✰ I'll Never Be Good Enough F...

By snickerpersonal

84.6K 2.1K 7.9K

Ever since she was little, Luz Noceda was always considered the "weird one" and "the outcast." She wasn't wei... More

Just Be You
New Home With You
Freezing For the Sake of Food
Playdate With the Devil Herself
The Not-So-Devilish Devil and Her Annoying Imps
Strolling Around With Donut Holes in a Cup
Scalentine's Dance
Pepperoni, Mushrooms, and Amelia Blight
hey, u up?
You Just Might Be Driving Me Crazy
Enrolling At Hexside
First Day Jitters
Less Of A Friend, But More Of A Bully
Sick Of This Feeling
Who Knew Bullying Made For Some New Friends?
Liking Pink, Is The New Thing/k
Fitness Gram Pacer-Test
Snowed Day
Stuck In This Sleepover Forever
A Deck of Changed Hearts
Knock, Knock, Knocking It Out of the Park
Devil Crawling on Your Back
A Silent Truth For Myself
She's the Woman of the House
Hate's Risk Starts Here
Everyone's Step Towards Anew
Showtime Calls For Shaping Up
Eternally Your Puppets in Disguise
Above and Beyond the Stage's Eyes
Dragging Our Hearts Through Ash
Your Voice Etched in My Mind Forever
The Pathetic Monster Yearns for Second Chances
The Rusted Key to Romeo's Heart

Daunting Icons

1K 30 133
By snickerpersonal

"Lucía!" Amelia giggled, shaking her arm. "I can't believe iiiitttt!"

Lucía laughed as she tried her best to get the key into the keyhole while Amelia was violently shaking her, having no success in starting the car whatsoever.

"First, there were absolutely no rude customers today, and then, I got almost twenty-eight dollars in tips, and finally, I got a raise!" Amelia laughed, stomping her feet against the car's flooring repeatedly. "This is so awesome!"

"Well, I'm glad you're happy, bozo." Lucía smiled, finally being able to put the key in.

"Of course, I am!" Amelia continued to laugh, grabbing back onto Lucía's arm. "Today was so good! I'm pumped!"

"Usually I'm very excited to get out of work, but this is just a whole other level." Lucía raised her eyebrow, a smile on her face as she slowly shook Amelia off of her. "Now let me actually start the car, weirdo."

As Amelia realized what she was doing, she nervously laughed, pulling her hands away immediately.


"You're okay, don't worry, Ames." Lucía smirked as she started up the car and immediately turned on the heater, being the saving grace after the cold weather outside.

Once she made sure everything was in check so they could go, she turned on her side a bit so she could face Amelia, putting her elbow against the seat.

"So, you wanna go celebrate or something?" Lucía suggested, shrugging. "We cooouulddd pick up some food on the way home? We could go out for dinner? We could have a little party at home with just the two of us? Get some snacks and drinks?"

Although the other ideas that Lucía suggested did seem nice, the last one for some reason caught her attention, the idea seeming like some kind of bliss after something clicked in her head.

"Yes!" Amelia loudly said, the smile on her face growing. "Let's do that! We can get some chips and snacks and-"

She paused, and soon after, a mischievous smirk slowly began replacing the innocent smile on her face as she then nudged Lucía.

"We can get some alcohooool!" Amelia emphasized the last word, her excitement growing as she saw Lucía raise an eyebrow.

"You wanna get drunk?" Lucía said the phrase like this wasn't something that Amelia used to do all the time, a laugh slipping through as the idea just sounded completely unbelievable.

"Me and you, dummy!" Amelia laughed, pushing Lucía. "Let's celebrate by drinking! Today was a good day!"

"Hmmm." Lucía pretended to think it over, putting a bubble on one side of her cheek as she looked off to the side. "It was a good day."

"Stop teasing me! Come onnnnn!" Amelia whined, pulling on her arm even more. "Pleeeeaaasseeeee?"

"If I pay for the snacks, you're paying for the alcohol."

As soon as Lucía agreed, Amelia's smile widened, throwing her arms up into the air but accidentally hitting the car's ceiling in the process.

"Woo- OW- hoo!" Amelia laughed, quickly putting on her seatbelt. "We're gonna have a party! We're gonna have a party!"

"You have a limit though." Lucía spoke, putting on her seatbelt as well. "Your limit is thirty dollars."

"THIRTY DOLLARS?!" Amelia yelled, turning back over to Lucía, watching her laugh and focus back on the steering wheel. "What am I gonna buy with thirty dollars?!"

"That's not my job to figure out."

Amelia did a double take between Lucía and the steering wheel, starting multiple sentences she would immediately stop.

Once she gave up, she slid down in her seat, crossing her arms.

"You're no fair."

Amelia's kid-like attitude made Lucía laugh even more, prompting her to put her hand on Amelia's head and ruffle her hair.

"I don't know how much you're planning to spend, but your limit is a hundred, you hear me? I don't want you blowing all your money on alcohol. You don't need it."

Amelia's eyes widened as she immediately bounced back up, her big smile returning.

"A hundred is acceptable!"

"More like a hundred is more than enough." Lucía corrected, rolling her eyes as she then reversed the car. "Vamos, loser."



To Lucía's surprise, Amelia only spent money on two incredibly strong bottles of alcohol, drinking a good portion of one she bought before it eventually hit her.

Amelia stayed drunk on the couch as Lucía was right beside her, keeping a close eye on her.

"Luuuuuccccyyyyyy." Amelia dragged out, giggling as she leaned herself on Lucía. "You want someeee? It's gooooood!"

"No, Amelia." Lucía laughed, trying to carefully push off Amelia but to no avail. "I'm okay. I don't want your babas."

"My babas are good, you don't know what you're missing, you little cutie." Amelia smiled, sticking her tongue out at her between her teeth.

"Oh, I'm sure." Lucía smiled, tucking some hair that was in Amelia's face behind her ear. "I've been stopping myself from drinking and smoking recently. Drinking wasn't the problem but smoking was, and Luz hates it when I smoke because it's 'murdering my lungs.'"

Lucía laughed, recalling the time when Luz got onto her after she had come home smelling like cigarettes after her first visit to Amelia's apartment.

That felt so long ago now.

Her and Amelia were so horrible to each other then.

At the time, the two would probably never last a minute alone with each other, but now, here they were.

Huddled up on the couch.

Lucía's smile softened as she looked down at Amelia, hearing her giggle as she leaned in closer.

"The smoky smell was annoying at first, but I like it now." Amelia smiled, her eyes fluttering from closed to open multiple times. "I like your natural scent even more though."

"You're so lucky to have a sister who loves you so much." She looked back up at Lucía, her eyes half-lidded as she had a big dopey smile on her face. "One of my sisters hates me. I think that's why I like your sister. She doesn't treat me like a screw up. Luz is nice. I love Luz."

"You're gonna be surprised, but she loves you just as much." Lucía laughed, resting her arm over the top of the couch. "I don't know why she likes you so much, but it's kinda refreshing in a way. She used to hate all the people I would hang out with because they were 'bad influences.'"

"Am I a bad influence?"

Lucía raised her eyebrow once she heard Amelia, laughing once again before she ruffled her hair.

"Not at all. You make me happy."

As soon as Amelia heard that, her smile widened a lot more, her entire face heating up before she hid her face in Lucía's arm.

"Stop it." Amelia giggled, wrapping her arms around the arm she was burying herself in. "You make me happy, Lucy."

"Do I now?" Lucía repeated, watching Amelia nod her head up and down.


"Well, like my sister, it's made me happy you've stopped drinking too." Lucía spoke, feeling Amelia pull away. "It's stupid, but it worried me. The only times I've seen you have alcohol in here is the first time I was here and when you were about to get evicted, but I vividly remember you hinting that you drank a lot. Did you stop?"

"Well, I have a little secret about that." Amelia giggled, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the cushion. "There's this little cutie who lives here now, and ever since she started coming by more often, I started feeling like I should pick myself back up again. I didn't wanna go back to drinking because I was miserable, Lucy. I mean, you knew- I mean, she knew how much I drank. It was a lot of money for temporary happiness."

"But you're my new alcohol." Amelia smiled, booping Lucía's nose. "But this time, it's not temporary. You're for life. I love that."

"I love yooooooooaaaaaawawawawalalalaaaaaa!" Amelia dragged out, throwing her arms in the air as she then fell backwards on the couch, giggling once she hit the cushions.

"You're such a dork!" Lucía laughed, leaning in closer to Amelia to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

"I'm YOUR dork!" Amelia threw herself back up, quickly grabbing the bottle from off the floor and taking another long swig from it, setting it back down immediately before throwing her arms around Lucía.

"I love having you around! You're my best friend and so much more! I missed having you around so much!"

Lucía laughed a bit before looking into Amelia's eyes, heat rushing to her face.


"Yeah." Amelia repeated, her smile making Lucía's face heat up even more.

When she saw Lucía's face redden in color, Amelia's smile widened even more, already letting Lucía know that she had already caught onto it.

"You look cute like that."

"What?" Lucía nervously laughed, pulling her head back a little.

"When you blush. It's cute." She giggled, tilting her head a bit. "Do I make you blush? Pretty little me makes you blush?"

"Oh shut up, no you don't." Lucía turned away, putting her hand over Amelia's face before pushing it back.

"Nooooo! Stop iiiitttt! I like iiiiiittttt!" Amelia whined, waving her arms in the air before letting them droop down. "You're no fair, baby!"

"Okay, Ames, I think that's a little too much alcohol for you." Lucía rolled her eyes and shook her head, leaning down before grabbing the alcohol bottle from off the floor.

"I still have another bottle in the fridge, you can't stop the Ame train now!" Amelia loudly spoke, pumping her fist up and down. "Toot toot!"

"You're so silly when you're drunk, Ame."

Amelia stuck her tongue out at Lucía again when she heard her, shaking her body as she pushed herself into Lucía's shoulder.

Lucía laughed as Amelia continued, repeatedly asking her to stop as Amelia just continued and continued.

"You know, I never pointed it out, but you like, never take off my jacket." Lucía interrupted, slowly being able to actually push Amelia off of her as she then set the bottle onto the floor. "Remember? The jacket you stole from me from back at the Knee? Any green jacket ring a bell?"

Like Amelia was a little kid getting caught sneaking in candy to her room, she looked off to the side as her toothy smile was revealed, zipping up Lucía's green jacket completely before slowly pulling the jacket's hood over her head.

"Nooooooo." Amelia dragged out, shifting her eyes from side to side. "I don't remember any green jacket I stole. I only have my green jacket. All mine. Not yours."

"Really now?" Lucía raised her eyebrow, leaning in closer. "Then what's that you're wearing?"

"Your- I mean- my jacket." Amelia smiled, sticking out her tongue. "It's mine."

"I'm gonna get it back eventually, you hear me?"

Amelia shrugged, laughing once she saw Lucía lean in closer.

"You heaaaarrr meeeeee?"

"Yeeessss, I heaaarrr youuuu!" Amelia rolled her eyes, falling onto Lucía's lap. "It's just gonna be mine for a little bit. It smells like you. It's like I have a piece of you everywhere. It's nice. It's big on me. It's nice."

"You already said that."

"Yes, I did, now shush nice." Amelia giggled, looking up at Lucía as she brought her finger up against Lucía's lips.

She smiled as soon as she made eye contact with Lucía, her cheeks getting rosy by that fact.

"If I got sick again, would you take care of me?"

"Of course I would." Lucía smiled, running her fingers through Amelia's hair. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know." She tilted her head, playing around with her fingers. "I didn't know if that was just a one time thing."

"I live with you now. For as long as I'm here, I'm gonna take care of you if you feel sick or anything."

"But what if you get sick?"

"Then you'll take care of me, simple as that." Lucía shrugged, watching Amelia's smile soften as she leaned into Lucía.

"Sick, sick, sick." Amelia repeated, slowly closing her eyes.

Immediately though, something clicked in her head, prompting her to shoot back up with her eyes wide open.

"Oh my god!" She spoke, turning her head to face Lucía. "Do you know what else is sick?! My guitar!"

"Your what?" Lucía's eyebrow rose, a laugh slipping out.

Amelia turned so that she could properly see Lucía, sitting back in her criss-cross-applesauce position.

"My guitar! I have this red electric guitar back at the manor!" She immediately pushed herself towards Lucía, grabbing onto her arm. "I loved that thing! Can we go get it?!"

"You're kidding me." Lucía spoke like Amelia was crazy, a laugh slipping through. "You know you can't step foot on Blight property, Amelia. You can't just waltz on in like nobody's business."

"I've done it before to check on my siblings, just come oonnnn!" Amelia whined once again, pulling on Lucía's arm. "This will be the last and final time I do it, okay? Just pleeaaseeeeee? It's the only thing I want and I'll never ever want to go back again, deal?"

"No." Lucía bluntly said, but as Amelia just ignored that, she immediately jumped off the couch and chugged the remaining bits of alcohol from the bottle, skipping on over to the fridge.

"Okay, deal!" Amelia giggled, grabbing her second bottle of alcohol from the fridge as she then set it on the counter. "I'll go put my shoes on!"

"I never said deeaaaalll!" Lucía dragged out, shaking her head and laughing before leaning back in the couch.

"But I diiiiddd!" Amelia retorted, running back over to the couch before quickly slipping her shoes back on. "Come oonnnn! Don't be such a baby, Lucy! I'll make dinner tomorrow if you let me go!"

"It's your day anyway." Lucía stuck out her tongue, rolling her eyes.

"See? Then I'll just make it extra good!" Amelia laughed before running back over to the counter, grabbing her bottle from off of it before standing behind Lucía, wrapping her arms around her neck.


Amelia's touch made Lucía's neck tingle, making her shiver before pulling away.

"You never take no for an answer, do you?" Lucía raised her eyebrow, sighing before getting up from the couch. "Okay, fine, we can go."

"YES!" Amelia threw her hands up in the air, laughing before grabbing the keys from off the key rack. "Thank you, Lucy! You're awesome!"

"The second we think we're gonna get caught, we're outta there, you hear me?" Lucía walked over to Amelia, sticking her finger in her chest.

"Aye aye, captain!" Amelia saluted, giggling as soon as she did so.

"This is the most stupidest thing I've ever doooneeee." Lucía spoke through her teeth, a big but nervous smile accompanying it.


"You can stop here!" Amelia spoke in a hushed voice, doing her best to look through Lucía's side's window.

As Lucía slowly stopped on the brake pedal, her arms were as stiff as a rock, her extended arms holding onto the steering wheel.

Her nervous smile still remained as she turned her head to her window, seeing the Blight Manor for the first time in a long while.

Her nervous smile faded as her eyes were fixated on the manor, the sound of Amelia unbuckling her seatbelt being the thing that snapped her out of her thoughts.

"And you're sure this is far enough from any cameras?" Lucía nervously spoke, turning her head to Amelia. "It feels like we're way too close to the gate. Maybe we can just park a mile or two away? Or maybe we can just turn back around and get some food on the way home? You won't have to cook tomorrow if we do!"

"Stop being a baby, sweetie!" Amelia dragged out, giggling before setting the empty bottle on the seat, opening up her door afterwards. "Now come on! If you love me, you'll help me!"

"Amelia-" Before Lucía could continue, Amelia already slipped out of the car and shut the door behind her, making her groan. "God damn it, Amelia."

She took a deep breath before taking her key out, unbuckling her seatbelt before getting out of her car.

She stuffed her hands in her pockets before locking the car, making sure not to lock it twice so it didn't loudly beep.

Amelia giggled again before running towards the Blight Manor gate, startling and scaring Lucía as she ran after her.

"Amelia!" She shouted in a whisper, doing her best to catch up to Amelia as she saw her run around the Blight Manor gate and up the stairs that led to the manor, unable to catch her.

Lucía quickened up her pace as best as she could, and after following Amelia's way up there, she was soon met with Amelia in front of her, stopped a good distance away from the end of the stairs.

As soon as she caught up with her, Lucía grabbed onto Amelia's arm, making sure her grip wasn't too hard to the point where she was hurting her.

"What's the matter with you, Amelia?! You can't just run off like that!" Lucía continued to whisper-yell, rolling her eyes. "You already know I'm scared shitless, I wish you'd-"

As Lucía looked ahead, wondering why Amelia was silent, she trailed off, her grip on Amelia's shoulder loosening as her eyes widened.

Lucía looked ahead at a pretty small but big lot of grass, the empty lot only being accompanied with a small stand with some engraving Lucía forgot forever ago.

The lot was missing something.

Her shoulders untensed as she sighed, letting go of the grip on Amelia completely.

"Just don't run off like that, okay?"

Lucía quietly spoke but expected no response, looking towards the empty spot.

"I can't believe I burned that stupid statue down." Amelia quietly spoke, looking ahead. "I regret doing that every single day. How different would my life be if I didn't react like that?"

"You would probably still be trapped in that house." Lucía put a hand in her pocket, slowly putting the other on Amelia's shoulder. "You would still be a Blight."

"Maybe I would've been better off being one, I don't know." Amelia squinted her eyes before shaking her head, turning to Lucía. "I think it's just my drunkiness talking. I'm scared to be a Blight, Lucy. I don't ever want to be one again."

"You won't." Lucía smiled, putting her other free hand on Amelia's other shoulder. "You'll be something completely different."

"Like what?" Amelia spoke quietly, begging for an answer like she was lost, constantly trying to find something to define her.

"That's up to you." Lucía shrugged, watching Amelia look off to the side slightly before what looked like heat crashing onto her cheeks immediately appeared.

"That's true." Amelia took her turn to shrug, grabbing onto Lucía's hand. "Come on. I don't want to see this anymore, Lucía."


Amelia carefully led Lucía over to the wall and did her best to avoid any of the cameras, walking against the wall towards every opening she could.

Amelia peeked her head through one of the windows, seeing the inside of the dining room through it.

"I always hated eating there, honey." Amelia quietly spoke, pressing her hands against the glass before immediately ducking down, making sure to lower her volume even more. "I see one of the maids, be quiet when walking by, okay?"

Lucía nodded in response before also ducking down, following Amelia as she slowly made her way to the other windows on this side of the manor, looking through multiple good entries but no unlocked ones.

As the two made their way to the back of the manor, they continued searching but to no avail. Once they turned the corner to the last available side, Lucía continued walking but immediately bumped into Amelia, pressing her hand against the bump now on her forehead.

"Hey, what's wrong-" Lucía immediately cut herself off, looking in the direction Amelia was looking in.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the balcony Amelia's eyes were fixated on, and before Amelia even turned to look at her, she shook her head.


"You didn't even know what I was gonna say." Amelia stuck her tongue out, rolling her eyes.

"I already knew what you were going to say. I didn't have to." Lucía spoke, pointing her arms in the direction of the balcony. "We are not gonna climb up there."

"We're not gonna climb up there!" Amelia wafted her hand, running over to the forest before running back in as she dragged a makeshift ladder behind her.

Lucía's eyes widened as Amelia walked even closer to her, dropping the ladder right in front of her.

"We're gonna climb up there with this ladder!"

"That is the same thing! We're gonna die!" Lucía whisper-yelled, dragging her hand down her face.

"We're not gonna die, Lucy, you've just gotta trust me!" Amelia giggled, holding her hands behind her back. "And if you help me get up there, you can get a kiiiissss!"

Lucía watched as Amelia did kissy faces and kissy noises towards Lucía, her eyebrows pressed against each other as she watched Amelia.

She shook her head and pushed Amelia's face away as soon as she started wiggling her eyebrows, moving to the other side of the ladder before picking her side up.

"Just pick up your side, okay, 'Mele?"

"Will do, Captain Cutie!" Amelia saluted, watching Lucía shake her head before Amelia picked up her side of the ladder.

They brought the makeshift ladder over against the wall and pushed it against it, lifting the ladder so that they could actually climb it.

To Lucía's surprise, the ladder was the perfect height for the balcony, just about reaching the balcony's railing.

Lucía's eyebrows pressed against each other as she ran that by her head, getting interrupted by the feeling of Amelia's finger pressing against her lips.

Her eyes widened as she immediately turned her head to Amelia, seeing a smile on her face as she held her hands behind her back.

"So, you want that kiss, prince?"

"Ame, why're you being so-" She groaned, shaking her head as she went over to the ladder. "Never mind."

She mindlessly went over to the ladder and grabbed one of the rungs, pulling herself up before she actually realized what she was doing.

"Holy-" She shook, tightening her grip on the ladder. "Okay, I did not think this through."

"IIIII got you, honey, don't you- don't you even worry about it!" Amelia giggled as she wafted her hand, cracking her knuckles as she went over to the ladder and held it steady.

A nervous smile replaced Lucía's frightened one, and although drunk-as-hell Amelia wasn't the most reliable source right now, her holding the ladder down was something.

She swallowed down a lump in her throat as she forced her head up, keeping her eyes on the next rung and nothing else.

One rung after the other.

Lifting her feet and placing them on the rung she just passed.

Releasing her grip and tightening it up simultaneously.

And after what felt like forever, she made it to the top.

Her eyes widened as she got into a position where it would be safe for her to climb up to the balcony, placing her feet in-between the railing as she then pulled herself up.

Once she felt the floor with her feet, she let herself fall onto the floor, laughing as she took off her beanie with one hand and ran the other through her hair.

"Holy shit, I thought I was gonna die!" Lucía laughed, letting the beanie rest on her chest.

"Priiiinnnceeeyyyyyy!" Amelia's voice called out from under her, immediately making Lucía sit back up and look out from the balcony. "Is it unlooooockkkeeddd?"

"Shit, sorry!" Lucía laughed, slipping away over to the glass door and windows.

She saw nothing but darkness in the room when she pressed her hands and face against the glass, looking around for any sign that it wouldn't be a safe entry.

Fortunately, it was a safe way in.

Now it was time to figure out if any of these doors were unlocked.

She put her hand on one of the glass door's handles, tightening up her grip on it before pulling it her way.

It didn't budge.

Lucía groaned as she tried the other, but it didn't even move an inch.

She went over to the window on the right side and tried to get it open, but like everything else, it was locked.

"Fuck." She muttered under her breath, attempting to get the window on the left side open. "I risked my life and climbed that stupid ladder for no-"

Her eyes widened as she cut herself off.

It opened.

"Holy shit!" Lucía laughed, running back over to the balcony. "Hey, Amelia, it's open! Come on up!"

"Okay!" Amelia giggled, skipping on over to the ladder.

"Who the hell only locks one of their windows?" Lucía spoke as she ran her hand through her hair, shaking her head as she laughed.

Immediately though, she stopped, remembering just how drunk Amelia was and how she was just about to climb that ladder.

"Wait, Amelia, you shouldn't be climbing!" She leaned over the balcony, watching her already have one of her hands on the ladder. "You're gonna fall! Get down!"

"Oh puh-leeaaaseee, Lucy!" Amelia giggled, continuing to climb on up. "Have a little faith in me!"

As Amelia continued to climb up the ladder, Lucía leaned down and tried keeping the ladder as still as possible from where she was, inevitably failing from the position she was in as she watched Amelia swing around on the ladder a bit as she laughed.

"I've done this plenty of times, sweetie, you don't ever gotta be worried." Amelia smiled, winking at Lucía. "It's cute you care though."

"I'm saying that because you're drunk, Amelia." Lucía rolled her eyes, tightening up her grip on the ladder. "And stop swinging around! You're gonna fall and it's gonna be your fault!"

"You'd catch me either waaayyyy!" Amelia spoke in a sing-songy voice, finally reaching the top and climbing up to the balcony with the help of Lucía holding onto her hands.

As Amelia climbed over the railing and stepped onto the floor, she smiled widely, her hands still holding onto Lucía's as she brought them up in the air.

"See?" Amelia laughed, her cheeks getting rosy. "I'm all safe!"

"With the help of me, yes." Lucía rolled her eyes and laughed along with her, feeling Amelia swing their arms from side to side.

"Oooooo this has been so fun!" Amelia continued to laugh, giving Lucía's hands a squeeze. "This reminds me of back when we were in high school! Oh my god, princey, do you rememberrrr?"

Lucía's eyebrow rose as she smiled, confused as to why she was bringing that up now.

"Of course I do. You hated me."

Amelia sputtered out a jumbled bit of nonsense as soon as she heard Lucía, using her hair to cover the lower half of her red face.

"I only hated you for a little when we first met!" Amelia spoke like she was embarrassed to even speak, covering up her face even more. "Besides, you were the one who kept picking on me! Slowly, I just started having a little soft spot for the person who kept getting in my business!"

"Okay, wowwww!" Lucía laughed, holding her hands up in the air.

Amelia rolled her eyes and gently nudged Lucía once she saw her do that, her smile growing on her face.

"Shush, you cutie."

Amelia scrunched up her face as she stuck her tongue out at Lucía, shaking her head.

"Now, let's hurry up and get your guitar, okay, Ame?" Lucía raised her eyebrow as she smiled, ruffling Amelia's hair with her hand.

Amelia's smile grew even more as she immediately perked up and let out a happy "okay!", immediately moving on over to the window.

She pulled it open and immediately stepped inside, looking around the area for a bit before turning back and giving Lucía a thumbs up.

"Area's all cleaaarrr!" Amelia spoke in a hushed voice, giggling at her own voice.

Lucía rolled her eyes and pulled her beanie back over her head, carefully putting one leg through the window before looking up at Amelia.

"You're right, this does remind me of back in high school." Lucía smiled, pulling herself through. "This seem familiar, 'Mele? Sneaking back into your house?"

"Shhhhh, baby!" Amelia hushed, a smile still remaining on her face as she brought her finger up to her lips.

As soon as Lucía heard that, she froze, her eyes widening as she could feel the heat begin to fill her cheeks.

"'Baby?'" Lucía repeated, running it by her head one more time before fully accepting that Amelia had just called her that.

"Shhhhh!" Amelia continued, giggling before turning back around.

"Welp! We're in!" She put her closed fists on her hips and looked around the room they were in, taking in the Blight Manor smell once again.

"Yeah, we are." Lucía, who was still pretty much stunned, climbed fully in and stood beside Amelia, her hands in her pockets as she then sighed and shook her head. "Who's room is this?"

As Lucía walked ahead and her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could now see a pink room.

The pink room basically had nothing in it except a bed, a dresser, and a couple of posters posted along the wall.

It lacked any life at all.

Amelia's smile softened as she walked up to a poster in particular, grazing her hand against it.

"It's my sister's." She looked up at the poster fondly, hearing Lucía pick up something behind her.

"Is your sister's taste in decorating usually this empty?" Lucía smiled, holding a dark pink-colored hoodie in her hand.

"No, dummy." Amelia laughed, turning around to Lucía. "She never liked being home. It's understandable. I guess she's probably asleep at the library again if she's not here."

"Yeah?" Lucía raised her eyebrow, holding the hoodie up to Amelia before the poster that Amelia was standing in front of caught her attention.

"Woah." She laughed a bit, throwing the hoodie back onto the bed. "Your sister's an Azura nerd too?"

"Yeah." Amelia laughed, shaking her head as she let her head rest on Lucía's shoulder. "She's been into that series ever since she was a little-bitty kid."

"She tried getting me into it when she still liked me, but I never really could." She shrugged, shaking her head as a memory popped up in her head. "She actually made me her own custom Azura shirt when she was little. The shirt was way too big for me at the time, but it fits pretty good now. She was such a cute little baby."

Lucía's face fell a bit once she heard Amelia say "when she still liked me", her eyebrows pressing against each other as she struggled to find the right words.

"You said- uh- well, is- are things not fine between the two of you anymore?"

Amelia stayed silent as her smile still remained present, slowly wrapping her arms around Lucía's arm.

"No, she kinda hates me now."

She smooshed her face against Lucía's shoulder even more, her eyes half-lidded.

"I think it was because my parents never paid any attention to her, but to me instead. I don't think it was my fault. I guess I was a pretty bad sister."

She laughed a bit, shaking her head.

"I don't know. I'm drunk."

She paused for a second before looking up at Lucía, a smile growing as her face heated up.

"You're pretty."

Though Lucía's smile remained, her thoughts on what Amelia spilled now invaded her mind, the hurt in Amelia's voice being evident when talking about what happened.

"Have I ever met your sister?"

"I don't think I introduced you to her personally." Amelia looked down, slowly making her arms go down to Lucía's hand. "I brought her to the Knee with me when we all went that one time. I don't think you remember seeing her though."

"You're right, I don't." Lucía tilted her head, slowly putting her hand on Amelia's head.

"I'll introduce you to her someday. I think you'll like her." Amelia closed her eyes as she smiled, wobbling around a small bit when she did so.

"Someday, 'Mele."

As they both stayed in silence for a while, Lucía quietly cleared her throat and shook Amelia's head gently, pushing her back a bit.

"Alright, Ames, let's go get your guitar, okay?"

"Okay, sweetie." Amelia nodded her head, a yawn slipping out as she rubbed her eyes. "Can I hold your hand?"

"I'm sorry, 'Mele, I don't hold drunk people's hands." Lucía laughed, immediately seeing her pout as she let out a small groan.

"You're no fair! You're allowed to, you know."

"I'm sure I can, I just don't do it to people that are drunk." Lucía leaned down and booped Amelia's nose, watching her scrunch up her nose as she pulled her head back a bit. "Ask me when you're sober, okay?"

"Okay." Amelia nodded, looking off to the side as she crossed her arms.

"Don't be that way." Lucía rolled her eyes and laughed, tilting her head so that Amelia could see her. "We still gotta get your guitar. Maybe if you don't get us caught, I'll hold your hand for a bit when we get out of here."

As soon as Amelia heard that, her eyes widened, her ears immediately going pink at Lucía's offer.

"Okay!" She smiled widely, basically skipping on over to the door before giggling.

Lucía shook her head at Amelia's childish attitude and watched her slowly open up the door, immediately signaling to Lucía that she should make every sound she made as quiet as possible once again.

The sound of voices from far away could be heard, and after what Lucía believed was Amelia figuring out how far they were, she cracked open the door just enough for her to slip through.

"Shhhh." Amelia hushed once again, this time being a lot more serious.

Lucía only nodded as a response and followed Amelia after she slipped through, watching her stay close to the walls and a bubble in her mouth.

She pressed her eyebrows against each other as soon as she saw Amelia do that but quickly shook it away, carefully closing the door behind her.

She watched as Amelia stuck close to the wall, slowly sliding against it as she made her way to the end of the hallway.

Even throughout the years that she had known Amelia, she had never seen the inside of Blight Manor.

She was never allowed to go inside, and the one time she actually did step foot in the manor, it led to Amelia burning down a statue.

And now she knew that Amelia still regretted that every single day.


Amelia's whisper-yell immediately brought Lucía back into the moment, flinching as she immediately focused back onto Amelia.

"Come onnnn! I gotta hold your hand!" Amelia whined, waving her arm around as she nodded her head.

Lucía blinked a few times and shook her head to try and put herself back into the moment, letting out a quiet and nervous laugh in the process.

"Sorry." She whispered back, immediately walking along the wall and over to Amelia.

"Finally, you slowpoke." Amelia pretended to act annoyed, but her smile proved to be stronger than that, immediately laughing a bit as she nudged Lucía. "Come on, let's go see my room again."

Lucía nodded and watched Amelia pull a key from out of her pocket and stuck it into the keyhole, soon hearing a clicking sound before she swung open the door, making no noise at all.

"Come on." Amelia immediately snuck into her room and closed it back up once Lucía was inside, pressing her back against the door.

This was the first time in forever that Lucía was seeing Amelia's room again, and now that she was seeing it a few years later, it definitely didn't age well.

Amelia's room had things on the floor everywhere.

Some things broken.

There were holes in the shape of fists in the walls.

There were multiple different scratches and torn wallpaper slightly hanging off the wall.

And worst of all, a big red "SORRY" written on the wall above her bed.

The room was trashed completely.

Amelia walked ahead but turned back around, holding her hands behind her back as she gave Lucía a smile.

"This is my roooomm!" She laughed, showing Lucía a big toothy smile. "It's a little messy, but other than that, it's where I lived!"

Lucía walked forwards and looked at the room the best she could, taking in every little detail and every little punch and scratch mark she could see in the small amount of time she took.

"It sure has a nice trash-zone feel to it."

"I was upset one time, okay? I promise I'm a good cleaner now!" Amelia laughed, holding up her hands. "Now let's look around!"

Amelia skipped on over and looked around her room again, acting like she hadn't seen this place just about a month ago.

"Jesus Christ." Lucía stuffed her hands in her pockets as she continued to look around Amelia's room, a familiar scent she hadn't smelled in years making its way back to Lucía. "It sure reminds me of high school alright."

"Mhm!" Amelia nodded, looking through one of the drawers next to her bed. "You know, even though I've snuck in here plenty of times, I've never actually looked through my old stuff that much!"

"So, what happened to just getting your guitar?" Lucía raised her eyebrow and smirked, turning her head to see a guilty smirk on Amelia's face.

"We're still gonna get it, I just want to look around real quick! I haven't had you in my room in forever! Just stop being a little weenie!"

Lucía gasped as she turned her head away, putting her hand on her chest.

"A weenie?! Oh god, my feelings! They're hurt!"

Amelia giggled as she continued looking through her drawer, immediately stopping as her eyes landed on something.

"Oh my god!"

As Lucía waited for Amelia to continue getting excited over something, it never came, making her stop whatever she was doing and go over to her.

"What is it?"

"It's this drawing I made forever ago!" Amelia laughed, pulling out a piece of paper from her drawer. "It's from when I wanted pink hair, Lucy!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Lucía sat down on Amelia's bed and leaned in closer, tilting her head. "You wanted pink hair?"

"Yeah!" Amelia giggled, leaning in closer to Lucía. "I love pink! It's my favorite color!"

"Well, lemme see the drawing then." Lucía laughed along with Amelia, getting handed the piece of paper.

When she saw what Amelia was making such a huge deal about, her eyes widened as her mouth fell wide open, the paper in her hand being much more than just a "drawing."

"Amelia, what the fuck?" She looked back up at her but immediately looked back down to take a double take at the drawing, still not believing that Amelia drew this.

The so-called "drawing" was a headshot of Amelia, and like what she said, she had pink hair.

The pink hair wasn't the problem though.

It was how good the drawing was.

The drawing looked like a complete replica of Amelia herself, each detail being beautifully caressed onto the drawing.

The eyes looked realistic and exactly how Amelia's were, just as her eyebrows, her eyelashes, her lips, her ears, and everything else was.

The shading on the drawing made it even better, and though there was only coloring for the hair, the shading and design with every single strand made it look like a totally realistic piece.

It didn't look like a drawing.

It looked like a straight up picture.

Amelia tilted her head as she shrunk down a bit, her shoulders rising as she nervously laughed.

"It's awful, isn't it?"

"What?" Lucía was taken aback, her face scrunching up as she then shook her head. "Hell no. Amelia, this is gorgeous."

"I wish." Amelia leaned back, slowly falling onto the floor with her arms spread out. "I just wanted to see what I looked like with pink hair, I know it isn't the best, sweetheart. It's ugly, so you don't gotta lie to itty-bitty me. I can take it! I'm a strong independent woman! I've got a heart of steel!"

"But, Amelia, I'm not lying." Lucía tilted her head and looked down at the floor, leaning in closer as she held up the picture. "I totally forget how talented you are sometimes. My god, every detail is absolutely perfect, Ame!"

"I mean, the eyes, come on! They're just as beautiful as yours are! And the eyelashes and the facial structure?! You can't say this is ugly! It's you!" Lucía laughed, taking a look back down at the drawing. "I mean, shit, if you wanna be all critique, you forgot to add the freckles on your cheeks."

As Lucía continued, Amelia's eyes slowly widened, slowly sitting up from her position to look at Lucía.

"It's kind of a given because they're so difficult to see sometimes, but it's not such a big deal!" Lucía laughed, pointing at the drawing and then at Amelia. "Quit ridiculing yourself like that! Amelia, this is beautiful. It looks just like you."

Lucía let a laugh slip as she dropped her hands down to her knees, making sure she didn't damage the picture. She rolled her eyes and finally looked to Amelia, seeing her now fully sat up in a criss-cross-applesauce position with her eyes wide open.

Soon after, her face softened up, her face getting red.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"This drawing is gorgeous, 'Mele, of course-" Immediately after realizing what she was about to say, she caught herself and stopped before she could continue, freezing up. "Shit. Fuck, uh, I- I mean-"

As Lucía continued to try and come up with some kind of excuse for what she had just confessed, she repeatedly tapped her knees with her hands and looked away as Amelia just laughed, scooting over to the bed as she then laid her arms on top of it, holding her head up with her hand.

"You're cute." Amelia smiled, tilting her head a bit. "If you wanna play Prince Charming so much, you should just come over here and kiss me."

Lucía's eyes widened.

"Ame, what?"

Amelia stared into Lucía's eyes, her eyes closing slightly as her smile stayed consistent.

"I think you heard me very well, princey."

Lucía stared into Amelia's eyes, frozen as she tried dissecting what Amelia was doing.

She couldn't tell if her being flirty like this was because she was drunk or because of something else.


A nervous laugh slipped out as Lucía basically had to force herself away from the moment and get out of it, slowly moving her hand away before getting up from the bed and putting the drawing back into the nightstand.

"We should- we should get your guitar, Ames- Ame- Amelia."

Amelia's smile stayed present as she laughed, turning her body so that her back hit the bed.

"You're nervous."

"No, I'm not." Lucía let a laugh of her own come out as she stuffed her hands back into her pockets, fiddling with whatever was inside them.

"You areeeee!" Amelia laughed, pointing her finger at Lucía.

"Don't you know it's rude to point your fingers at someone?" Lucía laughed, making sure her eyes never made contact with Amelia's. "Also pointing your finger at the sun is extremely consequential! I mean, you point at the sun then BOOM, you get a blister! And then, if you point at the-"

"It's pretty cute to see you get flustered like this." Amelia smiled, getting up from the floor as she slowly walked over to Lucía.

"Amelia, I am not flustered."

Amelia's eyebrow rose as a laugh slipped out, shaking her head slightly as she slowly wrapped her arm around Lucía's, immediately feeling Lucía tense up.

"You are."

Finally, Lucía turned her head to Amelia, immediately being met with Amelia's face, which was much closer than Lucía had thought.

"What the..." Lucía trailed off, her eyebrows scrunching together as she stared into Amelia's eyes, trailing down to the smile that remained on her face.

As Amelia continued to stare, to Lucía, it felt like time had slowed down.

Around them, it didn't feel real anymore.

Soon enough, Lucía felt Amelia slowly peel away from her, her smile somehow growing even wider as that toothy grin only confused Lucía even more.

"As you said, we should get my guitar, right?"

"Right." Lucía slowly repeated, her eyebrows still furrowed as it took her to blink a few times before she could get herself to focus back on the world around her.

"Then stop stalling, honey." Amelia quietly laughed as she could basically feel just how frustrated and confused Lucía had gotten, slowly making her way over to the closet.

As Lucía tried understanding Amelia's behavior, she let it be and shook her head to do just that, immediately forcing herself to pull herself together before she walked over and stood beside Amelia.

"Now, honey, this is my closet!" Amelia smiled, putting her fists on her hips. "This is where I used to wear all my clothes, dance and dance and dance, and hide my beautiful guitar which I love so much, okay?"

"Okie dokie, Ame." Lucía rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face as she slightly looked off to the side.

"Now, whatever kind of clothes are in here are top secret, okay? I don't want you thinking that just because I trust you with my oh so dear life, doesn't mean it's okay for you to make fun of anything my parents made me wear when they 'loved me', okay?"


Amelia continued to stare at Lucía with a certain look on her face which meant that Amelia was waiting for Lucía to continue, which only made Lucía imagine Amelia wagging her finger at her next.

Before Lucía could burst out laughing and get the two of them caught, she covered her mouth with her hand to ensure that she wouldn't do just that, holding her hands up in the air to show that she had surrendered.

"Okay! Yes, fine, I won't make fun of you for your Queen of England clothes!"

"My family's rich, but we're not kings and queens!" Amelia pouted, gently hitting Lucía's forehead with her finger.

"I'm not gonna make fun of you, Ames." Lucía laughed, slowly letting her hands down as she saw Amelia squint her eyes.

"But I'm not gonna be surprised if I see a whole machine gun in here."


Amelia gently hit Lucía with her hand and watched her laugh as she held her hands over her head, a big smile on her face.

"I'm just joking!"

Amelia turned her head away and crossed her arms in an attempt to look upset and like she wasn't going to speak to Lucía at all, but before she could go through with it, a smile cracked through and she began laughing along with her.

As their laughter came to a close, Amelia's smile remained as she then nudged Lucía's side, making a small laughing fit return.

"You can't make fun of my stuff, okay? That's the deal."

"I won't, Ame." Lucía smiled, lowering her hands into her pockets. "You can count on me."

"Mmmmm, okay!" Amelia laughed, her chipper attitude immediately springing back up as she grabbed onto the closet's handles. "Now, get ready for what is going to be the best thing you've seen in your life!"

As Amelia's smile remained present, she swiftly swung open the closet, revealing a closet filled to the brim with clothes hung up and shelves filled up with random boxes and random plushies and trash filling the what-used-to-be empty space.

"Holy shit." Lucía laughed, her eyes widening as she could barely even look around the closet, since it was already a small place to store clothing and was already filled to the brim. "It's like I'm looking into a wall here."

"They're just clothes, honey." Amelia rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling as she stuffed her hand through the mess. "Now let's explore my wardrobe!"

Lucía took her turn to roll her eyes as she watched Amelia look through the different clothes that she used to have, mostly all of them being stuff that Lucía had never even seen before.

Amelia laughed playfully as she quickly searched through the clothes like a child, rummaging through everything she could and oohing and aahing at everything that caught her attention.

Through the quickened pace that Amelia went at, Lucía could only catch a glimpse of a purple long-sleeve with some kind of cat drawing printed onto it before it got pushed aside, more and more clothes being flipped through like they were all nothing.

As something caught Lucía's attention though, her eyes widened and she immediately cut her hand through the clothes, stopping it at a certain point.

"Wait, stop!" Lucía smiled, turning her head to see Amelia with a confused expression.

"What's wrong, Lucy?"

"Can I go back a few? I think I saw something."

Amelia's eyebrow rose as she looked around, laughing before shrugging her shoulders.

"Did you see clothes? You do know this is a closet, right?" Amelia laughed, crossing her arms. "You're so silly, poopsie."

"No, I mean I think I saw some stuff you used to wear!"

Amelia looked Lucía up and down before shaking her head, clicking her tongue.

"Be my guest, honey."

Lucía's smile grew wider as she immediately flipped back to the clothes Amelia had already gone through, scanning her eyes through the many different outfits that Amelia had stored in here.

Finally, when she found what she was looking for, she stopped, her eyes widening as it felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off of Lucía's shoulders.

She smiled, turning her head to Amelia.

As Amelia dumbfoundedly looked at Lucía, she laughed, nudging her.

"What, my old clothes?"

"Yeah! Don't you remember these two?" Lucía smiled, turning back to the closet.

One of the clothes that had Lucía so excited was a pink dress with white frills on the end, while the other was an old Hexside shirt that Amelia had used to wear, a white shirt with pink sleeves and a pink hem, bolded letters in the middle spelling "HEXSIDE".

"Of course I do." Amelia laughed, taking the two out of the closet. "I kinda hated that dress. I'm sure I looked awful in that Hexside shirt, too."

"You being serious?" Lucía laughed, nudging Amelia. "You looked great, don't even worry about it."

"Even if I was a little Hexside nerd?"

Lucía rolled her eyes and smiled, looking directly into Amelia's eyes.

"Of course, Ame." She laughed, ruffling Amelia's hair. "It just brings back old memories is all. It just- I don't know."

Amelia smiled, holding up the outfits.

"You want 'em?"

"You want me to keep them?" Lucía raised her eyebrow, watching Amelia shrug.

"It's not like I wear them anymore. And you said it brought back old memories, so."

Lucía laughed, shaking her head as she gently pushed away the clothes.

"I couldn't." She smiled, her gesture making Amelia's eyes widen. "Those two are- I don't know, they're yours. Yours as in it used to be what you used to wear all the time, it would be crazy if I took it and wore it."

"I don't mind." Amelia smiled, pushing the clothes back over to Lucía. "I would like it if you took it. It would make me really happy, Lucy."

"You wouldn't mind if I wore your stuff?"

"Why would I?"

Lucía's eyebrows furrowed as she looked back down to the pairs of clothing, soon letting her eyebrow rise.

"I don't think I'd ever wear the dress, but I guess I could try the Hexside shirt?" Lucía laughed, holding it up higher. "I doubt it's going to fit me though. You're- uh, tinier than me."

Amelia looked at Lucía with wide eyes, letting out a dramatic and over-the-top gasp as she leaned her head back, putting a hand on her chest.

"Blasphemous! That's preposterous and outright disrespectful! I demand to talk to my lawyer!"

"Your lawyer?" Lucía smiled, her eyebrow raised as she nudged Amelia. "You're being such a dork, you little weirdo."

"My lawyer iiissss youuuuu, honeeeyy!" Amelia laughed, booping Lucía's nose. "Nooowwwww I think the shirt would look preeeettyyyy onn youuuuu, so weaarrrr iiiitttttt!"

"How about I try it on after we get out of here, alright?" Lucía let a laugh slip as she shook her head, rolling her eyes as she turned her eyes back to the closet. "I can't believe you had all these clothes and never wore them."

She averted her eyes back to Amelia and nudged her head in the direction of the closet.

"May I?"

"Go ahead." Amelia smiled, slowly wrapping her arm around Lucía's once again.

Lucía looked back to the closet immediately after Amelia's response and used her free arm to look through, finding another thing that caught her attention almost immediately.

"Holy shit!" Lucía laughed, pushing everything in front of it away so that Amelia could get a better look. "You have a letterman?!"

"A letterman?" Amelia's eyebrow rose, poking her head out to see that exact thing in there.

The letterman in question was burgundy-colored with the sleeves being colored white. The letter "A", standing for "Amelia", was stitched onto a small part on the left side of the letterman, while the back had the word "BLIGHT" in big bold letters.

As soon as Amelia's eyes made contact with the letterman, her whole face dropped, the disappointment being clearly evident as she rolled her eyes and pulled away.

"Oh, that letterman?" She said blandly, blowing a raspberry. "Yeah, I guess I never told you, huh?"

"No!" Lucía exclaimed, ripping the letterman from off of its hanger as she looked at it closer. "This is so cool! Lettermans are so cool! Oh, man, I've always wanted one of these! Why did you never tell me you had a letterman?!"

"I dunno." Amelia sighed, walking over to Lucía as she then leaned her head against Lucía's shoulder. "I hated that stupid letterman."

"Wow, Ame." Lucía laughed, taken aback. "No need to use any no-no words. What did the letterman ever do to you?"

"I mean, I got that stupid letterman for all the stuff I was forced to do back in school. Why wouldn't I hate it?"

Amelia sighed again, crossing her arms.

"It was supposed to feel like some kind of biiiggg accomplishment but it didn't. You know, I tried wearing it one day, but I just couldn't." She laughed, her grip on Lucía's arm getting tighter.

"It was the day we had planned to go to the arcade because my little someone kept insisting. My mom kept telling me over and over to just suck it up and wear the stupid letterman because of all the hard work and money she put into that jacket."

"It was bullshit. It was me who was doing all the work. Again, she was just using me to brag to others. She didn't ask me if I wanted it, she didn't ask if I wanted any of it, she just gave it to me and expected me to be happy about it."

"That day, I tried wearing it before I went out. I had a panic attack, Lucy."

She laughed and shook her head, digging her head deeper in Lucía's shoulder.

"I was probably just angry at it and overreacting like my mom was saying, but I couldn't wear it for more than five seconds before I could feel myself losing control. That's why I had to cancel that night."

"I'm over everything my mom and dad put me through and I'm sure I could wear the jacket like it's nothing, but it's whatever. I don't like it."

Lucía continued to stare at Amelia as the guilt inside her just bubbled up.

She should've known not to pry into Amelia's life and what she had been through.

I mean, it had "BLIGHT" on the back in big bold letters for crying out loud.

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip, tensing up a bit.

"Shit." Lucía's voice quietly slipped out, shutting her eyes as she leaned her head back a bit. "Fucking hell. I'm sorry, Ame, I should've-"

"It's okay, honey." Amelia immediately cut in, looking up at Lucía as she shook her head. "Do you want it?"


"Do you want my letterman, Lucy?"

"I..." Lucía trailed off, her eyebrows pressing against each other.

This whole time, Amelia had been confusing her left and right, and this was yet again one of those times.

I mean, this should've been the easiest to figure out.

Amelia wants to give her the jacket that she hated.

Why, though?

"What? You're already giving me the shirt, I can't take the letterman. There was so much work put into that. All I did in Hexside was mess around the whole time." She shook her head and let a nervous laugh slip as she handed Amelia back the letterman, watching her just shake her head with a smile.

"But if you want it, you can have it." Amelia reassured, slowly pushing it back to Lucía. "I don't think I'm ever gonna wear it anyway. If you plan to wear it then I'm okay with it. It's just gonna collect dust if it stays here."

Lucía looked up and down between Amelia and the letterman, letting something run by her head before she finally fixated back on Amelia.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am, honey!" Amelia laughed, gently nudging Lucía. "I'm 100% absolutely diddly-dang sure, alright! Just put it on!"

"Okay!" Lucía laughed, immediately stepping back with a smile as she handed the dress and Hexside shirt to Amelia as she then began zipping down the letterman, wrapping it around herself.

As she stayed in place when the jacket was around her, she immediately began shifting around in the jacket and adjusted herself, making sure it was in a comfortable position before she finally relaxed and put her hands in the pockets.

"Well?" Lucía smiled, raising her shoulders up as an eyebrow rose. "How do I look?"

Lucía proceeded to twirl around in a circle once she spoke, hearing Amelia laugh as soon as she did so.

"You look amazing." Amelia laughed, rolling her eyes as she began walking over to Lucía, adjusting the collar on the letterman. "Does it fit okay? I'm a teensy-weensy bit shorter than you, so I don't know if it fits okay."

"No, actually, it fits perfectly." Lucía laughed, raising her eyebrow as she had her hands in the jacket's pockets. "I actually think your mom got it too big for you."

"I guess it was just made for you to steal, huh?"

"I guess so, yeah."

Amelia finished adjusting the collar but stayed just as close, looking right into Lucía's eyes as her hands drifted down to Lucía's shoulders, a smile on her face.

"You look good." Amelia smiled, tightening up the grip on Lucía's shoulders a bit as she scrunched up her nose.

"I like to think I always look good."

Amelia rolled her eyes and shook her head, making Lucía laugh as she did as well.

"You do." Amelia laughed, her teeth showing through her smile.

As something clicked inside Amelia's head, her smile grew wider, blush growing on her face as she averted her eyes but slowly drifted them back towards Lucía.

"You know, if you're gonna start wearing my jacket like that, you're reaaaalllyyy gonna start looking like my girlfriend, you know! I hope you're prepared for all that!"

As Amelia leaned in closer, she looked up at Lucía and smiled, looking at her in a way that made Lucía falter and feel like something in her stomach was squirming.

A nervous laugh slipped out of Lucía's lips as she leaned her head back, averting her eyes to the side as her smile stayed present.

"¿Por qué demonios está siendo tan coquetaaaaaa?" Lucía spoke through her teeth, making sure everything seemed fine with her as she continued smiling with her teeth.

["Why the hell is she been so fliiirttttyyy?"]

Amelia rolled her eyes and smiled at Lucía, nudging her side.

"Porque eres linda."

["Because you're cute."]

As soon as Lucía heard that, her widened eyes immediately went back to Amelia's, watching her stay perfectly still and with that stupid smile on her face.

"Porque eres-" Lucía stopped herself as she repeated what Amelia had just said, not believing any of it as she tried scanning her face for anything as she tried coming up with some kind of response.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked back down to Amelia's lips, watching her smile right back at her as if nothing had happened.

"Tú- tú me entendiste."

["You- you understood me."]

Amelia shook her head as she laughed a bit, acting as if what Lucía had just said was bizarre and some silly joke.

"Por supuesto lo hice." She rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. "¿Por qué no sería capaz?"

["Of course I did." "Why wouldn't I be able to?"]

"Ya sabes- tú hablas español. Eso significa que has entendido todo lo que he dicho en español antes. Espera, ¿cuánto tiempo-"

["You know- you speak Spanish. That means you've understood everything I've said in Spanish before. Wait, how long-"]

"Yes, yes, I heard your complaining the first time, dear! I'm going to go check that room!"

As soon as that voice was heard, Amelia and Lucía both froze, tensing up as they now looked at each other in fear.


"My mom." Amelia finished, her breaths getting louder as she tightly gripped onto her shirt, looking around hastily.

"Hey, hey, we're gonna be okay, alright?" Lucía forced a smile, grabbing onto Amelia's shoulders. "Let's go see if we can get over to where we came from and-"

As Amelia interrupted Lucía again, she leaned forward and grabbed onto Lucía's shoulders instead, shaking her head.

"Honey, no! My mom- my mom will see us! What do- what do we do?!" Amelia rushed out, her loud breathing not helping ease her down.

"Son of a-" Lucía muttered under her breath, looking around Amelia's room in panic.

She tried looking for any way to get out of the room and not make any noise with it, but the room was just too small and open.

She looked back to Amelia to see her still panicking, but as a glimpse of the closet from beside her came up in her peripheral vision, an idea sparked.

"Amelia!" Lucía cut in, tightening her grip on Amelia's shoulders just a bit in an attempt to comfort her. "The closet! Hide in the closet! Come on!"

"But what if- what if-" Amelia cut herself off, shaking her head as she slowly began pulling away. "We're gonna get caught and it's all my fault! It's always my fault, Lucy! I'm such an awful person! I'm sorry- I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better p-"

"Hey now." Lucía spoke in a low voice, trying to get Amelia's attention. "There's nothing wrong with you, okay? This isn't your fault and you're the best person ever."

She saw Amelia with her head down as her eyes tightly closed, shutting herself out from everything around her.

Lucía's face softened as she slowly moved her hands over to Amelia's cheeks, slowly picking her head up to see tears rolling down her cheeks as she was slowly opening back up her eyes.

"Just trust me, okay?" Lucía spoke, rubbing her thumbs against Amelia's cheeks, wiping off the tears.

"But what if- what if-"

"Ah, ah, ah." Lucía smiled, slowly drifting away from Amelia as she began getting in the closet. "Just trust me."

Lucía stepped inside, and looked around for anything that she would accidentally hit, but since the room was already dark, the closet was even darker.

She sighed as she then shook her head, moving over to one side of the closet before poking her head out, signaling Amelia to come into the closet as well.

"I'm scared, Lucy."

"That's okay." She tilted her head, doing her best to keep a calm composure and not push Amelia too hard to the point where she runs out in the middle of her mom entering the room. "It's okay to panic. Can you please just step into the closet please?"

Amelia stared at the closet and whatever was inside it before finally making her decision to follow Lucía's words, shaking her head as she began climbing in.

"I trust you."

She stepped in and immediately found a comfortable place to be in, instantly plopping down on the floor and huddling up.

"That's it." Lucía smiled, closing the closet behind her.

"God, of course it was this room." As if on cue, Odalia's voice rang out from outside the room, her voice immediately making Amelia tense up.

"My mom." Amelia quietly spoke, her breathing once again getting quicker as Lucía could now feel her shaking.

Lucía internally groaned as she looked around for anything to help Amelia calm down in such a short time, batting her eyes everywhere.

She looked down at the ground and finally saw something that would help.

She quietly groaned as she chose to just suck it up and deal with whatever consequences that she would have to face later, turning her head away.

The sound of the door rattling was heard, and almost immediately, the sound of the door swinging open came next.

"I thought this door was locked." Odalia scoffed, looking around the room.

She squinted her eyes as she did her best to ignore the mess this room still had, groaning as she scanned her eyes around for anything that seemed out of place.

"This place is a mess." She muttered under her breath, her voice being loud enough for Lucía and Amelia to hear.

She put her arms to her side as she barely looked around the room at all, not wanting to spend any more time in this room than she needed to.

As soon as the "SORRY" on the wall had caught her attention, her face fell, immediately walking over to it.

"Such a waste." She began, running her finger down the S. "You spend so much time and money to make her successful, and for what?"

"She was such a let down. Just like everyone else in this damn family."

She turned away from the painted word and walked back over to the door, rolling her eyes as she stepped outside.

"Must have been the damn maids trying to get in here like always." She sighed, closing the door and locking it behind her. "That's what you get for trusting a bunch of nobodies."

From inside the closet, Lucía looked out through the small crack of the closet and made sure the coast was clear enough to get out, immediately turning her head to Ameli-

"You held my hand." Amelia spoke, letting it slip out like it was something she couldn't even imagine.

She looked back down to the floor and saw her fingers intertwined with Lucía's, her grip a little bit tight but not too much.

"You're holding my hand."

She looked back up at Lucía with a reddened face, watching Lucía's face morph into an expression she couldn't understand at this moment.

"Look, we need to get out of here as soon as possible, okay?" Lucía quietly spoke, getting up from off the floor as she stepped out.

She tried letting go of Amelia's hand, but Amelia resisted, holding a tighter grip as soon as she could feel Lucía wanting to let go.

"Please no."

Lucía's face fell as she looked away from Amelia, trying to figure out the best way to get out of this situation while also making sure Amelia didn't panic.

"It makes me feel safe, Lucía."

That stung.

Lucía could feel the jittery feeling go down her spine once again as it felt like she had no other choice in this situation.

She swallowed down a lump in her throat and tapped her foot, rolling her eyes as she looked away.


"I can hold your hand?" Amelia perked up, tilting her head as she heard Lucía say that.

"Yes, you can hold my hand, let's just get out of here."

She sighed, cursing herself mentally as she turned back around to see Amelia stepped out with an electric guitar in her hand.

"I got my guitar."

"Woah." Lucía slipped out, her eyes widened at the sight of the red electric guitar in Amelia's hand so quickly. "No wonder you wanted to get that thing. The thing's fuckin' beautiful."

"Just like my little somebody." Amelia smiled, giggling as she walked over to Lucía and laid her head on her chest, nuzzling into her neck. "I like holding your hand."

"Look, Ame-" Lucía quietly spoke, looking off to the side as she slowly began moving back. "Let's just get out of here, okay? We need to get out of here. Your mom's already suspecting something."

"Okay, honey." Amelia pulled away, grabbing some guitar case from the closet before she encased the guitar inside, wrapping her arms around the case's straps. "Ich liebe dich."

As soon as Lucía heard that, her face scrunched up, immediately turning her head to Amelia with a confused expression.


"Ich liebe dich!" Amelia proudly said, holding her hands behind her back as she quickly lifted onto her toes and dropped back down.

"Uhh." Lucía looked around, shrugging once she realized she wasn't going to get anything else out of Amelia. "Eeesh leebee dish to you too, Ame."

As soon as Lucía said that, Amelia's face lit up, a big smile growing on her face as she immediately went over to Lucía and hugged her.

"You are such a weirdo."


The blinding light of the sun hit Amelia's eyes immediately after she opened them up, feeling them flutter open before finally taking in her senses.

She moved around a bit and groaned, doing her best to go back to bed, but to no avail.

She quietly groaned again before finally accepting that she was awake, sitting up from wherever she was.

As soon as she did so though, a sharp pain immediately hit her head, sending her back to the comfy spot she was in.

"Jesus Christ..." She muttered, holding her head.

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead."

As the voice's recognition hit Amelia harder than her headache, she swiftly turned her head to the voice, seeing the upper half of Lucía in the kitchen cooking up something.

"Lucía. You're up."

"It's been so long since you've called me Lucía that it feels weird now." She laughed, the sound of the pan sizzling ringing out. "How you feeling?"

"Uh." Amelia began, squinting her eyes as she looked at her surroundings, finally piecing it together that she was on the couch instead of her mattress. "Fine, I guess."

"It hurts like a bitch though."

"Woa-oh." Lucía laughed, looking up from the pan to raise her eyebrows. "Hangover-Ame is feisty, isn't she? I wonder why you're in pain."

"Oh shush, Lucía." Amelia laughed herself, rolling her eyes as she slowly shook her head.

She threw the blanket that was on top of her over to the side as she stood up and walked over to the arch, laying her arms over it.

"So, uh, why was I asleep on the couch?" Amelia nervously laughed, looking off to the side. "I don't remember anything from last night."

"Well, as soon as we got back to the car, you were out." Lucía laughed, flipping over whatever was in the pan. "I had to carry you back to the apartment, but after I put you down on the mattress, I took a shower and came back to see you sleeping on the couch instead."

"I didn't wanna sleep on your mattress because I thought it would be an invasion of privacy so I kinda just slept with my back against the couch while you stretched out."

"Oh, Lucía." Amelia tilted her head, a frown on her face. "You didn't have to do that. You could've taken my mattress if you wanted to."

"Yeah, but I didn't wanna risk it." She laughed, a smile on her face. "But yeah, you were, uh, being pretty weird last night."

"Weird?" Amelia repeated, her face scrunching up as she was taken aback. "What do you mean 'weird?'"

"Well, for starters, you were flirting with me a lot." A laugh slipped as she spoke, keeping her eyes down at the food. "I didn't mind a whole lot because I knew you were drunk, but you kept calling me all these random nicknames, kept wanting to hold my hand, and a whole buncha other stuff."

Amelia stayed silent as she stared at Lucía with widened eyes, her mouth slightly open.

Once she was able to process everything Lucía had just said and how much damage her drunk-self had done, her whole face went red, making her slowly shrink herself down as she pressed her head against the wall.

"That's so awful!" Amelia spilled, her muffled voice making Lucía laugh a bit. "Damnit, I'm sorry, Lucía. That's- Jesus Christ, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Ame." Lucía laughed, rolling her eyes. "You don't need to worry, okay? It was- strange, at first, but it's okay. I wasn't uncomfortable. I made sure to keep you from doing anything stupid."

"Are you sure?" Amelia quietly spoke, lifting her head up a bit just enough for Lucía to see.

"Of course!" She smiled, wafting her free hand. "We're okay, alright?"


Amelia sighed, lifting her head up so that she could place her head on the arch, squishing her face against it.

Lucía frowned as she looked at Amelia, rolling her eyes as she put the spatula down.

"Do you wanna hug it out?" She spoke, holding her arms out.

As Amelia lifted her head just enough to see Lucía, she saw a smile on her face and an eyebrow raised, expecting a response.

"Mm." She hummed, looking off to the side.

She thought it over in her head before hesitantly nodding, peering herself away from the arch as she dragged her feet over to Lucía, her head to the floor as she held her arm with her hand.

"Come onnnn." Lucía smiled, wiggling her hands. "I don't hug just anyone."

"I guess that's right." A laugh slipped out of Amelia, prompting her to smile as she lifted her head up.

When she did so though, she stopped, her eyes widened as she stared at Lucía.

"My letterman."

Lucía's eyes widened as she looked down at her chest, immediately being met with the letterman.

Her face softened as she smiled, sticking a hand in one of the pockets as she pointed a finger gun at Amelia.

"Do I look snazzy or what?"

"You look good." Amelia smiled, walking closer to Lucía. "It suits you."

She continued staring at Lucía before something clicked, her whole face doing a whole one-eighty in expression.

"We broke into my old house." She spoke blankly, staring off into space before fully taking in everything and grabbing onto Lucía's shoulders. "WE BROKE INTO MY OLD HOUSE!"

"Yes, and we're fine." Lucía laughed, putting her hand on Amelia's arm. "You were the one who kept insisting. I made sure we made it home fine, Ame."

"If you have my letterman, then that means-" Immediately, Amelia turned her head around to look at her surroundings, trying to find where she left that thing.

And in the corner of the "dining room", there it was.

Her red electric guitar in its case.

"Woah." Amelia slipped out, her eyes widening as her lips slowly grew into a smile.

"We went through all that trouble for that thing." Lucía spoke, focusing back on the food. "I hope you're happy, Ames."

"I love that thing. Of course I'm happy." Amelia's smile softened as she held her hands behind her back, kneeling beside the guitar case.

The case was black with a nicely-written "Amelia" in dark pink on the front, and on the back, there was a big purple-slop-goop monster logo she created years ago posted on it.

The guitar brought back so many memories.

Sure, high school wasn't this amazing experience that all those cheesy high school TV shows and movies pushed to be, but this guitar was one of the only things keeping her sane, along with another acoustic guitar that Odalia had broken the second she found out it existed.

This guitar was so important to her.

"Soooo, random question." Lucía interrupted, coughing a bit.

Amelia immediately snapped out of her trance as soon as she heard Lucía's voice, turning to the sound.

"Do you understand my Spanish?"

Amelia's eyes widened as she was taken aback from the legitimate random question, her eyebrows furrowing.


"Do you speak Spanish?"

"Well," Amelia began, nudging her head to the side, "yeah. Odalia made me learn all these different languages because they would supposedly 'help me when I become a doctor and lawyer.'"

She groaned, getting up from off the floor.

"I can speak five different languages, not counting English." She spoke, using her fingers to keep count of the different languages. "I can speak Spanish, German, French, Chinese, and Arabic."

"Holy shit." Lucía laughed, putting the pan to the side as she then turned off the stove. "You're really prepared for everything, huh?"

"I guess so, yeah." She shrugged, running her fingers along the guitar's case.

As soon as Amelia said that though, Lucía went quiet, making Amelia's mind run wild.

"I guess, uh- so that means you've understood everything I've said in Spanish, right?"

Amelia's eyes once again widened as she then looked off to the side, bringing her shoulders up as she leaned against the wall.

"It's just that, when you were all-" Lucía looked off to the side before focusing back on Amelia, rotating her finger around the side of her head. "Drunk, you understood what I was saying. I spoke in Spanish and you understood me."

"Yeah." She quietly spoke, a certain tone laced in her voice. "I'm sorry. I always try to zone out whatever you're saying in Spanish because I didn't think you knew and I didn't want to intrude on any private business. I didn't mean to cause a problem. I'm sorry."

"I just wish I knew a lot sooner." Lucía shook her head and smiled, shrugging it off. "It's not a big deal, really. I don't think I would have said as much in Spanish if I knew you spoke the language."

"Oh, come on." Amelia smiled, crossing her arms. "It's not like you only used Spanish as a way to call me names."

"What can I say? I was and always will be a respectful person!" Lucía laughed, giving Amelia a smile.

As Amelia stared at that stupid grin Lucía had on her face, something in her sparked as she laughed as well, running into Lucía with her arms spread out.

As Amelia came into contact with Lucía, Lucía let out a loud yelp before getting cut off by Amelia's embrace, the two going into a laughing fit.

They just stood there in place and laughed as Amelia hugged Lucía, soon feeling Lucía's arms wrap around her too.

"I can't believe you went through all that trouble to get my stupid guitar." Amelia's muffled voice spoke through, nuzzling closer into Lucía. "You're so cool, Lucía."

"I'm the cool one?" Lucía repeated, her eyebrow raised as a laugh flowed through. "You're the cool one. I'm not the one who speaks like, five different languages, my guitar-playing badass."

As soon as Lucía said that, she could feel the vibrations from Amelia's chuckle hitting her chest, sending yet another jolt throughout Lucía's body.

"You're silly." Amelia quietly spoke, closing her eyes. "That jacket smells like me. It's weird."

"It does have your scent to it, yeah." Lucía laughed, softening her grip on Amelia. "I like it."

Amelia raised her head and revealed her eyebrow raised as soon as Lucía said that, a smile on her face.

"You like my scent?"

"No, I-" Lucía cut herself off with a laugh, rolling her eyes. "I mean I like the jacket, Ame. Lettermans are so cool. I love them."

"Now you're sure you don't just love it because it's mine?"

"Maybe that adds a little bit to it." Lucía winked, slowly peering away from Amelia. "Alright, let's eat before the food gets cold, weirdo. You want anything to drink?"

"Yes please!" Amelia immediately perked up, reaching up for the cupboard as she then pulled out two plates from it.

"Go sit down and I'll serve you, okay?"


Amelia put down the plates on the counter and watched as Lucía began filling them up with the food she had made, a smile on her face.

As Amelia stared at Lucía, she thought something over before finally just going through with it.

She rushed back into Lucía and tightly hugged her, catching Lucía off guard.

"Thank you for everything, Lucy."

Lucía's eyes widened as her face then softened, a smile on her face growing.

"Thank you, Ame."

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