Shudders: Retribution

Von Lilas___

101K 8.9K 15.4K

[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... Mehr

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 16 - The Shot

1.5K 140 194
Von Lilas___

Violence Warning ⚠️

"There's the lake!" (Y/N) called after turning a corner.

    The body of water was only a couple of blocks away. But they were on track and Yama said he'll know the area better once they get to it.

    It was the next day but super early into the morning. Yama had decided to make camp in a random building a few hours after their surprise demon encounters. If there was more around, then he wanted to make sure they wouldn't run into anymore. She was left to her lonesome for little under an hour before he came back and deduced that they should be fine. Only small critter demons were around.

      Being alone for that time did have her on edge. Every little creak and rustle of the wind would make her jumpy. Yama ensured her that she'll be fine in the small post office that was their temporary hideout and she did her best to believe him.

      Relief had washed over her once he had returned without any trouble. It made her realize how dependent she was on him during that short time...

      Back to the present, her eyes fell onto his back while they walked. Watching the fabric move along with his movements.

      If they were to ever get separated, what would she do..?

      She knows how to hunt and thanks to Yama, she's learned a bit about scavenging for useful stuff too. But when it comes to trying to survive in a demon's world, there's not a lot that she knows.

       All she knows how to do is run and hide. She was never taught how to fight or defend herself from demons when she was a human, and her anger-induced adrenaline was just her new demon instincts coming out. Without that she was defenseless. An easy target.

      When Yama fights, he does it with a clear head. He doesn't get those urges to kill and slaughter attackers like her. But he has been a demon for three centuries now. If anybody knew how to navigate this world it was him.

'Three centuries...' She narrowed her eyes. 'He's 337.'

      Now thinking about his age, she started doing the math. She wasn't the most educated but some human communities have been keeping track of the years that she knows the apocalypse happened three centuries ago too. And he's over three centuries old.

      Maybe she could be wrong. She doesn't even know what year the apocalypse even was. But he must have been one of the first demons. A sudden urge of curiosity and need to ask him came about. She went to get closer to him but noticed that he had stopped and started to look around. Immediately she hushed up and looked around too.

      After a minute of both observing their surroundings, Yama finally broke the silence. "Keep your eyes open."

"Elitists?" Was her first thought.

"Could be. Or just more stragglers." He kept his voice low but started walking again. Maybe she'll ask him later.

      The hunting rifle was still sitting in her duffel. Fully loaded and waiting to be used. But it was for emergencies only which her partner was very specific on. Even for moments like these.

'Guess Yama doesn't count getting suddenly attacked as an emergency.' It gave her some comfort knowing the gun was there though.

      They continued their silent walking as they traveled down the several blocks leading to the lake ahead. The male demon kept his sights on the left side of the street while the girl watched the other. Her worries were only growing stronger the more the seconds passed. She went to focus ahead but started to see Yama reach for his kitchen knife strapped to his pants. He was moving in a way to be inconspicuous but he wouldn't be reaching for it if he didn't have to.

      When she went to look behind them, Yama immediately whispered to her. "Don't look. Wait till they get closer."

'They?!' She was too scared to speak now. Someone was following them. Was it the Elitists? Xed?

      Just as he said, she took a deep breath and tried to act normal. But when careful footsteps started approaching them, her hands gripped the duffel bag strap tight.

      She could sense whoever it was getting closer. Her eyes peeked at Yama's who only gazed at the road but she can tell that he was sensing them too.

      Yama slipped the knife in front of him and hovered it until just the right moment. As soon as he heard the rush of feet and a snarl behind him, the knife flew into the air and twirled around like it was attached to a string.

      And successfully it hit its target.

      (Y/N) whipped around when she heard the sound of gargles and a body drop to the floor. The knife had plunged deep into a demon's neck who choked and tried to get it out but Yama only held it in. It must've cut a flimsy strap attached to a skull mask that had fallen onto the ground, revealing the demon's face.

      Skull mask... Elitist!

     Just as she looked up to see if there were more, only two jumped out from the alleys between the small buildings while a third much larger and bulkier demon turned the closest corner with a large makeshift blade about the same size as its height come stomping out. With each heavy step it produced, it gruffed and growled at her and Yama.

     One of the smaller Elitists saw their fallen companion and immediately charged while the other did the same.

     Yama gritted his teeth. The first two Elitists he and surely (Y/N) could take on but the big one will be an issue. Huge demons like that one weren't his strong suit, they're tougher to take down which means running is always the best option.

"Whatever you do, avoid that one!" Yama told (Y/N), pointing towards the massive demon stalking their way up to them.

      The knife yanked itself out of the dead Elitist's neck and went flying toward one of the two smaller demons charging them. One went for Yama while the other jumped for (Y/N). Before she could jump away, Yama did it for her and pushed her far from the Elitist's reach while doing the same for himself. This didn't stop them, however. The Elitist let out a cackle and suddenly disappeared into copper smoke before reappearing behind (Y/N) and pulling her down into a surprise chokehold. She gasped before her vision turned black just to be brought back a second later as she landed on the roof of one of the shops nearby with an 'oof'. 

      She rushed to her feet and created some distance between herself and the Elitist who pulled out a heavy-duty rope to tie her up with.

"Hehehe..." They cackled. "I'm not surprised you avoided Xed's team. But you won't avoid us!"

      Her eyes took a quick glance at the streets below. That massive demon was getting closer and closer to Yama who was having trouble fighting off the Elitist attacking him. They were fast as they dodged his every blow and ran circles around him. They were stalling him for the bigger guy. She had to get down there!

      Her Elitist however disappeared into that copper smoke again but (Y/N) dove out of the way just in time and avoided the rope swinging close to her neck when they reappeared closer to her.

      The sense of danger was bringing that urge back. She could feel it coming but she has to focus. Yama needs her.

      (Y/N) let out a growl and willed those blood vines to return on her arms. They twirled from her shoulders to her fingertips as she charged for the enemy.

'Control it.' She told herself as the vines shot for the demon. They disappeared again then reappeared behind her but the vines on her other arm shot back and grabbed onto the demon by the forearm. In a quick move, (Y/N) yanked back and harshly sent the Elitist crashing to the ground. A grunt escaped the skull mask as it cracked from the impact. They made a portal that cut through her blood in an attempt to separate but they couldn't avoid the blood burning and working its way through their skin.

     The two demons growled at each other before the Elitist disappeared again just before more of (Y/N)'s vines can attack them.

      The fight turned into a sudden game to throw her off. They kept appearing and then disappearing at rapid speed. Every two teleports, the Elitist would punch and kick the girl before disappearing again to avoid her attacks. It left (Y/N) severely confused as she didn't know where they were going to show up next. With each hit, her anger only grew more and her attacks became sloppy. Trying to strike the Elitist was only giving them the advantage.

      She screamed out a growl and slammed her vines into an air conditioner trying to hit the Elitist after they landed a punch against her shoulder blade that left her staggering.

     She couldn't focus. She bit back her snarl and tried to get control of herself. Doing so helped her find a pattern.

      The Elitist was moving in a counterclockwise circle and only appeared four times in it. If she can time it right...

      Her bloodshot eyes focused on where they appeared next which was in front of her with a solid jab of their claws against her chest.

      The second they disappeared again, (Y/N) launched her vines to her left just as the copper smoke appeared.

      The Elitist let out a surprised gasp when the vines struck their abdomen and exited out of their back. Not even thinking about her success, (Y/N)'s rage took over as she dragged them to the ground and made a quick kill of them by using her vines to slice their head off.

      Yama hated the fast ones. The Elitist wouldn't sit still!

      His knife had long since gotten lodged inside the engine of a car trying to strike the demon who used their speed against him. Every few seconds he would take a quick glance at the large demon who was trudging their way closer to him by the second. He knows what the fast one is trying to do so he's been trying to get as far as possible from the big guy while attempting to catch the fast Elitist.

     But most importantly, the spectral one took (Y/N). Just like back at the farm, they were getting him away from her to avoid him interfering with her capture.

     The door to a truck ripped off its hinges and was launched toward the fast demon who dodged and started mocking him. They were making this a game. He wasn't going to get anywhere like this, he needed to run and find (Y/N).

      Getting another glance at the larger demon who slammed their fist into a vehicle to push it out of the way, Yama began to flee. He'll do his best to keep them off his back, just focusing on finding (Y/N).

      But the fast Elitist was quicker. Seeing him trying to flee caused them to stop playing the cat and mouse game and actually dart over to tackle the blond to the ground. Yama couldn't have anticipated it if he tried. The Elitist pinned him face first on the ground and started digging around in their pockets. Yama let out a growl and threw his elbow back and jabbed them in the face but it wasn't enough to throw them off.

      Yama caught sight of a street sign and wrenched his hand back to rip it out of the ground and send it flying to the Elitist on his back.

     But he wasn't fast enough. The sound of a bottle opening caught his ears before he felt something pour onto his sides.

     And then came the pain.

     An intense throb racked all over where the liquid touched him but soon it was starting to spread throughout his torso. He glanced to see familiar dark green blood sizzling through his shirt which showed his entire side turning sickly shades of greens, yellows, and purples. Another throb of intense pain came that made him bite down on his teeth and growl intensely. He couldn't help the screams of pain that followed as he could feel it work its way deeper into his side.

     The Elitist holding him down snickered and grabbed onto his arms to hand him over to the big guy who was itching to kill something. Yama couldn't fight back from the pain that incapacitated him. The Elitist went to drag him just as the larger demon was only a few steps away before-


     A loud shot rang out and after, the body of the Elitist fell to the ground over Yama with a sudden hole in their head. The impact made him sneer in pain but he managed to look back and see just on a roof, was (Y/N) with the rifle.

     Her eyes were still bloodshot and her breathing was heavy. But she was forcing herself to focus as she reloaded and turned the gun onto the larger demon who focused on her. It let out a furious growl when she shot again and the bullet struck their shoulder, sending them wavering back.

      As long as they left Yama alone, she kept their attention on her. With another reload, she focused on her aim and followed the demon who began charging her.

'You have to anticipate where the bullet will hit if it's a moving target.'

      She heard her father's voice. His hunting advice he gave her when she was only a child.

'You keep a clear focus and wait for the perfect moment until-'

      The large demon was tall enough to be able to hit where she was on the roof with their massive blade. But (Y/N) didn't waver, allowing the gun to train onto the skull mask.

'You strike.'


      The large Elitist head shot back as black blood spewed out from the skull's left eye socket. The bullet traveled out from their bulky head, straight through the brain.

      (Y/N) watched the massive demon fall to the ground in a slam, their body causing vibrations to be felt all around.

      She waited a couple of seconds to see if they'll move but when they didn't, she quickly grabbed the hunting rifle and bolted. Her vines grabbed onto the edge of the building and allowed her to drop down onto the street safely before she ran for her partner.

"YAMA!" He didn't get up after she killed his attacker. Something happened.

      When she reached him, he was trying to get the dead body off his back but the waves of pain that grew intenser by the second made him weaker. (Y/N) dropped to his side and let the gun fall to the ground. She grabbed onto the dead Elitist and dragged them off of him which didn't help his agony. He screamed again so she quickly went to inspect his side and saw that same sickly discoloration that was on her arm. Immediate confusion came until she saw the empty bottle on the ground with traces of that dark green blood.

      Xed's blood.

"Uh- I- I can help you!" She stammered. They had to get out of the street. She was trying to remember everything he did for her when it was her arm that was infected. First thing he did was find somewhere safe. She carefully grabbed his arm to help him to his feet. "Let me-"

     Moving his side made the man hiss loudly. His teeth gritted together as he tried to hold back another scream.

"Sorry!" She helped him lean against her, pulling his arm over her shoulder and bringing him to his feet with some of his help. His other arm moved to clutch his side but then remembered if he touches the blood more it'll spread to his hand.

      (Y/N) grabbed her gun and threw it into the duffel bag on her back and started trying to lead him to a shop but he stops her. "Take that alley..."

"What?" She needed to help him now.

"Just take that alley!" He growled, another wave hitting him.

     Hesitantly, she listened and started leading them toward the alley he pointed at. She stayed weary of his side and tried not to rush him but the thought of the infection spreading to his organs or anything vital was scaring her.

"That gate..." He muttered before she followed his directions again.

     This kept on. He gave her directions to take while he was trying to fight to stay awake. The pain was so much that his body couldn't take it. He was feeling faint and weak, the throbs were making him go numb and (Y/N) became aware of this when he almost fell forward.

      She quickly caught him and saw his eyes threatening to close. "No no no! Stay with me!"

      He shook his head to wake himself up but it was futile. His eyes fell onto something before his hand shakily moved up to point before he collapsed, pulling her down with him.

      She yelped as the man slipped from her hold and landed on the ground. She went to his side and grabbed his face, giving him careful slaps on his cheek to get him to focus. "Stay awake! Stay awake, please!"

      Tears were pricking at her eyes. "Don't go! Don't leave me!"

      But to Yama, he could only hear ringing and his vision began to blur. He was beginning to see two of her while her voice was muffled beyond understanding.

"Yama!" She shook him, screaming his name. But the male demon fell into unconsciousness, his eyes rolling back into his skull while the infection seemingly took him.

"Yama! YAMA!" Her tears were free falling down her face. He's not waking up. What was she supposed to do?!

      She looked around before remembering he pointed at something before he fell.

      She sniffed back her tears and followed her eyes to where he had pointed.


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