When The Stars Fall

By Narcissa_Mckinnon

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It is a bumpy start to the Marauders' sixth year. James Potter is having nightmares about the impending war b... More

Sneaking Around
An Astute Observation
Totally Not A Date
The Slytherin Dorm
The Stars
Get This Right
Holy Ground
Do You Remember the 21st Night of September?
Wreck My Plans, That's My Man
Did You Ever Have Someone Kiss You In A Crowded Room
Lately I've Been Dressing For Revenge
Stay Stay Stay
Karma Is My Boyfriend
The Room Where It Happens
Mrs. Malfoy
Mother Knows Best
Venus and Mars
Space Between
On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Second Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Third Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Sixth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me... a ring?
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
On the Nineth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...

Twas the Night Before Holiday

198 3 70
By Narcissa_Mckinnon

Authors Note: does the blowjob I wrote make up for the delay in the update?


How about the wanking?

NOT EDITED (and kind of unfinished but this is all I have in me for this chapter) on another note I started uploading these chapters on ao3 as well (with added scenes) if anyone would like to go read it there.
A week. That's how long James had been alone for. That's how long Regulus had been ignoring him and they were both starting to go crazy.

Regulus hurried into his dorm, slamming the door shut as his breathing sped up. It was his twelfth panic attack of the week and his second of the day and it was only lunch.

Barty hurried over to him, kneeling down next to him, "Again, Reg? What's going on?" He whispered as he rubbed his back.

"I'm such an idiot. Such a fucking idiot. He doesn't care. He can't even look my way!" Regulus said.

Barty frowned, "I mean... you did tell him you'd hex him from the inside out if he dared to."

"Not helping!"

"Regulus he... he's just... he's respecting your boundaries." Barty explained, "He's heartbroken. He loves you. This is just some bad fight."

Regulus looked over at Barty, disgust written all over his face, "You've been talking to him."

Barty gulped, "I'm not going to lie to you. Yes but-"

"Go to hell!"

"He's Remus' friend, Regulus! I need brownie points! He likes Evan more than me."

"That's not what he said!" Evan screamed from the common room, storming up to the room, "He's more attracted to me. There's a difference!"

Regulus scoffed, "Have you been talking to Potter too?"

Evan scowled, "Fuck no. He hurt you."

He nodded looking at Barty, "Evan is my new best mate."

"Hey!" Barty whined.

Evan frowned, "I wasn't before?"

"Sorry. It's a hierarchy. Pandora, Barty, you, Kieran. Pandora pissed me off so it became Barty now Barty's betraying me and it's you."

"He really does love you, Regulus. Remus won't shut up about how annoying he's being. He said he found him crying at the quidditch pitch." Evan whispered, sitting down next to him.

"Well maybe he shouldn't have kept a damn book about everything he wants to do with Evans!" Regulus snapped, "You act like I'm the one who caused this!"

Barty sighed getting back up, "Remus is taking me out. I have to go."

"That's today?" Evan asked.

He nodded kissing him, "We're going for lunch and then you get him for dinner. Bring him back after." He murmured.

Regulus gagged, "Go to his dorm and leave me out of it. I'm done with Gryffindors."
That was a lie.

Regulus was in the library, pretending to read a book as he watched James walk around.

Sirius walked over to his brother, sitting down across from him, "What the hell happened? I came around! I accepted it! And you break up?!"

"Go away, Sirius."

"Fix it and I will."

"I am fixing it!" He snapped, "Okay? You need to go or it's not going to work."

Sirius narrowed his eyes at him, trying to figure out what he meant, "Are you going to sleep with him?"

'That's the last thing he wants.' Regulus thought bitterly before sighing, "No, Sirius. I am not going to sleep with him. Please go so I can do this."

Sirius huffed, "If this isn't fixed by end of day, I'm intervening." He threatened, walking away.

Regulus watched as a girl walked in and he walked over to her.

Her name was Rose. She was a sixth year half blooded Huffelpuff with long black hair and, the deciding factor, her bright green eyes.

"Okay so he's over there in the back. We understand each other though right? No feelings involved. This isn't going to lead to a romantic ask out where you two start dating and someday have a bunch of little babies. It's just... sex."

Rose shook her head, "I don't see why you care but I got it."

He nodded swallowing down his pride as he led her to James, "Hi." He whispered.

James looked at him, surprised he was talking, "So we're talking again?" He asked somewhat cautiously.

Regulus didn't answer his question, instead motioning to the woman, "This is Rose."

"Nice to meet you." James nodded never taking his eyes off Regulus, "Can we please talk about the past week?"

Regulus looked over at Rose, "Just... give us a moment." He whispered before grabbing James' hand and pulling him to a secluded corner, "She's pretty right?"

"I guess."

"You guess? Did you see her eyes? Really look at them."

"Yeah, she's pretty. Can we talk about us?"

"So you do like her?"

James shook his head, "I guess? I don't even know her!"

"Great! She's- she's for you."

He blinked, "What?"

Regulus nodded trying not to scowl, "She's yours. Don't worry, she understands love is never going to happen you're head over heels for Evan's and blah blah blah." He rolled his eyes trying his best to seem normal.

James stared at him, "Why are you- are we broken up, Regulus?"

Regulus just smiled somewhat stupidly, "You said you loved me."

"I do. I do love you."

"But you can't have sex with me."

"That's not what I said."

"It's implied." His smile faltered and he was really trying not to get mad at James and to understand him, "You don't trust me enough to do the things in that book with me why would you trust me enough to sleep with me? I don't want to argue. Does she work or not? Because I have a bloke on standby but I figured you'd want a woman. He does have red hair but his eyes aren't green."

James narrowed his eyes, placing his hands on Regulus' arms, "Are you high right now?" He whispered looking into his eyes.

"If you must know yes."

"You wouldn't be doing this if you were sober, Regulus. I'm not having this conversation with you like this."

"It's the only way you're getting me." He responded, "I can barely look at you sober from the pain it causes me. I love you, James. Why else would I be putting myself through more pain to do this for you? If you wait until I'm sober I won't be able to have this conversation."

"You're delusional if you think I'm going to sleep with someone else while we're dating!" James snapped.

Regulus looked away, casting a bubble of silence around them when he saw people look their way, "Then why keep the book? You know Sirius. You know he's nosy. He was going to find it and give it to me at some point."

"Because it has things I want to try!"

"Not with me though."

James sighed, "Reggie-"

"Stop calling me that!"

He bit his lip, "Regulus... I can't do it with you."

"Because I'm a guy?"

"Because you're my best mates baby brother!"

Regulus stared at James, "Okay I need to sit down I think I got bad weed-"

James scoffed, helping Regulus to a bench, "Darling, you had to have known it was bound to effect something in our relationship."

"I thought it'd be when we happen or when we say I love you not what kind of sex we have!"

"I didn't think it would!" James assured, "But you are his brother and, well, I feel guilty enough dating you let alone screwing you, I don't need to be..."

"To be?"

He huffed, "I can't say it."

"You can't even say it because I'm Sirius' brother? This isn't working between us, it's over."

"I can't say it because it's embarrassing."

"So is the problem that it's embarrassing or is the problem that I'm Sirius' brother?"


Regulus shook his head, "This isn't happening. Not again."


"It's the same thing! It's always the same bloody thing! I'm not enough. Not for you, not for my house, not for my parents." He laughed, "That's the thing he won't ever understand. He's wanted. I'm put up with. If he just behaved a little and actually agreed with their beliefs-! And I accepted that. I had accepted that I'd spend my whole life just being the spare. But that was my public life. Not personal. Personal is you. And now I'm not enough there either. Because I'm always going to be Sirius' little brother and I'm never going to be Lily and you'll always think of me as the reason your father isn't talking to you. I'm never going to love you enough apparently. How can I not love you enough, James, when I literally found someone for you to be with in whatever way it is you can't with me?"

James shook his head, "You're enough. You're more than enough I swear. Regulus if you weren't enough I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't love you. You're enough for me. You're exactly what I want. I love you too much."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I love you too much to ask you to do those things to me. Too much to do them to you. It's embarrassing and you're my best mates little brother which makes it all the worse, but I love you too much to have you spit on me or-" Regulus spit on his face.

James blinked.

"Are you thinking about me being Sirius' little brother? Or are you embarrassed?"

"No." He answered, wiping his face.

"Is the fact you love me bothering you?"

"No I'm kind of pissed right now because I was speaking and you spit on me!"

"You asked me to!"

"Not right now!"

"Oh please if I was touching myself right now you'd be touching yourself. You weren't into the spitting. Cross it out and move on to the next number. It works!"

"You're a dick!"

"It's why you fell in love with me! What's the next number?!"

James crossed his arms turning away from him.

"Don't be a child. You're mad because I'm right."

"I want you to apologise."

"James I spent the past week finding candidates to be my boyfriends sex partner. I'm not apologising for proving my point that every little thing that's worrying you, doesn't matter in this situation. You want to spank me? Spank me. You just avoid Sirius for a day. There's solutions."

James still refused to turn around but Regulus' logic must've worked because he whispered something.

Regulus stood up with a frown, "You have to talk a little louder I couldn't hear you."

"It's not fair that this is so hard!"

"I know." He sighed, "But, dear, I'm not asking you to say anything right now I'm asking you to talk to me about it when you're ready and want to." He placed a hand on James' arm taking in a shaky breath, "And if- if that is with someone else... well as long as it's not Lily or my brother I guess you have my blessing."

James turned around, "Regulus-"

"I love you." Regulus cut him off, "Even if it's not enough, I love you. And we're fine. Or we will be. And I promise to stop setting you up with people. You can do it yourself."

"I'm not going to sleep with other people."

"You say now. In- in four months or- or even over break..." he shook his head feeling yet another panic attack coming, "I need to go. I'm sorry. I'll see you later." He kissed his cheek, hurrying out of the library.
Christmas was just around the corner- quite literally they had two days before break started.

Over the past few weeks things slowly started getting back to normal.

Remus was back in their dorm even if he wasn't talking to Sirius meanwhile James and Sirius were slowly mending fences. Peter still felt the tension in the room was too awkward and kept disappearing though the others didn't know to where.

As for Regulus and James, well they weren't really back to where they left off last. James just felt that it didn't matter what he did or how he tried to prove himself, Regulus was always worrying it wasn't enough.

Evan and Barty were facing their own dilema. See, they didn't know what the rules were over break. They'd see each other at least once a week but Remus... well, we're they even allowed to owl him? Three weeks with just the two of them was bound to cause issues when they got back. If they got back.

Pandora placed a hand on Barty's knee, "You have to stop worrying. Everything will be fine when we get back." She whispered.

"Pans, this is the fourteenth owl I've gotten from him this month. It's the 11th! He spent the last four years ignoring me and all of a sudden it's so important he owls me multiple times a day?" Barty shook his head.

"He's stressed. He's running for Minister and he doesn't have that much support. I heard even Fleamont Potter is refusing to back him up on it."

Barty scoffed, "How much do you want to bet that has to do with our Potter?"

"I wouldn't be shocked. What with how he treats Regulus."

Regulus walked into the room, raising an eyebrow as he heard his name, "How who treats me?"

"Potter." They both responded.

He scowled, "Potter treats me just fine. Not that it's any of your business." He spat, "What's your problem with him anyways, Barty? You two were getting along just fine."

"Before he told you he's keeping a book of things he fantasised about doing with Evans." Barty muttered.

"Do I need to cut you out of my life too?" He snapped.

"Careful. At this rate when he dumps you you really will be all alone." Pandora hummed.

Regulus shook his head, "I'm just grabbing my books. I'll be out of your hair."
James walked into his dorm, holding the door open for the others to follow in. Once everyone was inside he locked the door, "Okay everyone sit. Anyone know where Moony is?"

Where was Remus? In his bed. With Evan Rosier.

Evan pushed the blanket off himself, looking up at Remus, "What-"

Remus placed a hand over his mouth shaking his head in a no, 'Okay I stay and risk them catching me or I announce my presence and... let them all see I'm with Evan Rosier. I'll take the first.'

Lily shrugged as she sat down, "No idea. What exactly are we doing?"

James sighed, "I guess I'll just catch him up on it later." He shook his head, "What is everyone's holiday plans?"

Peter stared at James, "You rounded five people up to ask us what we're doing for holiday?"

James blinked, "I still have three more rounds to do too so if we may hurry-"

"Three?" Marlene asked.

He nodded, "The Slytherins, some Ravenclaws, and then everyone who decided to skip it." He explained.

"Trust me, Prongs, I'm going home as soon as I can." Peter whispered, "You all have three weeks to fix yourselves."

James looked over at Lily.

Lily held her hands up in innocence, "Going straight home to meet Petunia's fiancé."

Mary nodded, "Me too. Although I'm leaving on day two not one. I promised Pandora I'd help her with-"

James was glaring at her.

"I can leave day one." She smiled nervously.

"Good. Sirius?" He turned to him.

"Can I go to yours?"

James frowned, "Pads, I don't care how upset we are at each other you're always welcome at our home." He whispered, "If you can convince Regulus-"

"Don't push it."

"Got it. Oh I won't be home by the way- Marls?"

Marlene rolled her eyes, "Home waiting for my soon to be married lovers letters." She sighed.

James pursed his lips, "Merlin do we all have issues."

"What do you mean you won't be home?" Sirius asked.

James hummed, "No idea what you mean. I'll be home. In twelve days."

"Twelve- where are you going?!"

Marlene snickered, "Isn't it obvious? He's bringing Regulus here to screw him."

"Gross! James!"

"What?!" James snapped, "I didn't say it she did! I just need to get him alone to give him his Christmas gift."

Mary nodded, "Yeah your dick."

"Mary!" Sirius screamed.

"Okay I haven't had sex in like two weeks because of everyone in this room! You all owe me!"

"How exactly is it our fault?" Peter asked.

"Because Lily fucked with his mind and Sirius fucked with mine and so you and Mary are guilty by... I can't remember the word but if Remus were here he'd know."

A groan came from Remus' bed and they all looked over.

"You're fucking with me." Sirius scoffed.

James snorted, "Moony?"

"Yeah I'm- I'm here." Remus responded squeezing his eyes shut.


He looked down at the bed covers, "Yeah just woke up. You really are an idiot. It's association."

James nodded walking over to the bed, "So are you going home for holiday or?"

"Home. Definitely home. Merlin-" He bit back a grunt.

"Mind if we open the curtains?"

"Yeah, Rem." Lily said, mocking sincerity, "You sound like you're in pain."

'Fuck you.' Remus wanted to say to them, "Go ahead." He answered instead.

James pulled the curtains open, raising an eyebrow at Remus who, as far as he knew, was all alone, "Are they okay with you leaving?"

"They don't get much say." Remus said through grit teeth.

"Who's they?" Mary asked, "Do you have a secret lover, Remus?"

Sirius snorted, "Yeah. Barty Crouch Jr of all people."

"Remus!" Lily gasped.

"Fuck!" Remus snapped, yanking the blankets up, "You bit me!"

James laughed, hurrying to grab the camera and snap a picture, "And that's for the one you took of me and Regulus."

"Oh my God-" Mary whispered shaking her head, "Remus, tell me Barty Crouch Jr. isn't under those covers."

"That's my cue to go, love." Evan whispered kissing Remus before he jumped off the bed, "I'll send Barty up so he can give you his proper goodbye in an hour." He called as he ran off.

Sirius shook his head in disgust, "Why is everyone dating my family?"

"I doubt everyone's dating your family." Mary scoffed.

He raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "James is screwing my brother-"

"Getting screwed by your brother." James corrected, "I don't need another reason for him to be mad at me right now so we're going to make sure there's no misconceptions."

"Seriously, gross. Marlene is practically in love with my cousin, Remus is doing Godric knows what with apparently both Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch which, while I don't know the connection to Barty, Evan is my cousin on my- well on both parents side... more closely on my mothers side because she's Cygnus' sister and he married Druella who's Evan's aunt."

"Charis Black married Caspar Crouch. I don't know where they are on your family wreath though."

Lily shook her head, "You purebloods and your incest."

Sirius nodded in agreement, "Hell, James and Regulus are second cousins."

"Stop." James pointed a finger at him.

"You have more blood relation with him than I do. He's my third cousin. That makes you a fag, a pedophile, and an incestuous... person."

"Please you two could be twins and you'd never know it." Lily scoffed.

Sirius looked over at her, "What?"

Her eyes widened, "I was just commenting I didn't- you'd know if you had a twin, Sirius. Your family is just so fucked up that I wouldn't be surprised if they lied to push one of you as heir."

"They picked the wrong brother." Marlene muttered.

"That's for sure." Mary sighed, "You two do look insanely similar though. If his hair was a little longer, maybe a little taller-"

James was shaking his head, "They look nothing alike!"

A knock came from the door and Regulus stuck his head in, "Mon cher- what the fuck is this? An orgy? And I thought Slytherins were open."

"We're just discussing that you and Sirius could be twins." Marlene answered with a shrug.

He huffed looking up at the roof, "I'm going to murder Narcissa when I see her." He grumbled before turning back to James, "Jamie deer, I need you."

James grinned, "Coming!"

"Whoah whoah whoah!" Sirius snapped, "Prongs we have a prank to plan. Tomorrow's the last day for it to happen! What's more important? A prank with us or helping my brother with his stupid problems?"

Regulus rolled his eyes, stepping into the room. He walked over to James with a pout as he leaned against him, "Jamie, I can't do it alone. Please?"

James looked over at him, letting out a flustered laugh, "Reg."

"Uh oh, we're losing him." Peter shook his head.

"So?" Regulus asked.

"Yeah yeah whatever you need. Money? Sex? An assassination?" James breathed.

"Nope." He pulled away going back to normal, "Just need you to prove Barty and Pandora wrong and go lay in my bed naked until they walk in and then act like you were waiting for me."

James stared at him for a moment, "Yeah okay."

"James!" Sirius yelled.

"Sorry, Pads. Later. I swear." James responded as he walked out.

Regulus closed and locked the door before turning to the others, "Okay, Evans, Lupin. Help. I have an idea for a gift but I don't know how to go about it and I need your brains."
Sirius and Peter walked into the Slytherin common room somewhat uneasy. They'd received a very odd letter requesting their presence.

"James?" Peter asked seeing James hanging upside down from his feet.

"Oh, hi, Peter." James waved.

Sirius stared at James, "Do you need help?"

"Oh no, don't worry about it. Regulus!" James called.

A cat pounced towards the rope, clawing at it until it ripped and they fell to the ground.

Regulus turned back, smirking down at James from where he sat, "Can't say I don't enjoy the view." He purred, rolling his hips somewhat.

James groaned setting his hands on his hips, "Baby."

Regulus stared down at him and James' eyes widened as he realised what he called him, "Fuck, James." He moaned leaning down to kiss him, wasting no time in slipping his tongue in his mouth.

"Hey hey hey!" Sirius snapped pulling him off, "That's my brother!"

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Which one are you referring to exactly?"

Sirius paused, looking from one to the other, "I don't... I don't know..."

Evan walked down the stairs towards the common room with a grin, "Oh you got the invitation!"

"That's what this is?" Peter asked.

James nodded as he stood, "I've made an executive decision as the leader of the Marauders."

"Who said you're the leader?" Peter and Sirius asked.

Kieran scoffed, "Is he not?"

"No!" They snapped.

"What are we- Barty seriously hands!" Remus swatted Barty's hands away as they walked into the room, "What are we talking about?"

"How James isn't your leader." Evan answered.

Barty scoffed, "You're kidding me. Of course he is."

"He totally isn't." Sirius scowled at Barty.

Regulus raised an unimpressed eyebrow, leaning against James, "You mean to tell me any of you would be friends if James dropped dead right now? You'd probably never see each other again!"

James squeezed his hand, "Drop it."

"You know it's true."

"Drop it, or you can leave."

Regulus bit his tongue, rolling his eyes.

"As I was saying," James turned back to the group, "I think they should help us with our prank."

Arguments ensued and Evan waved his wand, allowing an alarm to sound until everyone went silent.

He nodded when he had everyone's attention, "It'll be fun. Besides, it's like... five against three. And Remus..."

Remus shook his head, "I don't care."

"Great, let's plan." James sighed pulling Regulus onto his lap on the couch, setting his chin on his shoulder.

Regulus blushed, elbowing him as he moved to his own seat, "Arse."

They all sat around in a circle, each throwing out ideas.

"What if... we send Padfoot after Mrs. Norris?" Sirius threw out after a few dud ideas.

"You're thinking to small." Evan shook his head.

Remus nodded, "Evan's right. It needs to be... bigger."

Regulus snorted and Sirius smacked him over the head.

"What if we fill the lake with pudding instead?" Peter asked.

Kieran frowned, "Where would the squid go?"


"What if we fillled Dumbeldors office with water so he'd inevitably drown?" Regulus offered.

"Deadly. I like it." Peter hummed.

James looked over at Regulus, "What's he done to you?"


"Help will always be given at Hogwarts." Barty muttered.

"As long as you wear a red and gold tie." Evan finished for him and they all scoffed, shaking their heads at the thought of the old man.

Remus frowned, "You guys don't mean that."

Kieran raised an eyebrow at him, "Lupin, had you been sorted into Slytherin your story would have a very different ending."

And to that he could argue because he knew it was true.

"I have an idea." Regulus offered, "A sort of... challenge."

"A prank war?" James asked.

"Sure. Whoever's the last standing, well, the choice of the last prank of the year is regelated to them."

James laughed getting up to kiss him right on the lips, "Mi amor, tu mente!" He said barely pulling away.

Sirius threw a book at James' back, "Let him go."

James turned to his friend, "What the bloody fuck, mate?"

"Get your pervy hands off my brother."

"My hands aren't on your brother, fucker. Besides according to the past three years he's barely your brother. Keep talking and my hands won't be on it but something will be in him."

Regulus' eyes widened, "Jamie!" He hissed.

"What? He's being an arse!"

"We're not going up against each other in our usual groups are we?" Peter sighed.

"I want Barty." James decided.

"Fine I get Remus." Sirius huffed.


"Thanks, love." Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Regulus." Sirius smirked.

"I'll take Kieran. You can have lover boy over there." James shrugged looking back at Regulus apologetically, "Sorry, darling. You're not that good at these."


"I can't believe we have exams." Peter sighed, "There's only two days until break!"

James nodded in agreement as they headed to charms, "I'm so failing."

"We should have honey truffles when we finish. I'm sure we could bribe the house elves."

"I'll do that after the test." He agreed as they walked into the room.

His eyes widened and he grinned, bending over when he saw the galleon on the ground, "Lucky coin." He laughed as he picked it up. Almost as if triggering a reaction a sticky golden coloured liquid poured onto them and they both gasped in shock.

A muggle camera clicked and James looked up to see Regulus sitting on a desk. He hopped off and walked over to him, "Did I ever mention how much I love honey?" He asked, "I'd say we should try it sometime but it gets stuck in your hair and just... ouch. Like a real hot wax. Oh, I hope your hair can withstand it."

He pressed a kiss to James' sticky lips, "And Lily's on our team. You can have Marlene." He added as an afterthought, carefully manoeuvring around them and the honey to leave.

James scowled, looking over at Peter, "I'm going to kill them."

Flitwick gasped as he walked to his class, seeing James and Peter standing covered in honey, "Boys the exam starts now what do you think you're doing?!"

Peter looked at the Professor, "Can we go change?"

"Not if you want to take this exam and pass."
To say they were mad was an understatement. Having to take an exam that would make or break your grade for the semester while covered in drying, sticky honey was not any fun. Not to mention Flitwick refused to let them sit on his chairs, afraid they'd tear the paint right off.

It took Peter eight showers to finally get all the honey off him and James was still trying desperately to get it all out his hair.

"Marlene I'm going to have to shave it!" He cried as she pulled at the honey covered hair, pouring more and more shampoo on to try and get it out.

Marlene shook her head, "Well what made you think it was a good idea to tease him about whether or not he could do a good prank?!" She scolded.

"I didn't think he'd put honey in my hair!"

"His brother is Sirius!"


"His brother is Sirius!" She repeated as if James hadn't heard her the first time, "Just be careful, James. It's all fun and games until someone actually gets hurt."

Barty knocked on the door before walking in, "Salazar he really did get you good."

"You're supposed to be on my team, Crouch."

"I am I am. In fact, I just changed the Slytherin common room password." He smirked.

James turned to look at him, "That's it?! He dumped honey on me!"

"Ask me what I changed it to." He whispered.

Narrowing his eyes James asked, "What did you change it to?"

"Regulus Black likes to suck cock." He answered with a shit eating grin, "And technically it's not defamatory because it's true. That boy sucks like it's the only thing between him and heaven."

He flipped him off, "Fuck you and... good job."

Barty clutched his heart, "Touching, Potter. Truly." He mocked.
Evan walked up to Remus, kissing his cheek as he sat down, "I thought we lost you. Should've known to check the library. What is that?" He nodded at the weird black box in his hands.

Remus looked up as he pressed a button and the magic box played out.

"Regulus Black likes to suck cock. And technically it's not defamatory because it's true. That boy sucks like it's the only thing between him and heaven."

"Fuck you and... good job."

He pressed the button again to stop it, "Recording device. We're one step ahead of them now."
"Regulus Black likes to suck cock?" Regulus asked, storming into James' dorm.

James shrugged, "Is it a lie?"

"It's not something people have to know!" He snapped.

"Please it's practically written on your face." James rolled his eyes with a smirk.

Eyes widening Regulus ran to the bathroom, screaming when he saw the word cocksucker written on his forehead.

"That's my cue." Peter breathed, hurrying out.

Regulus stormed back in, "Cocksucker?! Cocksucker?!"

"Kieran wanted it tattooed, you should be thanking me."

"For hexing cocksucker on my forehead?"

"I mean... if you blow me it'll go away."

"And prove you right? I think not." He scoffed.

James shrugged, "Your loss."

"I'm going to kill you."

"I had to cut my hair!"

"Good. You needed a haircut." He huffed, leaving before he strangled James.

Living in Grimmuald Place was nothing compared to his walk from the Gryffindor dorm to the dungeons. No matter what route he took he could hear people wolf whistle or laugh.

He stormed into his room, "I'm going to actually murder him." He whispered to Remus.

Pausing he looked from Remus to Sirius and back at Remus. They were sitting on the bed barely four inches apart.

He shook his head, "No. Remus no! You can't do this to me!" He yelled.

Remus frowned, "Calm down we're just talking."

Sirius laughed at the word written on his forehead, "What happened to you?"

"Your idiot friend hexed me!"

"Ah I remember that prank." He hummed, "We did it on Snape. Wrote liar liar pants on fire. The only way to get rid of it is... ew, Regulus!"

"I didn't do it he did!"

Remus' eyes widened and he hurried to his feet, "This is perfect!"

"What?" Regulus asked.

He nodded, "I put a muggle recording devise to listen in. We can record and play his moans during transfiguration. He'll know and we'll know but the others won't. It's perfect."

"Why does this feel like it's just a fight between me and James now?"

Sirius was shaking his head, "That's horrible, Remus. No he's not doing it."

"Of course I am." Regulus decided, "It'll get this off my forehead and it'll embarrass him back."

"I'm not letting my baby br- oh I can't- I can't call you that. Not after how you reacted when James did. Ew. The point is I'm not letting you pimp yourself out!"

"Well now I'm most definitely doing it."

"This isn't funny, Regulus. No."

Regulus was grinning as he ran away.

Sirius scowled, gagging in disgust, "If I kill James it is not my fault."

Remus hummed, "Yeah good luck with that. I have a date." His eyes widened slightly, "Sorry."

Sirius bit his tongue, "Crouch or Rosier?"

Remus stared at Sirius for a moment, breaking eye contact to look at the ground in guilt, "Both." He answered honestly.


He nodded refusing to meet Sirius' eyes again, "It's a... thing. We don't- we can't explain it it just happened that way."

"You're whoring yourself out to not one man but two. Two that I cannot stand. What's so difficult to explain about that? If my brother were still on the table you'd probably put him as another notch in your belt as well."

"You have no right to speak of my private life, Sirius!"

"It's not private if you're parading it around. It's not private when you all call me down just to see Crouch with his hands on your arse. It's not private when Rosier is laying in your bed in the dorm we share!"

"Privacy isn't a luxury we can all afford as you've made so irrevocably clear." Remus hissed, storming away.

He made his way to the Three Broomsticks and took a table to wait for the others.

Evan was the first to arrive, raising an eyebrow as he sat down, "You really did get a round table."

"I don't need another reason for people to yell at me."

"Who was yelling?"

He shook his head, "I won't bore you."

"You could never bore us." Barty assured, coming up behind Remus. He kissed the top of his head as he sat down, "What's going on?"

"Sirius called me a whore."

"Why?" They asked and Remus scoffed.

"Because of us?" Evan frowned.

He nodded, "Even said if Regulus wasn't with James I'd have probably done him too."

"Hey, we've only fucked once." Barty pointed out, "So unless you're breaking our rules, you're practically a virgin."

"Speaking of," Evan scoffed turning to Barty, "Can we talk about how you almost let him fuck you even though you were scared shitless?"

Barty flushed pink, "No."

"Yeah that wasn't good, Barty." Remus agreed, "You can't do that it's going to freak us out."

Barty looked at Evan and Remus, sighing, "I can't do this. I concede."

"What?" Evan asked.

"I can't prank you. I was going to shrink your head and make Remus' all big but I can't." Barty shook his head, "Be careful in the library. I enchanted the books to scream whenever opened."

Evan looked over at Remus.

Remus' eyes widened, "No! Come on we have Sirius and Regulus on our team! Not to mention Lily! We can win!"

"Against James?"

"I swear to Godric I won't ever have sex with either of you again."

Evan shrugged, "Now we both know that's a lie. I concede."

"No!" Remus cried.
Regulus pushed the door to James' dorm open, smirking as he locked it behind him, "Pants off."

James scoffed, "Reg, stop."

"You don't want a blowjob?" He asked, walking over to the foot of the bed.

"Don't mess with me. You know I do." He sighed, "I'm not going to let you do it just to get that stupid mark off your face though. I'll just use the counter charm."

Regulus raised an eyebrow, "Do you honestly think I'd only blow you to get this thing off my face? I could go to the library and figure it out myself, James. I want to blow you."


"Because you're my boyfriend?" Regulus laughed.

"What's the catch?"

He shrugged, stepping between James now spread legs, "I want to record it."

"What?!" James laughed.

"Think of it as a down payment."


"For all the days I won't get to see you during holiday." He looked down at James' crotch, drawing his bottom lip in when he saw the growing bulge in his sweats.

James looked down at himself, face heating up, "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." Regulus breathed never taking his eyes away.

"Well stop looking, it's not like I can control it!"

Regulus looked up at him with a frown, "Are you upset with me or are you embarrassed?" He asked.

"Just shut up, Regulus."

"No, James. Because if you're upset then you need to tell me that and I'll go until you're ready to tell me why. If you're embarrassed then I can stay and we can figure it out."

James huffed, shimmying further off the bed before laying back, "Blow me."

"Are you going to take your dick or do I have to do it all for you?"

"What? The cocksucker can't pull it out?"

"No, he actually prefers cuming inside but has refrained from mentioning it."

James laughed, the tension in the room dissipating, "I'II do it." He said, quickly pulling off his sweatpants and tossing them to the side.

Regulus watched him, biting his lip as James settled back against the pillows, his erection standing proud and tall. He leaned forward, his breath ghosting over the head, and then took James into his mouth.

James let out a groan, his hand coming up to tangle in Regulus' hair as he began to move, his tongue swirling around the head of James' cock.

Regulus worked his way down, taking James in as far as he could, his throat working around him as James moaned above him.

He slowly pulled up, leaving just the head in his mouth for an extra second before letting go.

James whined, "Reggie!"

"Talk dirty."

Blinking, James pushed himself up on his elbows, "What?"

"Well my mouth is a little busy at the moment. So do it for me. Talk dirty to yourself."

"To myself?"

"I'll play with your nipples."

James stared at him, "Yeah okay-" He laid back down.

Regulus tried not to laugh as he took James back in his mouth, running his hands up his thighs.

Staring up at the canopy James got to thinking, 'How do I go about this?'

As if reading his mind, Regulus pulled away, licking the side of his cock like a popsicle, "Tell me how badly you need it. What you want. How you feel." He murmured.

"I do. I need it. I need it so badly." James whispered much to his own horror, his face a dark shade of pink.

"Louder. Don't hold back." Regulus ordered as he took his head back in his mouth, sucking hard.

James cried out, bucking into Regulus' mouth, groaning as he heard him gag. James felt his cheeks flush even more at Regulus' words, but he couldn't deny the heat building up inside of him. He swallowed hard before complying with Regulus' request, his voice low and breathy.

"I'm a dirty little slut who likes to be used. I need you to fuck me. Hard. Make me scream your name. Please, Reggie, don't stop." As he spoke, he could feel the arousal pooling between his legs, and he knew that Regulus could hear the desperation in his voice. He looked down at Regulus, watching as his eyes darkened, and he could tell that his words were having an effect on him.

Regulus reached up to grab James' hands, pulling them down into his hair.

James moaned, arching into Regulus' touch, feeling as though he was on fire.

He continued to let out a stream of dirty talk, his mind getting lost in the sensations Regulus was giving him, every nerve ending alive and buzzing with pleasure.

James gasped and clenched his fists, feeling a surge course through him. "Yes, fuck, I'm so dirty, so filthy, and I love it," he moaned. "I want to be used, want to be your toy, your plaything, your dirty little secret."

Regulus groaned and quickened his pace, teeth scraping as he pulled off, James crying out in pain and pleasure, "You're mine. My dirty little slut."

James nodded desperately, "Yes. Yes I am."

Regulus tightened his grip on James' cock, refusing to let him get any pleasure, "Say it." He growled.

Whimpering, James shook his head, tears pricking his eyes, "No. No, please. Don't make me."

"Then you don't get to cum."

James looked down at him, lips pursed together, "Why? You know it so why can't you just take my yes?"

"Because I like hearing it and I think you do too." His hand tightened, "Do you enjoy that, James? The pain? I think you do."

"Yes. Fuck, yes I do. I'm yours. All yours. Only yours. Your dirty... fuck, your dirty little slut." Regulus' mouth was back on him without a second thought.

James was shaking his head, blubbering pointlessly as he tried to talk, "It's me. I'm the cockwhore. Not you. I want you. I want you inside me. I want you stretching me. I need your cock. I want- I want- I want-" He moaned Regulus' name desperately as he reached his peak.

Regulus quickly pulled off, letting him coat his face in his cum once again.

Panting, James shakily pushed himself up, looking down at Regulus, "You're an arse."

"I think that's the fastest I've ever got you off. Not including your first blowjob that is-"

"Shut up."

"What? Embarrassed?"

"No shit." James scoffed muttering a spell to clean Regulus' face.

Regulus smiled as James ran a finger over his cheek, "What do you want, James? You were trying pretty damn hard to tell me."

He shook his head, "Oh no, you're not getting that out of me that easily."

He hummed, leaning up to kiss him, "I have to go now, but we will talk about this later? We can wait until we're alone for break."

Nerves pricked through James' body, "All alone."

"Don't worry," Regulus teased as he stood, "I know how to take no for an answer." He kissed him one last time before hurrying away.

He got to his dorm, glad to see Remus was back from his date, "So? Did it work?"

"Very well." Remus tossed the recorder to him, "I had to stop listening. You'll have to cut out the places where you talk or he says your name but that's all with magic. The buttons explain what they do."

Regulus caught the recorder easily, staring down at the little black box in his hand, "I did ask if he was okay with me recording." He whispered as if trying to assure himself what they were doing was okay.

Remus nodded, "Regulus, if you don't want to-"

"No." He said pointedly, "I'll get the work."

Sighing, he sat down on his bed as he hit the button that said play.

"Pants off."

James scoffed, "Reg, stop."

"You don't want a blowjob?"

He blushed, glancing over at Remus, "How much have you heard of this?"

"Not much."

He nodded turning his attention back to the voices.

"Blow me."

"Are you going to take your dick or do I have to do it all for you?"

"What? The cocksucker can't pull it out?"

"No, he actually prefers cuming inside but has refrained from mentioning it."

Regulus closed his eyes, "Uh, Lu- Lupin-" He swallowed thickly as he heard James' groan, suddenly very aware of the way his pants were uncomfortably straining.

"Hm?" Remus asked not even paying him a glance.

"Can you get out?!" He blurt out.

That got his attention and he turned to look at Regulus, "Seriously? I've heard worse, Reg."

Regulus looked down at his lap hearing the noise of ruffling bed sheets and heavy panting, 'Merlin how close was this audio device to them?'

James' moans and whimpers sounded through it and he snapped, "Remus get out!" He cried, stopping the recording.

Remus stared at him, standing to gather his stuff, "Okay okay I'm sorry."

"Now! Get out!" He yelled, "You can come back in four minutes!"

"Godric okay!" He hurried out of the room.

Regulus was red in the face and, as the door clicked shut, he all but threw himself across the bed to rummage through his trunk.

He sat back on his feet, staring at the unopened box in his hand, his face ten times redder than it had been when he was looking for it. How was it possible he was more ashamed alone than he ever was with James?

Who was he kidding, he knew the answer to that. It was the fact he was about to wank- no, not just wank, wank to the audio of himself going down on his damn boyfriend.

Licking his lips nervously he opened the box, gasping softly as the blue toy flew out of it, floating right in front of his face almost as if mocking him.

Swallowing thickly he pressed play again on the recording device, his hand sneaking into his trousers as he heard James' voice.

It didn't take him that long to work himself up, yanking his trousers and pants down to his knees, whimpering as the cold air greeted the hot skin that was his cock.

He heard a pop from the recorder and groaned, imagining the scene.

He looked back at the box, reading the back, "Just relax and follow directions." He sighed, "What directions? That's all you fucking say."

"Fuck it." He shook his head just turning around. He grabbed a pillow setting it underneath him between his legs.

Gasping Regulus covered his mouth, feeling something cold fill him and the tip of the toy press against his hole.

"Bloody hell I love magic." He moaned as the toy slipped into him.

He closed his eyes listening to the recording as the toy moved by its own accord, fucking him into the pillow he had below his hips.

"I need it. I need it so badly." James' voice came and he nodded in agreement.

"Me too, Jamie. Me too. So so much." He grunted as the toy gave a particularly rough thrust, "James. Yes, fuck, James."

He could hear James cry out and groan from the machine, almost as if egging him on.

"Yes yes that's the spot do it again please. Yes." He moaned and moaned, hips bucking into the pillow.

The noise of the recording drowned out in his mind. He dusted at the sheets under him, eyes screwing shut as he imagined James looming over him, fucking him into the mattress.

"Harder. Harder, please, faster. Yes." He panted.

He stilled, or stilled as much as he could with the dildo pushing him into the mattress.

"James. James James James James James." He kept repeating, shaking his head as his orgasm shook him to the core.

He panted feeling the magic dissipate from the toy as it turned into just another regular vibrator, stuffed deep inside him, the flared base keeping him spread more than comfortably.

The door opened and Regulus' eyes widened in horror, "Regulus seriously we need to discuss this next- oh Godric my eyes!"

"Salazar-" Regulus breathed quickly moving to get under the covers, unable to stop the moan that left him from the way the toy moved inside him, "Sirius you knock on a door you don't just barge in!"

"I did you weren't answering and Remus said you were in a mood!" Sirius snapped, turning back to him, "That- that was the worst thing I've ever seen. What the hell?!"

Regulus scoffed, pressing his hands onto the mattress to lift himself off and take the pressure off his arse, "Are you really asking because I don't think you'll like it when I answer?"

Sirius was shaking his head, "You shouldn't do those things! You're a child!"

"Oh please you really expect me to believe you don't touch yourself?"

"Stop!" He begged, covering his ears, "I just needed to talk to you and I- I find you- I find you... assaulting yourself."

"Get out so I can take it out!" Regulus yelled.

Sirius nodded, hurrying out. He hurried down to the Slytherin common room, sitting down on the couch next to the others, placing his head in his hands, "He's my baby brother." He breathed.

Remus frowned, "Did you hear the recording?"

Sirius turned to him, "What? What recording?"

"The one for the prank."

"He actually went through with tha- Remus he's like twelve."

"He's almost fifteen." Evan scoffed.

"That's still young!"

"You only just turnt fifteen last month, Sirius." Remus pointed out, "Besides it's just James."

"That's the problem, Remus. We know James. I know James."

Barty raised an eyebrow, leaning forward, "Tell me, what do you mean by that?"

"He's just into some weird things and I think he's giving Regulus the wrong idea."

As if on cue Regulus waddled into the room. He looked at his brother and then at Remus who just so happened to be his brothers ex boyfriend and then to Barty who was dating his brothers ex boyfriend and used to have a thing for him before finally landing on Evan.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked cautiously.

Regulus swallowed thickly, "I have an issue."

"Good. You admitted it. We can get you help." Sirius stood up, walking over to his little brother. He placed a hand on Regulus' shoulder, going to lead him out.

"Don't touch me!" Regulus yelled jumping away. He groaned, doubling over.

Barty and Evan got to their feet, walking over to him.

"Are you- are you okay?" Barty asked, careful not to touch him.

"I think I'm getting pranked." Regulus whispered.

They all shared a look and Evan sighed, "Pranked how?"

Regulus looked up at him with a frown, glancing over at Sirius, "I can't say."

"Are you seriously going to blame your self assault on a prank?" Sirius scoffed.

"Self assault?" Remus asked.

Regulus blushed bright red, "I was... um, engaging in- in some... self... pleasure."

Barty laughed, "You were masturbating."

"Yes okay?! Yes!" He snapped, "I wasn't... I wasn't just wanking though I... used something."

Remus rolled his eyes, "You put something in your arse?"

"It's stuck." Regulus hissed.

They all stared at him for a moment.

"What do you mean It's stuck?" Remus asked cautiously.

"I mean it won't come out!"

Sirius shook his head, "I'm leaving." He decided, walking away.

Evan looked over at Regulus, pity on his face, "Did you try pushing?"

"Yes, Rosier. I pulled, I pushed, it didn't work!" Regulus snapped.

Remus sighed, "Come on. Let's get you to Pomfrey."

"No! No no no no no. Remus!" Regulus begged.

"Well what do you want me to do?!"

His face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he felt the thing press up against his prostate. He shook his head, trying to think of anything. A lightbulb went off in his head and he gasped softly, the others taking a step back, "James."

Barty blinked, "Did he just have an orgasm or is he asking us to get James?"

"Get him!" Regulus snapped.

Remus nodded turning to Barty, he lowered his voice, "Get James, tell him it's important and not a prank. Not on our part at least." He turned back to Regulus, pity written all over his face, "I just hope they didn't change the lube for glue. Let's get you to bed."

When James finally got to the dorm he honestly couldn't believe what he'd walked into. Regulus was laying face down on his bed, a pillow set under his hips to keep them slightly lifted and Remus sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I'm not having a threesome." James said, going to walk away.

"James." Regulus groaned.

Remus shook his head, standing up, "Did Barty make conversation first? What took you so damn long?!" He scoffed, walking to James, "He needs your help. My work here is done." He added, walking out.

James raised an eyebrow at Regulus, "Help how exactly?"

Regulus shook his head not wanting to say it again.

"Reg." He sighed, walking over, "You seriously look like you're ready for a fucking. Like all I'd have to do is slip your trousers off and go. And my best mate was in here. I need you to explain before I start to think you were cheating."

"It's stuck." Regulus sobbed.

James frowned, "What's stuck? Where?"

"In me! That stupid thing you bought is stuck inside me!" He cried, "And it won't turn off and my dick is leaking and I might actually sob."

James blushed, "How did you get it stuck?" He hissed, placing a hand on his back.

Regulus groaned and James pulled his hand away.

"Was that a good groan or a bad one?"

"If you can't tell I worry for our sex life." Regulus snapped.

"Hey don't snap at me I didn't tell you to put a damn vibrator in your arse."

"You bought it!"

"How did this happen, Reg? We just- we just had sex!"

"Correction: I just gave you a blow job."

"And left. It's not like you gave me time to offer anything,"

"I was busy!"

"You managed to find enough time to wank."

Regulus pushed himself up to look at James, "Are you honestly upset with me right now?! Potter I have a fake penis vibrating in my arse and I can't get it out!"

"Well it is a bit of a blow to the ego that my boyfriend would rather take care of his needs himself than let me."

"I'm still pissed at you for that book, James. And honestly it's not like I was hard when I left I just so happened to get hard when I got back here! Can you help me?!"

James stared at him, "How exactly do you want me to help?"

"The same way I helped when you got a popsicle stuck in you! Pull it out!"

"Did you try that already?"

"Yes, Potter. I'm not an idiot. I can't... look I let the magic part of it work. I didn't... I didn't figure out the lube myself I didn't..."


"No. I didn't do that either. I just let the magic work."

James nodded, "So you're worried it didn't use enough lube and it's going to hurt."

Regulus nodded.

James sighed, pursing his lips as he looked Regulus over, "Does it feel good?" He laughed.

"It's not funny!"

"It's hilarious."

"It's humiliating."



"When you feel like a wank-"


"Let me talk!" James laughed harder.

Regulus dropped his head.

James sighed, "When you feel like a wank, come find me and we'll take care of it together. It's what I'm here for isn't it?"

"That's what you were put on this Earth for? To wank people?"

"You know what I meant." James scoffed, yanking his trousers down.

Regulus squeaked instantly trying to move away.

James stared at him, "You know I've seen your arse before right? Plenty of times." He scoffed, holding his hips in place.

'Just how much can a person blush.' Regulus wondered his blood heating up through his body.

Humming James let his thumb run circles against his skin, "And what a pretty bum it is."

"Potter!" Regulus screamed, face flaming.

"Do you want my help getting this out or not?!"

Regulus groaned, "Yes, just get it out already!"

James chuckled, "You're so impatient." He murmured, fingers brushing against his soft skin.

"You could do it without embarrassing me!"

"Oh, honey, I plan to absolutely humiliate you." He sighed, tilting his head in concentration, "I'm going to pull and you're going to tell me if it hurts."

Regulus nodded, hiding his face in his hands as he felt James grab the base of the toy and start tugging. He groaned pushing back on it when he felt it slipping away.

"Regulus!" James laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Regulus screwed his eyes shut, "I won't do it again. I swear."

James sighed, running his hand over his arse, "You need to relax."

"I am relaxed."

"You're clenching!"

"I'm in pain!"

"Bull fucking shit." He scoffed.

Regulus scoffed right back, turning his head to face him, "Pain and pleasure go hand in hand, dipshit."

"Not for normal people!"

"Get it out!"

Madder than he'd care to admit, James grabbed the toy, roughly yanking it.

Regulus bit down on his hand though if he was screaming or moaning James couldn't tell.

James looked down at him in horror, "Shit I'm so sorry!"

Regulus just groaned in response.

"At least it came out?"


"Yes, love?"


"Yes, love." He sighed, kissing his back before making his way out.
"Ten minutes." McGonagall announced as she looked at the clock.

Remus was already done with his exam, waiting patiently for the prank to come about.

"Why are you smirking?" Peter hissed.

Remus tsked, "Ten minutes, Wormy. You still have another page."

He watched as the clock ticked away and, as if on cue, moans rang out from James' desk.

McGonagall lifted her head, "Not funny, Mr. Potter."

James frowned, "I didn't even do anythin-" His eyes widened and he straightened up as he heard himself talk from some area in the room.

"I want to be used, want to be your toy, your plaything, your dirty little secret."

Giggles ranged through the room and he hurried to his feet walking over to Sirius who was covering his ears, "Turn it off!" He yelled as he heard himself call himself a slut.

"I don't know where it is I'm not participating in this one!" Sirius snapped.

Suddenly the recording cut out and changed.

"James yes-" Regulus' voice could be heard.

Remus' eyes widened and he jumped up, hurrying to turn off the sound, "Off off off." He muttered hitting the button again and again just to find it stuck.

It was ripped out of his hands and smashed on the ground, James huffing at him, face bright red, "I'm going to fucking kill you."

Remus smiled nervously, "I concede?"

"Good." James said, storming out of the room. He made his way to the charms classroom and knocked on the door until someone opened, "Sorry for the interruption, Professor, I need Zabini. Now."

Kieran walked over to James, carefully closing the door as he lowered his voice, "Okay I know the dildo thing was mean but I heard them planning something and figured if we distracted them they'd forget."

"That was you?! How did you even- what did you even-"

"It was just an enlargement charm. It should go away in another hour."

James stared at him, "Yeah don't worry about that it's already out- I have a picture."

"I don't want to see that picture. Ow?"

"No I- a picture I need your help spreading as a prank."

"Oh. Yeah I'm not- I'm not really the gossip-y one."

"You just have to put them up around the castle. I'll slip them under doors. Hurry up we have to get them from my dorm."
"You and Regulus crossed a line today." Sirius shook his head as they packed up to leave class.

Remus scoffed, "We crossed a line?"

"Yes, Remus!" He cried, "I know I crossed a line. I know that. But you recorded James and then played it for the class! If he'd done that to Regulus-"

"What? You'd kill him? Please, we both know which ones your favourite."

"And which ones your favourite, Remus? The one who puts his cock in your mouth or the one who puts in your arse?"

"Mr Black!" McGonagall snapped, "Detention! Tonight and the first week back after holiday. Now leave!"

Sirius glared at Remus, storming out.

Peter sighed looking at Remus, "I'll try to calm him down and meet you for lunch." He whispered, hurrying after Sirius.

Suddenly he was pushed against the wall, a wand pressing underneath his chin, "What the- Regulus?!"

"Where is he? Where the fuck is he, Pettigrew?!" Regulus spat, the spell on the tip of his tongue.

"Who?! Who?!"

"You know who!"

Peter's eyes widened, "V- v- Voldemort? Why- why would I- I'm not-"

"Potter. James fucking Potter. Where is he?!"

"I take it you saw the pictures." James smirked, walking over to them.

Regulus spun around, his wand now pointed at James, "Fuck you."

James tsked, reaching out to take his wand, "We both know you won't actually use that on me. Let's not play."

"I told you not to take that picture."

He hummed, "You didn't stop me."

"I said no!"

"That's the game you want to play? You want to call rape?"

"You took a picture of my face covered in your fucking sperm and pasted it around Hogwarts!"

"You recorded us and played it in my class! At least now I know what you were fucking wanking to."

"I cut anything out that could've told people it was you!" He blushed at the mention of his earlier activities, "My actual face is out there covered in- in spunk." He quickly wiped at a stray tear.

James' eyes widened slightly and he stepped closer, placing his hands on Regulus' shoulders, "Wait love-"

"No I'm- I'm fine." He turned away, sniffling softly.

"Reggie I didn't mean to upset you." James whispered, "Please look at me."

It took Regulus a moment but he did turn to James, "What? You want to paste a picture of my tears now?" He asked and James' heart ached when he saw just how wet his face was.

"Fuck I- I take it back. I'll- I'll do anything to take it back. I'll slip a memory potion in peoples drinks. I'll say I edited it."

"But you can't! It's too- it's too late. Too many people have seen it." He all but sobbed.

"Reggie please just- just tell me what to do? How can I fix this?" James whispered.

Regulus scoffed, "Please as if I could ever trust you with this damn game of yours going on."

"Is that it? You want to end the game? We can end it right now. I concede."

"What?" He asked with a shaky breath.

"I concede. I do. Tell me how I can help.

Regulus grinned, wiping his face, "That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."

James stared at him, "What?"

He frowned, "Oh you didn't think I actually cared did you? Or that Kieran wouldn't tell me you wanted to use our sex pictures? That's cute." He kissed his nose, "I win."

"You... you're a- a-"

"Manipulative cunt?" He offered, "Thank you."

"That's cheating!"

"Is it? Or is it just using my advantages?"

"Fuck you." James spat.

"Oh eat me." Regulus scoffed.

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