A Year of Jubilee [The Death...

Da LJL0ng

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[L/OC] When petty thief Jubilee Jenkins has a near death experience, she awakens with the ability to see in t... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 52

124 8 0
Da LJL0ng

"Took you a while to connect the dots, huh," said Mello casually. "Funny that you didn't figure it out when I first sent you surveillance of Misa's apartment. How do you think cameras got put in there in the first place?"

Jubilee ignored the jab at her deduction skills. She leapt to her feet, still staring down at the letter on her screen. "You can't be in Japan!" she cried.

"False," returned Mello simply.

She pointed a finger at the screen accusingly. "What are you, fifteen? You can't travel overseas alone. And I know you're not the type to get a guardian to accompany you."

"I'm fourteen," Mello answered calmly. "But unlike certain tiny twerps who shall go unnamed, I can pass for at least sixteen. And honestly, how hard do you think it would be for me to get my hands on a forged passport?"

Only fourteen? Jubilee felt her sense of reason slipping as concern overwhelmed her. "That's illegal," she said helplessly.

"Yeah, we've been through that already, J."

"It's not safe," she cried. "Why would you bring yourself right into Kira's territory? I thought you and Near were supposed to be helping remotely—"

"That twerp can stay behind a shut door if he wants," Mello cut her off, his tone sharp. "But I'm not him, and I work differently."

Anger welled up in Jubilee. "You think this is all just some kind of game you're playing against him? There are lives on the line here, kid. Your life is on the line."

"I am not just some kid." Mello's voice had become cold. "If you knew me, and you knew Near, then you'd know that he's the one who treats everything like a game. I'm the one who's willing to take the case seriously enough to actively put my life on the line—like Ryuzaki did."

Jubilee stopped short at that, the irony of the situation hitting her like a ton of bricks. Only two days ago she had thrown all caution to the wind herself when she wrote in the Death Note. Still, she knew that Mello's motives were different from what hers had been. "Not a game, then," she acquiesced softly. "But a contest. You're trying to prove that you're better than Near."

There was a moment of silence as she sensed Mello's irritation slowly turning into anger.

"What if something happens to you?" she continued quickly. "How will you prove anything if Kira kills you?"

"He won't kill me," Mello bit out. "Or at the very least, if he does, then I'll be taking him down with me."

"You can't just treat your life like some chess piece!"

"Like you care."

"I do care!" she exploded. "Kira already tried to kill L—no, he did kill him. He'll try to do the same to you, if he finds out about you."

"Then I won't let him find out. Simple."

Jubilee clenched her hands helplessly. This was the same arrogance that L had had in the beginning, only worse. Mello not only didn't take into account the likelihood of dying, but he didn't even care if he died. Guiltily she realized that how she felt now was how L must have felt, after she had written in the Death Note. She sank back down onto her knees in frustration.

The boy on the other end of the line let out an irritated huff, like he could hear her thoughts. "You're not my mother, J," he sighed, though his tone wasn't cruel. "So why keep worrying like you are?"

Jubilee unclenched her fists. "Someone's got to," she said quietly.

"You don't even know me."

"Does that make your life of any less value?" she shot back.

Mello paused. "Maybe not," he said. "But right now, the only thing that gives it value is how I perform on this case."

In her mind's eye, Jubilee could see a straight line hovering over the strawberry blond boy's head. The sight of it made her slam her fist down on the coffee table. "False," she snapped, shooting his own word from earlier back at him. "How can you believe something like that?"

"Because it's true, isn't it?" he retorted. "I mean, that's essentially what Near and I are for. Matt too. It's all to succeed L. To solve cases. If we can't do that well, then what are we good for? You could probably already tell from Near and his weirdness, but it's not like any of us are exactly normal and could just find some other niche in the world to fit into. And honestly, I don't know what else I would want to be doing anyway."

His tone was matter-of-fact, but Jubilee felt her heart ache at his words. "Your worth isn't measured by how good you are at things," she argued.

He snorted. "What world do you live in?"

She stared helplessly at the M on the screen. She suddenly remembered her father, how he had taken over driving her to soccer practice everyday after her mother died, even though it was a strain on his work schedule and on their gas money—but he had done it simply because Jubilee loved soccer at the time. There was never a question of how good she was at it...except, perhaps, from her coach. She always knew she wasn't good enough to pursue it past high school. But regardless, her father had always been there to cheer her on at every game, whether she was scoring a goal or falling flat on her face. Because of him, she knew—even if she forgot from time to time—that true worth wasn't measured by performance.

But she also knew that not everyone in the world had the luxury of experiencing love from a loving father. Working at Wakahisa had made that abundantly clear to her. And now, knowing that L's successors had grown up in an orphanage like him, she knew that trying to explain such a concept to any of them, in words alone, would be like trying to describe colors to a blind man.

So all she said was, "Okay. Let's just agree to disagree." Giving a resigned sigh, she decided to change the subject. "So...what's the plan, Mello?"

The boy paused. "You're letting me make the plan?" he asked incredulously.

"You're going to do whatever you want anyway, aren't you?" she pointed out. "And it's going to be better than anything I can come up with. I may not agree with how you view your own worth, but...I do trust that you know what you're talking about when it comes to cases. So. What's the plan?"

Mello hesitated once more, as though unused to getting to this point without a fight. At last he said, "Well, like I said, I'll wiretap Takada's apartment and her personal line, while you have Aiber keep an eye on her in person when she's out and about. Other than that...I don't really have a plan. I'm just going with the flow."

Jubilee put her face in her hands and bit her lip to keep from saying anything. Going with the flow to catch the world's deadliest killer. What an idea.

"Something's gotta be done to get to Light, though, and draw him out of his safe zone," continued Mello. "That way he'll slip up and reveal more of his hand, and then I can make a clear plan. Not sure what to do yet to make that happen, but something'll come to me. Maybe I'll kidnap his sister."

Jubilee's head snapped up. "What now?"

"In all likelihood, though, he's the type who would kill his sister if he had to," Mello went on like he hadn't heard her. "So, sentiment's not gonna work for us here. Next logical person to kidnap would have been Misa—"

"What!" Jubilee jumped back to her feet. "We are not kidnapping anybody! What is wrong with you?"

"But, like we've already established, Misa's probably of little use to him now," Mello continued contemplatively. "So he wouldn't care. It's not like he actually likes her. Or anyone, probably." There was the sound of him snapping his fingers as though in revelation. "So if we were going to kidnap anybody, it would have to be Takada."

"What?!" she said again, aghast. "No! Stop." She shook her head to clear it and asked, bewildered, "What is with you and kidnapping people?"

"It works. There's a reason people do it."

"That doesn't mean you should!"

His tone became smug. "Still think my character is of value beyond my ability to solve cases, J?"

The smirk in his voice was evident, and Jubilee had the distinct feeling that he was messing with her more than he was being serious. She grit her teeth.

"Yes, I do," she bit out. Though the line over her own head didn't break, even she didn't think that she sounded very convincing at that moment.

"Right," drawled Mello. "I'll have to agree to disagree with you there."

Jubilee had never had a younger brother, but she imagined that this was what it would've felt like to want to throttle one if she had.

"Being a brat and having slightly psychotic tendencies doesn't negate the value of your life," she snapped before she could stop herself. "Just obscures it from the average observer."

Instantly she winced, regretting the snippiness of her words. But before she could apologize, Mello let out a bark of laughter, much to her surprise.

"You know," he said, "I'd pegged you for the stuffy, mother-hen type at first. But you just threw that image right out the window."

She furrowed her brow, unsure whether that was an insult or a compliment. Probably both. "You shouldn't make assumptions," she muttered.

"First time I've been wrong."

She snorted. "Yeah, right."

Mello sounded like he was about to make another snappy remark, but then drew in a sharp breath. "Hey," he said. "I'm getting a read here that Light's making a phone call in to headquarters."

Jubilee tensed, feeling the mood suddenly revert back to something more somber. At the same time, a ding issued from the laptop and a message popped up. It was from Aiber. Light has exited the hotel, it said. Alone. Making a call.

"I'm going to listen in," Mello continued.

"Yeah," said Jubilee, letting out a shaky breath. "You do that."

There was a second of hesitation before Mello said, "I'll hook you in so you can listen, too."

The line switched over before Jubilee could register her own surprise, and Light's voice filled her headset.

"I managed to convince Takada I was a Kira supporter and gained her trust, for the most part," the young man was saying. "So I'll be able to continue investigating her—under the guise of being her boyfriend."

Jubilee nearly choked.

"What!" came Matsuda's excited voice. "Wow, Light, you've sure got game! You seduced her after only one meeting."

Aizawa's gruff voice interjected, "So she doesn't suspect you at all?"

"She is a little cautious," Light admitted. "One of her conditions was that our dates only be in locations that she proposes immediately beforehand...so, we won't be able to install any cams ahead of time. But, I can still have a mic planted on me without her knowing, so that the Task Force can listen in on our conversations."

"That's more than 'a little cautious,' on her part," said L's voice. "But not entirely surprising, given that she is in contact with the current Kira. Tell me, Light...what is her relationship with Kira?"

Light paused. "Well," he began slowly, "She told me that he has appointed her as his spokesperson."

"His spokesperson?" repeated Soichiro.

"Yeah," affirmed Light. "And I can see why. Kira has lots of supporters that he can utilize for his cause, but he can't show his face. He needs someone to speak on his behalf. Kiyomi Takada has physical appeal and is well-spoken, and she's a broadcast journalism major. She'd naturally make a good TV personality, and as an avid Kira supporter, she's the perfect choice for him to pick."

"Hmm," intoned L. "Very keen insight, Light."

Matsuda spoke up again. "So that's why she's so cautious! Because she's going to be Kira's spokesperson now."

"Yeah," agreed Light again. "She's going to get bodyguards and everything...because once her face starts hitting TV screens and she becomes known as Kira's spokesperson, that will be a necessary measure for her to take for her own safety. She'll be able to afford it, too, with all the media attention that she'll start getting."

"Might I suggest, then," said L, "That you recommend Aiber as part of her staff? That way we can have another set of eyes on her."

"Of course," Light replied smoothly. "I expected you to suggest as much. I think that's a good idea. Anyway, I'm getting on the train now...I'll be back at headquarters shortly."

The call clicked to an end. Mello came back on the line.

"Hear anything interesting, Miss Super Sight?" he asked.

She scowled, but it was more at herself than at him. "Not any more than you did," she answered. "I do pick up on things sometimes just by listening, but it's like you said...I mostly pick up on stuff through sight. Just now all I heard was exactly what you heard." The admission made her feel a little useless, and she added, somewhat embarrassedly, "Sorry."

Mello didn't sound disappointed. "I figured as much," he responded dismissively. "Anyway, I think we can assume that Light must've revealed himself as Kira and then appointed Takada as his personal spokesperson, during their little private chat just now. Also, Ryuzaki had your back on getting Aiber an 'in' with Takada for you...now Aiber can secretly report all the details of what he finds to you, while giving benign reports to the Task Force. However, it sounds like Light was anticipating as much...so we can't bet on Aiber discovering much more than what Light's willing to reveal."

Jubilee's brain was whirling to keep up with the boy's rapid fire deductions, but in the midst of it all a single thought occurred to her. He didn't think that I'd be useful just now...but he still had me listen to that call with him.

A smile graced her lips. The kid talked tough, but when it came to others, he didn't actually see worth as being measured by performance, did he? Maybe he wasn't such a tough nut to crack after all. Now, if only he could extend the same viewpoint to himself...

Hellenos tapped her on the head pointedly. Remind you of someone much? he quipped.

Who? she thought innocently.

Hellenos gave her a hard look, then huffed, Humans.

Grinning, Jubilee turned her attention back to Mello, who was still listing off new revelations and potential options to take.

"You know, kid," she interrupted him suddenly. "You really are something."

Mello stopped short. "What?" he said warily.

"Being around the likes of L is already mind-blowing enough," she went on. "But then to find out he has successors? And more than one." She laughed. "I don't have a prayer of keeping up with you guys."

"Uh..." The boy sounded thrown off by her sudden change in topic. "You don't have to keep up with us, J, we're all working together."

"Bingo." She smiled. "You said it."

There was a pause, before Mello ground out, "What are you getting at?" He sounded like he was scowling.

"I'm the eyes on this case," she said. "But eyes are useless without a brain. I was freaking out until you guys came along, because with all that I can see, I still don't know what to do half the time. But L told me that I would have all the help that I need...and that's you guys. The fact that he didn't choose one of you to help me, but both you and Near—and Matt too, now—means that none of this is a competition. This isn't another test to measure who's more worthy of becoming the next L. This is all of us—the eyes, the brain—" She thought of Aiber and Wedy, along with Matsuda and the rest of the Task Force, and added, "And the hands and the feet...all working together to catch Kira—and save the world." She smiled softly then as she thought of L, and his words to her that she was about to echo next. "This case needs you, Mello. I need you. Only you are able to do what you can do." Leaning forward, she considered the silent M on her screen. "And, you know...by default I think that means that the world needs you, too."

"The world needs L," said Mello shortly, speaking the detective's name for the first time, but as a title rather than a name.

"Yeah, well, L needs all of us," she replied. "Otherwise, he'd be working alone."

She was met with a brooding silence. Tentatively, she added, "I get it. I used to prefer being alone. L too. Sometimes it just feels easier that way. But...maybe it's time to try something new."

There was a long moment of silence. Finally, Mello said simply, "Yeah, maybe." He didn't sound entirely happy about it, and Jubilee caught a glimpse in her mind's eye of the line over his head wavering, but not breaking.

She grinned. To Hellenos, she thought, You're totally wrong. I was way worse than he is.

The angel only chuckled.

"I'm gonna get going, J," said Mello. "Catch you this evening...with the others."

"Bye Mello," she said, but he had already disconnected. She sat back on her heels, letting out a long exhale, before glancing up at Hellenos. "Thanks," she said.

For what? asked the angel.

"I don't know what miracle it is you pull for me whenever I have to deal with kids," she said, "But there's no way I'd be able to handle them otherwise."

The angel held up his hands. I didn't do anything this time.

Jubilee stared at him. "You're kidding me."

Hellenos began to laugh. What did I tell you? he said, and gave her a warm smile. You humans never cease to surprise us.

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