Same Mistakes


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Teenage Louis and Harry have been best friends since their diaper days. Louis comes out to Harry about his cr... More

Chapter 1 - Long Lost

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Louis wasn't much of a fan of double standards. He didn't like them at all. Harry telling him it was wrong for him to kiss somebody, but it was ok for him to kiss others? Pathetic.

"It's really none of your business, now is it lad?" Louis demanded as he slammed his locker shut. Harry was leaning against the lockers next to his with a furious look on his face. "No Louis, I don't get it. You said you like men, not women. And now you're kissing Eleanor?" Harry replied confused.

"Thing's change Harry, and Eleanor is a really nice girl." Louis replied as he began walking away towards the school exit. "But that's the thing: I know it's not that simple." Harry said following Louis.

"You know what Harry? You kiss other girls, so can I." he replied. "You don't like girls, you liked me!" Harry argued with a colour of red on his face. Louis blushed. "I did, and you made it very clear you did not like me back." Louis replied as he yanked his car door open and threw his bag onto the passenger seat.

When Louis had tried to kiss him, he had thought that Harry had felt the same as he did. He thought they could be more than best friends- But when Louis's lips touched Harry's, rage and confusion had ended their life-long friendship. Now when they spoke, it was hardly and only in temper.

"Louis I- "Harry started. "No Harry, don't bother, I understand. I get that you cant be friends with a gay guy, especially one who like's you, so just go already." Louis interrupted. "You still like me?" Harry gasped. Louis blushed and grabbed his car door handle.

"Just go away Harry." He told him as he slammed his door shut and locked the door. Louis watched as Harry stood there for a few seconds dumbfounded before he finally walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, Louis sighed and banged his head against the steering wheel. 

God damnit, why he just do that? FUCK. 

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