The Summer is ours// JJ Mayba...

De fantasybubbles03

18.4K 324 1.1K

// this story will not follow the original plot of outer banks, simply the characters and the setting. Been t... Mais

1. Meet the Pogues
3: I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you
4: You're not going to jump right?
5: Friends?
6: Um JJ? your hand is on my ass
7: Road trip
8: How...How'd you do that?
9: What the fuck?!
10: That's my fucking sister man
11: Will you be my girlfriend?
12: What is she doing here?
13: how could you...
14: I love you
15: Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are
16: I just wanted it all to stop
17: Amber Alert
18: Jo you gotta jump
19: Operation Liberation
20: The summer is ours

2. Truth or dare?

1.1K 20 51
De fantasybubbles03

Jo's POV:

Here i am, midday crouched behind a dumpster, cigarette between my lips, hiding from my brother. I've finished all my work today but John B should be home any minute.

"John B? Jo? Anyone home?" I heard being called out from our front door followed by a few knocks. Can't be a pogue, they would just walk in and wait. 

"Sheriffs department, alright John B open up" Shoupe called out. Shit. What is he doing here. I needed to find away to get out of here and then warn my brother. I threw away the cigarette and began to walk slowly towards the HMS Pogue, thank god John B took the twinkie today. Of course as i got to the boat a twig decided to magically place itself below my foot and next thing i knew i was flooded in the light of a flashlight.

"Evening Shoupe" I said jumping off the side of the boat "what can i do for ya?" 

"Jo, just who i was looking for, is your brother home?"

"if you're looking for me why does John B need to be here" i asked before noticing the woman standing beside him "who's your sidekick?"

"Hi Jo, my name is Cheryl with CPS, we are here to talk to you and your brother" she spoke up

"no, Shoupe no" i said looking at the man for help

"Jo I gave y'all your chance, Your uncle T hasn't been in the state for three months now, my hands are tied, look lets just go in an have a chat i'm sure-"

"no!" i shouted before turning to run. However my efforts were in vain cause right as i turned the corner two large men were stood there and grabbed my by my arms lifting me effortlessly off the ground. Kicking and screaming i yelled "Put me down, you can't do this, John B help me please, JOHN B!"

"Relax Jo, we just need to talk" Cheryl tried to say calmly

"FUCK OFF, JOHN B! POPE! JJ! ANYONE!" I screamed out still kicking

"woah, Shoupe whats going on" I heard being asked from behind me

"Nothing that concerns you Maybank" Shoupe snapped back

"um, when i hear my name being screamed from half way across the cut.... i'm gonna assume i'm involved. Just sayin'" he shrugged "you gonna put the girl down?" 

"JJ how about you go home, myself and Miss Routledge here just need to have a little chat" Shoupe replied now bored of his antics.

"see i can't do that Shoupe" he said now leaning on the side of the house "cause i believe my good friend Pope told me you can't speak to us without a legal guardian present and we are mirrors"

"minors" i corrected

"yea what she said." he said pointing in my direction

"she isn't under arrest JJ"

"Put me down you asshole" i said still wriggling "please you're hurting me" i wined out

"you heard her, let her down asshole" he said shoving one of the guys hard causing him to stumble backward and me to drop to the ground cutting my knees in the process

"COME ON JO!" he yelled while pulling my arm and hopping into the HMS Pogue while i untied it. 

"Jo Routledge you get back here" Shoupe yelled running towards us as i kicked off the tree hard pushing the boat into the water and jumping on board. 

"Later Shoupe, they really don't pay you enough man" JJ laughed kissing his middle finger and holding it up in the air as we sailed off. "Ok, now that's over, what the fuck have you done now" he said turning towards me

"Nothing i swear" I said doubling over to catch my breath "it was CPS"

"CPS? Like... the store?"

"Not CVS you fucking dumbass, CPS. Child protective services."

"oh shit, really?"

"i tried to run but the fuckers grabbed me" i said gripping my probably now bruised arm 

"oh shit you're bleeding" he said looking down at my knees 

"do we have a first aid kit" I asked not really bothered

"yea its....its the hold" he said gagging in between sentences

"what? scared of a little bit of blood?" i said taunting him

"no not scared just..... " he tried to say his own gag cutting him off causing me to laugh

"relax its done" i said pulling a new cigarette from its packet and sitting back as JJ throws me a lighter. I lit it and let the nicotine rush through my system. 

"so, CPS huh?" he said sitting down "are you ok?"

"i don't wanna talk about it JJ, i wanna catch my breath and find my brother to warn him"

"Johnny Boy is over at Sarah's i think"

"Johnny Boy?" 

"Yea? John B, Johnny Boy, JB, Baby John" he listed off before i cut him off

"i get it JJ, i just wanna find him" i said causing him to get up

"Evening passengers, this is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue will be coming in for landing in approximately 10 minutes, final destination figure eight." he said putting on a silly voice and shooting me a smile. I know he is just trying to make me feel better but i still don't like him. 


Pulling up to the Camerons house, JJ tied off the boat and jumped out before offering me his hand.

"I don't need your help JJ" i said stepping out of the boat myself. 

"nope not at all, totally didn't just save your ass back there" he responded back but I just continued to walk up to the house ignoring him and knocked on the door

"Jo? what are you doing here?"Sarah asked as she opened the door

"Is my brother here?"

"yea he is upstairs, why?" and with that i pushed past her and began walking up the stairs "Jo you can't just barge in like that? Whats wrong? Did something happen?" she continued to shout after me as i stormed up to her room 

"John B if you're naked i'm giving you five seconds to get dressed" I yelled through the closed door

"Jo? Shit, wait, 2 seconds" he called back

"mmm John B, Just give me that John D already" JJ mocked behind me at Sarah

"Shut up JJ" she said back opening her door to reveal my brother throwing on a shirt

"Jo why are you here....and why are you bleeding, what happened?" John B asked now looking concerned

"CPS are at our house, practically jumped me when i got home" 

"I totally saved her ass bro, you should have seen it, i was all like, put her down bro, fuck you Shoupe-"

"JJ not now" he replied

"na whatever man, just saved your sister and all"

"Wait so what happened?" he asked turning his attention back onto me

"Well i heard Shoupe calling out your name and my name so i tried to sneak out but he saw me and these men grabbed me out of no where so i started screaming-"

"my name, started screaming my name" JJ cut in

"Yea, maybe in your dreams" i snapped back

"you totally wanted me to save you, you yelled JJ"

"and John B and Pope-"

"and JJ"

"yes ok i shouted your name too, i was freaking out. But yea then JJ rocked up and shoved the guy so we bolted and now we are here" i finished

"that doesn't explain the blood" John B asked still confused

"oh when JJ shoved the guy they dropped me"

"dropped you?"

"yea they grabbed her by her arms in the air, come on man keep up" JJ cut in again

"but you're ok?" Sarah asked

"yea i'm fine, thanks to JJ as much as it pains me to say it" 

"anytime cupcake"

"i thought i told you to not call me that"

"i thought i didn't care"

"ok anyway" John B cut back in "we can't go back to the house tonight then cause they might watch the place"

"you can stay here" Sarah said back smiling

"No Sarah, i couldn't ask that, besides Mr Cameron would never-"

"Jo its fine, plus you can call him Ward you know its weird you call him Mr Cameron" Sarah laughed 

"Its even weirder you expect me to call my Boss by his first name" 

"I still call him Mr Cameron too don't worry" John B said

"well thats cause you're my boyfriend and thats different" she smiled kissing him

"yea, i'll take my chances with CPS" i said faking a gag

"no i'm serious, call Kie and Pope and have them come over too, My dad and Rose are away for the weekend anyway with Wheezie, some business trip, it's just me and Rafe."

"I'll get a Keg!" JJ shouted sprinting out the door.


⚠️TW: Drug use and Violence⚠️

Many hours later and the six of us were sat round the fire pit.

"oooh let's play truth or dare?" Sarah chirped up 

"what are we children?" JJ asked

"Legally yes" Pope replied nonchalantly

"oh come on please, it will be fun" Sarah pleaded

"I'm in" Kie replied

"I'm in too" I said downing my cup and refilling it from the keg. 

"whatever" JJ mumbled

"ok ok, Pope, truth or dare?" Sarah asked


"is there anyone here you would wanna date?" she asked innocently

"dare" he said back bluntly

"ok fine, i dare you to kiss who you wanna date"

"this is a stupid game, i don't wanna play" he said folding his arms

"come on Sarah, you can't ask that straight off the bat. Fine Pope, i dare you to down this" I said passing him my cup

"but i dont-"

"come on Pope, can't pass on two dares in a row" JJ chimed in 

"fine whatever" he said downing the drink "there ya happy now? someone else go" 

"JJ truth or dare?" I asked causing him to look up at me shocked

"umm truth" he said suspiciously

"how many people have you slept with?"

"why do you wanna know? Wanna join the list?" he winked

"the fact that there is a list is disgusting" Kie said

"nope, just thought since i'm such a whore we could compare numbers" i smiled back at him

"ok well first of all we already established that i did not call you a whore, but honestly.....i couldn't tell you....maybe 30-40?" he replied back simply "ok then Jo, truth or dare?"


"why is everyone picking truth" Sarah sighed "thats not how you play the game" she mumbled to John B

"how many people have you slept with?" he asked

"nope, no repeat questions. Gotta ask another one" John B said "plus i don't want to know that answer, thats my little sister man"

"fine ok. If you could sleep with anyone here who would it be?" 

"Kie" I replied back 

"na thats a cheat answer, shes a girl" he said not satisfied with my answer

"why? wish i said you?" i shot back

"no, but you can't say Kie"

"Ok so i can't say you, John B is my brother so no. So gotta go with Pope" 

"thats not an answer thats the power of elimination" 

"you asked a question and i answered it, be mad." i snapped. "Sarah truth or dare?"


"ok, i dare you to jump into the water" 

"easy" she said already taking off her top

"i'm not done yet..... naked" i laughed causing John B's eyes to light up

"once again... easy" she smiled back "see Pope, never turn down a dare" she said tapping him on the shoulder and walking down towards the water. It was pitch black out so we could pretty much only see a faint silhouette but still the dare was completed. We continued to play for a little while longer until everyone started to fall asleep. Sarah and John B went back to her room, Kie and i were sharing a spare room, while Pope and JJ slept on the sofa downstairs. I tossed and turned for about an hour before i decided to go sit outside by the pool for a while until i was tired. I sat down dangling my feet into the water thankful for some alone time. 

"couldn't sleep?" i heard from behind me causing me to jump

"Jesus Rafe, you almost gave me a heart attack, how long have you been home" 

"the whole night" he shrugged

"why didn't you join us?" I asked as he sat down next to me

"mmm let me think, probably because I despise your little pogue friends" 

"oh come on Rafe, not all pogues are bad people, i'm a pogue and you like me"

"thats cause you bring in money for me" he laughed "speaking of, you need anything?" he asked 

"I got no cash"

" its fine, just pay me back later"

"i always do" i smiled taking a small bag off him filled with white powder

So that was how i spent my next few hours of the night, sat out by the pool getting high with Rafe Cameron. My brother hates him and with good reason, he isn't exactly what one would call an ideal man but if drugs are involved, Rafe is your guy. He has always had it out for pogues since day one but i don't think he is as bad as people say he is....doing drugs doesn't make you a bad guy....right?

"Jo what the fuck?" I was interrupted half way through my sentence by a voice i know sadly all too well

"Greetings dear JJ, please join us" i said gesturing my hand to the empty chairs

"Rafe what the fuck man, come on Jo, time for you to go to bed" he said grabbing my arm

"Let her go JJ, she doesn't want no dirty pogue" Rafe replied

"dirty pogue?- are you?- fuck me you're dumb, she is a pogue. I think you'll find she doesn't want a kook like you to be-" he stopped when he got close enough to see the table "is that? no...Rafe i swear to fuck!" he yelled grabbing him by his collar sending his chair flying backwards. "Tell me thats not what i think it is so i swear to god i won't hesitate to kill you"

"JJ STOP" i screamed 

"IS THAT WHAT I FUCKING THINK IT IS RAFE" he yelled now throwing a punch "Jo are you high?" he asked in a softer tone

"" i answered more like a question while sniffing and wiping my nose

"Jo, go inside" 

"JJ what are you going to do to-"

"DID THAT SOUND LIKE A FUCKING REQUEST, INSIDE NOW" He yelled making me jump. I scrambled inside tears brimming my eyes. I heard punches being thrown but for once in my life decided to do as i was told. No more than 2 minutes later JJ walked back inside unharmed

"How many lines did you do?"

"JJ i swear i-"

"How many lines Jo"

"only like three" i replied quietly looking down

"for fuck sake Jo, why would you do that to yourself" he said passing me a glass of water and walking me over to the sofa

"i don't know, seemed like fun"

"seemed like fun.... seemed like fun? Really Jo. That shit can kill you especially if you don't know what you're doing"

"relax JJ, its not as if it's my first time, jesus" 

"not your first time? Has that prick sold to you before?"

"yea" i shrugged now feeling like i probably should not have just confessed that

"oh and how long has this been happening then" he said now getting angrier

"about 9 months" i said just barely above a whisper

"9 months! seriously Jo, are you seriously that fucking stupid! The smoking i can excuse but coke? Seriously?!"

"Well i'm sorry that my fucking dad died JJ and everyone was there for John B, but who the fuck was there for me? huh? Cause i'm sure as hell you weren't. Its always about John B, he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants but me? I cant do anything without one of y'all being up my ass about it so for once in my goddamn fucking life i did something for me"

"you did something for you? Go get your hair done or your nails done, don't sniff fucking coke!"

"you know what JJ i don't expect you to understand" I said trying to walk away but fell back down onto the sofa

"your right, i don't understand Jo, so please enlighten me. Why didn't you just come to one of us"

"Because someone had to stay strong for John B" i said now starting to get upset

"and that person didn't have to be you, you lost your father as well"

"well, no one saw it that way. JJ i really don't want to speak about this anymore" i said trying to get up once again and JJ caught me

"ok cupcake, time to get you to bed" he said chuckling to himself and carrying me into my room with Kie and laying me down on the bed

"JJ?" i asked as he was starting to leave

"yea?" he said turning back around

"please don't tell my brother" i asked causing him to throw his head back and sigh

"Jo, i don't think i can keep this from him, you shouldn't be going through this alone and i don't like keeping secrets from him"

"please JJ" 

"on one condition"


"that you stop using"


"nope, those are my terms, i already lied for you about the smoking"

"but what if i need to"

"and that right there is why you need to stop"

"JJ im being serious"

"so am I. Look next time you feel like you have an urge or an itch or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, you come to me. Deal?"

"so what, are we like friends now or something"

"god no, you're annoying as fuck. I'll be like your secret AA person"

"is that not for alcoholics?"

"i have no idea but thats what i'll be. So do we have a deal?"

"fine, deal. John B does not find out a word of this"

"Pinky promise. Can i tell him that you're going through a rough spot though?"

"do you really think he will believe i opened up to you when i wasn't under the influence"

"true, true dat. Fine, not a word. But you come to me whenever ok? Call, text, drive, fucking carrier pigeon. Im there"

"thank you JJ"

"yea whatever, i'm fabulous I know" he said cockily as he left the room leaving me in darkness to attempt to get to sleep again. Something about a Kook bed is strangely uncomfortable, i like my broken springs but after a while of tossing and turning my eyelids eventually became heavy and i drifted off to sleep. 

(3000 words)

AN// Ok so this was a bit of a random chapter and was all over the place but i just wanted to get the ball rolling a bit. Hope y'all enjoyed

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