Mr. Horror. (a Ricky Horror f...

By itskyl

79.1K 2.3K 430

Lyric is abused by her alcoholic father, who repeatedly calls her "fat" and "ugly", so she doesn't think very... More

What's a man who lays a hand on a girl?
Author's Note please read
Music Class & hanging out
You Found Me
New Beginings
You have a band?
You can't leave me.
Don't you ever scare us again
You're my what!?
Give Up And Get Out
Level 18
Authors Note Pease read
Something bad always happens
The only hope for me is you.
I'm coming home.
Thanksgiving pt. 2
Distance between us.
I Need You
Hello From the Other Side.
We are The New Americana
Thank You! (please read)
My Ghost, Where'd You Go?
Burn Baby, Burn
I Don't Want to waste Another Minute Here.
Built god then we'll talk.
Authors not
Finale (finished)
Sequel is up!!!!!

Close Encounters

3K 115 18
By itskyl

As we pulled up to the house, that has seen me in pain more than in happiness, the familiar feeling of fear began to show. His car was parked in the drive. Ricky kept reassuring me that everything will be okay, it helped but didn't make it leave. I opened the front door, what I saw was him, passed out on the floor. 'Thank god.' I thought. Ricky and I crept upstairs to my room. It didn't take me long to pack, since the only things I really had were clothes, makeup, some small items, but most importantly the only picture of my mom and I that remained.
After her death, dad decided it would be better to try to erase her from his mind, so he got rid of everything that reminded him of her. When he was taking a break from throwing away nearly everything we owned, I managed to save one picture. In this picture my mom is holding me on her lap and we are both smiling. From that day on this picture has been my most prize possession.
We grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. "What are you doing with those bags Lyric!?" Screamed my father who was now very much awake. "Moving out you bastard! I'm done with your stupid bullshit!" I screamed in response. "No your not!" He screamed getting in my face. "I am, I am old enough to move out!" I yelled and motioned for Ricky to run out the door with me. We ran as he chased us. We managed to get to the car before he did. We then drove off.
"Lyric, how have you felt with that guy for all these years?" Asked Ricky as we walked in the door to be greyed by Jinxx. "I don't know, I've thought about ending my life a couple times, but something always stops me." I reply setting my stuff down. "I have a new inspiration." He says looking at me. I blush and look down. "I'm nothing special." I say. He sets down the bags he's carrying. "If your not special, My Chemical Romance isn't the best band ever." He says. "You can not bring mcr into this mister!" I say giggling. "Well, it's the truth, your special, and My Chemical romance is the best band." He says smiling. "True dat, only about mcr though." I say. He sighs. And pulls me into a hug. "Lyric, you are special, and I'm going to-" I cut him off. "Shut up and kiss me." His lips then collide with mine and sparks seem to fly. I think I might be in love with my teacher.

By guys! So I'm on summer break and I'll try to write more. So I hope you're enjoying the story and leave me some comments! -Kylie

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