The Boy on the mountain.


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The boy on the mountain Photos containing More

the Boy On the mountain

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There were Rumors about a Boy on a Mountain Who was far superior than anything.
it is Far so rumors had spread so much.
that it Encourage a Group of outcasts, brave Outcast
to Hunt The Boy
There were 8 boy and 6 girls.
They were very brave and protected each other by any harm
They were so curious when lays thy bloody sword and The body on the mountain.
As they were older they had their own dorms on a nice college.
One night . One of the girl says name Anna
Said the rumor of the boy on the mountain.
Which led the group to find out
On of the girls in the group named bebe said.
I wanna explore the mountain to see what lays and protects on it.
The boy in the group said name Jackson said.
We should do it then.
Everyone on the group agreed but a girl was nervous and so we're 2 boys.
Yet they were brave but that brains for the sake.
They went to the gear shot they bought everything they need
And planned it all
They Didn't had plans on Sunday so they decided to go in Sunday.
Yet it was a rookie mistake but a brave thing do.
As the days pass it was the day.
They made their way to the car and had everything on.
But it was 10 hours away.
It was lucky for them it's summer break.
So they did it.
They were all brave and mighty about this choice of theirs.
Once the hours passed. They arrived to their destination.
They started to climb up of the mountain.
Once they found a comfortable and nice place to say they laid their tents and items.
Avery putted the beverages on position and Jason did the snacks Jackson and. Aidan went out to collect wood for fire.
Hours passed by they decided to do it tomorrow.
Night came. They ready the snacks and beverages and the campfire.
They told horror story's. Like regular campfires routine.
Yet 3 people were still uncomfortable.
As night came everyone went to the big tent and went to their sleeping bag.
Before going Nicole and Giselle decided they will put the campfire out.
Everyone went to the tent. Leaving Nicole and Giselle out.
They cooled down the fire and decided to head.
Before going in the tent they saw a shadow.
They both froze and immediately went to the tent to tell everyone.
Jason and Aidan said it might be just a fox and a squirrel making a shadow.
Everyone believed what Jason and Aidan said.
Leaving Nicole and Giselle frighten.
They'll all huddle to their sleeping bag and doze off.
Half of the group woke up at 2:53 am.
They saw the shadow going near the tent which made everyone woke up
They whispered to eachother to go back to sleep to pretend so when the boy goes nearer to the tent he'll realized we're sleeping.
Everyone obeyed and did it.
Like they said the boy did came nearer .
Everyone was so horrified.
But then everyone dozed off.
They woke up in the morning to find one of the boys missing.
They screamed since there was bloody red marks.
And the campfire went to another position.
They needed more wood since it's getting cold they assigned 2 people to go get wood.

They went to get wood
But while exploring they found a fond of smoke.
They saw this. They runned as fast they can screaming.
They told them what happened and it was lurking

pt 2?

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