Fight to Realize Your Desire...

By Reizev_Faze

12K 130 69

Desire Gran Prix or DGP is a reality rider show.... No it's more like a game by 2 side, Rider and monster nam... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S1 End)
Chapter 9 (2nd Season)
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter 1
Chapter 12


2.1K 26 7
By Reizev_Faze

——Rise Of The New Star——

Narator POV

DGP or Desire Gran Prix is a reality rider show that have a lot of viewer, why you ask? That's because the winner can recreate the world however they desire. The reward is very appealing indeed but the risk is also high. If you eliminated you basically died and if you Disqualified your desire that you fought all the way will be Vanished. DGP already have countless season but at some point a Star is join the battle "Ace Ukiyo" or known as Kamen Rider Geats always win. Because of he always win the game master is displeased by that and making a plan to make Ace retire from the DGP forever but his plan is backfire at him making the producer erased him from existence because violating the rule of DGP. Some time after a war happen or known as War For Desire (WFD) making the world in crumble state but was safed by Ace new Desire "to fuse 2 world together, one that have supranatural and the current world". At first the DGP staff is disagree with the term of changing desire but after producer and all sponsor agree his desire is changed and because of that Desire the world is safed.

A few years later the DGP is shocked by Ace saying that he will retire as DGP player. Because of this eveyone is sad but when he chuckled and say "from now i will become DGP sponsor instead" everyone is angry and try hitting him. After they calm down everyone ask Ace his reason and his answer is simple "i want to entrust this DGP to next generation and maybe my kid will become my Successor" and with that the curtain for the "Ace" is fall.

20 year later

Like ace state the "New Star" is born in DGP with the same ID Core. And what make everyone surprise is because he have the same sure name as Ace. After resting the world back and forth the "New Star" earn his own nickname "Undying Winner" from the staff and the sponsor including his father. The last season of DGP is in blast, more than DGP that ever happen. The supranatural is get caught in the DGP even become one of it's player. Geats however get fired up and still winning the DGP. Now he is in his house with his family telling him that they will move to kuoh and ask him to at least try to attending school and not always in private study.

As we all know kuoh is Managed by 2 devil heiress and also this season of DGP will start there all watcher i hope this new stage of battle will satisfy your boredom, please sit back and enjoy the show.

???'s POV

Director: perfect, marvelous like always Katsu-chan

Katsu: you praising me to much director


Name: Katsu Ukiyo
Age: 17 (second year highschool)
Dad: Ace Ukiyo (alive)
Mom: Azuki Ukiyo (alive)
Sister: Kaede Ukiyo (alive)
DGP: Kamen Rider Geats (active)
Occupation: Highschool Idol


Director: no no i just being honest here. Hey are you really going to kuoh?

Katsu: unfortunately, yes *frown*

I will miss everyone here to be honest, they treat me like a friend instead of idol that's a very rare thing if you ask me.

Director: Don't worry about that Katsu-chan we also recently open a branch in kuoh

Wait a minute did he just read-

Director: by your look i guess you think if i can read your mind

Katsu: yeah it's timing is so perfect that i only speculate that you can read my mind

Director: *laugh* the truth is we already plan this from 3 years ago around when you came.

Katsu: i guess it's not good bye and rather see you later Director.

Director: yes Katsu-chan and see you in kuoh.

I think this will not as bad as it seems at least i get to know where to go when i bored. I than get get out from studio to go back home but...

??? 1: kyaaa Katsu-sama over here

??? 2: Katsu-sama look here

??? 3: Katsu-sama don't leave

Now how i can get home without this crowd you ask? Well i can just tell them to get away but i have another way

Katsu: please ladies i want to get sweet for my sister and go home. I need to prepare myself to kuoh but i will see you ladies there *wink*

Girls: *squeal*

I than use boost buckle to summon boost striker

I guess the perks of being kamen rider is you don't need to worry about parking ticket. I than ride back home and of course not forget to buy some sweet stuff for my sister.

Time skip
3rd POV

Kastu: I'm home

Kaede: oh Katsu welcome back did you bring the sweet? *Sparkling eye*

Katsu's thought: good things i buy some or she will beat my ass for sure

Katsu: here Sis

Katsu give his sister a pack full of sweet but she's pouting because what he call her.

Kaede: *pout* why you can't call me Onee-chan Katsu-kun

Ace: *giggle* you know why didn't you Kaede he is tsundere.

Katsu: please don't start this Dad

Azuki: *giggle* but it's true didn't it Kat-chan

Katsu: can you please don't join Mom

The night for Ukiyo family is very lively fill with laughter and joke. When the night came Ace, Azuki, and Kaede already asleep leaving Katsu awake alone watching the stars.

Katsu: kuoh huh i hope there's a strong supranatural in there, because the curtain of DGP is already raised.


Director: how it's so far

??? 1: the DGP?

Director: yes

??? 2: all priority player already chosen and we can start anytime.

Director: good

He than get up from his chair and face the 2

Director: let's begin the new season of DGP

??? 1 & 2: as you wish director Faze

Faze's thought: let's see how far you can get Katsu Ukiyo the successor of Ace Ukiyo.

Faze than pick a piece of paper from his pocket.

Faze: by this i announce that the new season of DGP is now BEGIN

A/N: alright i will just give you a brief info for the character instead of doing Bio. Katsu is having red eyes while Ace eyes is brown, Azuki eyes is Heterochromia with one is Red and one is Blue, Ace now is a director of an international company, Kaede is 3 years older and a pro gamer.

Narator: do you forgetting author?

A/N: oh sorry, let me introduce you the narator for this story

Narator: heya

A/N: alright see you later

Narator: have a good day everyone.

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