Savior from The Future (Male...

By Fireyus

803 50 8

The year is 2178. The Anit-Quirk Nationalists have taken control over the world, using the events caused by t... More

Chapter 1 - Reborn in the Past
Chapter 2 - First Meeting

Prologue - 2178

298 14 2
By Fireyus

Smoke filled the skies above the burning city of Musutafu. A city, once filled with bright futures for the youth that attended UA, now brought to nothing but rubble after the many battles it lay witness to. The old ruins that were UA are now an encampment for the captured quirk users who await their fates at the hands of the Anti-Quirk Nationalists. The streets of the city were even worse for those with quirks. Those found were immediately put down like animals. The resistance of heroes could only do so much as the powers of the world fought against them. 

Through the smoke, there is a Quirk Kill Squad clearing the ruins of an apartment complex. They had suspected that there were quirk users within the building and were under orders to kill on sight. Little to their knowledge, they were being watched by two individuals on the rooftops.

Kill Squad Leader POV

My squad and I were clearing the building of any quirk users. We were under orders by the commander to kill on sight, not that I had any problem with that. I look at my squadmates, their dark armor covered in soot from the fights beforehand. Our anti-material rifles are aimed in front as we clear the rooms near us. One of them begins to speak.

Kill Squad 1 "Sir. Do we know how many of these bastards are in here?" James. He was the newest on our squad, and always trigger-happy. The Kill Squad position works out well for him.

Kill Squad Leader "No, but if we know anything about these insects. If there's one there's bound to be more nearby. So stay focused." We continued down the hallway until suddenly, Terrance called out.

Terrance "TWO QUIRK USERS THROUGH THE DOOR!" His voice was followed by gunfire. I move past my squad, looking into the room to see two people on the ground, bullet holes riddling their chests.

Kill Squad Lead "Good shots. Look around, they might have hidden more around this floor." The squad continues through the room, making sure to check every nook and hidden space that might be able to hide a person. "Hmm, all clear, let's head to the next room." We begin to walk out of the room, but I stop when I hear a small whimper. I pull out my pistol and slowly walk toward where I heard the noise. 'Huh, a hidden compartment in the wall, smart.' I begin to open the door when suddenly, the window next to me breaks.

James "SHIT, HEROS AT TWELVE O'CLOCK!" We begin to open fire at the individual but purple smoke fills the room.

Kill Squad Lead "Cease Fire! Everyone get close, don't need the bogeyman here taking us out one by one." I go back to back with one of my squadmates and take aim in front of me. Eventually, the smoke clears and I see my entire squad has been taken out. "What?" was all I could get out before being hit by what felt like a train. It was a quick pain and then... nothing.


The hooded individual had just punched the leader of the kill squad, likely killing him with that blow. He looks at the other squad members, some dead, some heavily injured from the power of his blows.

??? "I really didn't mean to kill them. But I suppose there wasn't a choice." The hooded figure walks over to the hidden wall compartment to find two small children cowering within. Both have small antlers spiked from their hair. "Hey, you'll be okay. I am here to help you." The children seem to calm down a bit at this. "Do me a favor and close your eyes." They do so and the hooded male picks up the children before hopping out of the window.

He flew up to the building where another individual with dual-colored hair awaits him.

???2 "It all go okay?" the individual asked the hooded hero. "I heard some gunshots. Are you injured at all?"

??? "No, I'm fine, just these two seem shaken up. I'm not sure of their injuries but we can check that back at the stronghold." The individual nodded and the two jumped away leaving the building with the death that is inside. Little did either know, the Kill Squad Leader had a small flashing red light on his gauntlet.

Hooded Figure POV

We flew using my quirk toward the stronghold where the children in my arms could be checked out. They were terrified, and rightfully so. I've seen what the kill squads do to people. Their brutality goes unchecked. I look over at my partner, Shoto Todoroki. His beard greying. He's been through hell ever since the Anit-Quirk Nationalists began their quest to end all quirk users. And even with that, he took me under his wing after my master lost his life.

Todoroki "Hey, when we get back, get them to the medical tents. I'm going to report this to Yaoyorozu." He was still looking forward.

Hooded Figure "Got it. Not much to report though." I looked over at him to see him deep in thought. 'What could he be thinking about? I shouldn't pry though. He's been through a lot.'

We continue to fly over the ruined city. Our ruined city. I was born before things turned for the worse. My family and I were quirkless so we were spared during the initial encampments. Most quirkless people were glad that the Anti-Quirk Nationalists were doing what they were, finally being able to get back at the society that had been against them since the rise of quirks. However, some, the people that had been saved by heroes, stood against the party. My family was a part of that group. Though this fighting led to my parents being brutally killed, the same as a person with a quirk. I remember the day it happened... the day I joined the fight.


It was a cold winter night, darkness surrounded me as I sat in the back corner of the closet. Mom and Dad had told me to hide in here after some mean men in weird armor busted down our front door. I heard a bunch of yelling and screaming a bit ago but now it's silent. I feel the warm tears roll down my face. I go to peek my head through the gap in the door. I quickly retreat back into the closet when I see the door opening. I cower in fear.

The footsteps begin to slowly get closer to the closet before the door opens slowly. I'm too afraid to look until a voice pierces the silence.

??? "Hey, it's okay now kiddo. Because I am here." The voice was kind, it soothed me a bit. I look up to see a man with green hair and green eyes looking at me with the kindest smile I've ever seen. "So what's your name? I'm Deku."

I look at the man in front of me and begin to break down crying. I feel him envelop me in a hug, attempting to comfort me. He attempts to shush me but it doesn't work that well.

Deku "Alright, well hold on tight. We can play the name game later, right now we need to leave." I then feel a rush of cold air. I look to see us flying in the air, the tears stopping as I hold onto Deku amazed at the view. Even if it was a city in chaos. It still held a beauty to it. 

After a short flight. I am let down and look to see a small camp-like area. Deku holds onto my hand and leads me to what looks like a medical tent. I look up at him.

??? "Y/N." Deku looks at me.

Deku "Huh? What was that?"

Y/N "You asked for my name. It's Y/N." Deku smiles at me.

Deku "It's nice to meet you Y/N." I smiled back at him.


Todoroki and I landed in the Resistance camp. Once we did, he split off to go report the fight. I took the two children to see the medical team.

Y/N "Hey, what's your guys' names? I'm Y/N." The little boy looks up at me the girl still cowering.

Boy "I'm Tameo. This is my sister Moko." I lower my head and smile at the children.

Y/N "Well, it's nice to meet the both of you. I'm sorry for what happened earlier, but you guys are safe here." Tameo smiled at me but Moko was still weary of the situation. I felt terrible, had I been a few seconds earlier I could have saved their parents as well. But I can't dwell on things like that right now. Maybe later I can deal with the mental trauma.

Todoroki POV

I walked into the command tent to see some other heroes standing around maps and charts. I see Yaoyorozu sitting with her head in her hands. She's been the most stressed about this whole situation. Leading a camp and trying to keep us all hidden and alive has been difficult. I tap her shoulder and she looks up at me brightly.

Yaoyorozu "Todoroki! Welcome back. How did your patrol run go?" She seemed happy to see me but I could tell she was faking her face. The bags under her eyes said that much.

Todoroki "It went fine. We saved two children from a Kill Squad. Though I can't say the same for their parents." Her face dropped at the name.

Yaoyorozu *Sigh*"At least we could save some. How is Y/N doing with One For All?"

Todoroki "He's doing well. He can withstand around 70%-80% of it for an extended period now. He can use up to 95% without damage for a short time. He has also gotten a good hold on the previous users' quirks. Midoriya would be proud." She smiled slightly at the mention of Midoriya.

Yaoyorozu "Yeah. He chose a good kid to be his predecessor. Though I still miss him, along with everyone else that we've lost." I look at her sadly and just hug her for a bit.

Shortly after this all began, the persecution of people with quirks. A lot of good heroes and people died in the fight to stop this all. We lost both friends and family. It hurts to think about but there is still hope that one day, we can finally see peace again.

Yaoyorozu "And what came of the Kill Squad?"

Todoroki "Y/N dealt with them. Shouldn't be a problem but that area is going to be crowded for a while so we need to be careful. No telling what other Anti-Quirk weaponry they will use on us."

The Anti-Quirk Nationalist Party had brought new and innovative weaponry to the war against us. With them being able to copy quirk-canceling bullets created by the Shie Hassaikai. They have the edge in battle. In most battles against them, we lose good people. The quirk resistance is losing hope. That much is obvious.

Yaoyorozu "Yeah. It's scary. Something Aziwa never taught us I suppose." She begins laughing at her own joke. I smile a bit, remembering the old days before all this happened.

Todoroki "Yeah. You know, when I first started at UA, I never imagined that I would be here. In the ruins of the city, fighting just to keep people alive." I sighed, how could things have gotten this bad? Is there a way to even recover when we're this far down the path toward the extinction of quirks?


Y/N walks into the medical tent and places Tameo and Moko on the first open bed he sees. 

Tameo "Mr. Y/N? What is this place?" He's looking around, seeing all the people with quirks attempting to heal the injured.

Y/N "This, Tameo, is our medical tent. I'm going to have you both checked out before we find you a place to stay." As he says that, there are footsteps coming from behind him. He looks to see Eri holding a medkit. "Ah, here's the doctor now."

Eri "Hey Y/N, who are these little ones?" She held a kind smile as she began to check the pair over for any injuries.

Tameo "I'm Tameo, this is my sister Moko. We were saved by Y/N." Eri looks over at Y/N for a moment.

Eri "Yeah, he's good at that. Reminds me of when his teacher saved me when I was just a little girl." She goes back to treating their wounds. Using her quirk, she heals them quickly. "And there we go. All better. Now, she turns towards me. Did you get injured at all?"

Y/N "You know me Eri. I'm fine" He smiles and she laughs a bit.

Eri "I do know you, but I also know your teacher. There isn't a day that went by where he didn't get hurt." She remembered the times when she would have to heal him after a battle. And the times when Midoriya was teaching Y/N, that she would have to heal both of them. It was a good memory, even if it was shrouded by the dark times around them.

However, even when things are good. The bad is always hiding its ugly face around the corner.


The entire base shakes with fury as an explosion roars out. Screaming soon follows. Y/N looks at Eri.

Y/N "Take care of them, I'll be back." He pulls his hood up and runs out trying to see what is going on.


My mind is running at a thousand miles an hour trying to get together what is going on. Chaos is ensuing all around me. I hear gunshots and explosions coming from the south portion of the camp so using One For All I rush down there. And what I find shakes me to my core...

There were at least ten kill squads that had found the camp and they were killing everyone in sight. I could see heroes trying to assist the innocent and being slaughtered like cattle just for doing so.

Y/N "No..." It was all I could get out before a massive figure crashed down in front of me. I look at him his helmet opens up to show his face. "So, the great commander Kane finally shows himself." Kane chuckles a bit.

Kane "You, One for All. You have been a thorn in my side for far too long. I thought I killed you with that last green-haired frea-" He stops as I launch off and punch him away.

Y/N "DON'T SPEAK BADLY ABOUT HIM!" I use black whip to grab him and we fly far into the sky. 'I need to keep him away from the others.' I could hear the vestiges in One for All telling me to calm myself. But I can't, not now. I use air pressure to launch myself around Kane, striking him with each pass. His suit has noticeable damage but something doesn't feel right.

Izuku Vestige 'Y/N, I understand your pain. But using One for all in this capacity is going to make things worse for you.'

Y/N 'I know. But this is the guy who killed you, our friends. For what? Some damn vendetta against people with quirks.' I feel the sadness coming from the vestiges. They thought it was over long ago and here I am, fighting for survival once again.

I fly by again to strike him but I'm hit with some type of beam and explode in the air. With a grunt I let go of Kane, he activates some type of jet booster and now takes the offensive. He grabs ahold of my head and slams me back into the ground. I flick my finger at him and launch him back away from me. I get up and cover myself in smoke before charging at him again. I rush him again the two of us, trading blows at an extremely fast pace

Kane "Come on you freak! Die like the rest of your damn race!" I began seeing red. I couldn't keep my mind clear. All I felt was anger and I was going to use every ounce of it on Kane. I didn't even want to respond.

Yoichi Vestige 'Y/N! You have to calm down! You're using too much of One for All for your body to handle right now.'  And he was right, I could feel the backlash already and the fight was nowhere near closing. But I just grit my teeth. I couldn't back down now, not after what he's done. I could his punches gaining power each time.

Kane "I see that you've noticed by now but this suit I'm wearing is powered by kinetic energy! So the more you fight the faster you'll die!" I see now.

Y/N "So, what your saying is if I do enough damage. You'll overcharge and be rendered useless." He looked a little surprised by my response. But he didn't falter.

Kane "Of course. But that would take more force than you're capable of producing." We'll see about that.

I then charge at him, pushing past my limits to strike him at more than what my power should be capable of. He seemed surprised as his suit began sparking and glowing more with each strike.

Kane "Hahahah... always have another trick up your sleeve huh? Well finish it off then, you'll never escape the blast."

Y/N "I don't intend to. You've taken everything from me already. Time I returned the favor." I channel all my power into one last blow and as it lands I'm met with a blinding white light... and then nothing...




Until I felt a gentle breeze over me. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the bright sunlight.

Y/N "What the hell? Where am I?"

Looking around I find myself surrounded by trees. It was calm, though I could hear what sounded like city traffic far off into the distance. I stand up though not without difficulty. Using black whip as a crutch. I slowly rise from my seated position. I feel pain all over my body, One for All really didn't like me using it as I did.

Toshinori Vestige 'You're right. You are lucky to be alive right now. Even more so to be without any super serious injuries. You should head to the city, you need rest.' I sighed before slowly limping off toward where I heard the noise of civilization. Hoping that I can get a place to sleep, and some answers as to where I am.

A/N - Hey all, so I've had this story in mind for a long time so I decided to finally make it now that I'm writing again. Don't worry I do plan to update my other MHA story too. Though this one is going to take priority just because I feel I can actually make it into something. Anyways, as always, criticism is always welcome. Thank you all. Peace out.

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