Lego Movie: Emmet/Lucy one sh...

By odawg0207

3.3K 45 159

Heavily inspired by two or three of the writers I follow, and decided to make altered versions of a couple of... More

Chapter 1: Situational Intoxication
Chapter 1: Part II
Chapter 2: Loss
Chapter 3: Intimacy
Chapter 4: All-Powerful
Chapter 5: Love
Chapter 7: Starry Scars
Chapter 7.5: True love
Sneekpeak: (Bonus Trailer)

Chapter 6: Spicy Surprise

386 8 26
By odawg0207

(WARNING: Scenes of PG love and PG kissing in this one shot. You do not have to read if you are not comfortable with this.)

It was a quiet evening all across the Syspocalypstar Galaxy.

Families sleeping. Groups of friends quietly chatting. The starry night sky illuminating the oasis of the many planets below.

Ever since the end of Armageddon and the unification of the two galaxies, the Universe itself had become such a truly spectacular vastness of beauty.

However, beneath all the comradary and friendship of these new times, there were still two young people, two people very much in love, who have been spending so much time together, showing their affection and love to one another.

That being the Special: Emmet Brickowski, and his stunning Girlfriend: Lucy Wyldstyle.

The two had somehow been growing closer and closer every day since they first chose to be together, which didn't seem possible as the two knew basically everything about each other.

Of course, Emmet and Lucy, along with everyone else, were proven wrong as the two lover's continued falling harder for each other every single second. He was so innocent and kind, while she was so tough and rebellious.

But, they always made it work, and their romantic bond only keeps growing stronger.

Speaking of which, Emmet and Lucy were at their nice little home raised on the hill overlooking the city of the capital planet of Syspocalypstar, watching a romantic movie, and, every now and then, would give each other little, hungry kisses to each other's lips.

People all over their newly united home had been asking for Emmet's help building something, or Lucy protecting a city from any threats and enemies.

The two were too busy helping everyone, that it took weeks to finally finish and come back together, his and her lips starving for each other after so long.

A few pecks here and there when they were alone, but that barely satisfied the hunger their love desired.

Emmet and Lucy were an incredible couple. They're just too perfect together.

Their love can break curses.

They could never be driven apart.

She would always protect him.

He would always comfort her.

They would always love each other no matter what.

Back to the couple, they were on a double-decker couch Emmet had built earlier, kissing each other with fresh, stark passion, still listening to the movie, but mainly focused on one another.

Emmet, being the shy, sweet guy he is, felt too worried of going farther beyond little kisses on the cheek, but he loved Lucy so much, and kissing her felt incredible.

A feeling very mutual on her end too.


There was something neither had decided to approach discussing before.

Emmet, as he never fathomed it before. While Lucy, she didn't want to overwhelm her boyfriend. Maybe because she knew he was so innocent, so kind, Lucy felt almost nervous broaching such a category choice.

Thankfully, the movie and other background noises long gone, Lucy had taken the chance to plant a big, swift kiss on Emmet's lips, before doing the same to the soft spot on his neck.

His body tensed up as his girlfriend began kissing his neck, not having the courage to do or say pretty much anything. Emmet just allowed her to continue, both feeling really nice and good together like this.

After she was done, Lucy began moving her hands to the back of Emmet's neck, her fingers playing with his soft, fluffy hair. It felt so good to him, but wouldn't say anything. He was just happy to be with the love of his life.

Lucy, on the opposite end, adored Emmet so much as well. She loved everything about him. She wouldn't change her life with him for anything, or everything.

Still... there was something she wanted to try with Emmet. But, he might not be too averse to the idea.

Lucy wanted to do everything in her power to show Emmet how much she means to her... and that meant doing whatever it took.

In truth? ... She wanted to "show him a good time" as they say. Lucy wanted to make love to Emmet, which they obviously had done several times before.

However, those always showed Lucy herself taking the lead. Mainly because she's the tough and strong one of the couple, and Emmet is a sweet little marshmallow, that he'd always just lay and let Lucy handle him however she pleased.

They always felt so good together afterwards.

This time, though, she wanted Emmet be the one taking charge.

He never had done something like that in his entire life, and wouldn't even know what to do. But Lucy was such an amazing and incredible Girlfriend and lover. She'd swear to help him if he was to nervous or confused on what to do.

She just loved him so much.

After a few more kisses, Lucy finally sat back, hand on her lover's cheek with her thumb tracing over his soft jawline. Taking in a few breaths, she finally spoke to her boyfriend.

"You know, Ems..." She asked seductively.

"Hmm?" Emmet wondered. "Everything ok Lucy?" He asked in his usual perky tone, wearing that same dopey smile she loved to watch and kiss.

"Yeah, but..." Stretching her arms out, Lucy pulled his face down to her stomach, still covered by her beloved rebel hoodie. "I'm still wide awake. You wanna... mess around a bit?"

The question left a scared but eager lapse run through Emmet's head. He always got this nervous when he and her made love, but still always felt nice when she kissed him all over, and held him in her strong, muscular arms.

His answer was sudden, though extremely shy. "Y-yeah. Can we, Luce? Right now?" Emmet was so cute, Lucy could just eat him up.

"Yeah, we can, babe." She reassured.

"Okay. So, do you want me to lay down? Or can I feel your leg again? Or can I-?" Emmet would have gone farther, but Lucy cut him off before he could about to once again adorably ramble.

"Babe, baby," Lucy cooed, kissing her lover's neck again. "I was thinking something a little... different." Pulling away, she led Emmet up off the couch and held him by the waist, softly fingering around the belt holes of his construction pants.

"Huh? Lucy, why would we-" Emmet again tried to ask, but Lucy put her hand gently over his mouth, stopping any response he could have given her.

"Shh," She responded. "I'll show you."

Looking over to their shared room, Lucy got an idea. "How about I get you a drink, Ems?"

Emmet just stared, confused and nervous, but then putting on that same dopey smile he always shown brightly. "Oh, that's alright, Lucy! I can just head to the fridge and-"

"Babe, not here," Lucy corrected, feeling his cheek while he leaned into her soft touch. "In our room." Then, she just started walking towards the door in what seemed to be an attractive stance, walking backwards with her eyes locked to his now trembling self.

"Just give me five minutes to... tidy things up, Emmet." Lucy winked, walking through the door and into their room.

Emmet just stood there. So innocent, dumbfounded, but also, as always, clueless on what just happened. He knew Lucy was up to something, but he couldn't figure out what. Hopefully, it wasn't anything scary or bad.

Well, it had been just over five minutes, and Emmet was worried. Should he go in right about now? It's what Lucy requested, after all. Who was he to refuse something as simple from the most beautiful, angelic woman in the Universe?

Even if he thought about backing out, this seemed important to Lucy, which meant Emmet had to do this for her.

Putting on a brave face, the same face he used against Lord Business and Rex, Emmet walked slowly towards the door, preparing to turn the knob, and do whatever it was-



What was that sound?

... Was it... music?

No, that was impossible.

Lucy may have been a popstar in the past, but she doesn't get music fatigue. She's a rebel now! She's the tough and rowdy one.

But then... why was there the sound of music coming from the other side of the door?...

Forget just that, why did it sound like... romantic music? Like the stuff someone hears when on a private date or from *Titanic*?

Knocking slightly on the door, Emmet asked with his usual chipper boy scout voice.

"L-Luce? You o-ok?" He asked worried at the thought of something very unusual, especially from Lucy's side.

For a moment, he heard nothing, and was about to ask again, but then, he could hear her incredible voice from the other side. "Oh, heh, sorry Ems..." Lucy sounded a bit teasing. "Just uh, needed to get some things sorted out."

"O-oh. Ok... do you want me to go-"

"Come on in." She welcomed seductively, and Emmet gulped, his insides on fire from nervousness and fear. Nevertheless, he walked in anyway.

He looked at the door before closing it to make sure the knob would close shut per Lucy's earlier request, but when he looked away from it, and towards the general direction of their bed-

Oh... no...

There she was.

Right there.

With her gorgeous, stunning, hourglass body laying perfectly on the bed, in such an attractive pose, romantic music playing from the little speaker on their dresser.

Lucy was actually right there, all for him, wearing a very much pretty black nightgown, just thin enough to show her bra and her panties, even a bit loose and just a bit large for her size, but almost as small for her to wear anyway.

Both her long legs meanwhile, one stretched into an obtuse angle, the other laying in a straight line. So strong. So thick. So muscular, and so much more. Lucy must've worked on leg exercises a lot to get them to be that strong and well-built.

Her arms laid back, and-

Wait a minute...

Her arms... they were stretched out, but, her wrists were... held onto two thin pieces of rope?

Did she... tie her hands to the head of the bed?

Why else would her whole body be laid out that much, looking so stunning?

The music, her body, her form, and finally, her face. Oh, Lucy's face...

Those freckles, her eyes, her plump, pink lips, all giving her such beauty and flawlessness. Never before had one person harbored so much of said beauty, yet Lucy seems to have done so with ease...

"You want this, Brickowski?" Lucy seductively asked. Oh, she wanted this. She wanted nothing more but for Emmet to take full advantage of her. To take her. To touch her. To make her feel so special...

In such a terrified way, an innocent, trembling Emmet's legs buckled, his cheeks turning vibrant red, lips shaking, and everything in between. Her immaculate form... Emmet was about to wet himself, almost like he did the first time he and Lucy messed around.

Very steadily regaining control of his body, Emmet very carefully nodded, forming an adorable smile. One that Lucy just smirked at and chuckled before responding.

"Well, come and get it." She said with a teasing voice, motioning her (lego) finger, silently asking him to come over to her.

Without breaking eye contact, Emmet quietly walked over, horrified at the marvel in front of him. Why was the room spinning like a kiddie ride? Why was his face feeling like it got attacked by a swarm of hornets? Why was Lucy so in love with him: Naive and clueless Emmet?

Making his way to the side of the bed, Emmet slowly got on before Lucy moved her leg over from the foot of the bed to her boyfriend's stomach, her own foot resting on his cheek in a romantic way. He was so terrified.

"L-...Luc-Lucy?" Emmet questioned in his shaking voice. "Wh-wh-why are y-you ti-tied up to th-the-"

Without letting him finish his blubbering question, Lucy moved her legs in a calculated way that grabbed around his back with both her ankles and heels, pressing him down and landing his face into her stomach.

Lucy immediately started moaning the second her sweet little Emmet's lips unintentionally pressed against her belly, biting her lip with pleasure at his mouths' touch. She then started to groan in further pleasure at his soft lips, combined with the fabric of her night against her skin.

"Oh, Emmet." She purred. The two stayed in this strange position for a few moments, Emmet at first wanting to pull away from her belly in fear he was doing something wrong, but stayed where he was after hearing Lucy sighing and moaning in delight, then wanting to continue to make her feel nice.

Emmet was undoubtedly so shy. It was in his nature, but he wanted to make Lucy feel so good, even if that meant taking whatever steps necessary.

Finally, Emmet moved back up from his girlfriend's stomach, both looking to each other with love and attraction.

Then, giving Emmet some space to prepare for continuing, Lucy spoke again, wanting to get to her original point of why they were in this position together.

"Hey, Babe?" She asked.

Emmet just stared at her, a weak but warm smile forming on his lips. "Y-yeah Lucy?"

"You wanna know why I did this?" She asked in a romantic way. "I wanted you to take over for tonight." She confessed, moving up to kiss him. "I know I'm the tough one, and I'm, well, always on top, but you're so adorable... I just wanna see you try to make me feel good."

The admission left Emmet surprisingly not more nervous, but rather confused. "Huh?" He wondered. "You didn't have to do that, Lucy. I love how tough you are. You-"

"But Ems," Lucy interrupted gently again. "I wanna... I want to help you be more confident. I love how innocent and kind you are, but... I just want you to enjoy this just as much. Plus," She winked, using her feet to somehow rip off Emmet's pants, but to no avail - just toying with him - and pulling him down, their lips just an inch apart, breaths mixing.

"I want you to handle me, Emmet." Lucy kissed him through her words. "I want you to make me feel so good. But, I want you to do whatever you want to me..." She smiled, pure joy on her face of the thoughts she was thinking of having Emmet do her.

"L-Lucy? I-... you- what if I hurt-" Emmet asked before Lucy kissed him again and talking through their locked mouths.

"I've been through it all, Ems." She reassured. "You really can't hurt me. Do whatever you want to me, I promise you won'tdo anything wrong. I want you to love me up so bad."

Emmet contemplated his decisions. Either he could try to take the reigns for once, risking embarrassing himself, but making Lucy feel so good, OR not go through with it, disappointing his true love.

Of course, Lucy would understand, and would enjoy snuggling him anyways. She knew if something was making Emmet uncomfortable, she'd stop it right away.


Emmet really wanted Lucy to feel great all the time.

He wanted to make sure she knew she was the Queen of the Universe he knew she deserved to be. So, therefore, Emmet made his decision.

"Ems?" Lucy asked again. "You alright, Babe?"

"Y-yeah. Thanks, Luce." Emmet responded happily. "A-and... I-... I wanna do this."

Lucy was a bit taken back by this. She would've been happy with whatever answer he gave, as she was just happy to be with Emmet at all. But, she was at least happy he wanted to try this after so long.

"You... you sure Emmet?" She questioned. "I promise we don't have to if you're not ready."

"Lucy," Emmet said, gently kissing her lips. "I want to. So much. I-I'll be okay. But... can you help me if I do something wrong?" He asked so innocently.

Lucy couldn't help it. She was about to swallow him up with love.

"Take me, Emmet. Make love to me. Make me feel so good!"

Listening to his girlfriend's instructions again, Emmet carefully leaned down, trying to think of what Lucy would do when she was on top.

Well, usually, she ripped off her hoodie and leggings before taking off Emmet's vest and pants. Then, she'd start to kiss him all over, moving her hands around his body to make him feel great.

Maybe he could do the same... after all, Lucy just said she's "been through it all", also saying she wants him to do anything he wants to her, so there really was no harm in trying.

Laying on top of her, Emmet slowly, nervously, started to take off his construction vest, the bright orange clothing reflecting off Lucy's sparkling eyes.

Neatly taking off the vest, Emmet laid it to the side, then choosing to unbutton his blue polo shirt, meanwhile bending down and kissing Lucy's lips, the two never wanting to break apart.

After undoing the last button, Emmet finally let his shirt slide off, pressing his chest against Lucy's to raise his hands against her waist, her back arching and muscles rippling as her boyfriend held her so gently.

He gently traced his hand over her body, making Lucy shutter in pleasure, before Emmet tenderly moved back a bit, as Lucy had done before. She said it was to tease a reaction out of him so he'd want to go further if he wanted.

He slightly moved up, trying to look cool and tough, but Lucy could see through it. She didn't want him to pretend. He was perfect just the way he is: too kind and sweet to be allowed.

Lucy's voice was breathy as she pulled him back down, knowing he was trying, but too confused, to tease her like she did to arouse him. Then again, it turned her on anyway.

"You want me so bad, Brickowski..." She said, trying to seduce Emmet further. "You wanna take me?"

Emmet wanted to say something, though he just didn't know what. He was still so unbelievably shy.

That is, until Lucy gave him that look. The same look she gave when she was about to attack him... (In the way they both like.)

Then, he knew how to respond.

"L-Lucy?" Emmet asked

"Yeah, Babe?" Lucy responded.

"I-... I wan..."

"Yeah?" She asked, reaching out, although her hands tied to the bed, to extend her tongue to his chest to taste him as if Emmet were the most delicious ice cream cone she had ever tasted. "What do you want?" She asked in a still Seductive and attractive tone.

"I- I wanna... f-... feel you..." Emmet confessed. "I wa-wanna kiss y-you..."

It was there in that moment that Lucy couldn't contain herself.

That was what could have been the dirtiest thing she'd ever hear Emmet say, or the dirtiest thing he's ever said. And yet... she was so proud of him. Not to mention, so very, very turned on.

"Emmet, babe," Lucy said proudly to her boyfriend. "Do it... do it so hard I can't take it. You wanna kiss me?"

"Y-y... yeah... I do, a l-lot... Please-"

Then, in an act of lust, she used the weight of her strong thighs to pull Emmet slightly backwards, his face just above her neck and chest. She silently nodded to him, a sign that she wanted him to remove her nightgown.

"It's really important to pay attention to me, Ems." Lucy said, licking her lips and eyeing her own cleavage. "Kiss me Emmet. Kiss me right here. Kiss me so hard."

She wanted him so bad. No, she needed Emmet so bad.

Although scared, Emmet remembered Lucy was still wearing a bra and panties, so he wouldn't be doing anything wrong. Though pulling off her undergarments for Emmet was definitely something Lucy was looking forward to in the future.

Taking off his Girlfriend's waist strap, Emmet let the slip of her nighty fall loose, lightly setting it off the bed, and gazing at her still goddess, immaculate body shining bright as Kingdom come.

The man upstairs gave Emmet the two most incredible things in the history of existence: The most beautiful woman as the love of his life, and the gift of true love itself.

Slowly, Emmet moved his face down, brushing his lips against Lucy's chest, before she pressed forward, allowing Emmet to sink in farther. It was so much pleasure, Lucy wanted him to keep feeling her until she couldn't stand it anymore. Then, go further if he felt a little more brave, she thought.

"Oh yeah... oh yeah..." Lucy repeated, her mouth gapping open, groaning. It felt like Emmet was starting to peck at her like a chicken, but she didn't care. Pleasure far outstripped any other feeling she had. The mere thought of her sweet, little Emmet feeling her was the greatest sensation she could ever feel.

The warmth in her body flowed straight to her belly. It felt so good. So fantastic. Her kind, soft, adorable boyfriend gaining more confidence. He was so shy, but so eager to make Lucy feel good.

It was just so adorable.

"Say my name." She whispered to him.

It took Emmet a second to figure what she was asking for, but he wouldn't question her. He loved her way too much.

"Lucy." He said, following her orders.

"Say it louder, babe. You're distracting me a bit." She winked, meaning the way he was kissing her chest. And Lucy? Lucy likes it. Better than that, she loves it. She loves Emmet. So, so much.

Following her instructions again, Emmet raised his voice a little for Lucy to hear him. "Lucy. Lucy! I-"

"Yeah, yeah! Louder Ems, keep-"

"Oh, Lucy! Lucy!" He moaned.

"Oh Emmet!" She groaned in return.

The two were mixed in a state of pure love, pleasure, and lust. They hadn't gotten off this well in quite a while, and the fact that Emmet was the one in control for once made Lucy's heart feel a welcoming jolt of excitement. Her eyes began to flutter closed as her sweet little Emmet continued to make love with her.

Lucy just felt herself getting more and more satisfied and lustful by the second, so much so that she wanted Emmet to shove his face into her chest so hard that they'd almost have to be linked together like that for eternity, so she could never stop having him around her.

It obviously wasn't as rough, let alone intense like any of Lucy's other boyfriend's in the past. Especially not like Batman.

But unlike those other... men, she had gone through, Emmet's sincerity, love, care, and most arousing of all, his innocence, made Lucy happier than ever before, and more so than anyone could ever feel.

There wasn't a single inch of doubt in her mind ever since Takos Tuesday: Emmet was the one. He was her true love. The only man Lucy will always love, with all her heart, and not her mind.

"Oh, Emmet!" Lucy sounded as if she was about to beg. "Say you wanna. Say you wanna kiss me, Ems!"

At her request, more of a wish, Emmet did as told be his amazing Girlfriend, pushing his face further inside her cleavage. He was so nervous and shy, but he was going to make Lucy feel good, darn it!

Moaning through his Girlfriend's skin, Emmet smiled as Lucy used her legs and feet to wrap her lower half around Emmet's body, pulling him down to where their waists met, Lucy's legs and thighs climbing onto Emmet's back, until rubbing them on him, and repeating it again, developing a rhythm.

The two were so close...

Lucy was about to lose herself. Emmet made her feel so incredibly. Him making love to her would be something she'd look forward to every day for the rest of their lives.

She and Emmet continued to make more love, saying each other's names again and again, until Emmet's hand started to wander down Lucy's back.


"Emmet! Oh Emmet! More, More!!"

"Lucy! Lucy!! LUCY-!"

Then, a very small, but very strange sound made it's way into their ears. It seemed... to be coming from...



It seemed to have been, a squeal of sorts? From Lucy? The fierce warrior Wyldstyle? The toughest there is?

Emmet moved his face up from his girlfriend's cleavage, eyeing her with love, but also confusion, with Lucy looking to him exactly the same way.

Beads of sweat were on both their foreheads, and they were panting as if they were both next to the sun. Emmet's cheeks were a scarlet red, while Lucy's a pure burgundy, but they could care less about that for now, no matter how attracted they were to each other.

Noticing something felt out of place, Emmet and Lucy looked down to said put of place spot, seeing Emmet's hand, holding onto...

Oh-... No...

Oh, no no no no...

Emmet Brickowski of all people. The sweetest, most innocent, most kind man in the Universe... just squeezed Lucy on her-...

Well... her backside area... ...

The two just starred at his hand and her... cheek... Lucy, looking very smug and attractive, while Emmet was absolutely broken. His entire nervous system just shut down... He just felt his Girlfriend, and now she was going to kill him...

Furious, at least. Boiling as Hades at most.

But, as they looked to each other, Lucy just bucked her hips up, arching her back again to show her body to Emmet before speaking.

"Dang, babe. I never knew you could be THAT naughty..." Lucy paused before smiling smuggly and pointing her eye direction down. "And, mmm... I'd love to feel that again."

Emmet was frazzled. Nearly undone. His body is not even able to contain itself...

Oh, how awesome this was.

His mind was made up.

"Can... can I take off my pants, Lucy?"

Did he even need her permission for that?

"Ems... I want you to love me so much. It makes me feel so special. Take me. Keep going... I, I love you Emmet." Lucy ended, her little confession blowing both their hearts away.

Taking off his clad construction pants, now only wearing his underwear, Emmet pulled the covers over him and Lucy, her hands still tied to the beds head, but snuggling under the blankets to feel Emmet's body heat.

Finally, looking at each other one more time before going down on Lucy as she instructed him, Emmet moved his eyes to see Lucy's, showing his full, true, deep and honest love for her.

"I love you too, Lucy... more than you'll ever know."

"More than anyone'll ever know, Babe?" She asked as he nodded.

"More than everyone will ever know."

And with that, the two continued making love. Emmet moving his hands all around Lucy's perfect body, making her feel so amazing, while Lucy kept her legs and thighs moving around to equally please Emmet, which he would occasionally stop to kiss said thighs.

Lucy was just so muscular and strong. She must've been able to carry the Statue of Un-Liberty all by herself.

The two would finally end with Emmet taking off Lucy's self-made restraints by ripping them off, allowing her to thrust her lips to his neck and later pepper him all over with little butterfly kisses Strange for someone so tough as her.

Lucy then quickly removed her side ponytail band, allowing her hair to fall just above her shoulders. A gorgeous cascade of natural Cyan and Pink, that being a very healthy set of hair as well.

She thrusted herself onto Emmet once more as the two shoved their hands into each other's hair, slightly starting to giggle before hard, contagious laughs emerged from their lips.

With a few hard and pleasurable kisses, the Special finally laid down on his back right next to Lucy, their arms around each other in a fleeting moment of recovery, with nothing but their undergarments and the bed covers over their exposure.

Emmet, exhausted after handling his gorgeous and stunning Girlfriend, would fall asleep almost instantly, allowing Lucy to cradle her unconscious boyfriend gently in her arms, pressing a kiss to his forehead and tucking his body inside her arms and legs to hold protect him.

She loved him, alright. And he loved her just as much.

Before closing her eyes, Lucy would look at Emmet's evenly chubby and broad body, with how perfect he was, before looking at her own muscular but angelic body, smiling at the pleasure and fun they'd just given each other.

Kissing his lips one more time, she whispered softly into Emmet's ear. "Tonight was perfect, Ems... and we can do it over and over again whenever you want."

Snuggling him further and warmer, Lucy finally closed her eyes, a pure and happy smile on her face. One that matched Emmet's smile perfectly.

"I love you, Emmet." Lucy ended. "Foreva..."

A/N: Hey! I hope you guys love this new chapter! More to cone in the future!

If you don't like this one or think it's sorta inappropriate, I completely understand! Just... please be gentle with the criticism.

You all are awesome! Have an amazing day, and I'll see you guys soon!

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