Tired of being alone.

By Red-Freckled

11.7K 429 178

After Dr. Strange cast the spell that made everyone forget who Peter Parker was, he was left alone. Until he... More

1:Is this a mistake?
3:Tis but a scratch.
Explaining the AU.
4:Mr magic man.
5: The kindness of a not so stranger
6: Explanations
7: Application And A New(ish) Face?
8:New number?
Christmas Special!
9:The Avengers do..some rather normal things?
10:The Truth Or Something Like That.
12: Lunch Break And More Questions.

11: Internship.

669 29 21
By Red-Freckled

Peter laughed a bit before deciding to leave it at that. The day had gone on long enough, of course there was still the matter of patrol. So after a few hours of patrolling, he went home. Feeling rather like the character of a bad fanfiction.

It had been a long long weekend. Long work shifts upon long patrol hours made Peter just want to sleep for days. As he lay in his bed at 2:30 Sunday morning, he thought about what he had ahead of him.

The internship. He had been texting Tony about it, and if the small-time hero was being honest he was excited. Working in labs, maybe working alongside Tony again? That thrilled him. And if he could just catch a small bit of rest it would be perfect.

The hours slowly ticked by and Peter Parker was still awake, which was not surprising but still it wasn't much fun. Peter picked up his phone, staring at the much too-bright screen before unlocking it with the passcode.

1 new message from Mr. Stark

Mr. Stark? Why was he texting him so early? It was four A.M now, and the message was just ten minutes old. He sighed and checked it.

[Mr. Stark]
I can't wait for you to start, if you think I won't find you then you are mistaken.


[Mr. Stark]

You're the one who texted me??? 😑

[Mr. Stark]
I mean yeah but you shouldn't be awake.

You're one to talk, you have an important job at SI right?

[Mr. Stark]
Yes. Now you sleep. I'll sleep.

Peter rolled his eyes. Mr. Stark hadn't changed. Maybe he would have fun at the internship.

Yeah, but my body isn't going to let me sleep anymore tonight.

[Mr. Stark]
Kiddo, you should at least put the phone down. That way at least your eyes aren't strained.

Kiddo has changed [Mr. Stark]'s name to [Mother]

Don't. You. Dare.

Peter grinned to himself, deciding to follow Mr. Stark's advice and putting the phone down. He laid back after checking the time. 4:35. How wonderful. He could feel his phone buzz angrily for a moment before stopping.

He exhaled softly, laying down in his bed. Peter closed his eyes and simply lay there the rest of his night. He never fell asleep, but he did feel less tired.

While he lay there, a pang of nostalgia hit him. How many nights had he and Mr. Stark stayed up texting each other? How many times had this same scenario happened?

Too many times to count, too many to think about. It left Peter with a bitter taste in his mouth. He decided to not think about it. It wasn't worth the time. Speaking of time it was time for him to get up.

While Tony himself had never told him what time to arrive, Peter had received an email from Stark Industries stating that he would be there from 9-5 much like a proper job. It was 5:30 now. If he hurried he could get some patrol in.

So he got up, taking a little time to take a cold shower. He moved quickly to get into his suit. Peter would return to change into an outfit for the internship. The email had said to wear things he would be able to work in a lab with. So at least it wasn't anything fancy.

Peter glanced around outside his window to make sure he wasn't under any watch. Once it was all clear, he swung out the window and into the cold morning air.

The local hero didn't pause for a moment on this patrol, doing whatever he could to help his city. Of course, he did stop when a kindly lady offered him a churro. She did this every time she saw her. Peter knew she didn't even sell them, it was like she was carrying them all the time. It was quite odd.

Once he was done eating he hurried back to his apartment to change into an old navy shirt and some worn-out jeans. Peter quickly fixed up his messy self-cut hair the best he could.

Soon the teenager was at the front door of Stark Industries looking at the doors before walking in. He couldn't deny the total soup of emotions he was feeling at the moment. It was surreal and almost painful how many memories he had of this place.

Playing pranks on the Avengers with Clint, training with Natasha or Steve, sticking magnets on Bucky's arm, getting fussed at by Bruce for being hurt again...Inventing and tinkering in the lab with Tony.

Peter smiled slightly as he walked up to the lady at reception. Thankfully no guard stopped him this time.

"Uhm, hi ma'am, I got accepted into the internship and wanted to know where I should go?"

The lady looks up at Peter from the slightly raised desk. She looked like a typical sweet older lady, late fifties early sixties most likely, not overly old but you wouldn't call her young anymore.

"Oh, you must be.." She typed away on her monitor for a moment before smiling. "Peter!"

Peter nodded. "Yes ma'am."

The lady tapped her name badge that read Smith. (Made up name)
"You can call me Smith, or Mrs Smith if you're the real polite type. You'll just take that elevator and this ID badge and you'll be taken automatically to your floor."

He took the badge that the lady held up for him to grab. After a short goodbye, he went up to the elevator, being greeted by the familiar voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Welcome Peter Parker, you will be heading to the 12th floor, please don't go to any floor above 35 without permission from somebody higher up."

Peter gave a soft nod, nostalgia hitting him hard in the chest. It had been a while since he had heard that automated voice. Can you miss a computer?

It didn't take long before he had reached his floor. Peter stepped out and was almost immediately greeted by a middle-aged man. "Ah, you must be Peter yes?"

Before he could even answer the man carried on "My name is Mr. Taylor (made up name) don't forget it." He said firmly.

"I won't sir," Peter said quickly. "I'll remember."

"Great, so you're one of the interns that I got annoyingly assigned with. You'll be working in this room over here." Peter was led into a small room that suspiciously seemed the size of a closet. There was a desk with a computer on it.

"So basically you'll be working on this computer for your internship. You'll be doing inventory. Make sure we have enough supplies being ordered so we don't run out. You won't mess up."

Peter felt... Disappointed. He had been under the impression he was going to work in the labs. "So...I done work in the labs sir?"

Mr. Taylor shot him a glare. "I wouldn't recommend interrupting me again. No you will not be in the labs. There wasn't enough people there to watch you. So this is what you'll be doing. Oh, and also you'll occasionally run coffee to me or whoever ends up ordering it."

Peter didn't say anything he just simply nodded.

"One more thing you'll be doing, some interns and workers will turn in work to you, make sure you put it into the system. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." With that Mr. Taylor left the room. Leaving Peter alone.

This was... Not what he had been expecting or wanting, but it was too late to back out now. He'd already emailed his two week notice. Besides he needed the money.

So he sat down in the crappy chair by the desk and started on his work.

Ordering more steel? Check. Ordering screws? Check. Ordering...Strawberry Pop-tarts? Check.

Peter realized that only thirty minutes had gone by and he was already bored. It was then he noticed he could hear giggling in the hallway by his door. It sounded like two boys laughing with each other. Then his door opened.

Two boys who looked around 16, were standing in the entrance holding papers. "So, we heard that we had to turn in our work to some intern in here? That you?"

"Uhm, yeah. That's me."

The boy who spoke, the blond, nodded. "Great. Here ya go." He dropped the stack of papers on the desk.

The second boy, who was a brunette did the same. "Don't forget you have to double check the work. It's part of your job!"

Before Peter could ask, the two were gone and he was alone once more. What in the world? Peter was pretty sure that double checking work was not part of his job. Mr. Taylor hadn't said anything about that, but it wasn't worth the risk of being wrong.

Peter had promised himself, that after Mysterio, he would never let anybody lead him on, but here he was doing just that as he scanned over the papers. Typing the work into the computer and fixing the many mistakes that were in them.

It was tedious but at least he had something to do, something other than sitting there.

It was then he realized it was time for his lunch break. 12:00.

Peter stood up, stretching his sore legs and sighing. The email had mentioned that interns get free meals so that was a huge bonus.

Peter headed to the elevator. Smiling slightly as he stepped in.

"Welcome back Peter Parker. Where will you be heading."

"Just Peter would be fine, and uh, cafeteria?" Peter couldn't really remember the layout of the tower, besides Tony had always ordered food.

"Okay Peter."

The next few minutes were quiet as Peter tapped his foot against the floor.

"How has the internship treated you so far Peter?"

Peter blinked and glanced up at the speakers. How was he supposed to answer that? Sure FRIDAY was simply AI, but she was a really intelligent AI.

"It's been interesting." Peter decided that was a safe response.

"I hope you have been practicing lab safety." Was the response he received. More proof that somebody was yanking Peter around on a chain. Though he wasn't surprised. He didn't have good luck.

"We have arrived, do enjoy your break Peter."

Peter nodded and walked out of the elevator, only to be greeted with a collision.

"Ah shit."


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