By Aryvel_Hana

6.7K 223 22

•In editing progress• We all know there only have 7 elements which is earth, lightning, wind, fire, water/ice... More

// Note //
prologue (chapter 0) [edited]
Chapter 1 [Edited]
Chapter 2 [Edited]
chapter 3 [Edited]
❗❗Alert ❗❗
Chapter 4 [Edited]
Chapter 5 [Edited]
Chapter 6 [Edited]
Chapter 7 [Edited]
Chapter 8 [Edited]
🌟 Special chapter 🌟
Chapter 10 [Edited]
Chapter 11 [Edited]
Chapter 12 [Edited]
Chapter 13 [Edited]
🇲🇾 Merdeka chapter edition 🎉
Chapter 14 [Edited]
Chapter 15 [Edited]
Chapter 16 [Edited]
Chapter 17 [Edited]
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Epilogue)
Hidden anniversary: A privacy file

Chapter 9 [Edited]

149 7 0
By Aryvel_Hana


Decayed star


A few days past like a normal day and nothing happen-


Oh god...




3rd person pov

After Reverse done fight with them a.k.a kokotaim gang, they doing a lot fun activity together including the elementals as well

They have a much fun, wonder how kokotaim gang got a vacation? Well Admiral give them an extra break, which no mission, no pain and there only have to is doing a fun thing with Reverse

They have a fun activity. Sometimes Reverse will ask Boboiboy to training because he has a weakness

Want to know what his weakness??

His weakness is he can't use that ultimate move for long 45 minutes if not his body will tired and numb for a few seconds, that suck for him. For first time he doing that, he only can stand for 10 minutes

Boboiboy, our hero have a golden heart. Which more important and priceless than a gold at bank- /plak/. He with happily open heart will help Reverse when he need him




No one pov

At training room there two oranges training together. The orange who not zip his clothes lying on the floor meanwhile other orange who zipped his clothes sit down on the same floor. They panting like their never get an oxygen.


Boboiboy: What kind a paragraph you just make? *Looking at author with deadpanned look*

Me: *sweatdropped* Hehehe, I need a joke but....

Ochobot: *appear somewhere* but there no one will laugh with your joke

Me: *looking at the ground with a dark mist on her head* I know, don't complain me, huhuhu

Ochobot + Boboiboy: *sweatdropped*

Reverse: O-O.....U-U.....O-O



Boboiboy and Reverse go straight to their room and rest. They go to sleep and not take a bath because........lazy (then what you expect?)

At midnight, Boboiboy suddenly awake for no reason at all and he saw Reverse sit down and looking at the space at outside, specific through a window

Boboiboy trying to get up and rubbing his eyes. " Reverse, why are you still awake at this time?" said Boboiboy, who now rubbing his eyes

Reverse shocked but he covered it as take a breath "Nothing, just curious" he still looking at outside

Boboiboy raised his eyebrow "What were you curious about?'

"She told me, that a star can be more shine if I catch.." said Reverse stopped 'But if I left it will decay one day..' thought him

Suddenly Boboiboy laughing and Reverse be more confused. " You, know Reverse it's impossible to catch a star"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, star basicly are..." he start explain (which I lazy to explain it) and it make Reverse focus. Reverse focus all he explaination




Reverse pov

Thank you, Boboiboy. You and your friends give me a new life also teach me a new thing

I'm blessing that you find me first and what make me more happy is when you guys want to be my friend, I hope we can stay like this forever until our bond unbreakable

To me you guys a star that shining inside my heart, so I will sure to make it always shining and protect it before it will become decay someday
They stay up at midnight and something Boboiboy will tell him about his past, and can heard a gasped, cheering and more

After heard that story, Reverse rubbing his eyes, he felt so sleepy

" How about we sleep together?" said Boboiboy and getting a nodded from Reverse

They go to boboiboy's bed and sleep facing each other (hey! Don't think a something weird, do you heard me?! This is only a normal sleep thing!!! Not travel your mind!)



The next morning, Boboiboy awake a see Reverse slept beside him. He trying to get up gently without wake him up. He go take a shower and wearing a clothes

He about to awake Reverse but it be disturbed by a commander through his watch " Boboiboy come to control room now!"

"Umm, should I wake up Reverse, Commander?"

"Negative, come here alone, NOW!!" (Jeez, what is wrong with him?)

After that he go out of his room and hurry to control room. He saw his friends at their spot and same with higher-ups

" We got a signal of power sphera" said Admiral and show kokotaim gang a hologram of planet

"This planet is Planet Panlo " said Admiral

"P-planet Panlo...?!" said Fang gaping and his friends looking at him weirdly

"What is wrong with that planet, Fang?" asked Yaya and Fang start explain

"That planet is the furthest from this station also there always have an earthquake which is everyday. There no live at that planet because a chance to live is zero"

And Admiral continue "That's correct, your mission is track power sphera named Featherbot"

"Oh Featherbot!!! This power sphera can give someone able to fly and slowly to land down to decrease the damage." explained Boboiboy

"That is correct, now get those power sphera!!" shouted Admiral and kokotaim gang flinched

"But, what about Reverse?!" asked Ying about Reverse since.....he not a part of TAPOPS agent

"Mmm, he will stayed here" said Commander but kokotaim gang unsure about this

"But who will look after him?" asked Ying

"Don't worry about it, other agents will do it" said Admiral and the gang relieved, and hope the agents will take care of him, hope so....
With Reverse situation, he open his eyes and he not see Boboiboy anywhere. When he get up he saw a letter at Boboiboy's table

He grabbed that letter and read it



Good morning, Reverse. I'm sorry for not wake up you in this morning. I suddenly getting a mission from Admiral and commander, hehe

Don't worry about it, there will have an agents look after you after we go to our mission. And you can do anything a this station but please........ don't make a trouble or destroy anything in this station



Reverse smile and then out the giggles, why? Boboiboy wrote don't destroy a station but what he heard the rest of kokotaim gang, he always brought a chaos and sometimes near to destroyed TAPOPS, of course is because the elementals chaos but they are his priority

Hope a same thing won't happen at Tempur-A station, hope so.....

At cafeteria, our albino orange is bored, so bored. Even he already read alot of books he found but it's not enough. His friends not around and it make him more bored.

Suddenly there a lightbulb showed up on his head, know what thats mean? Then that lightbulb turn on the light, and make Reverse smile......











"Can someone tell me what in the galaxy happened here?" asked commander as he saw his agents now in mummy styles. Admiral now massage his bridge of nose. Also Reverse there with as his elemental surrounded him as his......uhh bodyguard? Literally, they are his bodyguards

Reverse only sighs and explain "Sorry what just happened, well actually......


Flashback before the chaos happened

After got an idea, Reverse shout something " KEPADA SEMUA KUASA ELEMENTAL BERPISAH DARIPADA PENGGUNA "

And.......you guys know what happen, right?

Other agents still in cafeteria jawdropped and some of them spilled their drink, dropped and stopped eating their food and slurping drink

Reverse and others just realize and explained to them. The other impress, also there other agents trying to have a fight with them.

Which they allow it, they go to training room with some agents because the other have their own missions. The other agents will fight the elemental meanwhile Reverse? Well the elemental not allow their master to fight at all. (What an overprotective were they? And it remember us to someone...)

They start a fight some of them impressife and jealous about their skills and power. Also the agents try to teasing and complain the elemental to let their guard down.

These teasing and complain not too much for them but there some a word make their blood boiling, like.....

"Heh, your master don't fight with you guys? What a chicken."

"How you guys can be with a weak boy?"

"That boy so weird, how he can be your master?"

"Heh, look at you guys master's hair. It look ridicoulous and horrible"

They really mad, REALLY MAD. They not mind, if they got those 'sweet' complain word about them but about Reverse? Well someone really want to put in coffin this soon or now..

Short story, the elemental don't have any injuries but the agents? They have it but ...TOO WORST!!!! Well the elemental really give them a brutal fight if someone complained their master further......and the price is the life

End flashback


The higher-ups only facepalmed, and made a mental notes about this one, 'never make a mess with Reverse's elemental, note'





Skip time

Reverse and his elemental at Boboiboy's room and the elemental will look after their master because they don't trust anybody..... maybe expect kokotaim gang mostly Boboiboy

They in that room do their own work, suddenly an alarm can be heard

/ Warning, there an intruder here, I repeat there an intruder here /

Reverse and the elemental look at outside room, many agents go to their section to find an intruder the alarm means about

"What happened?" asked Reverse as he saw many agents run to different way like they are now out of their mind-/plak/

"Look like we have unpleasure souls visit here" replied Soul

Suddenly there an explosion coming everywhere, it won't stop. It made the station shakes. The elemental now afraid about their master safety. They run to control room to get information from the higher-ups but unfortunately there no one of them in that room. The explosion still continue and almost make the station collapse.

"There something we can do?" asked Reverse to his elemental

Steel reply "Yes, It's- WARGHH!" but something pull him and other in the shadow

"Ish, Dark why you do that!?" asked blood element to dark element who now hides behind soul element

" I.....s-sense someone........c-coming h-here" said Dark gaping, the other look at from out of shadow and it's truth. They come here again..

When look at them Demure gritting his teeth and other glaring with a deadly aura

"He still not here" asked one of them. The other one replied "look like the explosion still not enough to make him unconscious "

Then they go out from that room. Reverse and his elemental look each other with worry look

"Look like they still want me" said Reverse frowned. "Hey, don't mind about them, Reverse. We will make sure they won't get you" said Steel, trying to cheering his master and it succeed

"Now, I get it" said Mind sudden and it make everyone around him confused

"What you mean, bookworm?" asked Demure as he raised his left eyebrow

"I mean they made, Boboiboy and others go to mission just to make them busy, and they took the chance to come here to catch Reverse, without a trouble " explained Mind

" So what should we do now?" asked Acid who now scared

"How about we just eat their trap" said Reverse and it make his elemental shocked

"B-but why?! They will capture and using you again!!" shouted Demure worried, lucky they are in shadow so no one will hear them even they are shouted and more

"That's not what I mean" said Reverse and his elemental confused

"What I mean we create another trap and let them eat those trap meanwhile I will hide in shadow to safe him" continue Reverse

His elemental know what his talked about, they know it's a great idea also it risk but it for their power sphera friend

"Okey, lets begin" said Steel and other nodded. "Mind, we want you make a strategy" added Steel

"Fufufu~ I already with it. The strategy is....."













Those aliens walking in hallway trying to search to albino haired boy. What happened to agents and the higher-ups? Well they are slept by sleeping gas........what unfortunate for them though

Those aliens walking until they saw the figures they were searching about. The figure now unconscious by..... unknown reason, but it make their mission easier

They bring that figure in their ship but their don't know a real body of that figure look and followed them from the shadow

'Heh, it's worked'









"The strategy is we can use the clone of Reverse to let them eat that trap. For that we can use Dark power to make a clone" said Mind

"Well, it's a great plan, however Reverse don't let them catch you" said Steel to his master

"Of course, lets out from here" as he said they come out from the shadow

After they out, the elemental enter the watch and Reverse transformed to Dark to make a clone of himself. He commanded his clone to unconscious at the hallway that might make those aliens will through to it, well... it's successed without trouble

End flashback











' Lets start this crazy mission and survive from it'









Thank you for reading this book and I'm sorry if there a part not continue with a main story

Power sphera Featherbot ideas, came from a game named Minecraft. Specific the potion of 'feather falling', and I think the explaination of those potion is same with Featherbot, I think...

However, please vote and comment so I will continue writing this book and see you guys again in another day, Adios~~~

Edited: 27/04/2024

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