Endless Heat - omega JK & alp...

Por GioviFanfics

8.3K 379 52

Jungkook suffers from a rare condition called Endless Heat. Shortly after his presentation as omega, his heat... MΓ‘s

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

1.5K 50 5
Por GioviFanfics

Jungkook had presented as an omega when he was eighteen years old.

He was a late bloomer, considering how most people present earlier, during their teenage years.

Although he was an omega in an alphas' dominated world, where they had control over omegas and owned them, Jungkook was happy about his presentation.

He had always felt, deep down, that he would present as omega, so he wasn't too surprised. He was just happy to have finally presented as all his friends did before him.

The last couple of years he had felt out of place and weird because he was the only one in his group of friends who didn't know his sub-gender.

His family threw a party to celebrate his presentation.

They were a wealthy family, and that party was also an occasion to present Jungkook as an eligible omega for mating.

Jungkook's parents hoped to have Jungkook mate with one of their friends' rich alpha sons.

His older brother, Taehyung, already had a girlfriend and their relationship was going well. They would probably get married soon.

Their parents were radiant because she came from a powerful family and their marriage would greatly boost the reputation of their family.

Jungkook's father was a politician, so his reputation was everything to him – recently, he had been thinking about running for president.

Therefore, now more than ever, he needed tons of money and support from powerful people. Taehyung's relationship became even more important after his...despicable situation became clear. A few months after the party Jungkook had his first heat.

Once again, everything seemed normal.

It was something to be expected and as an unmated omega, he had to take care of it on his own.

His omega mother had already prepared a brand-new heat kit with toys to help him get through his heat.

He couldn't ask an alpha for help because he had to preserve his virginity.

Nobody wanted to mate an omega who had already taken an alpha's cock – those kinds of omegas were labeled as "used up" and they were usually doomed to a life of solitude.

Omegas usually kept their heats secret and dealt with them alone until they found a mate who would take care of them.

After mating, an alpha acquired full ownership of the omega from their father.

They could dispose of their mate as they wished – that's how society worked and Jungkook never really questioned if it was right or wrong.

Unfortunately, things got messy after his heat.

Ordinary heats usually lasted about four, maximum five days.

Jungkook had been closed in his room for seven days when his parents started to worry. Soon enough they realized that their son's heat was nowhere close to its end.

Jungkook's heat was interminable.

It was a scabrous situation – omegas with this condition were a source of shame to their family and scorned by society.

In the few hours of lucidity he had, Jungkook was able to hear his parents argue loudly – but he never understood what they were talking about.

Then, one day, he learned his destiny.

His parents informed him that soon he would be relocated to the attic, where he would stay until a later date.

His parents renovated the attic and he moved there.

He had a nice bedroom and bathroom but only a small window.

The new – and reinforced – door of his room was soon locked from the outside.

Jungkook was now twenty-two years old. Four years had passed and his situation hadn't changed.

Sometimes, his heat waves would get so bad that the toys just couldn't do anything to help him and satisfy his need.

His parents decided to allow him to have an alpha to help him – they asked his brother Taehyung to discretely find him some alphas.

They had given up on their plan to get him mated to someone – they knew nobody would want an omega like Jungkook as a mate.

Jungkook couldn't do anything, he barely had a few hours of lucidity a day – he couldn't live a normal life, he couldn't be the mate of a rich and powerful alpha.

Those families had high expectations – Jungkook could never be good and accepted as the mate of an alpha of that caliber.

Taehyung's search for suitable alphas wasn't an easy task – it was difficult because alphas had it easy and rarely needed money.

Moreover, nobody wanted to be bothered with a freak. Also, Tae just couldn't choose the first alpha passing by, they needed someone who seemed a decent person.

Not only for Jungkook's safety but also for the whole family. They couldn't risk people finding out about Jungkook.

Officially, people knew that Jungkook was abroad attending a fancy omega academy – where omegas studied to become perfect mates - and he came back home every once in awhile to spend time with his family.

Luckily, since his family had tons of money to offer, Taehyung managed to find a few alphas to help Jungkook, and luckily, they had been quiet about it so far.

Every single time Jungkook hoped they would stay. He had hoped they would help him forever.

He had hoped they would eventually fall in love with him.

Jungkook yearned to be loved, he wanted to be more than just his condition. His condition which was his prison, made his life horrible.

He wanted an alpha to see him, to genuinely care about him. After all, he was just a young omega that wanted nothing more than an alpha to love him.

But after the fourth had left him just like the others, Jungkook was ready to give up. He finally realized that no alpha wanted to spend his life with a freak like him.

The four alphas had made it clear that he was indeed a freak. They had called him nasty names.

The last one left after five months while saying "I'm done, my dick is sore! I just wanted to have fun with your hole and make some easy money, but you're an insatiable bitch in heat. There's nothing beautiful in you, nothing to love"

This one had been the longest agreement his family had had with an alpha, and they believed they had finally found a solution to their unfortunate problem.

Jungkook spent days and days crying.

Even though the alpha had been rough with him during their sexual intercourses - often using his body for his own pleasure, rather than serving the omega during his heat - Jungkook had hoped he would eventually develop feelings for him. But obviously, the alpha didn't.

Although he hadn't fallen in love, Jungkook had started to care about him and so he was so disappointed and hurt when he left in such a cruel manner.

After having spent, yet again, another weekend crying Jungkook heard a familiar voice.

He quickly got up from the bed and ran towards the small window he had in his room and looked outside.

There he was.

Park Jimin. Taehyung's best friend.

His brother and Jimin had been friends for years, they attended school together since nursery school.

Jungkook had met Jimin many times before presenting, since the boy was always at their house, playing with Taehyung.

For a while, he thought Jimin and Taehyung were a couple but then Tae got himself a girlfriend.

Jungkook would never admit it out loud, but he was secretly happy when Taehyung told him about his relationship.

Park Jimin was so beautiful.

Once again, he found himself daydreaming while watching the alpha laugh while playing basketball with Tae in the garden.

He loved the sound of his voice and his adorable laugh.

He loved how his eyes would close every time he laughed and how he cared for his brother and everyone around him.

When he was younger the alpha had always been so nice to him.

Every time they met in the living room, Jungkook knew the alpha had something for him – it had become their tradition.

Sometimes it would be a piece of chocolate, other times a piece of paper with sweet words written on it.

He would give those gifts to him in secret when Taehyung went to the restroom, with red cheeks. Those were the dearest memories for him.

He still had dreams about those days, repeatedly living those moments in his mind.

That's all he could do – dream and watch him from afar, hidden behind a curtain in the attic.

Soon, his heat waves turned bad again.

His toys were doing very little to soothe his pain.

He needed more. He needed the real thing, he needed a knot. Only that could make him feel better.

The pain was unbearable and after days of agony, Jungkook felt like he was dying. Or maybe he wished he was.

What was the point of living in constant pain, doomed to a life of loneliness where everyone found him disgusting?

He had considered killing himself many times. Once, he got very close to doing it.

He was twenty years old at the time, and he had prepared everything – he was ready when he heard his voice.

Park Jimin had entered his backyard, letting his bike fall on the grass, warmly hugging his brother, "Taehyung-ah!"

He was so cute.

Jungkook felt as if he could feel his warmth even from a distance.

He slowly opened the window even though he shouldn't do it, especially during the day when people could see him – but today, more than ever he needed to hear his melodic voice.

"I missed you!", said his brother

Taehyung told him Jimin had been away with his family.

His father had organized a vacation for all of them to celebrate his anniversary. It was his second-year anniversary with his third wife.

Jimin's mother was his first wife and she had been divorced by his father when he was thirteen years old.

Omegas that were divorced by their alphas were considered a waste of space because they had not been able to satisfy and keep their alpha.

Jimin's father was a rich man who had built an empire, and Jimin was his firstborn - he would take the lead of their company after him.

"I missed you too!"

Jungkook observed the alpha, his fancy clothes, and his proud yet elegant bearing. He decided to stick his head out of the window, just a little bit.

After all, he was all the way up in the attic, he wouldn't notice him.

At least that's what he thought, but right at that moment, Jimin looked up, as he if had felt something watching him.

Jungkook quickly retreated inside, hiding behind the wall. The window was still open, and he could still hear them. "Tae, is Jungkook back home?"

Taehyung looked up towards the window, following his friend's gaze with terror on his face. Jungkook was not there anymore, but the window was open, and Taehyung feared the worst. "He came back for a few days, he's packing now he's actually late for his flight!"

"I see! That's a pity, I wanted to say hello. It's been so long since I've seen him" Jimin's voice...sounded sad?

Jungkook shook his head. It was not possible; he was imagining things – hearing what he wanted to hear.

He told himself to stop being delusional, but still, he couldn't help smiling all day – the grim plan he had in mind, long forgotten.

All he could think about was how Jimin had immediately recognized him just by seeing him for a second after four long years. The alpha had also said he wanted to see him. Did he miss him?

Jungkook's omega was so happy...and wet. Another heat wave hit him the following day.

Taehyung felt so bad he didn't even scold him for his reckless behavior.

He immediately tried to look for another alpha but this time he couldn't seem to find one. He was desperate.

He was walking through the city with Jimin, feeling pensive when he got a call. It was their butler. Why was he calling him?


"Sir, I have terrible news. Your brother has escaped. One of the maids was bringing him food and he ran away, shouting for an alpha. She wasn't strong enough to hold him back"

Taehyung started shaking.

His brother – an omega in heat – was currently running around their neighborhood looking for an alpha.

He started running. "Tae! What's going on?"

"It's an emergency!"

Taehyung didn't even know where to go, but since his brother didn't have a car or money with him he couldn't go very far.

He could hear Jimin chasing after him and he entered Tae's car.

"Jimin-ah, please I need to leave now!"

"I'm coming with you, I'll help you"

"You can't help me!"

"What do you mean? Whatever it is I'll help, I'm your soulmate, remember?!"

Taehyung started the car because he couldn't waste any more time.

"Talk to me, Tae! You look terrified" "Jungkook is on the loose"

"Jungkook? On the loose?", asked a confused Jimin.

"I...I don't know how to say it!", the boy was sweating profusely, "I just need to find my brother soon!"

They reached their neighborhood quickly since they were close, and they started perlustrating the area together.

Jimin had a lot of questions but decided to trust his best friend and help him find his little brother.

They searched for about thirty minutes when Jimin called Taehyung on the phone, "he's here with me!"

Jimin was in front of his house, more precisely he was standing in front of the small dependence where he lived.

Since his father got married again, and again, and decided to have other kids, Jimin had preferred to have his own space, to put some distance between him and his dad's new family.

He noticed the window of his dependence was open and when he entered through the door with his key, he saw the omega kneeling on the bed, his hips rutting against his pillow.

"Jungkookie?", he whispered.

The omega suddenly stopped his movements.

He slowly turned his head and looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. Then, in a frenzy, he pounced on him.

He pulled him on the bed and immediately straddled him. "alpha", he whined, rolling his hips on him.

Jimin immediately blushed – he didn't even know what to do.

When Tae entered his mini apartment, he found his best friend with his hands in the air like a thief about to be busted by the police. Jungkook had his head in the crook of Jimin's neck and he was scenting the older man.

"I didn't do anything!", he said, with a worried tone.

Taehyung nodded, "I know. I'm mortified, I'll take him away!"

"he's in heat", commented his friend, Jungkook's pheromones were clear and strong in the air around them.

When Taehyung grabbed his brother's arm to pull him away, the omega whined loudly, holding on to the alpha, "NOOO! I want to stay with alpha!"

"We need to leave now"

"Alpha wants me, right?"

"Please, Jungkook-ah, let's go home!"

"Jimin-hyung doesn't want me? I'm not pretty enough", the omega was literally crying on his lap and Jimin didn't know what to say.

He had a massive boner in his pants for his best friend's little brother who was in heat. Jungkook was so pretty, and his pheromones smelled so good and enticing.

His alpha was affected, he was going literally crazy inside him and when he opened his mouth to answer, his voice sounded huskier than usual, "Jungkookie is really pretty, but he's not feeling well right now. He should go home"

Jimin was talking directly to his omega.

Taehyung took advantage of the fact that he was so distracted – staring into the alpha's eyes – and pulled him away.

Their butler was outside, Taehyung must have called him on his way here, thought Jimin. The following day, Jimin went to his soulmate's house.

His best friend came out of the house looking awkward and extremely tired. "I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday"

"don't worry, did you call Jungkook's alpha?"

Jimin had assumed the beautiful boy had a partner now that he was twenty-two years old. He was too pretty and adorable to be alone.

In addition to that, he was pretty sure he had seen a guy frequently enter their house a few months ago but Taehyung never talked about his brother, so he didn't know much.

"Jungkook doesn't have an alpha"

"WHAT? I thought I'd seen a guy always coming to your place. I figured he was Jungkookie's mate"

"No... they are no longer together"

Taehyung regretted his words the moment they came out of his mouth. He had just said that Jungkook had been left by his mate.

Taehyung knew that man wasn't his brother's alpha but just some dude paid by his family to fuck him, but Jimin didn't know that.

A normal and respectable omega hung out with the same alpha only if they were mated or gossip would start spreading about their honour.

"Why would he do something so nasty to him?" Jimin immediately thought about his father.

Unfortunately, there were plenty of alphas like him around. They used omegas until they got bored and then they dumped them with no regard to what their future might look like in their unfair society.

Taehyung was quiet.

"Jungkookie is such a wonderful boy, I don't understand. Let me talk to the alpha, I'll make him retrace his steps"

Jimin was furious.

The alpha was so lucky to have had Jungkook as mate and he had the audacity to dump him? Unbelievable!

The beautiful Jungkook deserved better.

Jimin thought about the omega's doe eyes, his cute lips, and soft hair.

"Taehyung, come on, give me his name! I'll ask my lawyer to find him. He needs to pay for the damage he has caused to your brother"

"Stop it, Jimin!"

Jimin was shocked when he heard his soulmate yell at him.

"The alpha was not his mate, there's nothing you can do to protect him!" "W-what? Jungkook was having sex while being unmated?"

No, it couldn't be. Jungkook was too pure, sweet, and intelligent to do that to himself.

"Did he take advantage of him?! That's why you're keeping all of this a secret? We can take care of him, discreetly. Make him pay without anybody knowing"

Taehyung started crying.

There was no point in lying anymore. No matter the number of lies he could tell, nothing could cover up this situation.

He should have never left the house to go out when his parents were gone and Jungkook's heat was so strong.

He had been stupid, thinking about having fun instead of taking care of his family. "it's worse than that"

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook suffers from endless heat" Jimin gasped, eyes wide in shock.

Taehyung was sobbing, almost having a panic attack.

What would his parents say when they came back from their trip? They were far away to meet with a senator, he couldn't call them.

Jimin guided him to sit down on the seesaw where the three of them always played as kids.

Taehyung proceeded to tell him everything. It was as if he couldn't wait to let go of the burden he had on his shoulder.

He wouldn't stop talking and crying and Jimin couldn't do anything but listen and pat his back softly when his sobs got the best of him.

Ater what seemed an infinite period of time, Jimin dried his tears. At some point, he had started to cry, but he didn't remember when.

"And now he's alone and I have no alpha to take of him! I'm a terrible brother. Thank God he came to your place and didn't go somewhere where someone could have taken advantage of him and hurt him"

Jimin nodded.

Things could have ended badly – they could have given him an STD, or got him pregnant, or worse, killed him.

The world was wild out there, especially for omegas since the law didn't protect them at all.

But spending a heat alone was a terrible torture that he didn't wish on his worst enemy, let alone the sweet Jungkookie.

"I could take care of him", Jimin suddenly said, breaking the silence. Taehyung looked at him as if he was an alien, "YOU?"

"Would you prefer a stranger?"

"Well, no! but... you ...you are... why would you do that?" He knew what meant.

He was Park Jimin, the heir of the most important entrepreneur in the country. He was rich, powerful, influential.

He had a bright future ahead of him where he would become a CEO.

He could have any omega he wanted – omega tried to get into his pants all the time. Why would he sleep with a sick omega?

If people knew he was serving an omega with endless heat, his reputation would greatly suffer. Also, he was Taehyung's best friend and the three of them had basically grown up together.

Fucking his best friend's brother was a bit awkward.

Jimin had always had a soft spot for the young boy, until four years ago he was pretty sure he had a crush on him before he left for the omega academy – or at least, that's where he thought he was at the time.

Now he knew the truth. Jungkook had been in the attic all along.

Anyway, today he no longer had romantic feelings for the boy, but that didn't mean he didn't care for him.

He had suffered enough and since Taehyung couldn't help him, he would do it.

"Tete, we grew up together. Sometimes I feel like I'm more a member of your family than mine. I know how bad things would be for your family if people found out about Jungkook. You'd be ruined. Throughout the years you've helped me many times, let me help you this time"

Taehyung pondered. It was weird thinking about his brother and Jimin sleeping together but, on the other hand, he trusted Jimin to take care of him.

Jimin was an amazing alpha. He was willing to put his reputation on the line for their friendship. He appreciated that – a lot.

He didn't have the courage to ask him for how long he would help Jungkook. He felt blessed enough that his friend was up for it even if for a little bit.

He knew that even if he was lucky to have him help Jungkook for a few months, the alpha would eventually leave.

He was supposed to get mated next year. His father was already planning his retirement and, of course, it was expected of every respectable CEO to have a trophy omega on his arm.

"Thank you! You're saving me", he replied with teary eyes, "I can't handle hearing him scream and beg anymore"

When they entered the house Jimin understood what he meant.

He heard screams and cries and when they went up the stairs, nearing the attic, the situation got worse.

Jimin's heart was breaking when they arrived at Jungkook's door.

There was a cabinet near the entrance and Taehyung grabbed a pack of condoms and handed it to his friend.

The blonde alpha looked at his soulmate who had teary eyes, "please, Jimin-ah, take care of him" "I will. You have my word"

When Tae unlocked the door and he entered, Jimin was hit by the strong scent in the room. He felt the door closing and locking behind him.

Jimin felt almost dazed, he could already feel his whole body reacting to the pheromones. He took a few steps in the dark until he hit something soft with his legs.

A light was turned on and that's when he saw him.

Jungkook was completely naked, with a hand around his cock – he was furiously stroking his cock

– while tears were streaming down his face. He still had his free hand on the light switch.

"I thought I was dreaming when I sniffed your scent", he said and stopped touching himself. His little omega cock was rock hard against his tummy.

"Alpha, you came to me?", he said, nervously biting his bottom lip. He sounded hopeful but also scared.

"I told you, Jungkookie is so pretty. I had to come back" Jimin cupped the omega's face and left a soft kiss on his lips.

Jungkook's hands grabbed his t-shirt, holding on for dear life, "alpha is not leaving again, right?!" Jimin shook his head with a sweet smile and caressed his cheeks.

Jungkook closed his eyes and kissed him again, basking in the warmth of that loving gesture. "I need alpha, so bad"

"I know, Jungkookie. I'll make you feel better, lay down for me"

As soon as the omega was laying on the bed again, Jimin took his cocklet into his mouth. He licked around it, taking it easily all the way into his mouth.

Jungkook moaned, convulsing on the bed beneath him. It didn't take him long to come in Jimin's mouth.

The alpha swallowed everything and then caressed the omega's chest, lightly pinching his nipples. Jungkook whined, looking at him intensely, still panting for the orgasm he just had.

He swiftly got on his knees, standing in front of the blond alpha and he helped him take off his t- shirt, then he pushed down his pants and underwear.

Jimin's cock sprung up and Jungkook licked his lips while looking at it, "it's so big"

He blushed when he realized he had said that out loud, but he was feeling way too needy to run away in embarrassment.

Jimin smiled at him and that was all Jungkook needed to open his mouth and take him into his mouth.

He couldn't believe he was about to have sex with Park Jimin. He had dreamed about this for so long.

He let the length slid on his tongue gradually, letting himself get accustomed to it, because otherwise, he knew he couldn't take it fully into his mouth – but he wanted to.

He wanted to choke on it, savor it so that he could remember its taste forever. He also wanted to get it nice and hard so that he could fuck him into oblivion.

He bobbed his head, swallowing around it taking more of it into his mouth until it reached his throat.

Jimin moaned and instinctively pushed his hips forward, pushing his cock even further down the boy's throat.

Jungkook gagged around him and Jimin tried to pull out when he felt two hands on the back of his thighs, holding him.

He sniffed the air and then looked at Jungkook's ass which was fully on display for him. There was slick gushing out of his hole the more the omega sucked him hard and fast.

His ass was wiggling and Jimin couldn't help himself from touching in, grabbing a handful of his ass cheeks.

Jungkook moaned and sucked even harder when he let one of his fingers enter him.

He was so wet that it slid right in, and so he began fingering him, adding a finger and then another finger, until the omega had four fingers inside of him.

Jungkook was moaning and whining, pushing back against his hand to get his fingers even deeper.

He patted Jungkook's shoulder, "lay down for me, Jungkookie", he said with a sweet tone of voice and the omega was laying down in a second, parting his legs to welcome the alpha between them – his hole quivering with need.

Jimin didn't waste any more time, he took hold of his cock putting a condom on, and guided it towards the boy entrance.

He looked up at Jungkook and then penetrated him slowly – sinking inside of him inch after inch. Jungkook's eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Please, hyung, fuck kookie!"

Jimin pulled out until only the tip was inside before slamming back in, taking Jungkook's breath away.

The alpha noted that Jungkook would refer to himself using the third person when he was slipping hard in his headspace, where his omega would come forward.

The boy crossed his arms behind his nape, holding in close while the alpha increased his pace, creating a nice rhythm.

When the boy suddenly gasped and closed his eyes tightly, with his mouth opened in a perfect 'O', Jimin realized he had found his prostate. He made sure to hit that spot as much as he could.

"Yes, yes!", the omega chanted underneath him, a smile curving his lips – he looked ecstatic. "Such a good omega"

After saying those words, he felt the omega clench around him and saw spurts of come leave his cocklet, landing on his belly.

The omega was shaking under him, and looked at him with eyes full of tears, "is Kookie a good omega for alpha?", he sounded so surprised.

"of course, you are. You don't believe me?"

"Kookie believes hyung. But other alphas... ", he stuttered with something between a moan and a sob, "soon hyung will think Koo is a bad omega too", he said and turned his head the other way, to avoid Jimin seeing him crying.

Jimin never stopped thrusting into him, holding his tiny waist with his hands - he knew he had to pull other orgasms out of the needy omega but still, he couldn't stand seeing him like this. He felt the need to reassure him.

"I'll always think you are perfect!", he said and Jungkook glanced at him, although he was still hiding his face against the pillow.

Soon he started moaning again, a new orgasm building inside of him.

He cried out when he felt the alpha's knot slam against his entrance, the older man stopping it from getting inside of him.

"Alpha, will you give Koo your knot? Koo needs it"

The alpha nodded and after a deeper thrust, he let his knot catch on his rim.

He fucked his knot into him a few times before he finally came inside the condom.

Jungkook raised his chest from the bed with a scream, feeling the knot filling him more than he ever thought possible – he held the alpha tightly against his chest and came again.

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