Rise of the Jedi Order

By soulfox1305

2.2K 55 18

Years after the Empire has fallen a new order has taken over name the First Order but there is still hope in... More

Village attack, Rey meets Alina and BB-8
Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina
Millennium Falcon, Han Solo
Rathtars, Snoke, Map
Maz, Lightsabers, Republic Destroyed
Takodana battle, Leia Organa, Resistance Base
Face reveal, plans, infiltration
Battle of Starkiller Base
R2 and R3 wakes up, Luke and Aayla
Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke
Holdo, Rose, Maz
Lesson one, Canto Bight
Lesson two, DJ, Fathier's freedom
Axel, The truth, Yoda
Snoke's Destroyer, Evacuation
Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice
Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base
Luke and Aayla vs Kylo Ren, Spark
Sidious alive, Hyperspace skipping, Force Training
The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana
Sith Dagger, Force Lightning, Plan
D-O, Kijimi, Babu, Location
Rescue, The Truth, Death Star
The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death
Kijimi destroyed, Preparing, Leia lightsaber
Battle of Exegol
Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, The Jedi Order

Jedi texts, Ambush

62 2 0
By soulfox1305

3rd POV

Meanwhile a door opens to reveal Kylo Ren and Snoke laughter is heard Kylo Ren enters the room that reveals to be a red window with 10 red knights each with a different weapon, Hux standing and sitting on a throne is Snoke who said "Tied on a string indeed, General Hux" Hux turns to see Kylo Ren approaching "Well done".

Hux looks back "The Resistance will soon be in our grasp" Nodding Hux said "Thank you, Supreme Leader" He turns and walks passing Kylo Ren before giving him a smirk as Snoke continues to laugh and Kylo Ren stops before kneeling down Snoke ask "You wonder why I keep a rabid cur in such a place of power" The door closes when Hux enters.

Snoke move his head "A cur's weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool" He breathes slowly before raising his brows "How's your wound" Bowing his head Kylo Ren said "It's nothing" Staring Snoke said "Hmm" Then he gets up "The mighty Kylo Ren" Snoke took a step forward "When I found you, I saw all masters live to see".

Taking a few steps forward "Raw, untamed power" Snoke walks on the floor "And beyond that, something truly special" He stops raising his hand "The potential of a descendant" He motion Kylo Ren "A new Raven" Snoke takes a breath leaning up "Now I fear I was mistaken" That made Kylo Ren raise his head looking at Snoke he said "I've given everything I have to you".

He stares at Snoke "To the dark side" But Snoke said "Take that ridiculous thing off" Kylo Ren lower his head before grabbing the side of his helmet making it hiss and takes it off to reveal a scar under his right eye going over the eyebrow "Yes, there it is" Snoke breathes a bit "You have too much of your father's heart in you, young Solo".

But raising his head Ben said "I killed Han Solo" Snoke turns around "When the moment came, I didn't hesitate" Turning back Snoke said "And look at you, the deed split your spirit to the bone" Ben lower his gaze "You were unbalanced, bested by a girl and a twi'lek who one held a lightsaber but the other never held a lightsaber" Snoke voice gets louder "You failed".

Angrily Ben gets up taking his cloak off only for Snoke to use Force Lightning sending Ben back and the red Knights activate their weapons "Skywalker and Secura both lives" Ben slowly sits up staring at Snoke "The seed of the Jedi Order lives" All the red Knights went back to their places and Snoke walks back to his throne "And as long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy".

Ben stands up watching Snoke sit back down "I thought you would be the one to snuff it out" Ben stares at him "Alas, you're no Raven" Snoke breathes "You're just a child in a mask" Ben leaves the room entering the elevator the door closes and Ben exhales then he looks at his mask raising it before lowering it.

Suddenly Ben hits the wall with his mask Ben grunts looking at his mask for a moment before rears back and grunts hitting the wall with the mask again until the elevator stops, and the doors open to reveal two officers they stand attention to Ben who said "Prepare my ship" He walks out of the elevator and the officers look to one another while his mask lays on the floor broken.

Alina POV

Luke sits down near the steps and Aayla stands nearby Rey said "There's no light left in Kylo Ren" Luke stares in a direction "He's only getting stronger" Taking a deep breath I said "The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks" I look to Luke then to Aayla who listens "We need you help" Rey said "We need the Jedi Order back".

She takes a few steps forward "We need Luke Skywalker and Aayla Secura" Aayla looks to Luke who raise his head he said "You don't need Luke Skywalker" Staring at him I ask "Did you hear a word we just said" Luke ask "You both think what" He stares at us "I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order".

Luke gets up "What did you think was going to happen here" We stare at him "You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all" He turns around "Go away" He walks pass Aayla who sighs Rey said "We're not leaving without you" Aayla said "I will help you but not right now" She turns and leaves me and Rey look to Chewie and back watching them.

A few hours later me and Rey decided to follow Aayla and Luke around the island they went up a hill I help Rey walk up a steep part of it we breath heavily and follow them around the shore line's then we hear groaning we stop to watch Luke and Aayla went up towards a giant creature lying on the cliff me and Rey walk until we stop by the creature.

I look down to see Luke and Aayla filling their bottles making the creature whine and they drink it the creature turns to us, and I raise a brow at it before motioning Rey to follow we leave with Luke and Aayla away from the creatures going on another path until Aayla and Luke put their satchels down confusing us.

Rey and I watch them walk to two sticks and they grab them pushing off the ground shocked we run towards the area Rey yells "Careful" But Luke and Aayla reach the wall turning to us I see a smile on Aayla's face before she and Luke move the long stick pulling them to reveal hooks at the bottom they stab the water and we hear thunder rumbling and rain begins to fall Aayla and Luke caught a big fish they walk up the hill me and Rey use our hoods to cover our faces and follow them back to the village.

The next day me and Rey stood waiting in front of Luke's door that opens for Luke who stop to see us he said "You're both wasting your time" We look at him meeting Aayla who is ready, and we follow them out of the village Luke went ahead and Aayla slow down for us Rey ask "Can't you help us" Before Aayla could respond murmuring is heard.

I turn in a direction to see something in a fog in the distance I notice Rey looking to before standing up and head towards I stood up looking to Aayla who looks in the direction I ask "What is that" Turning and walk up to me Aayla said "Something that's closer to the Force" She begins to walk and I follow her before looking back and saw Luke watching us.

Aayla and I reach a wall to see a tree hearing voices again then Rey enters it I walk up the path and enter the tree feeling the wood hearing more voices and saw Rey reaching a small shelf with books on it I walk up to Rey who notice me before looking back we stare at the books about to touch it suddenly Luke ask "Who are you"?

We turn to see him and Aayla standing there Rey said "I know this place" Luke and Aayla enter she said "Built a thousand generations ago..." I feel a branch on my right "...to keep these" I turn to see Aayla grab a book I ask "What are they" Aayla opens one Luke said "The original Jedi texts" Luke feels the page "Just like us, they're the last of the Jedi religion".

Luke turns around and Aayla close the book and place it back "You've seen this place" I look to Rey who took a step back "You've seen this island" Turning Rey said "Only in dreams" Turning around Aayla ask "Do you have dreams like this" Rey slowly nods Luke ask "Who are you" I said "The Resistance sent us".

But taking a step forward Aayla ask "They sent you two" Walking forward Luke ask "What's special about you" He motion's Rey who turn "Where are you from" Rey said "Nowhere" Shaking her head Aayla said "No one's from nowhere" Sighing I said "She's from Jakku" Nodding Luke said "All right, that is pretty much nowhere".

Before tilting his head "Why are you here, Rey, from nowhere" Motion me Rey said "The Resistance sent us" I turn back to Luke who moves a bit I said "We need you help" Aayla walks by Luke "The First Order's become unstoppable" But Luke pass me staring at Rey he ask "Why are you here" Placing a hand on my shoulder Aayla said "Tell us, young one".

Staring at the three of us Rey said "Something inside me has always been there" She takes a breath "But now it's awake" Rey looks back to us nodding "And I'm afraid" I glance to Luke and Aayla then back "I don't know what it is..." Rey shakes her head "...or what to do with it" Turning to them I said "Rey, needs help" Aayla said "You need a teacher".

Turning around Luke said "I can't teach you" Rey ask "Why not" She walks pass me and Aayla and stops in front of Luke "We've seen your daily routines" I look at Aayla I said "You're both not busy" But Luke said "I will never train another generation of Jedi" He turns and walks to the entrance "I came to this island to die" He stops "It's time for the Jedi to end".

He looks back to us Rey ask "Why" Luke turn his head down "Leia sent us here with hope" Taking a breath I said "If she was wrong, she deserves to know why" Rey said "We all do" But Luke turns and leaves Aayla said "I will help you train in the Force when the time comes" She place a hand on our shoulders "Don't give up" She walks to the entrance and leaves.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Leia is sitting at a table with a hand on her face slowly lowering it and grip it then the cruiser comes out of hyperspace Leia looks at the window before looking back Leia exhales as the two transport ships, and the medical frigate come out of hyperspace while at the bridge Leia slaps Poe she said "You're demoted" Shocked Poe ask "What"?

Leia went to leave but Poe stop her "Wait" She looks at Poe "We took down a dreadnought" Leia ask "At what cost" Moving his arms Poe said "You start an attack, you follow it through" Shaking her head Leia said "Poe, get your head out of your cockpit" Poe turns "There are things that you cannot solve by jumping in an X-wing and blowing something up".

Poe turns back nodding "I need you to learn that" Leia walks pass Poe who said "There were heroes on that mission" He stops Leia who looks to him she said "Dead heroes" She shake her head "No leaders" Leia walks away and Poe turn his head frowning while looking at the map Finn said "We're really nowhere" He walks along the map.

Finn looks to Leia who looks to him "How's Rey and Alina gonna find us now" Leia lifts her sleeve to reveal a device strap to her wrist Finn realises "A cloaked binary beacon" Nodding Leia said "To light their way home" She smiles at Finn who walks forward he ask "All right, so until she gets back, what's the plan" Turning Leia said "We need to find a new base".

Looking at the holotable is a member called D'Acy who said "One with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies in the Outer Rim" Finn looks to her then suddenly the alarm blares Ackbar said "Proximity alert" Poe walks near hearing this while a Resistance Monitor turns, she said "They found us" Shocked Poe said "That's impossible".

Coming out of hyperspace behind the Resistance are six Star Destroyers then coming out of hyperspace above them is a massive mega class dreadnought Poe staring at the hologram "That's Snoke's ship" Ackbar works "You gotta be kidding me" He turns walking "Can we jump to lightspeed" Connix said "We have enough fuel resources for just one jump".

Stopping at the holotable Poe said "Well, then, do it" He raise his head "We gotta get out of here" Raising her hand Leia said "Wait" They look to Leia who stares at the hologram "They've tracked us through lightspeed" Shocked Finn said "That's impossible" Nodding Leia said "Yes" She turns around "And they've done it" BB-8 moans dejectedly lowering his head.

Moving from the holotable Finn said "So if we jumped through lightspeed, they'll just find us again and we'll be out of fuel" He turn his head as Poe looks at the hologram "They've got us" But Poe said "Not yet, they don't" He leaves the holotable and BB-8 watch Poe walks to Leia "Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up" Leia said "Permission granted".

Poe turns and leaves the bridge and Leia looks to Ackbar "Admiral, swing us around" BB-8 chirps turning his head and follows Poe out of the bridge Ackbar said "Full astern" Resistance members move "Rotate shields" A Male Monitor yells "To your stations" Pilots run grabbing their helmets "Move, move, move" Finn turn his head and the alarm blares before walking.

Meanwhile Snoke's ship fires at the Resistance Cruiser that turns along with the two transport ships and the medical frigate as the gunner's fire three Ties and a Tie Silencer heading for the Resistance and inside the Silencer is Ben who said "Follow my lead" They get closer while in the hangar ships are getting ready for take-off.

A hatch close Announcer said "Green Squadron to launch position" A hatch close on a X-wing "Clear all launch traffic" The Pilot looks to Tallie and hits his window and Tallie gives a two finger salute and smiles as BB-8 rolls forward he chirps Poe calls "Don't wait for me" He runs after him "Jump in and fire her up" BB-8 rolls forward faster.

A Female Announcer said "Technicians, lock down supplies for launch conditions" BB-8 turns to the hangar towards Poe's X-wing while the gunners continue to fire a one of the transports ships got hit the two Rebel Cruiser fire at Ben's and the three Ties hitting one Tie but missing Ben and the other two Ties.

Ben fires hitting the cruiser causing a few small explosions men yelling taking cover Ben spins his ship firing along the side heading towards a hangar and readies two missiles from the side as Poe reach the hangar Ben fires the missiles sending them forward while Poe runs to his ship and Tallie looks up only for an explosion to make Poe stop the explosion consume Tallie and more explode.

Noticing it an Engineer calls "Move" He and the Pilot moves "Move" The pilot gets consume and the explosion sends Poe flying out of the hangar into the hallway he grunts landing on his back and screeching into the hallway is BB-8 while Poe groans as the alarm is ringing, he saw his ship and the hangar destroyed the door closes.

BB-8 body rolls to him, and his head magnetically attach to it Poe breathes heavily then Finn arrives he ask "Poe, are you all right" He helps Poe who said "We need to get out of range of those Star Destroyers" Looking at Finn as Ackbar ask "We need to what" Looking to him Leia said "Full engines ahead".

She looks back to the hologram "Get out of range of the Star Destroyers and the fighters will fall back" The hologram turns Ackbar said "All craft, full engines" He looks to a Resistance Member "Concentrate rear shields" The shields went to the rear while Ben and the two Ties fly around the cruiser before flying forward and went pass the bridge Leia doesn't react.

Meanwhile Ben sense the Force as he turns his ship heading back towards the cruiser Leia sense Ben who senses her looking at each other the targeting system has a lock Ben has his finger on the trigger getting ready to fire but he lets it go glancing forward but the Ties on both sides fire their missiles making Ben look at them then watch the missiles head for the bridge.

Leia raises her head and the missiles hit the bridge making the Resistance Members scream as Leia close her eyes and is pulled into space and Ben frowns watching flying pass the rubble the Ties fire only for one to get shot down Ben and the Tie fly along the Cruiser heading for the Republic Cruiser then Hux said "Ren, the Resistance have pulled out of range".

Hux stares at Ben "We can't cover you at this distance" Ben listens passing a transport ship "Return to the fleet" Ben grunts raising his ship as the Tie gets destroyed by a Republic gunner while Hux turns from the window "What is the point of all this if we can't blow up three tiny cruisers" He motion everything at the bridge.

He looks at Peavey who said "Well, they're faster and lighter, sir" He looks at the hologram "They can't lose us, but they can keep at a range where our cannons are ineffective against their shields" Walking to the window Hux said "Well, keep up the barrage".

The gunners keep firing "Let's at least remind them that we're still here" He turns the Peavey said "Very good, sir" Hux walks away from the window he said "They won't last long burning fuel like this" He stops staring at the hologram "It's just a matter of time".

Meanwhile above the cruiser is Leia spinning slowly with her hand out a light is on her face to see frost on her then suddenly her fingers move and her hand twist she begins to use the Force opening her eyes Leia use the Force to move herself back towards the cruiser passing the rubble Crazy, Poe, Finn and Connix notice Poe yelling and runs with Finn, and Connix joining him.

Leia moves through the destroyed bridge going through the hologram and went pass the door touching the glass just as Poe arrives with Finn and Connix the door opens and smoke comes out and disappears to reveal Leia having a mask on and is on a transport Poe calls "Move" He wave his arm "Out of the way, everybody" More Resistance Members move "Give room".

A medical Droid and a Medic turn the transport a 2nd Medic said "Life signs are weak, but she's fighting" The beacon fell from Leia's hand and land on the floor then Finn reach down and pick it up holding it and looks in the direction to where Leia went.

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