Evolve and Adapt; God of Dest...

Por Ultrautahraptor

9.7K 241 393

In the hold world people thought that reincarnation was nothing but a dream for stupid people. And yet here I... Más

Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2

Episode 1

2.6K 52 83
Por Ultrautahraptor





Those are the words that people always call me, just because I'm different, just because I like stuff that they don't. They call me weird for liking them, but why shouldn't I like them?

It is something that I like, something that I enjoy, something that they couldn't understand. I'm what people call a lone wolf, I'm always distant from people. I don't make friends, or "pack" simply because I don't trust them to not stab me behind my back.

And when I home it isn't even better, I have a mother and baby bother. My mother is the kindest and nicest mother that I could have ever hope to have, her voice is so soft and gentle, her hugs always makes me feel warm.

And yet I have felt nothing but cold.

Since my mother was knocked up by a man, she as given birth to a baby boy. At first I was overjoyed, and how could I not be? I was going to be a big bother, and yet I regret it.

That little brat as made it its lifes job to torment me, each and every time he would steal something from me before hiding it. And most of those stuff are my figurine collection, mainly of Pokemon, dinosaurs, dragons, and Kaiju.

These make most of my childhood, the first action figure it got was a dragon and my first dragon movie was HTTYD. My second action figure was the velociraptor of Jurassic Park, and my second movie that introduced me to dinosaurs. Then there is my first Kaiju action figure of 2000Goji while my first movie was final wars.

I have posters of these franchises on my walls while also having some toys and cute plushies of them. I always smile happily as I always hope that the monsters kill the main protagonist, of course they wouldn't because of plot but still.

Anyways right now I was stomping to the kitchen angrily while my younger brother giggle happily as he sees my reaction. I narrow his eyes as he looks at me innocently, I know that he isn't what he is, I know. I simply found my stuff Godzilla plushie, much to my little brother dismay, before stomping to my room.

'I swear one of these days I will explode on that little brat.'

I thought bitterly as I sat down and looked at the profile on my computer.


It may sound silly but it does have a point on my current predicament, and there was some proof of it actually happening. I dragged down one of them and asked them how they died, I was given detail.

He was stabbed by a burglar because he wouldn't let him have the money since that money was for his grandma. The robber simply got angry before stabbing him, he felt his the cold iron knife entered his body, he felt how his warm blood leaked out of his wound, and he felt how the knife was taken out, and he felt how his eyes slowly close while his life faded away.

I simply gulped as I terror literally strike me from then heavens like a lightning bolt. I was scared and terrified of my baby brother now, and I think he knows.

Anyways enough about my baby brother.

My room is my safe heaven for me, here I can let all my sadness out and cry, I can play games here and try to make some friends, and also thinking I'm detail in how to make a mod for one of my favorite games.

Ultimately I just sat down, turned on my Ps4 and started to play some games. Here I just cried, I was born bad, I was born with asthma as well as alf blindness. My right eye is completely milky white. I also suffer from depression as I think of death every time, I always looked at my blanked and thought of just ending it all.

I hate it.

I hate myself, I hate the world, and I hate my brother.

'I wish I was something else'

I thought as I beat the level before moving onto the next, my mood was bad and broken as tears came down my eyes while my face remained motionless.

Soon I turned of the game before burying my face on the pillow before crying while holding one of my Pokemon plushies. I look down at the rest of my plushies before hugging them.

"Thank you for being there for me."

I whispered out as I hugged them, I may look silly right now but I don't care, I need someone to cry on, and since my mother is taking care of my sibling I can only go for the second best thing, my plushies.

(Next Morning)
(Time; 6:00 am)

As the sun raised it self one of the rooster that one of my neighbors have cawed loudly making me wake up. I simply groan in pain and agony as I had to go through another, agonizing and painful day.

However duty calls, I got up go to the bathroom and doing my business before brushing my teeth outside and inside as well as my tongue. I simply let out a sigh as today was friday, which means that tomorrow I will be free, for a while at least.

I got on my gaming chair before grabbing a random book of mine before starting to read it, I new my books from the inside out. All the letters, all the phrases, all the photos, and every hypothesis.

Yeah I'm a dinosaur geek but honestly I can't blame myself, I love them. They're probably my second favorite creature's in the world, besides giant monsters.

But the smell of cooked eggs and bacon brought me back to reality. I only sigh in sadness before putting the book back on its place before closing the door and putting a lock on the door. Hey whit that little brat around taking my stuff and hiding them I may as well be careful.

I got out of my room to go to kitchen and softly smile as I see my mother cooking some pancakes. My mother was in her 30, her figure was slim yet she had some muscle on her.

Her eyes were a yellow color that looked like amber, but unfortunately one of her eyes was blind thanks to a accident during her military carrier. That's right my mother was in the military, and she was a sargen. Anyways her hair was a beautiful black color that reminded me of shadowy tendrils like those of a monster.

My mom was amazing and I'm proud to be her son, however that moment was broken as the little brat giggle as he saw me. I just smile before walking in front of him. Once I was in front of him we both narrow our eyes at each other, sending off our killer intent at each other.

However we soon broke apart as our mother brought our breakfasts to the table. I smiled happily as mom made my favorite, eggs with bacon with cut hotdogs cooked on the frying pan with pancakes and bacon. It was one hell of a delicious breakfast.

Once I finished my breakfast I got my stuff, and made sure that both my book casings and my action figures casings were locked, I walked out before taking the bus to school.

As I sad down and waited a saw a elderly woman coming before walking to the side to stand that, I couldn't let that happen. I got up and gave her my seat, while she tried to decline I made sure that it was alright for her to seat and that I would be fine standing up.

There are moments in life where its better to help something or someone for nothing in return. It always makes me feel warm knowing that I helped someone.

As the bus stopped I made sure to help the elderly woman out of the bus before walking towards the school. However my attention was caught by something whimpering. I looked to the side and saw a dog, German Shepherd and a couple of puppies by her side.

'Poor things they must be starving'

I though as I walked inside a store bought some meat and rice and water, before going outside and giving them the food. I smiled as I see the puppies running to the food before starting to eat it. I chuckle as one of them licked my face before going back to eating.

I walked more and entered the school before starting to put my backpack in the locker, while I was taking the first book for my first class, the door of the locker was slammed shut.

"Well look what we got here boys."

I sigh in a annoyed manner knowing full well that it was Frank, my school bully. Honestly doesn't he have anything else to to? This is getting hold really fast.

"Hi frank, please get your hand of my locker."

He looks at me for a second before and his cronies bursting out in laughter.

"Why don't you make me?"

I simply sigh in a annoyed manner before slamming my hand onto his arm making him yelp in surprise. I didn't looked at his reaction, I simply grabbed my book before looking at him.

"Next time you look at a dog, and a wolf. Just remember that the dog, is more dangerous than the wolf."

I said before walking to my first class as the school bell ranged.

This was a common occurrence really.

Since I moved here from my home country, he's been trying to make my life a living hell. But I already have a hell, and its call life. Each and every time he tries I just smack his hand or hit his belly, one time I even kicked him in the dick.

Of course he tried to beat me, but I just simply beat him.

"First class, science"

(Time skip)

''Finally!! Its over!!''

Someone yelled out we exited the school, my backpack on my back a small smile on my lips and a nice and cool bath on my mind.

I sigh in happiness as I walked down the street, I looked at my clock as clicked my tongue as I new that the bus wasn't going to come now.

I know the time and date that they will come, and since today is Friday, they won't be coming until six a clock.

"Well, looks like I have no choice"

I said to myself as I walked down a alleyway before smiling as I hear barking, as I walked closer I see that the puppies and there mother were still here.

I smiled and leaned down before petting there heads, however one of them either by jealousy or just wanting a attention bit my finger. It didn't hurt but it was enough to get my attention.

I simply giggled as I let it bite my finger before starting to scratch it behind the hear.

"Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are."

The puppy simply let go of my finger before starting to lick my hand before rolling onto its belly. I understood the message before starting to rub its belly making its leg wiggle happily.

"Well, well, well"

'Oh seriously? Besides being a bully he's a stalker too?'

I looked behind to see Frank, oddly enough he was by himself, he's usually have one or two buddies by his side.

"Hey Frank"

I said as I got my finger out of the pups mouth before turning my body to look at him. Mind you that he's two times taller than me and I'm smaller than him.

"Did you followed me?"

He simply smirked before leaning on the side of the wall trying to look cool. It doesn't, it just makes him look ridiculous. Try imagining a chimpanzee with bad taste for clothes doing a silly pose.

Yeah that's what I'm looking at.

"And what if I did?"

He said still wearing that smirk of his.

"Great now your not just a bully, but also a stalker. Sorry to say bro but I don't swing that way."

I giggled a bit as I see him faltered a bit before getting himself back to getter.

"That's not it you idiot!!"

"It isn't? I thought since you bully me in school I thought I captured your heart."

I laughed as I see him turned red as a tomato in anger, messing with him maybe the most entertaining thing I done in a while. His eyes narrow as his hands opened, a very clear sign that he wanted to strangle me.

He let out a sigh before recomposing himself before looking at me calmly yet angrily.

"Very funny Jack but no that's not it."

I sigh in mock defeat.

"Oh such a shame"

I said in a mocking sad tone as I looked away from him while also trying to hide my giggles and smile. He clicked his tongue as he knows I'm mocking but he strangely held his composure.

"Look I came here for a reason."

He said as his eyes narrowed at me in anger as his hands balled into fist as he looks at me in hate and anger. I simply stayed quiet before walking in front of the dogs, just in case he gets any ideas.

"And what would that be?"

He smiled more as he gets his jacked off before cracking his knuckles.

"I followed you here to beat you up!"

And there it is, still predictable.

But this is actually a new stupid for me, I mean I'm in front of dogs and puppies who are growling at him.

'They must know him' I thought as I looked at him not all bothered.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really! I'm sick and tire of you always showing me up!"

I raised a eyebrow at him not really comprehending what he's talking about. Sure I made him look like a fool, and I think some girls talk about me, but that's because I'm weird, other than that I haven't done anything. But then again this is Frank, he's known to tell lies, cheat, bargain, and just about anything to get his way.

I just simply let go of my backpack before cracking my neck and hands, as well as my back. They all cave a satisfying crack as I stretched and exercise a bit.

"Alright, if you want a fight come get it."

I said as I walked forwards towards him with a innocent smile that promises pain, while he still had his cocky smirk on his lips. He went into a boxing pose his arms up and ready to hit, while I simply lifted my arms before starting to hop around on my feet.

We both circle each other, him having a serious look on his face while his eyes had a fire that promises pain. Me? Well I wasn't too worried to be honest, I mean this is Jack sure he practices boxing but he's never been in a fight. He's just a vulture looking around for carcasses to eat while also bullying the creature that made it.

I brought myself closer making him retreat in fear a bit thinking that I was going to hit him, I just giggled as I simply continued to bounce on my toes ready for him. I raised a eyebrow at him as I see him looking at me in anger, yet he still as that cockiness of hiss.

"You know it isn't much of a fight if we don't fight, and I'm not throwing the first punch." I said as I continued to bounce around on my toes around him looking at his figure. Not that really impressive really, as I said he practices boxing but he doesn't really fight anyone, sure he as muscles but that's about it.

I quickly gave him a fake out making him retreat more into a wall, this time I got myself prepared for the hit.

'Rule number two of nature, never corner a injured or scared animal.'

Right as I thought of that he immediately tried to give me a right hook making my instincts and muscle memory took over making me lean backwards a bit. He then goes for a left hook making me dodge again before giving me another right hook, this time I deflected it before punching him. As I did I heard the sound of bone being broken, and I definitely new that I broke his nose, well that and the bleeding nose that he as now is a very good indicator.

He simply hissed at me like a feral cat before trying to hit me with his knee. I blocked it and went for a high kick to his face making him dodge, much to my surprise. He soon hit me on the side of my stomach before grabbing me and giving me a high knee cap, I blocked it before quickly getting out of his grasp by punching his balls. He soon let go as he hold his sons and daughters before looking at me angrily.

"Hey you never told me to fight scare and fair, as far as I'm concerned this is a street fight so I'm allowed to play dirty. Be glad I didn't hit you harder."

I said as he got up with albeit he was limping from the hit, do I feel bad? Nah nor really. He soon tried to tackle me but I just side step to the left, I however didn't expect for him to turn and hit me on my chest.

He however didn't let up before delivering a kick to my right leg trying to make loose my balance, he then kicked the side of my chest and before I new it I was cornered.

"Like a rat in a trap."

"I think you have the wrong animal here frank"

I replied before delivering a devastating kick to his nuts making him scream like a little girls, I took typhus advantage before delivering a swift and devastating kick to his stomach making him cough and wheeze as he tries to get his breath back.

"Lesson number one Frank, when you corner a wild animal expect it to fight tooth and claw get out. You said that I was a rat, but I'm a proud wolf." I said as I walked closer to him as he backed away in fear.

"Yes I'm alone all the time but the thing that makes me stronger than everything. You have your boxing practices just so you can have muscles, yet you can't fight for the life of you, yet I'm here since day one practicing and fighting all the time."

I said as I walked closer and closer to him, only speaking the truth. Since I arrived here I have been fighting everyday, people always corner me and yet I will always bare my teeth and fight to the end.

"Your always being followed by your quote on quote 'friends' yet they're just backup in case you have something that you can't handle, while I'm here handling myself and my mother since I could get a part time job. Compare to me your nothing but puppy trying to face a wolf."

I said since the day I first met him he tried to bully me on his own, only be kicked in the ball before being slammed on my knee before I slammed his head onto the lockers door. A couple of days later he came back to me with two muscle bound friends behind him while looking at me smugly. I threw my books to there heads before delivering a swift kick to his nuts before punching his friends nuts and slamming there heads on the ground while I slapped his face.

"Now stay away from this wolf if you don't want me to bare my fangs at you, you little shit."

I said before turning not really bothering to watch his shock face as it grew into anger, and before I knew I heard a noise that I heard only once when my mother was cleaning her weapon.

"W-Whos the shithead now?" I heard him wince, probably still trying to get feeling back to his nuts, which will be never since I kicked and punched him there so much that he may not have kids, I probably made his dick smaller too.

I looked behind me to see him still holding a pistol on his hand, It was a Magnum Research Dessert Eagle. One of the worlds most powerful handguns, it may have enough power to even kill a charging elephant.

"So you brought a gun?" I asked actually curious of he actually though of that or if he just found it on the floor.

"Doesn't matter, now apologize and maybe I won't pressed the trigger."

He said in a cocky yet painful tone that I really couldn't take seriously as he still covered his balls in pain.

"Go ahead." I said in a tone that told that I wasn't scared or worried.


"I said go ahead." I said to him as I started to slowly walk towards him while looking behind and seeing that the dogs were still safe, they were hidden but safe.

I soon brought my attention back to him as I continued to slowly walk towards him.

"Do you really think I'm scared Frank? Do you really think that I'm just going to be a good dog and lay down? I'm a proud wolf that won't do that, because unlike you I have nothing to lose." I said as he begins to back up in fear.

"I'm not worried for what would happen to me, if I were you in would start to worry about you if you pull the trigger." I said as I stopped walking and just looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh Franky really? Did you really think that if you kill me you would be safe? Bitch my mother was in the military and she was a great detective before she retired. Put those together and you'll get a very angry mama who won't stop until her son's killer is death." I said as I see him pale in fear just thinking of what my mother would do to him.


He yelled out before firing the dessert eagle, the bullets didn't really hit my head but I sure as hell felt how it passed my lung and liver.

I continue to stand up as blood dripped down from both my mouth and wounds. I simply stared at him as he runs away from me, my final word was.

"You poor pathetic idiot."

Before collapsing onto the ground while making sure that my breathing was even, trying to not loose more blood. I soon heard the of something walking closer and I saw the family of dogs approaching me.

I simply smiled before rubbing my hands onto them.

"Your all good boys." I said as I gently put my hand down while slowly gasping for breath.

This is it, this was my final hour, killed by a coward just because he couldn't handle that I beat him up again and again. However before I closed my eyes I felt the tongue of a dog on my face while some of the pups laid around me.

I looked at the dog's and gently smiled in happiness as I at least won't die alone. I will die with the company I helped for a while.


I said as I closed my eyes for the last time.

(Scene Change)
(3 POV)

The blaring sound of the sirens of the cops was heard as they inspected the body, they got a call from someone saying that they heard a gunshot.

The officer on the scene simply sight as he inspected the corpse of the teenager that was around his 18 years hold. He didn't even looked as his partner walked up to him.

"What do we got?"

"Some slight bruising on the legs and on the chest, but that's all I got." The officer looked at his partner before taking her classes off.

"Anything on your end?"

"Yeah, turns out the kid is called Jack J Lorenzo. He went to high school, he was a good kid always going out of his way to help others. He as a mother named Lucina, is actually nice name."

The female officer let out sigh as she rubbed her eyes in a tire manner.

"Anything bad?"

"Nope his record is as clean as a whistle."

She let out a sigh as she looks at her partner, being a officer it was sometimes hard to be around a child's body. One always imagines if it was there own child, if it was her own daughter she would be devastated. But its always more hard to give the news to the parents of the deceased.

She looks at the body one more times before looking at the dogs that were still on the body whimpering and crying.

'Good kid indeed' She though before getting up and walking towards her vehicle as the rest of police, ambulance, and news reporters arrived.

"Common lets go."

Her partner grimly nods his head before getting in the car before before turning it on and driving to the address of the mother.

Once they arrived at the house they looked at each other before walking out and knocking on the door. The door soon opens with Jacks mother in a cooking apron.


"Mrs Lucina?"


"Sorry do say this but, your soon as been found death."

Her whole world came crashing down onto her shoulders making her fall on her knees in shock as tears slowly began to appear on her eyes.

"N-No, I-It can't be true."

"I'm sorry to say Mrs but it's true I'm sorry for your lost."

The second officer said before looking away as Lucina began to cry as her world as been shattered. Her baby boy, the one she adopted since he was young, the one that made her smile and laugh, was death. Those words are ones that no parent want to hear.

"W-Who did it?"

"Excuse me?"

She looks at them, her eyes red from crying while her voice was soft and broken.

"W-Who did it? W-Who m-murder my baby b-boy?"

They looked at each other before shaking there heads.

"We don't know ma'am"

Lucina looks down in sadness, her spirit crushed and her anger began to rise.

"I-I see"

She said before slowly and shakily getting up on her feet, she looks at them before cleaning away the tears that were on her eyes before turning around and closing the door.

"S-Should we help her?"

Her partner asked buy she simply shook her head as she turned away from the house.

"No, we done what we did, we should leave the poor woman alone right now."

She said before entering the car and turning it on, her partner looked at the house for a bit before going to the car. Seeing that her partner was down she patted his back before driving off.

"It's not going to be easy but you should know that this is rough work. But common chin up lets get something to eat."

She said as she drove off to the a chinese restaurant.

Meanwhile back at the house a sad and destroyed mother cried herself to sleep while hugging her sons photo. She only stopped once her baby woke up and began demanding some attention.

She complied as she got up while still crying as she cleans away her tears before entering the room. The room was exactly like one would imagine a baby room would be like.

The walls were painted baby blue with a couple of stars to give it the appearance of outer space. There were many toys on the floor, they however where either destroyed or intact. His crib had stars all around the it as it had a bear on a rocked shit flying to the moon.

She gently grabs him before starting to feed him, she however wasn't thinking of her baby at the moment but more of her deceased son. Her mind continued to race around on who would kill her son, he wasn't mucked considering that he beat the living shit of however did earning him a reputation, and even of they killed him they would probably take his money from this corpse.

Then her mind turned to the possibility of enemies that her son could have made, this however wasn't really that possible and even if he did enemies they would think twice before engaging him. Maybe it was someone close to him? No it couldn't be possible as he didn't really had friends that like him for who he was.

One way or another she was going to find the son of a bitch that did this to her son and she will make sure that they suffer slowly and painfully.

But for now she will take care of her baby and once he's hold enough to go to school she will go out. Or maybe she should hire a babysitter? Yeah that seems the most likely option, plus she needed to see her sons room to see if she could find clues on however did this.

Either way she's going to show the bastard to never mess with a mother.

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