Noticed Sorellina (On hold)

Par AlexMaeWrites

26.9K 853 159

(Silently Drowning Series - Book Three) Alessia Fiorella Ferrari; going from unnoticed to far too noticed. Ha... Plus

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706 26 4
Par AlexMaeWrites

Two weeks later:

Alessia Ferrari

"No Papa... I have not killed Manny or Niccolò. Yet." I exclaim for the millionth time.

"What about-"

"No, they didn't kill each other either. Last I checked there are still three beating hearts lurking around this apartment somewhere."

"Well that's good, don't forget you have been summoned back to the house for dinner tomorrow." Papa says on the other side of the phone.

"Summoned?" I questioned.

"Lorenzo's words, not mine."

"Will everyone be there?"

"They should me si. Romeo got someone to cover for him at his hospital, Lorenzo and Alessandro of course still has to be available for the mafia but if something happens our men will be in contact, Matteo said his shop is closed anyway so he can make it, wherever Romeo is Max and Lisa seem to follow so they will also be there... And Luca-" He sighs. "You seem to be the only person in the family that kid can't stand to be around these days, he said he will be there as long as you are."

I really need to talk to him, and soon. I can't stand to see him destroying himself anymore.

"I know Papa. I'll be there.-"

"You son of a bitch that was my doughnut!"

"Sorry Papa... I have to go."

"Understandable." He laughs before I hang up the phone.

"Manny Reece Lopez!" I shout as I walk into the kitchen, just to see Manny holding Niccolò down in a chokehold.

Manny looks up and sees me standing by the island counter, my expression is far from amused, then he quickly sits up and hides behind my twin brother like a human shield.

"What in the world are you two doing?" I ask, the exhaustion laying clear in my tone.

"He took my doughnut." Manny explains while still hiding behind my twin.

"I didn't see your name on it."

"I literally put my name on it with neon green icing, it's your own fault for licking the icing off before reading it."

"Manny get up. Niccolò stop eating Manny's doughnuts.... You would think you would have learned your lesson by now. Nicky, we have a family dinner we must attend tomorrow... Please don't show up in a cow costume again. Manny you are free to join us, I know papa thinks of you as one of his sons anyway."

"That was one time!"

"Eight. It was Eight times and one of those was when we went to a high end restaurant that had a dress code, Lorenzo had to threaten them to let you stay."

"Wait, who's going to be there?" Manny broke the never ending bickering about my twins questionable taste in attire.
"Papa and all of our brothers along with Max and Lisa, as long as nobody dies or bails." I shrug.

"O-okay, I think I'm going to go to Robby's for dinner."

"Alright I understand, I'm going to go to sleep because I am fucking exhausted, try not to kill each other."

"No promises!" They shout at the same time as I walk away, I also heard the sound of someone being slapped. My bet is Manny slapped him for saying the same thing at the same time.

What the hell am I going to do with them?


"To live in the body of a survivor is to never be able to leave the scene of the crime. I cannot ignore the fact that I live here." ~Blythe Baird

"Hey little Sia, what are you doing?" Jasper questions in a cold tone.

"Making pancakes."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I love pancakes! It's always a good idea."

"No. Sia you're getting chubby again, are you sure you want to eat that?"

"Oh. I suppose not."

"Ally! We got to go before Papa has our head!" My twin breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I shout back, "Are you sure you don't want to come? I'm sure they would love to see you." I ask as I pass by Manny who was laying upside down on the couch — going through some form of life crisis.

"I'm sure-" he replies quietly, "I'm about to head out anyway here in a few minutes, I plan to spend the evening with Robbie. I should be back tonight but I'll text you if plans change."

"Alright... Are you okay?"

"Yeeeah-" he draws out, "I'm alright."

"I can always tell the brothers that I can't make it." I say, concerned by is off attitude.

"Seriously, I'm okay. I am actually heading out here in a moment."

"Okay, call me if you need anything. I'm always here if you need to talk." I reply softly, not entirely convinced.

"I know, thank you. I love you hermana."

"Always. I love you too hermano."


"Shit I got to go, take care of yourself Manny."

"You too Angel."


Alessandro Ferrari

"My struffoli!" Papa yells as the golden balls roll across the floor.

[A/N: I guess the English equivalent would just be calling them honey balls? It's deep fried sweet dough balls with honey and sugar sprinkles.]

"Matteo, you might want to run." Max warns.

"What did I even do?" The musician questions.

"You knocked the bowl off the counter knowing that Luca and the twins are due home soon."

"It's not like I did it on purpose." He whines.

"Intentionally or not he will kill you when he's done running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off, and my daughter doesn't need to witness her uncle die over a honey dessert."

Before my brother could even think of a reply the front door flung open, revealing a very disinterested looking Luca.

Talk about dramatic entrance. Here I thought Manny was the dramatic one.

Please don't tell him I said that.

He genuinely scares me sometimes.

"Well it's nice of you to join us fratello." I say.

"Is Fi- Alessia here?"

I sigh, "Not yet but soon."

Almost on cue the twins walked through the already opened front door but before we could greet them, Luca picked up our sister and started to carry her to the main dining hall and Lisa chased them to the table.

"Luca! Lucy! Put me down!" Her shouts echo through the mansion, the rest of us follow.

"Not cool." She huffs as he places her in the chair beside himself, Lisa wordlessly climbs on her lap just to give her a long hug before climbing down and resting in her own chair.


Third Person

The Ferrari siblings are gathered around the table as their father begins to set out the plates that he had personally prepared, he does have six years to make up for, he was always the cook of the family and even when he was 'on vacation', the brothers were never home to worry about home cooked meals or even a personal chef.

"Do you remember when Niccolò completely face planted while skating on his twelfth birthday and then went full twelve year old Karen on the manager for the establishment being 'unsafe' and then he threatened him with the cake cutter."

They continue to reminisce on the memories the brothers share together, all of which leaves out one person. The person shoving her pasta around her plate with no appetite to actually eat any of it.

"Did you know in 1996 a man in Devon, England, spent a year hooting at owls and recording their responses, completely oblivious of the fact the 'owl' was actually one of his neighbors pretending to be an owl and hooting back." Romeo states, trying to get rid of the conversation that will likely end up hurting his sister.


"He sounds insane."

"Romeo, shut the hell up."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Alessia suddenly says as she stands up and walks away only to be stopped by her twin..

"Are you okay?" He asks as he pulls her back.

"Of course." She replies with a faint smile before pulling her arm back and continuing her walk to the bathroom, the boys glancing at her untouched plate.

Massimo, Luca, Niccolò, and Alessandro couldn't help but worry for the Ferrari princess.

"I will go and check on her." Max says as he begins to stand up only to be interrupted by the second eldest Ferrari brother.

"No, I'll do it." Alessandro says as he stands up, walking in the direction of his sister before anyone could argue.


'Are you sure you want to eat that'

Jasper's voice begins to plague her mind. It's been so long since she felt haunted by the ghosts of the past, why now?

As she looks in the mirror with her hands on the counter, looking at the distorted version of herself with tears rolling down her cheeks.

The version he created. The version he wanted her to see. The version she thought was long gone but as it turns out, you can't just turn your back on trauma.

A knock at the door echoed through her bathroom yet she made no attempt to open the door as she continued to stare at the fading reflection.

You would think all the bullshit Sally a chose to spout over the last couple weeks would've caused some form of impact but Alessia couldn't be bothered. To her Sally is no more than Tiara's lapdog who has set out to peruse her best friend's dying wish. It will always be jasper. Dead or alive he will be the one that haunts her..

The nightmares started back up after she met the eyes of Andrew Mackie and yet she still can't figure out why.

Maybe it's the same malicious look that he would give her before shoving her in a closet.

Either way, she may never know the real reason for her past to be running after her.

A second knock and she made no move to the door, nor did she call out to the person on the other side. Her energy was quickly depleting.

"Alessia honey, please open the door, or let me know you're okay." Alessandro pleads as he remembers the last time he found her locked away in her bathroom.

A few more times and he felt too panicked and just picked the lock, yelled a quick 'Alright, I'm coming in' and opened the door.

Alessandro breathed out a sigh of relief when he didn't see any blood but the sight in front of him wasn't any less heart breaking.

His sister was now sitting on the floor with her head between her knees silently sobbing, struggling to catch her breath.

"Oh Sorella." He whispers as he grabs her off the floor and she clings to his black button up shirt like her life depended on it.

"I got you. It's okay." He continues to whisper as he carries her to her old bed, placing her on his lap, allowing her to play with his rings... Just like last time.

"Do you want me to call Manny?" He questions, after last time he did learn she prefers being around her chosen brother when she gets like this.

"Mm No." She whispers. "He's spending time with his uncle, I don't want him to think he has to drop everything for me. I'm done burdening him."

"I doubt he could ever feel like you are a burden darling — because you are far from it — but if you don't want me to call him, I won't. Do you want me to get Luca and Niccolò in here for you, or Max? Or I could just lay here with you..."

"This is fine." She mumbles.

"Okay Ally... I don't have any issue with that, let's get you comfy, we can rest for a bit but you do need to eat before you go home."


[Words: 1977]

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