Murdersquad chat

By IloveAnime32499

255 23 19

it's in the title also 8th book More


Part 2

125 13 5
By IloveAnime32499

Murder squad.

Iida made a chat named murder squad

Iida- sonic knock off 🤣

Izuku- broccoli boi 💚

Uraraka- Kirby 2.0 👀

Tsu- Kermit but cuter 🥺

Shoto- two is better than one ✌️

4 people has changed their names

Iida: change your name back or else

Broccoli boi 💚: whatcha gonna do? Lecture me to death?

Kermit but cuter 🥺: dang hey Shoto mind making some ice for that burn?

Two is better than one ✌️: nah 😎

Kirby 2.0👀: R.I.P

Broccoli boi 💚: uraraka you know what to do 😈

Iida: WAIT-

Iida's name was changed to Sonic knock off 🤣

Sonic knock off 🤣: wow very mature of you guys 😑

Kermit but cuter 🥺: L

Two is better than one ✌️: you knew something like this was gonna happen 😑

Broccoli boi 💚: he has a point you do know we call our selves the murder squad for a reason right?

Sonic knock off 🤣: I thought for once we can be normal teenagers like the bakusquad 🥲

Kirby 2.0 👀: Deku wasn't he the one that tried to avenge his brother?

Broccoli boi 💚: yep right Shoto

Two is better than one ✌️: I remember it like it was yesterday

Sonic knock off 🤣: we don't talk about that

Kermit but cuter 🥺: oh but we do 😝

Sonic knock off 🤣: no we don't

Broccoli boi 💚: then shut up

Two is better than one ✌️: imagine

Sonic knock off 🤣: hey aren't you the dude that has major daddy issues 😅

Two is better than one ✌️: so you have chosen death

Sonic knock off 🤣: yes I have bitch


Kirby 2.0 👀: hey 👋 give me some

Broccoli boi 💚: that would be 20 bucks

Kirby 2.0 👀: no popcorn is that expensive

Broccoli boi 💚: well guess what I don't give a fuck

Kirby 2.0 👀: I'll give you a dollar and that's final

Broccoli boi 💚: broke ass bitch 🙂🔪

Kermit but cuter 🥺: damn people are getting roasted from the left to right

(And you're gonna be next :D)

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