evilly as he turns off the light. His yellow eyes glow in the darkness to rattlesnake hisses.

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