Crazy stars (a zodiac story)

By vikimonster2004

34.8K 1.3K 322

Four schools, twelve challenges, one winner A story about twelve students who got picked to represent their s... More

Fire Academy
Terra High
Air Academy
Aqua High
Clash of Teams
Anti socials
Night time and traumas
Drill and paths
Chef up (first challenge)
Only makes us stronger
Not so friendly game (2)
Bullseye (second challenge)
Get a room
Distract me
Faster than the wind (third challenge)
He's nice
This is war
Ready, set, dive!! (fouth challenge)
Bright weather, Rotten moods
Icy hearts (fifth challenge)
Annoying ride
Woods of Challenges (sixth Challenge)
Look closely
Two kids in a room
Equestrian (seventh Challenge)
It still hurts
Her diary
Get Crafty (eight challenge)
What could go wrong?
Over protective
Paint me a landscape (ninth challenge)
Growing fond (tenth challenge)
Who am I?
A date with Nature (eleventh Challenge)
Not so Anti socials
Unfamiliar sound
Tailor it up (Final Challenge)
Ride back home (final chapter)
Surprise Surprise

Not so friendly game

651 33 6
By vikimonster2004

    ~Go where the stars takes you ~

  The twelve student stood in the courtyard, wondering why they were out. For some reason Mr Dionysus was hyped so it was obvious he was up to something.

"You'll be playing a friendly game" He announced, smiling widely, while adjusting his headband.

"Oh yeah" Sagittarius and Aries beamed, giving each other a high five, while Leo hooted behind them.

Mr Dionysus cackled loudly, shaking his head as he saw them cheering for themselves. "Well, its a friendly game so you'd be mixed up with the student from other schools"

Everyone smiley faces turned into a scrawl, and they started muttering amongst themselves.

"I'll be pairing you guys at random so listen for your names, okay?" Mr Dionysus explained, they all nodded grudgingly, agreeing to what he said. "Aries, Capricorn and Aquarius are members of team A" he pointed at a certain direction for them to stand in.

"Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are in team B" He did the same to them. "Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces are in team C, and lastly Cancer, Libra and Virgo makes up team D"

After standing in their various spots Mr Dionysus spoke up. "The game is simple, there's are three flags in three different spots but there's four teams, you have an hour to return and the team without a flag loses and the first team to return wins a special surprise the losers have to clean the garden"

Each person looked at their teammates with distaste.

A map was given to each team before they went off into the woods behind the mansion.

Team A

    "I can read a map better than you" Aries sneered, dragging the map from Capricorn.

"I doubt that Mr Ramsy" Capricorn snapped back, glaring at the taller male.

Aquarius on the other hand started walking, leaving them behind. "Who needs a map when you can navigate with your senses"

"Hey, Ms Bearer" Capricorn noticed her walking off. Aries took that advantage snatching the map from her. "Give it back Ramsy"

"For the last time its Aries A-R-I-E-S" He sneered, literally spelling it out.

Aquarius face palmed. "You guys are ridiculous"

Aries walk and stood in front of both girls. "I'm with the map so I'm the leader"

"Don't start up another argument, dumbass" Aquarius bellowed, leaning on a tree, she yelped cleaning off the bugs on her shirt. "Let's just go"

"Are you sure you can read a map?" Aquarius asked for the trillionth time, frowning at Aries. "My teacher was right, Fire academy can't do anything right, other than brag"

"What?" Aries's head snapped, he squeezed the map, irritated by her words. "What did you say?"

"I said what I said, are you gonna fucking cry?" Aquarius mocked, wiping a fake tear from her face.

"I'm not wasting my effort with an Air academy student, they're just nothing and can easily be pushed around" Aries retorted, boring daggers at Aquarius.

"What?" Aquarius jeered, stepping closer. "What did you say?"

"I said what I said" Aries scoffed.

"Stealing her words, do better Ramsy" Capricorn rolled her eyes, uninterested in their argument.

"Don't get me started on you Terra High" Aquarius sneered, turning to Capricorn. "You're too stubborn and old fashion to try anything new, Chickens, bawk, bawk"

Aries chuckled lowly behind her.

"I don't engage myself in petty argument with people like you Bearer" Capricorn started walking, stepping on the dead fallen leaves. "I simply cannot stoop that low"

"Yeah, you only pay attention to tea, gee golly me, its tea time" Aries put in.

"If you're trying to make fun of my accent Ramsy, you've failed"

"BRIT, BRIT, BRIT ALERT" Aquarius and Aries laughed.

"How childish" Capricorn scoffed.

Team B

"How childish" Leo scoffed.

Taurus shrugged off his comment and continued. "You guys are so quiet, we should communicate about how to find the flag, that way we have a better chance of winning"

"I only heard Winning, you have a point" Leo put on, still looking at the map. "Since I'm so wise, smart and intelligent, I'm willing to put our differences aside and work this out, for now we are no longer enemies, we are enemies with a common goal"

"That's better, so any ideas?" Taurus beamed,  she liked the way Leo talks, from his voice to his method and pace of speech.

"I've gotten five gold barge for map reading so you're lucky it ain't Aries, he sucks at that"

Taurus giggled, before turning to Scorpio who hasn't said a word since. She flinch at the sight of a bug on his collar. "There's a. . .a thing on your. . ."

"Let it be" Scorpio deadpanned, his usual scrawl in place.

"What if it's poisonous?" She croaked. "It could kill you"

"That's better, being here with you guys is enough punishment"

"Someone's emo" Leo quipped, before halting, he looked at the map then at the landmark, then the map and then back to the landmark. "We're close"

"Oh yeah, what do you think the spacial prize for the winners is?, which is us by the way" Taurus chirped.

"Haven't you heard about counting your eggs before they hatch?" Scorpio shook his head, unamused by the news.

"I don't have any eggs here with me" Taurus shrugged, turning back to Leo.

"He has so much negative energy, we should just ditch him" Leo nudged his head, pointing at Scorpio.

"Yeah, tie him to a tree with lots of bugs on it" Taurus asserted.

Scorpio who was trailing behind them, rolled his eyes.

I'm super busy lately, I promise to go back to updating everyday.

Anyways!! Pls vote and comment your thoughts

Cya, ily 💙

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