
By sammyisamazzing

231 20 0

Charlotte grew up in a small town in the US. Her parents died a month ago now she is going to be a senior in... More

Figuring out who i am
Meeting my parents
The royal house thay Charlotte is living in
Football game
First date
The interview
Practice as a princess with security
The coming of age ball
Balcony appearance
The game
Pool party and going back
Team dinner
First day of school
Moving to my new home
Movie premiere and exploring LA
First game
Meeting and first state dinner
Opening a musuem
First royal wedding
Heading home
Last football game
New Years
formal banquet
College Championship game
Kings birthday and cheer
Royal dinner
Spring Break means Royal Wedding
Prom planing
Parlament and touring college
welcoming party
Grandma Jackson

National day

5 0 0
By sammyisamazzing

           Charlotte POV
    I walk outside drinking my tea I sigh. "You have turned into such a amazing princess," Sam said. "Thank you Sam," I turn around. "Where did you get that dress?" He asks. I snort "A thrift store in Detroit," I reply "A princess thrifting the press will love that," a voice came behind us. I turn around seeing a young man maybe a few years older then I am. "Prince Justin of Sky. Nice to see you," Sam said "Same here Sam this must be Princess Charlotte it's a honor to meet you," Justin shakes my hand bowing his head. "It's nice to meet you Prince Justin. Please call me Charlotte," I shake his hand he tries to hold onto my hand I finally get my hand out from his grip. "Then call me Justin, I will see you at the fundraiser tonight," he bows before leaving I get scared feeling uncomfortable. "Hey are you ok?" Sam says "Yeah it's nothing, just a strange feeling," I get into the carriage. "Ok you can tell me anything," he squeezes my shoulder. "Thank you," I sit down reading my book. Waiting for my cousins I help Amelia into her seat. I tilt my legs to one side I pull out a activity book for her because it's three hours of parade which we are in. My parents been on the throne for 15 years. I wave at my parents who are in the front carriage we are in the second one. "Look it's a elephant," I point to it she is 3 years old. We start at the main palace. We uncover the carriages so people can see us. I sit up straight having Amelia next to me and Nova and Aela across from me. Sam approaches "We are visiting the capital some historic sites then we are going to go to mass then to the balcony then come back here for dinner and then go to the balcony," he informs us. "Ok that's a plan," I smile touching up my lip gloss. We start the parade. I point out the cool sites. "I want to explore the captain," as I step out of carriage shaking hands with the Priest he bows. I follow behind my parents I wave at the cameras. I get followed by my aunt and uncle and their kids. And my cousins. I sit down next to my dad in the front row. I play with my bracelet. I never was religious but I did my research. I just copied what my family does. We spent the day with the family and the community. That night I get ready for the theater.

I was texting Henry the whole time while I got ready. I put my phone in my clutch. I curl my hair quickly. "Charlotte are you ready?" Sam knocks on the door of the bathroom. "Almost," I put my back in two tiny braids. I walk to my closet picking out my earrings. I put them on. "Are you nervous about the speech you have to give?" Sam asks. I sigh "No it's just to honor my mothers reign," I grab my note cards. "Ok let's go your majesty," I walk out getting into a SUV. Henry texts me
H: hey good luck on your speech wish I was there
M: same
I exit the car. I squat down accepting the flowers from kids shaking hands with the crowd posing  for pictures. I walk into the backstage shaking hands with actors. I step out of the curtains seeing a huge crowd but in the front row sat Henry. "Good evening thank you for coming to celebrate my parents 15 years on the throne. Even though I only have known them for a short while that I can remember. I can see the passion that they have for their work for their charities for their country." I smile as I finish my speech they give me stand clapping. I smile as we head to the royal box I run and hug Henry. "Surprise!" He says spinning me around kissing my check. "Oh sorry," Justin's voice says coming from the corner Henry sets me down. "Justin this is my best friend Henry, Henry this is Prince Justin of Sky," I say Henry keeps a hand on my back. Shaking his hand "Nice to meet you Justin," he says "It's Prince Justin," Justin  says. "Oh sorry I'm used to being with the royal family that doesn't care about royal titles" Henry says leading me to our seats next to my mom. "You did amazing," she says squeezes my hand. "Thank you," we watch the play. I feel Justin looking at me. I shift uncomfortably I whisper to Sam who was standing next to me "I thought Justins country wasn't friendly with Zephyr. Wasn't his dad the reason why I was sent to Detroit?" I whisper. "We are trying to regain our relationship with Sky," he whispers. I nod my head. I shift uncomfortably as I feel Justin watching me. Henry wraps a arm around me to give confidence. "It's ok you are safe," he whispers into my ear. "I know thank you," I whisper. We give a standing ovation after the play. I walk out after my parents. I tug on my trench coat. I shiver a little so Henry wraps his arm around me leading me to the car. Sam opens the door for us I get in forgetting protocol. I collapse onto the seat falling asleep. I wake up when we get back to the palace. Henry leads me to the house I crash.
              The next day I wake up doing tons of homework. I work almost all day in my office. I review game footage. I look up seeing Justin. "Good afternoon Justin what can I do for you?" I motion to the visitors chair which he accepts. "I just wanted to see you if wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked "I'm sorry I have a boyfriend," I smile. "Oh your friend Hunter," he said snickering. "Yes and It's Henry we are keeping it on the down low so he stays from the spotlight," I explain. "Well a princess needs a prince," he walks over to me. I stand up "Well royal titles don't care to me," I back away from him. "Well better watch out your notes might come true" he whispers in my ear kissing my neck I push him away "Get out!" I yell he smirks and leaves. "Hey are you ok?" Sam asks coming in a few seconds later "Yeah just tired what time are we leaving?" I whisper. Sam comes over rubbing my arm. "Are you sure you okay? You are shaking?" Sam asks "I'm fine I just want to go home," I leave the office to pack.

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