Od jeanscoolwife

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✿ꕥ°✎ Baseball player Jean x Journalist Reader (modern au) ✿ꕥ°✎ Currently chapter: 18/24 "𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎... Viac

𝟏. tabula rasa
𝟐. sight for sore eyes
𝟑. caramel sundae's
𝟒. when the party's over
𝟓. somebody else
A/N - important
𝟔. guiding lights
𝟕. sunsetz
𝟗. dirty converse
𝟏𝟎. his sweater
𝟏𝟏. regrets
𝟏𝟐. one for sorrow. two for joy
𝟏𝟑. stars around your scars
𝟏𝟒. confession
𝟏𝟓. consequences
𝟏𝟔. staring at the sky
𝟏𝟕. everything i wanted
𝟏𝟖. the retched story

𝟖. the night is young

401 10 14
Od jeanscoolwife

I made sure this chapter was extra long to make up for the last one! please enjoy 🥰

warning: drug use and psychotic women <3

I made a playlist for this so if you wanna have a listen. Here's the scanner code thing:

4k words.


The Night Is Young
"Sometimes, we aren't meant to meet people again."
-present day-

You took the joint from Eren and sat down next to Connie, you rested it between your lips and took a long drag. "Damn, Y/N. Rough morning?" Connie laughed obnoxiously. Eren laughed a little, "Con man. Don't prude on her business."

You chuckled at the two, blowing out the smoke from your mouth, "It's okay. It was a good morning but there was something- or well should I say someone ruined my morning."

"Ooo, spill the beans," Connie nudges you. You take another drag of the joint and you hand it over to him. "Connie, seriously."

"Eren, it's okay. I kind of need to get it off my chest." You let out a deep breath, "Alright, fire away." Eren smiles at you.

You told them everything. From you knowing Jean since you were kids, your hidden romance, the recent events of seeing him again. Everything.

"Wait. You're Y/N?! Like the Y/N." Connie asked with a confused face on his, Eren lit up another joint and passed it over to you. "I can't believe we didn't piece that together like I mean- wow," Eren said shocked, he leaned back into the sofa and his eyes never leaving you. You took the newly rolled joint and you take a puff, letting the smoke blow out after you inhaled. "He mentioned me to you?" You asked, your brow raised and handing over the joint to Connie.

"Yeah, for the first two years of college. He talked about you a lot, he literally would never give us a moment of piece. Everything reminded him of you." Connie said with slight annoyance in his tone but a laugh came out anyway, "As much as Connie wasn't supposed to say that but we are all high so there's our excuse if it ever comes to it." Eren chuckled, taking the joint and putting it between his lips. You and Connie both laugh, "Yeah, well. I'm just surprised that he talked about me."
"Of course, he was madly in love with you," Connie hysterically laughed, Eren slapping him across the head. "Ow!"
"Now Connie was not supposed to say that," Eren shook his head in disappointment. Your heart dropped after Connie said that. Sure, you were in love with him but you never thought you'd hear he also loved you. "It's okay, I won't say anything," you nervously laughed, your whole body feeling like a feather, the weed had kicked in hard. "I loved him too... So, there's that."
Connie looked over at you, "Do you still love him? I mean he probably still loves-" Eren slapped him once again across the head. "Come on, man! Where do you get off?!"
"You need to learn when to shut up."

You chose to not say anything, instead, you changed the subject. You conversed for a while, it ended up being a conversation about embarrassing things Connie has done in the past years.

It wasn't long until Hitch and Sasha walked through the door with another woman, she was tall and fair. She was a beautiful Asian woman, her hair was cut short, and her eyes grey. Her lips were coated in a deep cherry red, smokey black eyeshadow, rosy cheeks. She was one of the most gorgeous people you have ever seen. She wore a red tank top with a leather jacket, black skinny jeans and a pair of wedged doc martens.

"Hey, guys!" Sasha gleamed skipping over to you with a big smile on her face, she pulled you into a tight hug. "How are you feeling?"
You groaned as she hugged way too tightly, "I'm okay but Sash, you're squeezing the life out of me."
"Oh! sorry." she laughed, Hitch and the raven-haired girl walked over. Hitch giggled, "Y/N, may I introduce you to our friend Mikasa."
You stood up and smiled at her, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
She smiled back at you, she pulls you into a hug, "It's great to meet you, I've heard so much about you." You accept the hug and chuckle, "Good things I hope."
"Of course," she lets go of you and smiles softly.

All of you sat down and ate some food that the girls brought for everyone, you all talked about funny stories, parties coming up, Hitch's unfortunate love life. You hadn't had this much fun in a very long time. You wished it could last forever.

They stayed until the evening before you called it a night, you said your goodbyes and now it was just you, Sasha and Hitch.

You and Hitch were in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes while Sasha was showering since she spilt her milkshake all down her.

"Sooo, how was the date with Reiner?" Hitch giggled, her eyebrow raised suggestively. You look over at her and smiled, "It was good but uh..." You went quiet for a moment, looking down at the dishes you were washing in the sink. "I saw Jean, I don't know if Sasha filled you in about that," you look back over at her, handing over the plate for her to wipe off and put on the rack. "Yeah, sorry if she wasn't supposed to say anything," She took the dish and wiped it with a cloth then put it in the racks "Oh, no. I said it was okay. Plus, by what we were talking about with everyone else, it seems you have a track record of confusing men." You laughed a little, Hitch laughed along as well. "Correction, ugly rat men," She took the last plate from you and put it on the rack. You couldn't help but laugh again, "Yes, ugly rat men. I saw Jean today and he was rude and bitter. Plus, his girlfriend Pieck is uh-" Hitch cut you off, "A raging bitch? Yeah, I know." She let out a chuckle. "You can say that again. You're the first person to say that though, all the others have only said nice things about her." You raised a brow, curious about what she had to say. Hitch let out an exasperated sigh, "I had a thing for her ex-boyfriend, Porco. We were never friends but when Jean introduced her to the group we kind of had to get along. I tried to be friends with her but when I told her about that I had dated him briefly. She flipped a switch and decided to be a bitch towards me ever since."

You leaned again the counter and crosses your arms, "She sounds like a ray of sunshine."
Hitch laughed, "Yeah, she is. So don't feel too disheartened, she knows about you and Jean's past. She is probably threatened by you. I mean look at you." She motioned her hand up and down your body, "You're fucking gorgeous." You couldn't help but smile at the compliment, you let out a small laugh, "Thank you."

"I'm serious, Y/N. You're genuinely one of the most pretty people I have ever seen." Her smile turned into a softer one, her doe eyes meeting yours. "So are you," you returned the compliment.

"So, do I just ignore her or say something to her?" You questioned, "No, don't do anything. Let her be, she has the power to do a lot. Considering that her father is the local senator of this state, he will do anything for her. I had a little argument with her once and I nearly lost my job."

Your jaw dropped, "What the hell? Are you serious?!" Hitch nodded in response, "Yeah... I'm lucky I'm good friends with Jean, he stopped anything bad happening. So, I'm telling you, Y/N, as a friend - even though I haven't known you long - she will do anything in her power to ruin your life. Especially, if you go anywhere near hers."

You bite your lip at the thought of her ruining this amazing life you were building. You decided to listen to Hitch but hell, you were in for a long ride. You planned to stay out of her way, avoid her as much as possible, and stay away from Jean as much as possible. You were starting to like your life and you wanted to keep it that way. The more you thought about it, the more you started to realise that Jean probably doesn't want to be anywhere near you. At the end of the day, how much difference would it make?

Sasha came out of the shower a few moments after Hitch and you had finished your conversation. The three of you got into your pyjamas, a glass of wine in your hands, a bowl of popcorn and 'Lucifer' the series on the television. You mostly stayed quiet as you watched the show play out, with a few funny comments here and there about it. You were content. For once in your life you felt somewhat happy again after so long of searching for your happiness once more. Sometimes you don't need stupid relationships, sometimes you just need a friend.

Eventually, you all fell asleep on the couch, your head resting on Hitch's shoulder, Sasha had her legs laying over yours. The sounds of the show still coming out from the TV as you all slept soundly.

The morning soon came and you had all woken up and decided to get on with your days. You had work so you went and showered, got changed into some clothes, washed your hair, dried and styled it. You were now sitting at your vanity, you were looking at yourself in the mirror as you did your makeup. You never did heavy makeup unless you were going out to a club, a party or a special event. You put some mascara on and some light eyeshadow and you put on some blush and finished it off with some lipgloss.

You called an Uber and plugged in your earphone as you sat in the back of the car. You went on your Spotify and clicked on your regular playlist and shuffled it. The first song that came on was 'What Once Was' by Her's.
(A/N: I 100% recommend this song.)

["Hey, Alexa. Play 'What Once Was' by Her's"]

You got to work and were greeted by Petra, she said 'Hello' in a bright friendly tone. You smiled at her and said 'Good morning'.

You made your way to the elevator and pushed the button, you patiently waited for the doors to open to go inside. The doors soon opened and you were greeted with an unfamiliar face, he was leant back against the wall, typing away on his phone. You stepped inside and went to go press the button on your floor but it had already been pressed. The man spoke up as he noticed your presence, "Same floor, huh?"
You turned your head to look at him and smiled slightly, "Yeah, you work here?"

By the what he was wearing you couldn't tell if that was a stupid question or not. He wore a black suit with a blue tie and glossy well-polished dress shoes. His dirty blonde hair was slicked back with gel, his eyes were hazel and brooding and his eyebrows were thinly shaped. Sure, you and your coworkers were smartly dressed but none of the guys wore full-on suits. Today you simply wore black dress pants, a cream v-neck sweater that had black stitching, and paring it with black mid-heel loathers - another gift from your sister before you left.

"Not quite, I'm a lawyer. I handle any financial threats to this company. I can't disclose anything to you since you're just an employee. Unless you're Mr Smith disguised as a woman." He chuckled, you cracked a bigger smile and laughed a little. "No, I'm not Erwin disguised as a woman. I'm Y/N L/N, and you are?"
"Porco Galliard, Pleasure to meet you," he held out his hand to shake yours. You hesitated as you realised this was the Porco that Hitch was talking about, you slowly shook his hand. "You too," you forced your smile as it had dropped when the realisation hit you.

The doors of the elevator soon opened and you both walked out, you said a quick goodbye to Porco and you quickly made your way to your desk. You watched him in the corner of your eyes walk past you, you sat down at your deal and pulled out your phone from your purse.

Today, 10:05am

Hitch you're not gonna believe this
Porco is at my work

I mean I know he's a lawyer and helps his clients with their finances if there are any issues, but I have no idea he worked for your company

I had no idea either
This seems to be a reoccurring theme of me running into people

Yeah tell me about it
You don't think this is Pieck's doing do you?


Well, she knows about you and Jean AND that you're in town. She may be trying to throw a spanner in the works

Yeah well me and Jean aren't gonna be friends any time soon by the interaction yesterday
Do you really think she would do that?

Yeah, she's an insecure psychopathic bitch
Trust me on this but just stay out of Porco's way and Jean's. You'll be fine

I'll take your word for it

You let out a deep sigh as you look down at the new stack on papers. You rubbed your face, you were tired due to the fact you all stayed up extremely late watching 'Lucifer'.

An iced coffee was put on your desk next to you, your eyes averted up to Reiner who smiled at you warmly. "Morning, I thought you'd need this," he chuckled, "you look exhausted."
"Charming, Reiner. You really know how to flirt with a woman," you laughed. "I'm sorry, it's been awhile since I have properly wanted to get to know a woman instead of sleeping with them."

Ew. That's all you could think is just ew. You decided to brush it to the side off but you wouldn't forget. You force out a laugh, it was fake as fuck but sometimes it had to be done. "Wow."
"I'm sorry," He chuckled, "I'm not one with words like you." You let out a another laugh, "Yeah, clearly." Reiner and you talked for a while, you appreciated the kind gesture of the coffee. You finished your work for the day and headed home.

1 week later...

For the past week you had been working, hanging out with Hitch, Sasha and Mikasa. You had got extremely close with them in very little time, you were happy.

Connie was having a party at his house this weekend, you and all of your friends were invited. Although that mean Jean and Pieck were going, you dreaded the thought of having to face them again. But alas, you wanted to anyways to have a break from all of the work you had been doing. Reiner and you went out a few times for coffee, he was a nice guy and he was extremely attractive and there's no denying you wouldn't hook up with him. But, there wasn't a spark, you didn't have much in common, the only things you would talk about was either work and the one book you had both read. As great as those conversations can be but sometimes the comments he made weirded you out. He was consistently bring up girls he had slept with, the girls he's hooking up with at the moment. He was a massive man-whore, not that you were judging, people can do what they want with their lives, but you didn't want to get into a relationship with someone who had those habits.

It was the night of the party at Connie's place, Hitch, Sasha and you were all getting ready for the eventful night ahead of you. "So, yeah. I don't really know what to do about Reiner, as i said he is a nice guy just not someone i would like to be with in a relationship." You explained, sat in-front of the mirror which was attached to the light-grey walls of Hitch's room. Hitch sat behind you, curling your hair with a curling iron, "Mmm, I see what you mean. He is very much a man whore, but to be honest these days most men are." She chuckled, a following little giggle from Sasha as she looked through Hitch's wardrobe. "Yeah, I suppose but what do I do?"
"Just tell him how you feel if he tries it on tonight," Sasha spoke up, looking over at you with a dark green silk dress in her hand. "Yeah, okay. I will, Thank you guys. I think I would loose my mind if I lived by myself." You chuckled, and starting to apply some concealer under your eyes. Hitch laughed, "We are glad to have you."

The three of you got ready, you all laughed and talked about whatever. It was always a nice knowing you had these kind of people around you. Life was finally treating you well again and you could get used to it.

The three of you got ready, Hitch had curled your hair and you did simple makeup, small eyeliner, mascara, a bit of blush and some clear lipgloss. You decided to wear a black silk mini dress and a pair of white heels.

"Are you guys ready to go?!!" Sasha shouted down the hallway, she was stood by the door, eagerly jumping up and down. You were in the bathroom brushing your teeth, you always liked to make sure you had decent smelling breath before you had to spend the evening with a bunch of people.

"Yeah! I'm coming!!!" You yelled, putting your toothbrush back in your holder. You walked down to Sasha and smiled, "Where is Hitch?"
"Taking selfies," she laughed. "We should go photo bomb them," you grinned deviously. "Oh, I like the way you think, Y/N." She agreed and the two of you snuck down the hall to Hitch's room, you both ran in and jumped infront her pictures.
"GUYS! THAT WAS GOING TO BE SUCH A CUTE PHOTO!" Hitch screamed. You and Sasha both bursted out laughing, "It's even cuter now." Sasha grinned, feeling rather proud of herself. "Yeah, you're welcome," you smiled. "Ugh, get in here guys," Hitch motioned for the two of you to get in. You all pose and she takes the photo, "Perfect!"

You were now walking towards Connie's house, it was pretty big and fancy, you were surprised but overall you were extremely excited.

As you approached the building you saw Mikasa, Eren and Armin talking, they met eyes with the rest of you, they all started smiling and waving. You quickly made your way over to them, "Hey guys!" Sasha exclaimed, hugging Mikasa tightly. "Hello..." she hugged Sasha softly with a small smile. Eren fist bumped you and Hitch, "Great to see you guys."
Armin smiled at you and Hitch, "How are you all?"
"We're good, thank you." You smiled.

Hitch linked arms with you, "Come on guys. Enough of the small talk, it's fine to party!" She grins. Everyone laughs and agrees to go in.

Eren and Armin had gone over to speak to Zeke, meanwhile Sasha and Mikasa had gone to bathroom, you and Hitch had gone to get drinks.
There was so many people around, the air was filled with the smell of weed and alcohol.
"So, are you going to speak to Reiner, tonight?" Hitch said pouring the two of you a drink. "Yeah, I plan too. We will see how it goes." You smiled, taking the drink of Hitch and downing it. Hitch laughs, "Jesus, Y/N. It won't be that bad, I promise."
You smiled and laughed, "I just need to take the edge off slightly."
Hitch giggled, "you can say that again."

A few too many drink later, you, Sasha and Connie were now all dancing together. Hitch had gone off with some guy, not like that surprised you. Eren, Mikasa and Armin were sat on some couch chatting away, Eren smoking a joint, he looked at peace.

Pieck had stumbled over to you, she was pretty drunk herself. Jean surprisingly not by her side for once. "Sasha! My girl!" She exclaimed, your expression quickly fading to a disappointed one.
Sasha smiled and hugged her, "Hey! Good to see you!"
Connie whispered in your ear, "the bitch is here."
You were lowkey gob-smacked, "I thought you like Pieck?" You raised an eyebrow at him, speaking quietly while Sasha and Pieck spoke.
"Nah. She's fake as fuck. She would chat shit about Sasha all the time but Sasha is too nice to to say anything."
You furrowed your brows, "the more I hear about her, the worse she's becoming."
"Yeah, tell me about it."

It wasn't long until Pieck noticed you, "Y/N! Good to see you too!"
"Yeah, and you." You fake smile, "Where is Jean?"

Y/N, i know you're a bit drunk but why did you ask that??

"Oh, he's speaking with Reiner right now. Why do you ask?" She raised an eyebrow.
You stuttered slightly, "Oh- uh. Just wondering. I'm actually going to head to the bathroom. I'll see you later." You awkwardly smiled and left as quickly as possible.
Connie and Sasha quickly changed the topic and  covered you.

Not that you knew that yet but it was appreciated. You had run upstairs and into one of the bed rooms, you opened the doors and onto the balcony. You took in a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling slightly relieved. The night was still young but you were already so tired.
It wasn't long until you heard someone come into the room, you just inhaled and pretended you couldn't hear them. That was until a familiar voice came from behind you, "Y/N?"


Sorry guys i've been dead. it's been a long few months but pls enjoy this chapter!!! <3

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