Loud House Lincoln's Villaino...

By Loud2134

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After what happened in No Such Luck (NSL). Lincoln Loud is suddenly change into the villainous Black Hat and... More

Chapter 1: The Fall of The Loud and The Rise of The Hat
Chapter 2: Getting to Know Flug and A New Home
Chapter 3: The Black Hat Organisation and A New Member
Chapter 6: Cyled's death and fight between employee's
Chapter 7: Attack On P.E.A.C.E Headquarters
Chapter 8: Ronnie Anne Change Sides and A Special Suprise
Chapter 10: New Artifacts and An Important Announcement
Chapter 11: Loud Tragedy and The Date
Chapter 12: Old friends Makes New Allies
Chapter 13: Meeting in I.M.P headquarters and the hazbin hotel
Chapter 14: Meeting the Vees and A New Friend
Chapter 15: Power Up and A Helluva Reunion
Chapter 16: Imps vs Succubus vs Heed and An Alpha Hellhound
Chapter 17: Training and How to Find Subordinates
Chapter 18: Where Dragons Reign
Chapter 19: A New Gelatinous Member and Wendigo Hunting
Chapter 20: A Meeting Between Rulers of Hell
Chapter 21: The Path of Being Evil
Chapter 22: A Visit From an Unexpected Guest
Chapter 23: A New Era of The Hat
Chapter 24: True Power of Greed

Chapter 9: Invasion on The Five Universes and Demencia vs Ronnie Anne

551 4 25
By Loud2134

After Black Hat gave the order to take over the the Yonder Galaxy, OOO, Butterfly castle, Gravity falls, and Flippy's world everyone is devided on teams and take some part of the Black Hat robots for their army.

(Invasion of Yonder Galaxy)

The Yonder Galaxy is in a chaotic state knowing that Wander and Sylvia has died. Although no one really cared that Lord Hater has died as well. And when situation can't get any worse a familiar magma ship shown up and accompanied by alot of Hat ships. Suddenly there is an announcement coming from inside the ship.

Dominator: Hey there you miserable losers look who is back. Yeah that's right it's me Lord Dominator and I come back with some extra friends as well. It's really ashame that you're favorite Goody two shoes Wander and that zbornak Sylvia has died. And also I want to thank you for plumeting this universe into chaos this is going to make my job alot easier MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Laughing maniacally)

As she said that all of the Hat ships attack every planet they see. Each of them has been equipped with a volcanium x drill so they can destroy the planets easier.

Lyra: Attention Dombots and Hatbots destroy and absorb the contents of every planet that contains volcanium x and for the planets that doesn't contain volcanium x build Black Hat bases for operation and don't forget to capture every villain they will sign a contract and serve my father whether they like it or not.

Dombots and Hatbots: Affermative My Lord.

Dominator: Wow kid I'm impressed that you can command an army like that. You really remind me of myself and I'm suprised that the dombots listened to you.

Lyra: Well I am Lord Black Hat's daughter. Now prepare the jail cells. We have alot of villains to hunt down and capture. Also Flug made the dombots to take orders not only to you but to Black Hat and his daughters why got a problem with it?

Dominator: N-No I don't I learned not to mess with your dad and I'm just glad to be in control of this galaxy again. So tell him i said thank you.

Lyra: I'm sure he will like that

Bot-15: Lord Dominator it seems that there is an incoming call from Lord Black Hat.

Dominator: Yes put it on the screen.

Black Hat: Dominator tell me how is the progress of the invasion?

Dominator: It's going according to plan My Lord Black Hat Sir. Your daughter Lyra thought that we capture the villains in this galaxy and force them to serve you.

Black Hat: Perfect, good too see that everything is going ccording to plan and good job to you too Lyra. I will be waiting for the captured villains when you two arrived. But before I leave I want to add an additional mission for you and Lyra?

Dominator: What is it My Lord Black Hat?

Black Hat: I want you and Lyra to find Wander's Hat because I need it for a special project i'm currently working on do you understand?

Lyra: Of course Father.

Dominator: Yes of course My Lord Black Hat. Dombots and Hatbots you heard the order go and find Wander's hat and don't come back until you find it. Also build a base of operation on this planet.

Dombots and Hatbots: Affermative Lord Dominator.

After that Black Hat ended the transmission and Lyra and Dominator just sit back and watch as the dombots, Hat bots, and ships destroying the galaxy and to find Wander's Hat. and finishing the base of operation.

(Invasion of OOO)

In the world of OOO there is two people walking inside the candy castle to meet up with princess bubblegum, marcelene, and the rest of their friends. These two are named Finn the human and Jake the Dog

Finn: Hei Jake are exited to go to princess bubblegum's party and meet back on with marcelene, and the rest of our friends?

Jake: Yeah been a while since we meet everyone in one place.

When they reached the party they suddenly bumped into a mysterious teenager.

Finn: Oh sorry are you okay?

????: Yeah/Sure I'm fine/okay. My name is Loan. I have double personality you two must be Finn and Jake right?

Finn: Yes that's us say are you new here beacause I never seen someone like you before?

Loan: Yeah I am. Say/Hei you two don't mind helping me with something right?

Finn: Sure we like to help.

Loan: Awesome/Great follow me.

Loan lead Finn and Jake away from the party and into am empty street in the candy kingdom

Loan: Well we're here.

Finn: So what do you want us to help you with?

But before Finn and Jake can react suddenly a girl with a giant purple sycthe attack them and absorb their souls and then suddenly the Lich showed up.

Lily: It is done.

Lich: Now leave the body too me.

The Lich burned the remains of the heroes until there is nothing left.

Loan: Good/Great now that the heroes are dead now let's begin the invasion.

The Lich and Lily agreed. The Lich then teleported everyone back into the ship as they begin the invasion. In the candy kingdom no one was noticing anything until a great green explosion engulf the candy Kindom.

Lich: Good now that the candy kingdom is destroyed let's finish off the remaining survivors.

Back In the candy kingdom Princess Bubblegum and Marcelene is confused on what just happened.

Princess Bubblegum: Mar-Marcelene w-what happened?

Marcelene: i-i d-don't know PB everything really hurts right now and I don't think i can regenerate really fast.

Suddenly a wooden stake stabed Marcelene in the heart and Marcelene screamed in agony as she explodes to dust

Princess Bubblegum: MARCI NOOOOO!!

Suddenly The Lich appeared in front of the princess.

Lich: Greetings Princess Bubblegum.

Princess Bubblegum: T-The L-Lich b-but how? (confused) you're dead.

The Lich: I was until someone broke my curse and risen me back to live. I won't be calling that pathetic human and his dog beacause I have killed them as well and my alies are murdering the remaining heroes and guest in the candy castle as well.

Princess Bubblegum: Y-You won't g-get away w-with this Lich. (dying)

The Lich: I'm afraid I already have.

The Lich did the same thing to Princess Bubblegum just like what he did to Finn and Jake. After the princess is no more a hatbot appeared with a call from Lord Black Hat.

Hatbot: Sir there is a call from Lord Black Hat you must answer this now.

The Lich: Of course.

Black Hat: Lich I see you have destroyed the candy kingdom. Good job although I wouldn't leave OOO just yet because I have another mission for you.

The Lich: Of course anything My Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat: I needed you to build a base of operation here on OOO for villains to work here and also hunt down every single villain in OOO they will sign a contract with me and they will serve me.

The Lich: At once My Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat then ended the call and The Lich started to summon his under army to find and hunt down every single villain in OOO for Lord Black Hat. And also to build himself a castle for a base.

The Lich: Go my minions find and hunt down every single villain in OOO for Lord Black Hat.

And with that all the minions retreated to find other villains.

(Invasion on Butterfly Castle)

In the demention called mewni there is a giant castle there is a princess that lived there named princess Star. She is best friends with Marco Diaz, Pony Head, Janna, Tom, and Kelly. Right now they're all enjoying a party made by Star.

Star: Hei Marco what do you think of the party?

Marco: It's really great Star I like it a lot. Hei Look there's Janna, Tom, Kelly, and Pony Head.

Star and Marco went to the group and talked about everything that has happened in the past when suddenly Liby showed up.

Liby: Hei there Princess Star nice party you have here!

Star: Oh it's you guys this is Liby she is incredibly funny and a great jokester isn't that right Liby?

Liby: Sure am Princess. But hey I have a suprise for you and your friends come with me.

Liby then lead princess Star and her friends into an empty building and tell them to wait

Princess Star: Liby what is this suprise you are talking about?

Liby: Let's just say the suprise will blow you away.

Suddenly the building exploded hurting everyone badly except for Liby who is fine.

Princess Star: (coughing) M-Marco, T-Tom, L-Liby, a-anyone?

When Princess Star's sight begin to clear. She saw a horrible sight Janna had her head chopped of, Pony Head is dead, Kelly got burned to a crisp, and Marco and Tom are badly injured. And then she saw a known figure.

Toffee: Princess Star it's a pleasure to see you again.

Princess Star: Toffee? How are you back? Are you behind All of this?

Princess Star see two girls one has a shirt with the number 2 on it is holding Tom while a taller girl is strangling Marco with the power of wind.

Toffee: These nice girls help me break out of the butterfly castle and I owe my live to them.

Liby: Princess these are my siblings Lena and Lacy. Does any of you have
any last words before we finish you off just like the rest of your pathetic friends.

Princess Star: Will see about that Liby.

When princess Star about to pull out her wand. She realize that her wand isn't with her

Lena: Missing something princess?

Lena is holding her wand with her other hand. And in a second she crush the wand with her powers until it's unuseable.

Princess Star: H-How d-did y-you do that?

Lena: Our magic is far more superior than anything in this pathetic universe.

Tom: Don't worry Star I will get us out of this.

But sadly when Tom tried to use his powers he couldn't. And he can't do anything about the situation.

Lacy: Nice try demon boy but I have absorbed every bit of power and your form and now you are just a powerless average boy.

Lacy than burned Tom in an instant. Tom screams in agony because the fire is so hot it burned Tom into nothingness.

Princess Star: TOM NOOOO!! (crying)


Lena: I feel you are sorely mistaken.

Lena than crushed Marco with the wind pressure tearing him limb from limb and then Lacy burned his remains until there is nothing left.


Toffee: Good because they have no idea what power is at play here. Goodbye Princess Star.

Toffee than shot Princess Star with a plasma blaster and keep shooting until her blood and insides are all over the place.

Liby: Come on Toffee let's begin the invasion.

Toffee: Lead the way Liby.

Without any warnings the butterfly castle is suddenly get attacked by Hat ships and Hat Bots. All of the citizens don't know what are these things are so they have no chance of surviving. The high magic council and the queen is trying to fight off the invaders but it seems to be no use there is just too many of them

Queen Moon: What are these monstrosity's I have never seen monsters like these before.

Hekapoo: These things have tough armor it's really hard to pierce and the rest of the members of the high magic council is already dead. (said while fighting a hat bot)

Queen Moon and Hekapoo is suddenly got strangle by some intense wind pressure.

Queen Moon: What kind of magic is this? I can't break free.

Hekapoo: Neither can I your highness

Toffee: AAAAAAH if it isn't Queen Moon and Hekapoo long time no see

Queen Moon and Hekapoo: TOFFEE??

Toffee: I will safe you the explanation your majesty Me and my allies have killed your daughter, husband, and every single one of her friends. And i am about to do the same to you as well. (smiling)

Queen Moon: You won't get away with this Toffee!

Toffee: But I did and soon all of the mewmans will be dead and I will take over every demetion in this universe.

Queen Moon: You're not fit to be a ruler Toffee!

Toffee: (Smiling a little) Who says I'm the one who will rule this universe. This universe is not mine to conquer. It never was, there is higher power at play here and it is far beyond us.

Queen Moon and Hekapoo are confused on what is Toffee about

Lena: Toffee finish them off Now!

Toffee then quickly sliced his laser blade towards the Queen and Hekapoo killing them both instantly

Liby: Toffee there is an incoming call from Lord Black Hat. You muat pick it up.

Toffee: Of course.

Black Hat: Toffee how is the progress of the invasion in mewni?

Toffee: The invasion is nearly complete my Lord Black Hat I have killed the Royal family and their allies and now we are killing the remaining survivors. And soon I will also regain back my army.

Black Hat: Perfect and don't forget to build a base of operation in mewni for the villains.

Toffee: Of Course My Lord Black Hat.

After the call ended Liby walked towards Toffee with something in her hands behind her back.

Liby: Hei Toffee something seems off about you but I just can't put my finger on it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get it!

Toffee: (looking at his hand) Yes I am missing my finger long ago because the queen cast her darkest spell upon me.

Liby: Well look what I just found (showing him a finger in a bottle)

Toffee: How did you found this?

Liby: I have my ways. And take it as a reward for joining the cause of my father.

Toffee: (Smiling) Thank you Liby you would make a great leader just like your father. And I'm sure he would be very proud of you.

Liby: AAAAWW shucks you (Punching his shoulder) now let's get the remains of the citizens and build back your castle. Also getting your invincible army back together again

Toffee: As you wish child. Hatbots I order you to find my army of lizardmen they looked like this. (Showing them a picture)

Hatbots and mutants: As you wish.

Eventualy butterfly castle is destroyed and Toffee's castle has been rebuild from the remains. while the hatbots are searching for Toffee's army.

(In the universe of gravity falls)

Flug and Bill come out of a portal in a cloaked hat ship while the rest of the army followed closely to them. They then arrived at the targeted small town also known as gravity falls.

Flug: Alright everyone we're arriving on the town of gravity falls. And this is our target (showing the target).

Bill: Their names are Stanford and Stanley Pines, these two children named Dipper and Mable,the 2 teenagers that worked there are Soos and Wendy our mission is to kill all these individuals and destroy this house and steal all of the information and all the valueble artifacts in the house and lastly rule the entire universe. (Showing the house)

Hatbots and mutants: Understood Dr Flug and Bill.

Flug: Excellent now let's go to that house

Flug, Bill, and army soon arrived at the mystery snack where a party is being hosted.

Stan Pines: Hey kiddos are you enjoying the party so far?

Dipper: Sure are grunkle Stan thanks for letting us visit here.

Mable: Yeah nice to see everyone again.

Stanford Pines: This is a celebration for the day we defeated Bill once and for all and the return of the Pines brothers from our journey sailing in the artic.

Wendy: Cool, What did you find there?

Stanford Pines: Well, apart from me and my brother finding an abominable snowman in the artic we are also finding traces of Bill it is like he is still here and somehow managed to get out of gravity falls.

Dipper: But that's not possible we eraised him and he cannot escape gravity falls because he cannot collapse the barier.

Suddenly Soos walked in the mystery shack.

Soos: Hey dudes i just came back from a walk and then i realize that the Bill statue is missing anyone knows what happened to it?

But before anyone can reply an army of Hatbots and mutants arrived and got everyone serounded. And a person with a bag for a head showed up.

Dipper: Who are you and what are these things?

Flug: Greetings I am Dr Flug i am sent to hunt you all down and kill. Don't try and fight them because their armor is impenetrable so any of you have any last words?

Stanford Pines: Who do you work for is it Bill Cipher?

Flug then activated a trap that tied up all of the heroes.

Flug: On the contrary my fellow scientist. Bill Cipher is working for my boss.


Flug: If you don't believe me let me call him real quick. Bill you can come out now.

Bill then suddenly showed up at the mystery shack and shocking everyone in the room.

Bill: Hello everyone did anyone miss me.

Flug: Hi Bill I have a bunch of interesting people that want to meet you. (Showing the tied up Pine family)

Bill: Hey there Pine family last time I'm there you all defeated me but I'm back and I have a great boss that let my chaos spread through out the universe too bad for you though now I will enjoy watching your deaths.

Stanford Pines: Who is this boss you are working for? It's really not likely for you to work for someone else.

Bill: Well Fordsie all I can say is that there is a higher power among us and its a lot more powerful than me to bad you don't get to see him personaly you would have soiled your pants off when you see him in person.

Flug: Yes he is, you all thought Bill is an entity of chaos and evil. You haven't seen the boss yet because he is true chaos and evil. And it looks like your time is up will you do the honor Bill.

Bill: Of course Flug.

The traps activated and started to electrocute the Pines family, Soos, and also Wendy and when it is finish all its left is a pile of ash on the ground.

Bill: Great performance Flug I am happy to see the Pines dead. Anyway i just want to tell you that there is a secret lab behind the snack dispenser machine it contains a lot of valueble artifacts and information.

Flug: Thanks Bill you just safe us a lot of time trying to find it.

Bill: Sure anything to help a friend.

Flug: You are such a great guy. I can see why Lord Black Hat like you. Ok Hatbots, mutants you know what to do get into the secret lab and take everything in it and all the information in it. And don't forget to destroy this place, the town, and rule this entire universe. While me and Bill report back to Lord Black Hat. (Calling Lord Black Hat)

Black Hat: Well hello Doctor I see you and Bill have finish the mission that I have task you with.

Flug: Yes My Lord Black Hat. We have killed the heroes in this demention and some of the hatbots and mutants are loading all the artifacts and information back into the Hat ship and we are building a base of operation in this universe. While our army is out there taking over the universe as we speak.

Black Hat: Well Well Well you did an exceptionaly good job report back to me when you have returned.

Flug: (touched) I appreciate your affection Sir it really means a lot to me.

Black Hat: I was talking to Bill. But I guess you can take some compliment as well.

Bill: Why thank you My Lord Black Hat (tipping his top hat)

Black Hat then ended the call. Flug, some of the hatbots, and mutants begin loading all of the artifacts and all the information in the secret lab back into the Hat ship and some of the hatbots build a base of operation on gravity falls while Bill, his hencmaniacs, the other hatships, hatbots, and mutants are destroying the entire world and taking over the universe.

(In Flippy's demention)

Fliqpy: Attention hatbots and mutants today is the day we destroy those Pathetic animals and this universe will be under the control of Lord Black Hat. I want you all to destroy every pathetic animal you see below. Do you understand?

Hatbots and mutants: Affermative Sir

Fliqpy: Good! NOW ATTACK!!! (Shouting)

Fliqpy and his army wiped out the population of animals rather quickly because they are no match for him nor Black Hat's army as soon as all the animals are dead a mutant approach Fliqpy with a call from Black Hat

Black Hat: Fliqpy I see you have completed your mission is that correct?

Fliqpy: YES SIR LORD BLACK HAT SIR (Salluting)

Black Hat: Perfect now I want you to build a base of operation in your universe do you understand?

Fliqpy: YES SIR LORD BLACK HAT SIR (Salluting)

Black Hat: Excellent report back too me when you're finish.

Fliqpy: YES SIR LORD BLACK HAT SIR (Salluting)

Black Hat: You are dismissed solider.

Fliqpy: Hatbots, mutants you heard the Boss get building the base of operation.

The hatbots and mutants then began to build a giant military base as the base of operation.

(Meanwhile Back at The Black Hat Manor)

Demencia and Ronnie Anne is playing around with Lila. And the three is having the best time until Lila decides to teleport around the room.

Demencia: Lila come here don't make this difficult for us.

Lila just Laughed until she teleported onto of a shelf and fell but when Demencia was about to catch her. Ronnie Anne caught her first.

Ronnie Anne: Phew that was close please be more carefull next time Lila.

Lila smiled and hug Ronnie Anne's face while Demencia is getting a bit jealous but she tried to hide it

Ronnie Anne: Here you go Demencia. She is safe and sound.

Demencia: Sure thanks (sulking a bit)

Demencia and Ronnie Anne than put Lily to sleep with 5.0.5 watching after her. And went to see Lizy and Leia. Lizy and Leia is playing a video game called battle monsters ( A/N: I don't know what the name of the game Lincoln and Ronnie Anne played in the Loud House series so I just made it up)

Lizy: Hei Mom and Ronnie Anne me and Leia are playing battle monsters want to play?

Demencia: Sure I guess I'll tr.....

Ronnie Anne: Battle monsters I used to play with your dad a long time ago I don't know that you guys have this.

Lizy: Daddy gave us this as a reward for being such great help for the organization.

Suddenly Black Hat appeared on the television scaring everyone in the room except for Demencia.


Everyone except Demencia: AAAAAHH!!

Lizy: Dad what did you do that for? (pouting)

Black Hat: I got really bored sitting around in the office all day so I decided to spend some time with my daughters.


Ronnie Anne: We're playing battle monsters. I just told them that we used to play this game a lot when were still normal.

Black Hat: Tell you what Ronnie Anne let's play a couple of rounds just for old time sake (grabbing one of the controlers)

Ronnie Anne: Sure if it's ok with you my Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat and Ronnie Anne played 10 rounds of battle monsters. And strangely Black Hat wins all ten rounds.

Black Hat: Wow Ronnie Anne you really lost your edge you used to beat me every time when we're still well normal people.

Ronnie Anne: Damn how did you get so good have you been secretly practicing or something.

Black Hat: HA With my power of technomancy I can go into the game and studied all the combos quickly.

Ronnie Anne: H-Hey Sir d-do you mind if we do something like this again sometimes. When you're not busy. I mean it's just a sugestion nothing more than that. (nervously asking)

Black Hat: I don't see why not it's been a long time since I have fun like that. Lizy and Leia can also played this game aswell with us too. I forgot to mention that when i picked up Lily from my old house I see that my playstation and games and still there so might aswell bring them here I guess.

Ronnie Anne: Wow and I thought you completely change.

Black Hat: Don't try and push it Ronnie Anne (stern voice) -Why do I feel like this again I mean I guess eventhough I change I guess I don't entirely change completely and I think that's a good thing- (thought to himself)

Lizy and Leia: Can we have a turn too Daddy and Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne: Sure if it's okay with you Sir.

Black Hat: Sure.

Ronnie Anne, Black Hat, Leia, and Lizy continue to play battle monsters. But Demencia felt even more jealous on the fact that the kids and Black Hat liked playing video games with Ronnie Anne than her that makes her upset and sad so she left Leia and Lizy room. Ronnie Anne, Black Hat, and the twins just continue to play they're video game for 4 hours. After they're finish their game Black Hat returned to his office and Ronnie Anne left the room and making herself some churo's in the kitchen. While Demencia is getting herself a snack she see Ronnie Anne is cooking churo's with Lupa.

Ronnie Anne: There you go Lupa, fresh churo's enjoy.

Lupa: This is very delicious thank you.

Ronnie Anne: No problem Lupa now you also know how to make churo's yourself as well.

Demencia: Lupa can you leave me and Ronnie Anne alone. I want to have a private conversation with her.

Lupa: Of course mother.

Lupa retreated into the shadows and out of the kitchen to leave Demencia and Ronnie Anne to talk alone.

Ronnie Anne: So Demencia what is it do you want to talk about?

Demencia: I just wanted to say (taking a deep breath) STAY AWAY FROM MY KIDS YOU BITCH!! (Shouting)

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean?

Demencia: You took all the attention from the kids. First you took Lila from me, and then Lizy and Leia, and now Lupa who else are you going to take from me?

Ronnie Anne: I'll probably steal Lord Black Hat from you next HAHAHAHAHA

When Demencia heard that she instantly snapped and tried to attack Ronnie Anne

Demencia: THAT'S IT YOUR DEAD!! (Shouting)

Fortunetly for Ronnie Anne Black Hat suddenly appeared in between Demencia and Ronnie Anne stopping Demencia in her tracks.

Black Hat: What is going on in here? there is a lot of shouting in here that it reached my office anyone cared to tell me what the bloody hell is happening in here?!!

Ronnie Anne: Demencia attacked me for no reasons.

Demencia: Well Slutty Anne over here has been stealing all the attention from the kids and she tried to take yours too.


Ronnie Anne: Alright, I'm sorry for taking away all of the kids attention Demencia, I really am.

Demencia still looked super upset with angry tears threatening her eyes so Black Hat decided to take matters on his own hand

Black Hat: Demencia I think is best that you and I have little chat in your room.

Black Hat than lead Demencia back into her own room where they can have a chat when suddenly Demencia started crying a bit.

Black Hat: Listen Demencia, i know you way too much to know that Ronnie Anne isn't the only problem so what is it really all about and whatever it is i assure you, you can tell me.

Demencia looked at Black Hat's face and wondered why is he suddenly being so nice to her but she's not gonna complain considering she can tell him what's bothering her.

Demencia: (wiping a tear in her eye) I-I'm not j-just mad at Ronnie Anne but also I'm mad at myself I don't really know my own daughters very well or played they're games or other kinds of mom stuff so that makes me feel like I'm a bad mother and i also thought that you like her more than you like me because she used to be your friend.

Black Hat sees the problem and what Demencia is going through is something he went through himself as well so he tried to cheered her up

Black Hat: First of all Demencia you're not a bad mother the kids love you. just because They're having more fun with Ronnie Anne than you doesn't mean you're not loved by them. And second of all I don't like anyone ok just making a point here.

Hearing what Black Hat just said makes Demencia cried out of pure joy.

Demencia: Sniff......Thank you My Lord Black Hat you're the best boss i ever have.

Black Hat: I'm the only boss you will ever have. And about the video games i'll teach you how to play so you can kick Ronnie Anne's ass at the game.

Demencia: You sure know how to make a girl feel really special and happy you know (with heart shaped eyes)

Black Hat then kissed Demencia's forehead and disappear in a cloud of darkness while Demencia is still in shock of what just happened. Black Hat then appeared outside the room where Ronnie Anne is standing with a smile on her face.

Black Hat: What are you smiling at? (irritated)

Ronnie Anne: I see you have made Demencia's mood a lot better thank you so much My Lord.

Black Hat: Yeah no thanks too you.

Ronnie Anne: You know My Lord you and Demencia would be a great couple together.

Black Hat: Bleh (disgusted) why in the world would you think I like Demencia?

Ronnie Anne: Look I'm just saying that eventhough that you have become a being of pure evil you're still Lincoln Loud the greatest guy that any girl would ever meet. And I'm sure Demencia is the perfect girl for you because of her loyalty and obedience.

Black Hat: Of course I'm still Lincoln Loud I'm just gifted the powers of a pure evil being. Also i'm just cheering Demencia up because if she stayed in that condition it will affect the organization so i have no choice but to cheered her up and for the second time I don't like anyone. IS THAT CLEAR? (Shouting)

Ronnie Anne: Sure thing My Lord.

Black Hat: Good and as punishment for almost making Demencia thrash the kitchen i'm taking you to the dungeon that will teach you a lesoon.

Ronnie Anne: (Sigh) As you wish My Lord.

Ronnie Anne is then teleported out of Black Hat's sight and into the dungeon he also telepathically contacted some mutants to begin torturing her and Black Hat is just standing there thinking about himself.

Black Hat: -Could I still be Lincoln Loud eventhough I have become Black Hat. hmm I guess I am-(smiling to himself)

And with that Black Hat teleported back into his office and waiting for his team and his daughters to come back and report about the invasions.

To Be Continue

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