SUNDER - Bokuto x Reader

By WombatSquid

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"Sorry, but...I'm not supposed to be talking to you..." (L/N) (F/N) has never really had a problem with her... More

ONE: The Boy Next Door
TWO: Not Much of a Choice
FOUR: Coed
FIVE: Tic Tac Toe
SIX: Mission One
SEVEN: Boundaries

EIGHT: Popcorn

582 44 18
By WombatSquid

"It...isn't a scary movie, is it..?"

Clutching my purse, I peered around at the framed movie posters that decorated the halls of the cinema, amazed by the variety.
"Nah, Bokuto's a wimp too when it comes to those, so Yaku picked some cute dog movie." Kuroo explained, nodding to the man in question as he returned, arms full with a giant bucket of popcorn and some sodas.

"Oi, I'm no wimp!" He huffed, expression immediately changing to a smile when he turned to me, handing me one of the large lidded cups. "I didn't know what flavour you'd like, so I got orange."

It doesn't sound awful.

"Oh, thank you. I honestly don't have a favourite flavour...Never tried this before..." I knew saying that would surprise them, but I didn't expect the loud gasp that escaped my neighbour's throat. Even Akaashi looked shocked.

"You've...never had soda..?" Yaku questioned me, sounding almost concerned. Shrinking down a little, I looked to the floor, the condensation on the outside of the cup making my hands cold.
"No..? Is that weird..?"

I thought it was normal...

"Nothing about you is weird!" Bokuto insisted loudly, and I looked up at him, startled by how confidently he had said it. "Go on, try it! If you don't like it I can get you something else!"

Hesitantly, nerves ablaze due to the expectant eyes around me, I lifted the cup until I could take the straw between my lips, sucking in. The shock of tangy carbonation felt like a punch to the mouth, and I very nearly snorted it out through my nose.

"Woah..." The bubbles somehow felt hot as they tickled my throat, but all in all, the taste wasn't terrible once I got past the first sip. "It's got a kick to it...Not bad."

Kuroo laughed out loud, motioning for us to start heading down the hallway.
"I never realised how amusing it would be, introducing a sheltered girl to the real world." Whilst I understood, his comment rubbed me the wrong way. Just a little.

He hadn't meant anything malicious by it, I knew that, but it still made me feel a bit out of place. I was well aware of how sheltered I was, but it hadn't been my fault.
"Sorry that the girls couldn't make it today. I hope you don't feel too uncomfortable." Akaashi fell into step beside me, and I shook my head.

"No, no, it's, uh, fine. Yukie's mother said I'm more than welcome to still use her place as a pit stop between home and these outings, and I know you guys aren't, um, bad people...I know that now..." I explained, hoping I wouldn't come off as offensive.

"I'm glad. Bokuto's really perked up since you agreed to be his friend. Almost too much at times. His energy is otherworldly." I followed the ravonet's gaze to where Bokuto walked ahead of us, animatedly chatting to the Nekoma duo, and smiled.

"I'm trying. I want to be friends with you all really badly, but it's...scary. Not because of anything to do with you guys, but..." I trailed off, thinking about what could possibly happen if I were to be caught.
"Your parents. Bokuto told me about your father yelling at you in the backyard. He was really worried about you, and honestly, I was too."

I should be upset that he didn't keep that to himself,'s nice having someone concerned for me like that...

"I appreciate it, but I promise, everything is fine. As long as he doesn't find out, nothing will-" I paused as we entered the cinema room, looking around at the large number of seats rising upwards in a slope. "Wow, this many people come to see movies..?"

I was glad that the others hadn't heard my question, because I at least knew Akaashi wouldn't tease me about it.
"Sometimes, it depends on what film is showing. This one has been out for a bit, so there'll only be a few other people aside from us."

I hummed at his answer, following him up the aisle towards where the others were starting to fill our designated seats.
"That's cool. I've only ever really watched documentaries, or movies that are part of our curriculum..."

Wow, okay, now I understand why Kuroo poked fun at me. I sound like such a loser.

"(Y/N)! You're next to me! Come on!" Bokuto waved me over as we approached, and presented me with the aisle seat. "Didn't think you'd wanna be all squished between us." It was a sweet gesture, and very much true. Murmuring my thanks, I sat down, glad to find that the seats were actually somewhat comfortable.

"Didn't the reviews say this movie was sad?" Kuroo questioned aloud to nobody in particular, and Yaku shrugged, swallowing a mouthful of popcorn.
"I dunno, it's a dog movie, man. They're usually tearjerkers." They continued their quiet conversation as the cinema began to grow darker, and I instinctively pressed my shoulder to Bokuto's.

"D..Did the power go out..?" I asked meekly, unphased at Kuroo's snickering from further up the row.
"Nah, they dim the lights so we can see the screen better. Don't worry." Bokuto reassured me, not seeming to mind how I had sought physical comfort.

He was such a broad guy, even if I had remained the way I had been, our arms would have been touching in some manner. It wasn't horrible, but I was hyper-aware of his presence beside me. I just hoped I could focus on the movie.

It's fine. It's not like going to the movies is something a boy and a girl would do on a date. Except it totally is. Why am I thinking about that?!

As the opening credits began to roll, the bucket of popcorn was suddenly tilted in my direction, and I discovered that Bokuto was keeping it that way so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable reaching over him to have any.

Thankful for how thoughtful he was, I took a small handful and popped it into my mouth. I'd tried popcorn before, but it had never been so buttery, or salty. I quite preferred it this way.

I feel...normal. Maybe this whole plan of theirs isn't going to be too chaotic after all..?


"Yaku, what the hell man?! My heart is bawling!"

Bokuto wiped at his wet eyes with his forearm as we filed out of the cinema, and I wasn't faring much better, offering a clean tissue to my friend from my purse as I used my own to dab at my nose.

"H..He went through so many lives trying to find his boy! He was such a good dog!" I cried, making a mental note that dog movies caused a lot of emotional pain, despite how beautiful they were.

"It wasn't that bad. Cry babies." Kuroo snorted, though it didn't sound all too dry.
"Then why are you looking up at the ceiling instead of where you're going?" Akaashi interrogated, stifling a chuckle when Kuroo's head snapped towards him, proving that he too had been in tears.

"It was such an amazing story, though. I wonder if there's a book?" I thought out loud, blinking back the slight sting as my eyes tried to adjust to natural light again. "Thank you for bringing me here, guys. Yaku, you especially. How much do I owe you for the ticket? Oh, and Bokuto, the snacks-"

"Don't mention it!" The boys responded in unison, waving me off.
"It was our treat. I mean, we both have part time jobs, so it isn't breaking the bank." Yaku explained, and I tilted my head.
"You work? I didn't know you had jobs. What do you two do?" I asked curiously.

"I do shifts at my uncle's bakery, down the street from Nekoma." Yaku thumbed at himself proudly. "Not to brag, but I bake a mean scone." Turning to Bokuto, I couldn't help but wonder what he did for work.
"Me? You're looking at the best employee this side of Tokyo!"

"To translate, he's a stock boy at the supermarket down on fifth." Kuroo leaned down a little to not-so-subtly whisper in my ear, thankfully not getting too close.
"Hey, you gotta be super strong for that! I don't see you carrying crates, string bean!"

I stepped back as the pair began to bicker again, finding it kind of amusing. My mother and I often went to that supermarket, so I wondered if maybe I'd get a chance to see him working one day.

"Quit it, you two. Our train leaves in ten minutes, so we better get a move on." Yaku tugged at Kuroo's shirt, which got them to stop snapping at each other, and we headed our separate ways.

"So, you liked the cinema experience? I'm glad! Then I'm sure you'll love the next teenagery activity!" Bokuto was positively beaming as we walked along, and whilst I was excited, I was also very nervous about it.
"Thank you for going to all of this trouble. Uh, what's the next activity, may I ask..?"

Bokuto simply mimed zipping his lips, so I leaned a little further to look to Akaashi for an answer.
"Don't ask me. I haven't the faintest clue." So he hadn't been clued in either? That only made me more curious, and nervous.

"Come on, why won't you te-"
"Shit! Hide hide hide!" Bokuto suddenly jumped to stand right up against me, and Akaashi quickly did the same, though not quite as close. I was all but pressed up against the fence, and was about to tell them off when, from between the slightest gap between their bodies, I saw my father's car driving past.

My mouth grew dry, and I shrank down as far as I could go without hitting the ground, praying to any higher entity that would listen that he wouldn't notice me. Seconds felt like hours as the thud of my heart echoed in my ears, and I was pretty sure I was still holding my breath, even as the boys stepped away from me, sighing in relief.

"Damn, that was close, huh?" Bokuto laughed awkwardly, but even in my state of panic I could see the stress coming through his features.
"No...more main roads..." I managed to squeak out, clutching my purse strap with both hands. "Can't risk it..."

Concerned, but trying to keep his usual happy face, Bokuto nodded in agreement with me, hand hovering over my back to start me back into a brisker walk.
"Sure thing, and I can always try to borrow old man's car if we need it. Tinted windows'll help."

Part of me just wanted to end things right there and then, out of pure fear, but I stopped myself. I was finally experiencing fun for the first time, and I didnt want to lose that. I didn't want to lose the chance to learn more about Bokuto and the others.

"Are you sure you're okay, (L/N)?" Akaashi asked, genuinely concerned, but I waved him off, not wanting to get into it any further.
"I'm fine...It was just a close call. Totally fine..."

This isn't right...I shouldn't be so scared of my own father...just because I want to act my age...

***Here comes dat girl, uploading another chapter for this out of absolutely nowhere.

I have no idea why I was compelled to update this, considering I haven't even thought about Haikyuu in over a year and the fact I'm balls deep into the One Piece fandom, but hey, when inspiration strikes I'll run with it.

Next Time: Skin***

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