In Too Deep (Dancing With The...

By SammiBSykes

9.5K 346 713

In the heart of Surrey, lives the estate Worthwood Estate, where Louis Tomlinson's father owns the place and... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine

twenty six

306 10 50
By SammiBSykes

Louis and Harry are up in Harry's hotel room, legs twined together under the sheets, naked bodies flushed together. Louis is kissing trails down Harry's arms and chest, mumbling sweet nothings at him in order to see the beautiful pink blush coat his cheeks. 

Harry is carding his fingers through Louis' hair, Louis flicking his tongue against Harry's left top nipple, earning a squeak of a moan to leave Harry's lips, and causing Louis to giggle softly.

"Just wait until I have you inside me," Louis teases, thumbing over Harry's right nipple whilst his tongue works on the left.

Harry opens his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door disturbs them. Louis groans as he goes to stand up, wrapping a robe around his body. 

"I swear to God if I hear anyone yell house keeping, I will ram their mop so far up their arse they'll be able to taste the bleach," Louis rambles, swinging the door open in order to scold the person that has just ruined his perfect opportunity on fucking Harry Styles into oblivion. 

But the narrow eyes turn soft when he sees the blue eyes much like his own looking up at him, red rimmed. 

"Fizz?" Louis coos softly. "What's up?"

Felicite sniffs. "I'm scared," she whispers. "I've not got my teddy, Lou, I didn't bring her."

Louis' lips pull down into a frown. He brushes her hair back with a hand. "I would offer you sleeping in with us..." he begins but Felicite is screwing up her face.

"To hear you two make love all night? Gross!" she hisses.

A large hand wraps around the side of the door, and Louis looks behind him to where Harry is standing with a soft tired smile on his face, sporting the hotel robe much like Louis is. 

"How would you feel sleeping in the same room as Ny Oh? She's alone and I'm sure she'd love to have someone to gossip with and have slumber parties with. She already asked me a few nights ago to paint her nails with her," Harry suggests. 

Felicite's eyes lighten at the thought. "Yes, please," she says shyly, looking down to her toes. "Thanks, Harry."

"Not a problem. Let me give Ny a ring." He leaves back into the room to shortly come back with a grin on his face that brings his dimples out to play. Louis prods one with his finger. "She's in room 107, just down the hall. She's got Up on the TV and is ordering you two chocolate milks to share," Harry notes with a wink. 

Fizz hugs both Louis and Harry before waving goodbye and tentatively walks down the hall and out of sight. 

Louis closes the door behind him. "Now where were we?" 

Harry giggles but his smile soon drops. "Lou... I love you, but I really fancy watching a Disney movie now."

Louis has his palms pressed into the door, leaning his weight onto them. He sighs. "You know, if you mentioned chocolate milk earlier, we could've had a Disney marathon hours ago." He rolls his eyes sarcastically and makes his way to the phone. "So, we agree chocolate milk, maybe with some Baileys?"

Harry throws himself onto the plush bed. "Don't have to tell me twice, Sunflower. Now cmere and give me cuddles," he orders, holding his arms out with an adorable pout on his face that melts Louis' heart and makes him feel reborn.


It is quite magical watching your favourite person on stage. 

The way the lights stripe down on them like a halo, the bursts of reds and blues raining down and illuminating their skin in beautiful shadows. The way their voice carries out over the speaker, caressing each and everyone's hearts that watch on with tears in their eyes and large smiles on their faces. The way the beat rattles your bones and thrums in your ear in time with your heartbeat. The way pride fills your boots and you feel like you could explode with the amount of happiness and love you have for them.

But what is even more magical, is watching your sister watching her favourite person on stage. The way her body moves in time with the music, her hair fluttering around her neck and shoulders whenever she thrusts her head back and forth with the beat. The way she continues to turn back to see you in the box, giving you a wave and you can see the glint in her eyes. 

A glint that has been distinguished before when your brother died. 

Louis can relate. He relates to it all, and when Felicite turns her head back once more to check if he's still there above in the box, Louis gives her a thumbs up and a blow of a kiss. 

Louis leans against the banister, feeling as though his life has finally fallen into place ever since the whole Benny incident. He feels safe, he feels at home, with Harry mere meters away. 

Harry looks up at him whilst he sings Sweet Creature, the song he has now added to the set for the rest of tour, and gives Louis a wink. Louis flips him off with a fond smile, resulting in Harry giggling into his shoulder before he continues singing the lyrics to his song.

Movement sounds behind Louis and he stiffens. He hears the heavy footsteps carry themselves closer and closer to Louis, and he's sure it could potentially be a crazed fan that's found Louis is in close connection with Harry and is now going to kidnap him in order to blackmail Harry. 

But the scent of that familiar spiced orange he smells whenever they make their way through the rooms back stage, doesn't exactly comfort Louis' nerves, but it does settle a few that, no, this isn't a crazed fan. But it doesn't mean it isn't worse.

"Louis," his voice causes the feeling of ants to crawl over Louis' skin. It's a powerful voice, raised up on a shit ton of money and power. 

Louis clears his throat a little, doesn't look away from the stage below. "Jeff," he replies, trying to sound big. "Nice of you to join."

"Shut it, boy, I'm not here to play nice with you," Jeff seethes and Louis' heart quickens. Jeff sits down beside Louis on the vacant chair, the legs creaking under his weight. "Have you any idea on what you've done?"

Louis' brows creases. "Um..." he thinks for a moment and then a light bulb flickers in his mind. His shoulders slump. "Oh, God, is this about me stealing the microwave in Sydney? Because in my defence, Harry said the tour bus one broke and needed a new one so I only thought I'd be the knight in shining armour for everyone and steal it from the venue."

Jeff frowns. "W-no! When?" He shakes his head as if to clear it. "No, Louis, this isn't to do with a God damn microwave. This is about Harry!"

"Oh," is all Louis squeaks out.

He has a bad, bad feeling about this.

He can still hear Harry's angelic voice singing his little heart out on stage, and he tries to hold onto that sound in order to calm his nerves. 

"You realised you've jeopardised his career, right? He's not wanting to sign over with another five years with me again. Says he wants to spend his time with you instead. Pathetic," Jeff scoffs, shaking his head. "I'll let you in on a little secret here, Louis. Without me, Harry will be nothing. Think of it as a freak show in a circus. Without the ring master, the freaks will be without a home and they'll get bullied. Harry is a freak, Louis. What makes you think anyone would want to take a homosexual man into their label when majority of the fans are female? It's dirty work!"

Louis can't feel his pulse anymore, can barely hear the sound of the music thumping around him. He certainly feels as though he won't be able to contain the bubbling anger from within much longer. "Who's to say he's going to go with someone else? He's made his own label so he can be free, which is something you never allowed him to have. Tell me how that is fair?" Louis says rhetorically.

Jeff leans forward in his seat, watching absentmindedly at the concert happening below. Harry is dancing on stage, tapping and stomping his feet to the beat of Carolina, throwing his head back and bouncing side to side on the spot where his hair flies around him.

"Life isn't fair, Louis. And what else is not fair is my biggest client leaving in a few days time to spend his life prancing around with a fuckin' fairy."

Louis balls his hands into fists in his lap, clenching on his back teeth. "What do you want from me, Jeff, besides belittling us?" he growls.

Jeff thumbs his lip, leaning back and kicking one leg over the other casually. "I want you to leave, Louis. I want you as far away from Harry as possible, or so help me God, Harry will not be able to sell another song again. And that is a promise. I have people that can sabotage him to no end. When I'm done with him, if you're still around, I'll make sure everyone knows him for the sick, twisted man I'll paint him out to be. No one will look back on the boy that sexually harassed older women."

Louis snorts humorlessly. "That's all lies, though."

Jeff hums. "But they don't know that. I've already found a few actresses that are willing to give this show a shot for the buck I promised them. And if you love Harry so much, Louis, you'll do what is right and let him go."

Jeff grabs Louis by the collar of his black button up shirt. Louis' heart leaps into his throat. 

Jeff's dark soulless eyes bore into Louis' love struck ones. "Leave. Run as far away from Harry as you possibly can, and never turn back. Or I will kill his career, and take him down with it," Jeff bites lowly, sounding like thunder in a sea storm. 

Louis pushes Jeff off of him. "You're sick in the 'ead, mate," he shouts, shaking his head. 

He stands up despite himself. He doesn't want Jeff to harm his boy. He knows how shitty some of these managers can be. What from Simon Cowell being revealed as this massive cock that worked his clients to near death and was a racist, homophobic pig, he can't imagine what lies under Jeff's thick skin. 

He sees the walls slant with his vision as he tries to contain his breathing to be normal. He just about sees Felicite look back toward the box for the last time, him already near the door and out of sight. 

He can't drag her along with him. He doesn't want to tamper her happiness too, not like he's doing with his own. 

He'd do anything to keep Harry safe, and that is why he has to do this.

He stumbles down the corridors, finds one of the backstage crew and tells them that once Harry's show is over, to get Gary to come and collect Fizz for a flight back home. He orders himself a taxi so no one in this darn place can find out that he's gone.

He needs as little trace of him ever being there as possible.

He won't hurt Harry like he has his family. 

He won't let Harry die, metaphorically, like he did his brother physically.


The house is quiet when he enters. 

There's no sign of Mabel in the kitchen, or any sign of Clifford anywhere, either.

He's fully been hit with jet lag, and he can feel the shadows creeping in again. He just wants to sleep forever, but not exactly die, he cannot wish his life away that quickly, in case karma comes and gives it to him. 

He wanders through to the main hall in order to take the stairs there that leads to the back of Felicite's room and his dad's quarters. That's where he hears the sound of tinkling laughter coming from the living room to the left of the hall. 

He shuffles slowly to the sound, to be met with the sight of Mabel and Jamie on the floor with a bottle of wine between them, Peter on the sofa with a cigar between his fingers, chuckling at whatever was funny prior.

"So this is what happens when the son is out the house," Louis announces, leaning into the door frame tiredly. 

Peter whips his head around to see Louis, eyes lighting up with a big grin on his face. He opens his arms out and Louis hastily steps into them.

"My boy! How was Australia?" he asks, pecking him on the head and handing him the cigar.

Louis wants to protest, hates the smell and taste of one, but he needs to occupy his mind somehow, and he hopes the smoke coming off the bleeding thing will help. He breathes in the disgusting taste, handing the cigar back and lets the smoke coat his lungs for a few moments before he lets it out slowly from tight lips.

"It was good, whilst it lasted," Louis says sadly.

Jamie tilts his head. "Weren't you supposed to come back with Harry? Is he here?"

At the mention of his name, Louis' heart shatters like fragile glass and the bottle cap from inside pops, causing his eyes to sting with tears and his bottom lip to quiver.

Mabel gives Louis a concerning look. "What's happened?" she asks sternly.

Louis bursts into tears then, burying his head into his dad's arm. "I had to let him go," he cries, shoulders shaking. "I was forced to let him go."

Mabel is up in a heartbeat, scooting closer to Louis on her knees and resting her hand on his knee, giving it a light squeeze. "Why the bloody hell did you let him go?"

Louis shakes his head. "I wasn't allowed to keep him."

Mabel is shaking her head in bewilderment. "Don't play games with us, Lou. Tell us what's going on."

"I can't," Louis huffs out. "I can't tell, it'll make things worse."

"Did someone threaten you?" Jamie asks, lips toying down.

Louis simply nods and sniffles.

"By who, Lou," Peter asks sternly, voice booming in Louis' ear that it makes him flinch. "Who threatened you."

"I can't say!"

"If you're afraid we will kiss and tell, we won't," Mabel reassures. "Will we, boys?" She looks at the men around her. 

Jamie is agreeing with an incline of his head. Peter is silent, though, staring down at his son as if he could just magically be able to read minds and figure out what happened.

Louis hiccups. "Shit, Dad, I left Fizzy in Aussie," he says guiltily. "I couldn't let her come back just yet, I didn't have the heart to let the best time of her life, as she put it yesterday, to end."

Peter rubs his back. "She told me about her staying in the room with Ny Oh, so I'm sure she's safe. I'll make sure to give her a ring to see if she's alright. But for now, I need to know how you're holding up, kid."

Louis shakes his head. "I want to bury meself in a hole and never return."

"Mood," Jamie mumbles, earning Mabel to shoot him a glare. 

"We are not burying you in a hole, Lou. You need to know that whoever threatened you, doesn't have the right to do so. You're a free man, Harry will be soon once he comes into the new label," Peter gives.

Louis looks up to him, eyes red rimmed and glossy with unshed tears. "He said you guys made a new label. Dunno how you kept that from me for so long."

Peter grins cockily. "We're just that great, I guess. Now, besides the point. Our new label is in order to let Harry be free for who he wants to be. I'm just the name and face, he's the boss, he makes his own decisions from now on."

Louis shakes his head. "I don't think the label will go forth, Dad. Jeff is convinced Harry will crawl back to him sooner than later."

Peter grits his teeth. "Is that who threatened you? That son of a bitch," he mutters angrily.

Louis' lips thin. "I didn't say that is who threatened me, Dad, and I ain't gonna tell you who it was either. Just... let us drop this, please? I'm getting tired, I'm jet lagged, and I need to sleep for at least twenty four hours in order to function." He gets up, the hand on his knee slipping away and he feels evermore empty. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

He leaves the room and hears Jamie mumble, "poor kid," when he reaches the landing. He goes up the stairs feeling the shadows close in on him from either side, wishing things would be easy.

He flops onto his bed, not bothering in changing. Clifford is there, ready to greet him with an enthusiastic tail and many kisses that leaves Louis' face sleeked with slobber. He doesn't sleep easily, hears everything the night has to give. From the screech owls, to the snores from Clifford, and the emptiness in his heart now that Harry is back to being miles and miles away from him. 

And this time, he's not allowed to grab hold of him and hold him close again.


Okay so it was gonna be happy from the last chapter until the end.


Will they be together in the end?

Or is this the end of Larry?

Vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update

Stay Safe xooxoxxoxoxo

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