New Player In Town

By definitelynotsparky

12K 348 51

Stardew valley various x dom fem reader Inheriting (L/n) farm was the last thing you had ever expected to hap... More



804 25 8
By definitelynotsparky

Even though you had set your alarm, it certainly didn't help you get out of bed that morning. You contemplated staying in bed, but your farm needed care and your animals needed food. You slipped on a robe over your pajamas, putting on your boots before heading outside.    

You didn't make it very far however. Sam was standing on your porch, hand outstretched as if to knock. You regretted your decision of not properly dressing.    

"Good morning," he says, "you look comfy."   

"I just woke up," you reply, heading over to fill up your watering can. Sam followed you.    

"So, I had a question," he starts, walking a few paces behind you as you did your farm work.    

"What's up?"   

"Would you be opposed to adopting a cat?"    

You look at him as you headed over to your chicken coop. "A cat?"   

"Yeah," he leans against the door frame. "You see, Marnie found this stray wandering around the front of her house last night, and she's been asking people to take it in all morning. Problem is, nobody really wants it. I'd take it in myself but mom said no."   

"So.. you want me to take it?"    

"Yeah," he holds the door open for you on your way out after feeding the hungry hens. "That way I can come see it whenever I want." He grins at you.    

"Ohhh, I see. You want me to take it in so it can be yours." you grin back at him.    

"Ours," he corrects. "but mostly mine."   

"I don't know, Sam. I have enough responsibility at the farm already."   

He grabs your hand and holds it with both of his. "Please? I couldn't stand it if the little guy got sent to a shelter." He gives you puppy dog eyes.    

"Fineee. But if it's mostly yours, then you have to name it."   

"Hell yeah!" he gives you a quick one armed hug. "You're the best. We can take turns buying food for it and everything."   

"Just don't make the poor thing bounce between homes like a child of divorce."   

He laughs. "Nah, we'll be good cat parents. Can I really come see him whenever?"   

"Sure, just within reason. Don't show up to my house at midnight begging to see the kitty."   

"Deal!" he walks with you back up to your porch.   

"I have somewhere to be, but you're welcome to come inside and make yourself a cup of coffee while I get ready."   

He makes a beeline for the kitchen. You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom. You locked the door. Sam wasn't the kind of guy to peek or anything, but you felt more secure with the door locked. Didn't want any accidents happening.    

After a quick shower, you walked into the kitchen. Sam was at the stove. "Hey," he says, looking over his shoulder as you walk closer. "I hope you don't mind. I wanted to say thanks for agreeing to take in the cat. Hope you like eggs, bacon, and toast. There's also coffee left if you want some."   

"Aww, thanks Sam. You're such a good friend." You pour yourself a cup of coffee and sit down at the table. It didn't take long for the food to be done.    

Sam told you all about the cat as you ate. He really did love that cat already.    

"Anyway," he says, finally changing topics. "Where you headed today?"   

"Doctors appointment."   

"Ohh," he grabs a napkin and a pen, scribbles his number on it, and slides it over to you. "Shoot me a text when your done. I can meet you wherever and get the cat."   

You shove the napkin in your pocket. "Alright, will do. I should probably get going." he starts picking up the dishes. "oh, don't worry about that. I'll do it later."   

You say your goodbyes and head into town for your appointment. Harvey was at the front desk when you entered. "Hello," he says, giving you a small smile.    

"Hi," you walk over, looking at a clipboard he slides over to you.    

"Just fill out these forms and you'll be ready to go."   

You took a seat and filled out the information. It wasn't very much. After signing at the bottom, you bring the clipboard back up and Harvey point at a door to his left. "Just head through there."   

He meets you on the other side, leading you into a room. There was a sink in the corner, a few machines, and a place for you to sit while he did his examination. "Go ahead and have a seat," he says, washing his hands before putting on a pair of gloves.    

You watch him as you sit down. Harvey was actually pretty tall, taller than you at least.    

"Okay, I'm just going to do some simple tests," he says, pulling a stethoscope out. You sat there as he checked your breathing, your eyes, ears, tonsils, stomach, and lastly your height.

"Almost done," he says, adjusting the notches on the machine. "5'10," he mutters to himself. "I knew you were tall but I didn't realize you were that tall," he jokes, making one last final note. 

You chuckles. "Yeah, I'm pretty tall. Not as tall as you, though."   

"Nope, not quite. I have about 2 or 3 inches on you." He sets down his notepad. "Alright, that's all for today. Hope that didn't take too long."   

He leads you back out the front where you pay. "Oh," he reaches over and grabs a small bag. "Would you mind doing me a favor?"   

"Not at all," you say.   

"Would you mind taking this to George? He's the man who lives in the house across from Pierre's. He forgot to come get his medicine this morning."   

"Sure thing."    

You grab the bag and exit the office, shooting Sam a text about your little errand. Following Harvey's directions, you made it to a pretty house with a fenced in area. It had a sign that said dog on it.    

"Watch out," a voice yells at you as you walked closer to the front door.    

Too late.   

Something hit you in the side of the head. Not very hard, but enough to make you jump. At your feet sat a gridball.    

"Sorry about that," the same voice says to your right. Looking up, you saw a handsome young man wearing a letterman jacket.    

"It's alright," you say, picking up the ball and handing it back to him. He tucks it under his arm, watching as you knocked on the front door to the house.    

"My grandma probably can't hear you," the man says. Anddd of course this was his house. "Here." he steps in front of you and opens the door, holding it open for you.    

An old woman peeked her head into the hallway. "Alex, is that you?"   

"We have a visitor," he says back, tossing his ball into the air.   

The old lady smiled. "Well if it isn't Miss (Y/n)," she says, walking over and grabbing your hand. "I've been looking forward to meeting you, dear."   

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs uh.." you trail off, realizing you don't know her name.    

"Just call me Evelyn. What brings you to my house, dear?"   

"Dr. Harvey sent me to give these pills to George. Is he here?"   

"George, honey, you forgot your pills today," she calls into the living room where an old man in a wheelchair sat in front of a tv.    

"Huh?" he says, not taking his eyes away from it.    

You walk over and hand him the bag. "Here you go, I hope that's everything you need. My name is-"   

"My favorite show is on," he grumbles, dismissing you.    

Evelyn sighs. "Don't take it personally. My husband has soured with old age."   

"I see. Well, I better get going. It was nice meeting y'all."   

"Alex, dear, please show our guest out."   

Alex sighs but walks out with you anyway. "That was kind of you," he says once the two of you were outside.    

"Eh, it was a coincidence. I had an appointment this morning."   

"Still," his eyes traveled over your face before turning back to his gridball. Awkward silence fell. Would it be rude to leave or..   

"Sorry for hitting you earlier," he apologizes again. "I've been practicing my throws. Kinda hard with just one person, but, you know," he smirks. "You're talking to a future pro, how's it feel?"   

"Uh.. cool." You weren't really a sports person but you didn't want to be rude.    

Obviously unsatisfied with your reply, he starts rambling off his new protein diet and training regime. You stand there, only half listening. "Oh," he says, turning to you as if just realizing something. "Catch the ball for me a few times? You can help me train."   

"Uhm.. well, you see I-"   


Alex's eyes focus on somebody behind you. "Oh, there's Sam."   

You turned around, smiling as you saw a gray kitty in his arms and extremely grateful he had saved you from playing get-smacked-in-the-face. "You brought it already?" you ask, walking over to him.    

"Yep! I couldn't wait any longer. Isn't he just adorable?" Sam beams, looking down at the cat in his arms. A bag was over his shoulder. Sticking out of it were a few cat toys and a bag of food.    

"Have you thought of a name for him yet?"   

"Hm.. I was thinking about either whiskers or larry," he says.    

You stifle a laugh. "Those are horrible names," you tease.   

"You said I could name him!" Sam protests, walking with you back to your house. You passed by his own house. A woman with brown hair was outside, digging around in a flower garden.    

"Sam?" she called.   

"Oh, hey mom," he says, stopping to talk with her.    

"Did you find a place for the cat? I know you've been worried about it."   

"I agreed to take it in," you say. "I'm (Y/n), by the way."   

"Jodi," she stands up, wipping her forehead with her clean hand. "I'm glad that cat has a home now."   

Sam grins, holding the cat up. "His name is Larry."   

Jodi makes eye contact with you with a 'wtf' stare. "Um.. well.. that's great honey!"   

"Come on, (Y/n)! I wanna introduce Larry to his new home," Sam says, yanking you along the road.    

"Ah- okay. No need to pull, jeez, I'm coming."   

Jodi smiles at her son walking away. It had been a while since she'd seen him so happy. She hoped you stayed close to him. Her son deserved to be happy. Jodi lifts a hand to her face, giggling softly. "Who knows," she smiles to herself, voicing her thoughts out loud. "Maybe she'll become something more to him down the road."

(Um okay so sorry for the random disappearance I uh man my life got fucking crazy. A bunch of bad shit happened to me and things weren't fun for while but hey I graduated high school! And I've been pretty happy lately. I remember that I have like fucking five chapters of this written so I'm gonna upload a few as an apology for being gone. Enjoy!)

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