The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to the Short-Story "The Caseys: Parenthood Begins" Matt and Gabby are now home with their sons. This i... More

Welcome Home
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Preparing for a Weekend of Romance
One Last Half-Hour of Girl Time
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Two
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Three
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part Two
Are You Okay Alex?
The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Four
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Five: A Sunset Meal and Cuddle
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Seven
Chapter Twenty-Three
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Pre-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Post-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD, Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five: Interrupted
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues
GABBY DREAM: Father's Day 2019
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 7: Lunch Date
Romantic Getaway: Day 2, Pt. 7: Post-Lunch Cuddles
Romantic Getaway, Day 2 - Part 8: Revisiting RV Conversations
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 11: Pillow Talk and a Shower
Chapter Thirty-Six: Noah, Part One
Noah, Part Two
Welcome Home Noah
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
All's Good
Chapter Forty-Two, Part One
Chapter Forty-Two, Part Two
You, and The Boys are My Dream
Chapter Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter Forty-Four, Part Two
Strategy Sessions: Our Legal Strategy
Chapter Forty-Six
Post-Press Conference
MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia
Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy
I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms
Do You Blame Me?
Relaxing and Conversing in the Living Room
A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference
Welcome to California
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Seven
How Long are We Staying in California?
Leaving for the Beach
Beach Day, Part One
Beach Day, Part Two
Beach Day, Part Three
What Does This Mean for Us?
Celebrating the Deal, Part One
Celebrating the Deal, Part Two
Happy Birthday Gabby, Part One
Sharing the News, Part One
Sharing the News, Part Two
How to Balance
Our Living Situation: Jay & Alex
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (1)
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (2)
No E-mails Today, Part One
No E-mails Today, Part Two
All Together Now, Part One
All Together Now, Part Two
The Caseys Get Ready for a Swim
Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim
Birthday R&R: Cleaning Up
Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon
The Name Game - Round Two: Brainstorming
The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Nap Time, Business Time
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part One
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two
Casey Police Work: Designing a Car
Post-Morning Sickness Shower
Post-Morning Sickness Snack
Fast Asleep
Taking it Easy for the Night
A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton
Getting Comfortable, Part One
Getting Comfortable, Part Two
How We'll Make It Work, Part One
How We'll Make It Work, Part Two
Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower
Taking it Easy, Part One: Getting Cozy in Bed
Pregnancy Diary #2: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Painting a Nursery?
Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch
Taking it Easy - Part Two: You Did What Now?
Taking it Easy: Not Rushing It
ELLA Apparel
One Baby Girl, Two Lovers, Three Nights, Four Seasons
Grace and Done?
Worrying News
Get Out of Here
Cedars-Sinai, Part One
Cedars-Sinai, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Day
No Sex, Please
A Night of Rest and Relaxation
Long Night
Congratulations Future Mom, Part One
Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Let the Cuddling Begin: Stripping Down
Let's Cuddle (and be Honest with Each Other)
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part One
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part Two
You Okay?
FLASHBACK: Last Morning in Chicago
Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One
Cuddling (and Eating) in Bed with Matteo, Part Two
Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise
Expertise and Regrets: The Regrets
Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News
Is This Really a Good Idea?
Comforting and Talking: Not Going
Comforting and Talking: Remind me Who I'm Married To?
Grace Casey
Kyle and Stephen Severide
A Toast to Fatherhood
Family Time, Bedtime - Part One
Family Time, Bed Time - Part Two
Pre-Business Meeting Shower
Pre-Business Meetings Cuddles
Reversal: Talking Business in Bed
Hi Beautiful, Hi Handsome
Postpartum Time
Office Conversations
Post-Breakfast Cuddles and Conversations
The Conversations Continue
A Walk on the Beach with the Boys
Home Sweet Home
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part One
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part Two
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part One
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part Two
Day Five
Hey, You're Okay - Part One
Hey, You're Okay - Part Two
Aloha Sexy Thing
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 21st Floor, CEO's Office
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 25th Floor Penthouse
We Have Time
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part One
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part Two
Where is Our Forever Home
Matt Daydream - Part One
Matt Daydream - Part Two
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part One
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part Two
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part One
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part Two
Time, Part One
Time, Part Two
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part One
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part Two
You Fell Asleep in My Arms
They Had to Restart your Heart
The Start of Part Two

A Halstead Family Get Together, Part One

43 1 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: Sorry for starting so late, I got a bit distracted to say the least. But now, I'm back and ready to write for you. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, and ready for some more chapters. Here we go with Chapter Fifteen.

Note: This story will be written over many parts, some of the not written consecutively. However, the parts may be quite long; so I am going to be breaking them up into smaller chapters for her on Wattpad - I am also writing this story on (which means that my chapters are much longer than you would normally expect here on Wattpad. Just this part is 4,000 words; and that is just the first part. Hope you enjoy it.

Natalie Relationship Information: I wanted to just give you a bit of information, as I haven't exactly addressed this (other than the fact that I said that Natalie doesn't have Owen yet); but I have decided that she was still married at Jeff before he died.

Chapter Terminology Note: The "C-Suite" are corporate executives in the leadership team of a company. Examples of members of the C-Suite are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Operating Officer (COO), and the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).

She was hoping to invite all of the couples that they're friends with to see their new beachfront home, the home that she and her loving husband plan on staying in as much as possible; especially since it was where the wife had hopes to raise their daughters when they're born this November. And to say that her husband was thrilled over the fact that they would be having daughters was an understatement, especially when they are thinking that they may be born a month prior to them celebrating their first Christmas as husband and wife. And let's just say that her father was quite excited that her husband already agreed to him coming down for Christmas this year (not that he really had a choice in the matter). As much as Jay loves her, the same can't be said for her father; Jay and Hank still have their issues, but they're working past them. And right now, that was definitely something that her husband was really trying hard to do; especially since she's pregnant with their girls.

And while the couple were hoping that they would have sons, she was more than okay with them having daughters; as it would mean that she would be in charge of designing that line for ELLA apparel, which she has been doing more of late. While the original plan was for her to work on the 'Casey Police' project, she's found herself working more and more with Gabby and Stella on ELLA; and that was mostly due to the fact that it was a lot less stressful, which was something she knew was the case. Especially for her husband, who came home some days quite stressed; and there were times that he didn't want to tell her, as he thought that it would negatively affect the baby. But luckily for her, it seems like her sister-in-law was helping her out. "Jay, you need to talk to your wife regardless of the fact that it may cause her stress. If you don't talk to her, it may just cause you more stress." And while her husband was quite smart at some times, this was not one of those times (unfortunately).

"Okay Natalie, I am just going to play dumb here; but I really need an explanation." And, as it seemed that her husband didn't know that she was coming downstairs, Alex thought about answering his query as a way to let him know that she was downstairs; but that was no longer possible, as her brother-in-law beat her to the chase. Slapping Jay's chest this (late) afternoon, Will just shook his head. "Are you really that dumb Jay?" Jay was a bit insulted when he heard his brother call him dumb. "Watch your mouth there Will. Last time I checked, I was a member of the C-Suite." Will just laughed as he heard Jay say that, because he obviously forgot the fact that he was also a member of the C-Suite. "Yes, I know Jay. As am I if you forgot." Jay was confused when he heard his brother tell him that he was a member of the C-Suite, specifically the Chief Medical Officer; after all, he was the one that was in charge (really) of creating the Casey PTSD Clinics with the assistance of his wife Natalie.

"Okay, how are you a member of the C-Suite?" That's when Alex decided to jump in, wanting to stop the fighting that was currently occurring between her husband and his brother. "Jay, just shut up. Your brother is the Chief Medical Officer who is helping Matt create the Casey PTSD Clinics, and Natalie is his co-Chief Medical Officer; and last time I checked, I made a rule that we are not to talk about business here...and you're not supposed to be drinking a beer, when I'm pregnant with your daughters!" Turning his head when he heard his wife, Jay got nervous; especially since he was about to take another sip of his beer. That's when Max decided to rush over to Alex, having heard her voice after she came downstairs and interrupted the fight that was occurring between his master, as well as his "uncle". Bending down, Alex smiled as she proceeded to rub Max's face. "Hi boy. Thank you for being so quiet, unlike your daddy." Jay gulped when he heard Alex say that. "Hey Natalie, let's get food."

Jay then went ahead and set his beer down, wanting to help his wife instead. "No, I got it Natalie." Alex then turned to look at her husband, not happy with him right now. "Natalie will be joining me in the kitchen as I make the sides, because you're going to be busy. Last time I checked, it was already barbecuing o'clock!" Jay then turned his head, seeing the time. "Oh, sorry babe." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that. "Natalie, want to come help me with the sides while our husbands make the steaks?" Natalie smiled, agreeing with her sister-in-law; after all, that was something that she definitely wanted to do. "Let me just go to the washroom, then I will come join you." Alex agreed with her sister-in-law, smiling as Natalie got up and walked over to her so that she could give her a hug. Watching her sister-in-law walk up to her, Alex smiled as she proceeded to hug her too; after which, she whispered in her ear. "Did you seriously have to let them yell like that when Jay must've told you I was resting?"

Natalie then realized that, taking a breath. "Sorry Alex." Alex agreed with her sister-in-law, before turning to look at her husband. "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you Natalie; you're not the one who should've known!" Alex said, her pointed comments clearly being directed at her loving husband. And Jay was well aware that was the case as he watched his wife let go of their sister-in-law. "Be there soon Alex." Alex agreed with Nat, before smiling as she proceeded to make her way to the powder room of the couple's new home. At the same time, Alex looked at Max. "C'mon Max. Let's get you a treat for being a good boy, unlike your dad." Max got up right away when he heard the word treat, the service animal still being a dog at heart; and when he hears the word treat, he will always come running as part of routine. Walking away with Max, Alex smiled as she was ready to give her and Jay's dog a treat since he was being such a good boy right now; him being quiet and all.

At the same time, Alex's husband turned to look at his brother as the fashion designer was not the only one who needed to be in the kitchen at the moment; rather, the military veteran had to be there for reasons other than starting to prepare the sides (and giving Max a treat). Rather, he needed to go there so that he could apologize to his wife. "Will..." Will snickered when he heard Jay start speaking to him, the doctor being well aware of just what his brother needed to do right now. "Listen, I'll go tell Nat to meet me on the deck; that way, you guys can have a moment with each other." Jay agreed with his brother when he said that, grateful for his offer (which he definitely accepted) to have him take Natalie outside for a moment; that way, he would have the opportunity to talk to Alex alone in order to make up with her. However, he would also like to do it without Max interrupting them; and that was due to the fact that the husband wanted to share a kiss with his wife afterwards.

"Can you take Max out too? Make him go to the washroom while you're out there?" The veteran asked his brother, giving him a wink as a way to tell him the true reason that he wanted his brother to take Max outside; so that he could have a moment with Alex, and apologize for him not telling her that Will and Natalie had arrived for their family supper this (late) afternoon. Yet, he also needed to explain his reasons for not doing so; which were that she just looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, and he knew that she had a long day. And that was only exacerbated by her having not slept that well the night before, their daughters having kept her up most of the night; which led her to being tired more of the day, as well as the husband hovering over her more than usual at work. It was so that he could make sure that she was okay, and that she wasn't too tired to work; because if she was, then he would've insisted that they go home so that she could get the rest that she for both her sake, and for the girls.

Ever since the couple found out that they were having daughters, Jay has been much more protective over her wife; and he's also been much more protective over how she's doing when it comes to her pregnancy, as he wants to be a father to their girls more than anything. And he's just glad that Alex has been allowing him to hover more than he usually does, as he's always a bit worried when it comes to protecting her; that being the former police officer/military veteran part of him that Alex loves so much, and it's also why she allows him to do it (even when it annoys her more than anything. But right now, that's not what they are going to concentrate on. Rather, Jay is going to concentrate on making his way to the kitchen so that he can talk to his wife; and so that he can make sure that she feels okay, as he doesn't want her to be pushing herself, especially not when she's starting her second trimester now. He still wants her to take it easy, even though the doctor gave her permission to be active.


Walking into the kitchen after getting his brother to take Max outside for a moment, Jay smiled as he took a moment to admire the beautiful dress that his wife was wearing this evening; as it was the same dress (albeit a size or two bigger) that she wore as a wedding dress during their courthouse wedding in downtown Honolulu, a tight cream colored dress that perfectly hugged every curve of her gorgeous body. Jay just hopes that, like he did on the night of their wedding, he would get the chance to be the one to take it off; as he had a feeling that his wife was wearing something quite sexy under there for him, as that was what she always did then she wore a dress. But that was not the only reason that Jay thought that she was wearing sexy lingerie for him under her dress, the other reason being that he didn't see any bra straps on her shoulders; which meant that she was wearing a type of lingerie that had to be tight enough to be able to stay on her body, without any straps holding it up.

And therefore, it meant that she most certainly was not just wearing a bra and panties for her. She was wearing something much sexier, which was definitely something that her husband was going to enjoy later. Smiling as he walked up behind Alex at the kitchen sink, Jay proceeded to wrap his arms around her and brought her body back against his toned chest; which was definitely something that his wife enjoyed, every single time that he did it to her. Whether it be when they're standing in the kitchen like this, when they're in bed with each other, or when they're in the shower with each other; no matter when he does it, it always turns Alex on. And that was the exact reason that he always did it, whenever he got a chance to be this sexy with his gorgeous wife. Just holding Alex from behind this afternoon, Jay smiled as he bent down and left a soft kiss on her shoulder before whispering to her. "What do you think of steak and baked potatoes, with some salad on the side?" Alex smiled, liking it.

She then proceeded to turn around so that she could look at her incredibly loving husband, Jay Halstead.

Alex's POV:
As I looked at Jay this afternoon, I smiled as that was always what happened naturally whenever I looked at my incredible husband; whom I love more than anything in the entire world. There's just this thing about him that always makes me smile, and that takes away my ability to resist him. When we're in our room, in private; it takes away my ability to resist whatever opportunity I have to feel him run his strong hands all over my body, and it also takes away my ability to resist every chance I get to share a kiss with the man I love more than anything in the whole wide world. Jay just has that much power over me, and he knows yet; yet he doesn't take advantage of that power, and just treats me the best way possible. I still don't know why in the world my dad never wanted me to be with such an amazing man, but I am so glad that he now sees that Jay truly is the perfect man for me; and that he's accepted the fact that this is something that he's going to have to deal with forever.

Stepping close to me as he put his hand on my hips, Jay smiled as he brought me close to his chest and then whispered to me. "I swear, there better be something sexy under this dress; because you're turning me on right now." I laughed when I heard Jay tell me that there better be something sexy under my dress, because there was. As much as I hated the fact that I had to wake up alone in bed, I wasn't that evil; which was something I proceeded to remind him as I whispered to him too. "Bae..." I could tell that Jay still loves it when I call him that, because me using that pet name makes him get a huge grin on his face every single time. " need to calm down and take it easy." I then decided to go back to speaking in my regular tone of voice. "Jay, I know that you want to touch me, and that you want to have me right now; but you can't because we have people over, your brother is here." Jay agreed with me as I said that, smiling as he leaned in and then kissed me softly. "He's outside with Max."

Hearing Will yell at Max to get the ball, and just play with him for a while; I smiled because I soon realized that we were alone right now. And that was something that I definitely was not going to ignore just because we have guests. These times that we have together, times that we get to share alone; they're going to be rare in the future, especially when we have kids. "Okay." Jay agreed with me, smiling as he got close to me as he put his hands on my growing baby bump. Kissing me softly, Jay smiled due to the fact that he was happy. I could just tell that he was happy right now, as he had this huge grin on his face which I loved; there was just no way that I could ever resist that grin that he had on his face, and Jay knew it. "When did Will and Nat get here?" I asked him, curious as to how long I made them wait for me to come down and join them. "They've been here for maybe 30-45 minutes." I sighed when I heard Jay say that, as I felt horrible. "Hey, look at me Alex." I agreed with Jay.

Doing just that, I stared into his eyes so that he could speak to me. "I don't want you to go there. I don't want you to feel guilty over the fact that you needed to sleep Alex. You needed the rest that you needed, end of story okay? If you needed to rest, then that's all that matters at the end of the day." I agreed with Jay when he told me that, well aware that was the case. "Alex, remind me what I told you?" Jay said, moving his hand to my stomach to remind me of exactly what he told me; what he told me the minute we learned that we were pregnant, and reminded me of when we learned that we were pregnant with twins. "I told you that what matters the most right now, is that you get the rest you need. I spoke to everybody, and we worked it out; and I even worked it out with Matt and Gabby. We all agreed, that when our wives are pregnant; that we always concentrate on the pregnancies, before we concentrate on work. And when Will and Natalie got here, you were fast asleep."

I took a breath, agreeing with the man I love when he told me that; after all, I have been  sleeping much better lately. Mostly during the day, and the nights are just hell since I am always so sweaty. "Alex, you know the truth of the matter. We both know that, as much as you want to be awake during the day; you need to do what's the best for the kids, and you need to do what's the best for your health. And right now, that means that you need to rest at times during the day since you can't sleep the best at night. Now, I am hoping that this will change; especially since this is a new place, and it has a nice new air conditioner. I can already see that you've been sleeping better, and I think that you're just catching up on the sleep that you've been missing recently; and I can't help but wonder if the stress that Gabby was under with her dad...if it spilt over onto you, because it brought back similar memories. Memories where you were trying to find Bunny." I took a breath when Jay said that.

Especially since I have been trying really hard to put that behind me, so that it doesn't affect the company. "God, I have been trying to hard to put that behind me; and just make sure that it doesn't come out." Jay was a bit confused when I said that, not sure why I would be doing that. "What are you talking about Alex? Why are you doing that?" I took a breath when Jay asked me why I was trying to put distance in between myself and my (biological) mother Bunny Fletcher. "Because of the company, I don't want to be affiliated with criminals for the sake of the reputation. I mean, how good would it look if one of their designers is related to a criminal?" Jay snickered when I said that, finding this funny for some reason. "Is there a reason that you find this funny? Last time I checked, this is serious Jay." Jay looked at me as I told him that. "Alex, the company is already affiliated with criminals. Did you forget who Matt's mom is?" I then remembered that, just taking a breath as I looked at my loving husband.

Putting his hand on the side of my face, Jay smiled as he stroked my cheek and stared into my eyes this afternoon.

Jay's POV:
As I stared into Alex's eyes this afternoon, I smiled due to the fact that I truly am very happy right now; I just love Alex more than anything in the entire world, and I am so proud to call her my wife. Even with her family's criminal background, my love for her has never waivered; and I am so proud of the fact that I am the one who gets to call this gorgeous woman in front of me both my wife, as well as the mother of my children. Putting my hand on her neck, I smiled as I leaned in and then proceeded to kiss Alex softly. At the same time, she wrapped her arms around my back and just took things nice and slow with me; and let's just say that it was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to have her arms around me, and I wanted to take things slow with the woman I love more than anything in the entire world. It's just the truth, and I am so proud to call this gorgeous woman my wife. There will never be a day where I do not want to be Alex's husband, and I just feel so lucky to have her in my arms.

"I want you later, in bed so that we can just take it easy; and so that I can remind you just how truly lucky I am to call you my wife, which is something that will always be the case Alex." Alex agreed with me as I told her that, obviously quite happy that I am currently just holding her in my arms as we cuddle up to each other right now. And the truth was, this truly was exactly what I wanted to do with Alex right now. I just want to hold her in my arms, and I want to make sure that she knows just how much I love her; because I truly believe that she's the love of my life, and nothing will ever be able to change my mind. Kissing the top of her head, I smiled due to the fact that I am just so happy to be with my wife right now. "I love you Alex." Alex agreed with me as I said that, smirking as she proceeded to lean up and kiss me softly. That was, until she heard Natalie. "Oh, sorry guys." Turning her head, Alex smiled at her. "It's okay, Jay is just on his way out to go make the steaks." I agreed with Alex.

"Right." Alex smiled as I said that, before watching as I walked away so that I could grab the steaks that I need to grab from the fridge. Just making my way over to them, I smiled as I was really happy. I am so glad that we're currently holding each other close, and that we're just so madly in love. I love Alex more than anything in the entire world, and I am extremely proud to call her my wife; I will always be proud to call her my wife.


Walking into the kitchen to join her sister-in-law after going to the washroom, Natalie Halstead smirked as she could tell that Alex was really happy, much happier than she's been in a long time. There's just something in the way that she and Jay look at each other that tells the doctor that her sister-in-law is really happy, and that she's madly in love with her husband. "I can see that smile on your face Ms. Halstead." Alex laughed as the doctor said that, smiling as she looked at her. "Yeah, we're really happy. I just...I worry sometimes." The doctor seemed confused when she heard Alex say that, unsure as to why she was worried. "Is everything okay with the baby?" Alex agreed with Natalie, not wanting to alarm her. "Oh, everything's fine. It's about Jay. It's just...we're still in this phase of love that's so sweet, and I feel so happy. I'm just worried..." Natalie then got close to Alex and smiled. "You're worried that it'll go south sometime soon?" Turning her head, Alex sighed as she looked at Jay.

"I just know that he's been through a lot in his entire life, and there are times where I think this is just one big dream. A dream where we live in Hawaii, have great jobs, and we're pregnant." Natalie agreed with Alex when she said that, well aware of what she was talking about; after all, they have been through a lot. And they continue to go through a lot, which is something that the doctor is well aware of. "Alex, I don't think you should think that way; especially not when things are going this great. I see the way you look at Jay, and I know that you love him more than anything in the entire world." Alex agreed with Natalie when she told her that, as that was definitely the case. "I most certainly do." Natalie smiled as she heard her sister-in-law say that, as she was really happy that her and her brother-in-law are really happy with each other. "Then honestly, I wouldn't second guess everything. You guys are happy, and that's all that matters at the end of the day, that you guys are happy with each other."

Alex agreed with Natalie when she said that, smiling at her. "I'm really excited for the kids though, I can't wait for Jay to meet them; and just be the best dad that he can be." Natalie agreed with Alex when she said that, well aware that it was something that she wanted for her husband; the husband that loves her more than anything the entire world. "I think that baby of yours is going to be one lucky kid with Jay as his dad." Alex laughed as she heard Natalie say that, well aware that it was definitely going to be the case. Jay is already such an amazing man, and she is so proud of the fact that she's going to be raising his children. "I am so glad that we're going to be having these twins together." Natalie agreed with Alex when she said that, before getting close to her so that she can hug her. "So, when are you and Will going to star trying for a kid?" Natalie smiled. "We were going to wait a bit, just enjoy this time before we try and have kids." Alex was shocked when she heard that. "Really?" Natalie agreed.

"We want to make sure that the company is on good footing, and so are we; we just got married, and we want to wait a bit. Also, there are going to be so many people on maternity leave all at once; and I just don't want to be another one of those moms on maternity leave, not when Matt needs us to be at the company. I've been friends with him for the longest time, and I know that he's going to need us to be there as much as we can." The future mother agreed with the doctor when she said that, well aware that was the case. "Did you ever think that Matt would find the type of love that he has with Gabby again?" Natalie snickered when her sister-in-law asked her whether she ever thought that Matt would find something like he had with Hallie again, because that was something that she was always worried about. "The truth is, I was worried at first; then I met Gabby, and I just knew that she was going to be someone that Matt can love more than anything in the entire world." Alex agreed.

"They are so adorable with each other, and so are their sons. I swear, those boys are going to make me want to keep trying for a baby until we have a son of our own." Natalie laughed as she heard Alex say that, well aware that Jay was listening. "Maybe don't say that in front of Jay, as he's listening right now." Alex agreed with Natalie when she said that, before turning to look at her loving husband; the husband who does look quite handsome right now. Especially when he's looking so great in that tight shirt of his, the tight shirt that shows off all of his nice muscles; including those abdomen muscles that she loves to run her hands around. And boy did they have a bunch of fun the night before.

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Book 4 of the Miracles Series. Sometimes life throws you curveballs. Well, Matt just got one. He can no longer be a firefighter, which means we has a...
183K 2.3K 32
Matt Casey can't believe he has gone through a divorce. Not wanting to think about the break down of his marriage, he throws himself into work. With...