Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios

By 553Butterfly553

1.5M 30.4K 43.3K

A set of scenarios with Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Tobi and Deidara. Some strong language and suggestive... More

1 When You First Meet
2 When You Meet Again
3 When He Finds Out You Have A Boyfriend
4 When Your Date Goes Wrong
5 When You Find Out They Are Akatsuki Members
6 When You Both Confess
7 Your First Date/First Kiss
9 Making Up
10 Moving Into the Hideout/Meeting Their Friends
11 When They Are Sick
12 A Normal Day in the Hideout/A Month Later
13 When They Walk in on You Taking a Shower
14 When You Are Jealous
15 When They Get Drunk
16 When They Are Jealous
17 Second Date/ When Someone Flirts With Them
18 When Their Partner Flirts With You
19 When They Try To Spice Up The Bedroom Activities
20 When Their Partner Embarrasses Them
21 When You Make Them Jealous
22 When Someone Catches You Two Making Out
23 When You Almost Die
24 When They Are Gay for a Day
Author's Note
25 When They Are Sad
26 When They Admit They Want Children
27 When You Walk In on Them Taking a Shower
28 When They Are Being Perverted­
29 When an Akatsuki Member Hurts You
30 When You Get Kidnapped
31 When They Realize You've Been Taken
32 While You Are Captured
33 When You Get Rescued
34 When You Accuse Him of Cheating
35 When You Find Out You're Pregnant
36 When You Talk In Your Sleep
37 When They Talk In Their Sleep
38 When You Introduce Them to Your Family
39 When They Try To Cook
40 When They Are In a Bad Mood
41 When You Get Lost and They Find You
42 When You Are In a Bad Mood
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
Author's Note About Updates
43 When It's Your Birthday
44 When It's Their Birthday
45 When You Wake Up With Them
46 When They Propose
47. When They Call You Fat
48. When You Get Married
49 When You Have a Baby
Final Author's Note
Question From The Author
Madara Uchiha or No?
Madara Uchiha Scenarios
Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios - Part 2

8 Your First Fight

37.3K 658 1.7K
By 553Butterfly553



For the past month, you had only seen Pein a few times and for a few hours. Every time he had to go and not be back for a while, he blamed it on paperwork and being too busy. You could understand, I mean he was the leader of an evil organization, but you were his girlfriend now. Shouldn't he have more time for you?

There were a few times when Pein was supposed to show up, and you were ready to confront him about not being around, when he just wouldn't show up. After that happening too many times, you had enough. The next time he showed up, you would confront him about it and hope to not get killed.

"Pein." You said as you answered your door. He stood there, like everything was normal, when in reality he was two days, an hour and a half late.

"_____." Pein said in response. You stepped back to let him into your home.

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"You and your work schedule." The two of you were standing in your living room. "You haven't been here to see my lately, and when you do come here, it's only for a few minutes. It isn't fair to me."

"I have paperwork and people to order around."

"Yes you do, but you also have a girlfriend to hang out with." You sighed and began to pace around. "I don't want to be that girl. The girl who bitches all the time about not spending enough time with her boyfriend, but come on Pein. You aren't seeing me enough. I feel like I barely know you."

"I have work _____. You said it wouldn't bother you." Pein was getting angry now.

"Yes I said that but I didn't think that you'd hardly ever see me." You were on the edge of getting angry and crying, but you didn't want to seem weak in front of Pein.

"Work comes first." With that, Pein stormed out of the house and left. The door slammed behind him. It was hard enough to knock a few things off the shelves and shatter all over the floor. All you could do was bite your lip and begin to clean up what broke.


Through the month with Zetsu, it has been bi-polar. One moment Zetsu was all sweet and loving, but the next he was horrible and being rude. On top of that, he has tried to eat you three times. You were hurt and angry by his actions. You had wanted to talk to him about it, but you honestly thought he might eat you if you upset him. Nonetheless, you had to talk to him about it, so you went to his garden.

"Zetsu are you in here?" You called out. He came up out of the ground.

"What do you want _____?" The black half snapped.

"You have been treating me badly. You have been an asshole and you've tried to eat me!" You snapped. You were already upset.

"You looked tasty, get over it." The black side of Zetsu responded. "_____, I'm sorry, but you look really tasty sometimes." The white half said, trying to be nicer than the other half of him.

"So what? That doesn't excuse being an asshole to me all the time."

"I'm sorry." At the same time black side of Zetsu said "I'm not sorry."

"See that's what I'm talking about. It's either you love me and treat me respect, or you hate me and disrespect me all the time. I get you are practically two different people, but I thought you both cared about me." You spun around and ran out of the garden. You didn't want to hear them any further and you didn't need to be eaten. You were so upset but you refused to cry over them.


Sasori was always in his workshop. Sure it was in town and you were mostly always there with him, but it wasn't what you wanted. He would always be working on a puppet. He hardly ever gave you his full attention. It upset you, but you did understand that it is just how he is. That didn't stop you from feeling like you were missing him, even though he was a few feet away from you.

Today was yet another day of the same thing. You were in the workshop with Sasori, but he was completely focused on a puppet. You were actually jealous of the puppets by now. You just sat there and sighed. It seemed like he caught onto your sadness and decided to take a break from his puppet.

"What's wrong _____?" Sasori asked, turning around to face you.

"It's nothing, don't worry." You smiled a very fake smile at him.

"That is a fake smile. You are lying to me."

"I just am a little sad is all." You looked down at the ground.


"You might be here, but it doesn't feel like you are here when you are looking at the puppets."

"I am working on puppets. This is my workshop. What else would I do here?"

"Well why am I here then? All I do is come here and watch you. Believe me, I love watching you, but I'd also love to talk with you and do things with you."

"My puppets need fixing before my next battle."

"Then enjoy fixing them alone. Come and find me when you are ready to put down the puppets to spend time with me." You got up and left. Part of you wished he'd come after you, but you knew he wouldn't do that. You had to walk home in the dark all alone.



It's been a month since you and Itachi first started dating. You have loved every minute of it, but there was one problem. You showed Itachi affection, but he was about as affectionate as a cold dead fish. It was starting to upset you because no matter what you did, he just wouldn't be affectionate with you. You've tried to bring it up before, but he would pretend to listen and then tell you that he had a mission right before disappearing.

Since he wouldn't listen you decided to take action. Since he was being unaffectionate and distant to you, you decided to be unaffectionate and distant to him. You planned to start when he got back from his most recent mission. So you were on the couch when he arrived at your house. He looked fine but very tired. You glanced at him when he entered the living room.

"Hello _____." Itachi told you as he came to sit next to you. You grunted in acknowledgement but kept your eyes on your television. "Everything alright?" He seemed to notice your different-than-normal reactions to him.

"Yup." You responded, clearly uninterested. Itachi stared at you, waiting for your usual hello kiss and hugs that turn into all night cuddles. When nothing happened, he kept staring at you for another few minutes before he decided to speak again.

"Why are you acting like this?" Itachi finally asked, fed up with your distant attitude.

"Why am I acting like you, you mean?"


"I'm just showing you how it feels like. You're always so distant and show zero affection. So now I'm going to be like you."

"Why?" You turned to look at him.

"Because I'm tired of the way you act sometimes. We are in a relationship, we are supposed to be loving and caring with each other but you are the opposite of that with me!" You raised your voice at Itachi, not quite yelling yet.

"Then why haven't you said anything before?"

"I have!" You yelled, on the verge of tears. "You just ignore me and go on your damn missions. It's not fair Itachi! I want your affection. I just don't get why you're so damn cold!" Itachi opened his mouth to argue but you stood up, cutting him off. "Just go 'tachi. Come back when you decide to show your love." With that, you went to your bedroom and began to cry.


To say you were upset was an understatement. You were furious with Kisame. Every time he'd come over to your house, he'd bring Samehada with him. While you and Kisame would hang out, the sword would eat your belongings. It started with a shoe here and there, then a purse or two, but now it's gone too far. Samehada ate your beautiful fish you just bought last week. You spent a ridiculous amount of money on the fish, the fish tank and all the accessories and food for the fish and tank.

"Kisame!" You screamed when you walked into the living room to see the fish tank. It was shattered on the floor, the water, stones and plants in it were all over the carpet and there were absolutely no fish to be seen.

"What's wrong _____?" Kisame asked as he ran into the room.

"Look what your damn sword did this time!" You yelled, angry and saddened by the loss of your pets.

"How are you so sure Samehada did this?" Kisame questioned, clearly skeptical about it. "You've blamed him for a lot lately."

"I only blame him because he really does all of these things I tell you about."

"Do you have proof?"

"There are shark like bites in my purses, shoes and the damn counter the fish tank was on!"

"Hm, I still don't think he'd do such a thing."

"Get out Kisame." You were over all of it. You were upset and stressed out again. Kisame picking the sword's side over yours made you feel even worse.

"What?" Kisame looked at you, shocked.

"If you are choosing to not believe me and think your sword is innocent, then get out." You looked at the mess on the floor. "I have better things to do than argue with you about a damn weapon." Kisame looked at you sadly but nodded his head, took Samehada from your closet (where he was eating your clothes) and left you to clean up and cry about it all.


For the past month, Hidan has tried to have sex with you, every single day, sometimes two to three times daily. At this point you weren't having sex with him not because you weren't ready, but because he bothers you so much about it. You had told him numerous times that you didn't want to have sex with him yet and that if he'd just drop it, you'd want it quicker. But here you are again, in your room with Hidan on your bed bothering you about sex.

"Stop it Hidan!" You blurted out in the middle of his sentence.

"Stop what bitch?"

"Stop asking me for sex. Stop doing this every fucking day!" You yelled louder. "You're acting just like my ex-boyfriend and it hurts. It can't take it anymore!"

"I fucking want sex!"

"Then go fuck a whore! I can't take this pressure! All you care about is sex. Do you even give a fuck about me?"

"Course I fucking do but-"

"I get it. You want sex!"

"You fucking don't?"

"I do but you are obsessed with it and it hurts to feel like you only want sex. Am I a walking vagina? Is that all I am to you?"

"Listen bit-"

"Get. Out."

"Excuse m-"

"Get the fuck out! Don't you dare come back unless you want to care about something other than sex!"

"Fucking fine bitch." Hidan grumbled as he got up off of your bed. He walked to the door but hesitated when he heard the obvious noises of you starting to cry. He sighed and left anyway though, he knew he'd only upset you further. When he was gone you got angry with yourself.

"Damn it all!" You yelled as you threw a pillow at the wall. You were angry that you showed your tears to someone, it was weakness and you hated it.


Another day of Kakuzu focusing only on money. You don't even know why he comes to your house if he's just going to sit on your couch and count his money. You love counting money too, but you don't want that to be the only thing you do with him.

"Kakuzu, can we just cuddle or something?" You asked him once again. He, as usual, ignored you and continued counting his money. For the past week you've been trying to get him to do anything with you, but nothing has worked. So now it's time to take action. You crawled over to Kakuzu and situated yourself in his lap, cutting him off from his money.

"What are you doing _____?" Kakuzu asked, clearly annoyed with you.

"You wouldn't pay any attention to me." You told him in a cute pouty voice. You gave him a sad but adorable look.

"I have money to count." He picked you up from his lap and set you on the cushion next to him. He picked up his money and began counting it once again.

"Then date the fucking money." You growled as you threw a stack of money at him. The bills fell over him like they were raining down on him.

"Stop acting childish."

"Stop acting childish?" You stood up and glared down at him. "For a guy with five hearts, you sure are heartless. I just want your god damn attention and affection."

"Work comes first."

"Then go to your own home and fucking work! Do NOT fucking come to MY house when you have no intention of doing something with me." You turned around and began to leave the room. "Just leave and take what you really love with you." With those words, you left the room with tears streaming down your face.


You love Tobi, you really do but you might just love Obito a little more. You and Tobi have a lot of fun together, but h just doesn't know when to quit. He doesn't know when to stop being childish. His childish actions spill into when you both are alone, and he doesn't even need to act like a kid. You want to date a man, not a child. So you decided to confront him.

"Tobi?" You questioned as you walked into your living room.

"Yes _____?" That childlike voice responded.

"We need to talk." You sat down on the couch next to him.

"_____'s breaking up with Tobi isn't she?" Tobi started crying and freaking out. It annoyed you more than you already were.

"I'm not breaking up with you!" You yelled, trying to get him to calm down. He froze and looked at you. "Tobi I adore you but you need to tone it down with the kid stuff."

"What does _____ mean?"

"We are alone. You don't need the mask or the childish personality now. You had told me that you only use that when you are around people who don't know you. Well do I not know you, are we not close or something?"

"Tobi is-"

"I get it Tobi. You are sorry, but is Obito? I want a real relationship with a real man. I don't want childish all of the time."

"_____-" Obito started, but you cut him off.

"Obito, I think it would be best if you left and came back when you are serious about me, because right now I don't feel like you are serious about me and this relationship."


"Obito please..." Your voice cracked, a clear sign that you were about to start to cry.

"Alright." Once the words left his mouth, he was gone. Now that he left, you could let the tears fall.


The loud boom was all you heard and you could see the smoke and debris fall all over. You knew instantly what had happened, Deidara had just blown up your house. He had been making a special bomb and it was accidentally set off. Deidara and you were fine. Your house was not.

"What did you do...?" You questioned Deidara when the smoke cleared. You had gone to the kitchen, so you didn't see the explosion. When you entered your living room, you saw that it was gone, along with half of your bedroom.

"I, hn..." Deidara was just as shocked as you were. "I'm so sorry, hn."

"I asked you to not be messing with that in my house!" You yelled, in tears over your blown up house.

"I am so sor-"

"Deidara. Please go now."

"But I haven't even explained, hn."

"I don't want to hear it. Please go so I can figure out what to do about my house now." You were very upset. Your house was only four rooms; the bedroom, a bathroom, the kitchen and the living room. Now a large portion of your house was gone.

"_____ please let me-"


"Fine, but I'll be back, hn." Deidara walked out of your house trying to avoid the fallen and burning pieces. You stood there, not totally sure of what to do, but the first things that eventually came to mind was cry and find the fire extinguisher.

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