Setting The Wolf Free - Seque...

By BlueNinetails

2.9M 87.5K 43.5K

Two and a half years after she left the Leaf Village, we find Ashley hot on the trail of the Akatsuki. Ordere... More

Setting The Wolf Free - Sequel to The Wolf Inside
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 2
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 3
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 4
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 5
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 6
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 7
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 8
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 9
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 10
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 11
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 12
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 13
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 14
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 15 - Wolfy Adventures
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 16
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 17
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 18
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 19
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 20
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 21
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 22
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 23
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 24
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 25
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 26
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 27
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 28
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 29
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 30
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 31
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 32
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 33
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 35
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 36
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 37
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 38
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 39
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 40
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 41
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 42
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 43
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 44
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 45
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 46
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 47
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 48
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 49
*SUPER CHAPTER* Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 50 :D
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 51
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 52
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 53
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 54
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 55
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 56
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 57
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 58
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 59
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 60
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 61
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 62
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 63
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 64
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 65
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 66
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 67
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 68
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 69
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 70
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 71
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 72
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 73
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 74
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 75
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 76
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 77
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 78
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 79
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 80
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 81
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 82
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 83
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 84
Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 85
Setting the Wolf Free - Ch 86
Setting the Wolf Free - Ch 87
Setting the Wolf Free - Ch 88
STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 1
STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 2
STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 3
STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 4
STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 5

Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 34

40.7K 1K 567
By BlueNinetails

So.....It's been about seven years since I last uploaded, and it took me FOREVER to get into this chapter, seeing as I've pretty much forgotten how every character acts lol ^-^"

Should be an....interesting read then huh? :/

Pic of Irazen  --->

Third Person’s POV



Ashley suddenly sits up with a start, having subconsciously sensed something through the ground. As soon as she sits up however, Kakashi drops down from the trees, kunai in hand.

“Wake up guys!” he hisses, glancing around at his sleepy fellow Leaf Ninja. “We’ve got company!”

Neji and Ashley immediately leap out of their sleeping bags and dive for their weapons pouches, as Kyoku gracefully slides out of hers and stretches her arms above her head, in no hurry at all.

“Shikamaru!” Kakashi whispers loudly, prodding the lazy boy in the side. “Shikamaru!”

“Errgghhhhh…..” the boy groans, brows furrowing as he swats at Kakashi’s hand sleepily, rolling over and pulling the pillow over his head.

Ashley scowls, before striding over to Shikamaru, cracking her neck from side to side and shooing her Sensei away.

“Shikamaru” Ashley whispers, before grinning sadistically. “GET UP!” That screamed, Ashley viciously kicks the boy in the side, causing him to tumble across the ground and crash into a tree. He blinks a few times, now wide awake, before slowly climbing to his feet and rubbing the back of his head.

“What a horrible way to be woken up….” he sighs, before suddenly pausing. He tilts his head, seemingly listening to something in the distance. “Hey you guys-”

“Find a hiding place you idiot!” Neji growls, shoving Shikamaru behind a tree, before easily leaping up into the branches of another one. The other Leaf Ninja quickly follow his lead, each finding their own hiding spots and trying to mask their chakra.

Ashley and Neji both activate their Kekkei Genkai’s, each being able to sense or see the incoming Ninja.

“I knew I could sense something out here” a gritty, female voice states, as someone steps into the Leaf Ninja’s campsite. “Looks like someone forgot to pack up their stuff….”

Ashley peeks down from the branch she’s laying on, seeing a girl with a black pixie hair cut stepping over her sleeping bag, eyeing her backpack curiously. A large shuriken is also attached to her back, making Ashley’s eyes narrow.

“I wonder who was here…..” another female voice says slowly. A young woman, probably around nineteen or twenty, walks into view, her hot pink hair swishing around the back of her legs. Ashley tries to see the symbol on the headband on the girl’s forehead, but is unable to due to her positioning.

“They can’t be far away from here” a tall male comments, crouching down and placing his hand inside Kyoku’s sleeping bag. “This is still warm…

The man’s pale blue eyes flick around through the leaves, as his four teammates immediately pull out weapons, also searching the surrounding forest.

“Come out, come out wherever you are….” the girl with the pink hair sings lowly, narrowing her blue eyes. “Or we’ll make you come out…”

Ashley grits her teeth, as the Ninja with the pixie hair cut squats down and begins rifling through her bag. How dare that bitch go through her stuff?!

“Hey look guys!” the girl whispers loudly, holding up a rolled up sheet of paper. “A Summoning Scroll!”

“Oooohh!” another female Ninja exclaims, her green eyes widening. “I wonder what it contains?.....”

“Let’s have a look….” says the girl with the pixie haircut, making Ashley growl lowly as the girl begins unravelling her scroll.

Ashley suddenly pushes herself to her feet and leaps down to the ground. Before the mystery Ninja can react, Ashley snatches the scroll from her hands and spins around, delivering a heavy kick to the girl’s stomach.

The girl, sturdier than she looks, grunts as she skids backwards a few feet, holding her stomach and glaring at Ashley.

“Don’t touch my stuff bitch” Ashley growls, before smirking as the girl scowls. “And put some clothes on. You look like a whore.”

What’d you just call me?” the black haired girl growls, as her three female teammates leap into defensive positions, weapons brandished. The only male of the group raises an eyebrow, before smirking with amusement.

The blonde had balls, if she was willing to just dive in and kick Tien like that. Tien wasn’t exactly the type to just take a kick or an insult lying down.

“I called you a bitch” Ashley repeats slowly, as if the black haired girl is really stupid. “And you look like a whore.”

“How dumb are you?” the girl with pink hair asks, as her black haired teammate fumes, reaching up for her giant shuriken. “It’s five against one here little girl. You don’t stand a chance.”

“Huh” Ashley scoffs, tucking her Summoning Scroll into her weapons pouch. “I was just about to say the same thing to you guys.”

“You’re a cocky one aren’tcha?” the black haired girl growls. “It’s the cocky ones that always end up dying first though!”

The girl pulls her arms back to throw the giant shuriken, as her pink haired comrade also moves to throw a kunai. Ashley raises an eyebrow at the two girls, before sighing boredly and crossing her arms. Did they really think she was by herself? Despite the fact that there were five sleeping bags on the ground?

Suddenly, the girl with the pixie hair cut freezes, her fingers just about to release the giant shuriken.

“Wh-What’s going on?!” she shrieks, eyes widening in slight panic. Her pink haired teammate also blinks in confusion, as someone looms in front of her, swiftly countering her kunai with one of his own.

She looks up, face darkening at the sight of the silver haired man standing before her.

“Five against one really isn’t fair” Kakashi says in a cheerful voice, giving the girl a closed eye smile. “So how about we make it a bit more even huh?”

“Copy Cat Ninja” the girl spits, shoving Kakashi’s kunai away and flipping backwards, landing beside her bemused male teammate.

“Why can’t I move?!” the black haired girl snaps, shifting her accusing brown eyes over to Ashley. “What have you done to me?!”

“Actually” a male voice announces, making the girl look to her left, “All credit for that goes to me.”

Shikamaru smirks at the girl, crouched down with his hands together, before he nods down towards the shadow below him. Shikamaru, using his Shadow Possession Jutsu, had captured the girl and frozen her right in place before she could throw the shuriken at Ashley.

Ashley can’t help grinning devilishly, as the girl and her three female teammates scowl with annoyance. She could always count on her team!

“You really think it’s smart to challenge us Leaf Ninja?” the fourth female, a Ninja with bright orange hair, growls, eyeing the symbol on the headband around Shikamaru’s arm.

“Wasn’t it you that came charging into our campsite?” Neji questions smartly, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “We merely defended ourselves.”

“Being a smartass is only gonna bring more hurt your way!” the girl with the pixie haircut barks irritatedly, scowling when Neji smirks at her.

“You’re really in no place to be threatening me” he scoffs, chuckling tauntingly and making Ashley’s grin widen. Though his arrogance usually irritated her, she was rather appreciative of it now. It was amusing to see how many different shades of red the girl’s face could turn.

“Let Tien go!” the Ninja with green eyes suddenly cries, flinging a handful of kunai knives towards Shikamaru. His eyes widen slightly, before someone suddenly drops down in front of him.

Kyoku lands in a crouched position, hands folded together in a hand sign and her hooded blue eyes focused on the incoming kunai.

“Water Style” she drawls in her smooth voice, “Ice Darts Jutsu!”

After swiftly concentrating her chakra into the back of her throat and taking a deep breath, Kyoku leans forwards and exhales, shooting out a spray of powerful, sharp icicles.

The ice darts counter the kunai with skilful precision, sending them ricocheting off into the trees. The darts, full of chakra, continue in their trajectory towards the green eyed Ninja, who squeaks in surprise. She hadn’t seen Kyoku earlier, and she certainly hadn’t expected her knives to be countered!

The pink haired Ninja grits her teeth, before sliding in front of her teammate, performing rapid hand signs.

“Water Style!” she shouts. “Liquid Bullet!”

That said, the young woman opens her mouth and shoots a large orb of chakra filled water back at Kyoku. The powerful orb shatters Kyoku’s ice darts, spraying tiny, white particles everywhere.

Kyoku stands her ground, eyes subtly flicking to Ashley, who seems to catch her meaning and grins. Shikamaru’s eyes widen at the sight of the incoming Jutsu, dropping his own Jutsu and leaping to his feet.

The girl with the pixie haircut suddenly falls over, having been freed from the Shadow Possession Jutsu unawares.

“Move it Kyoku!” Shikamaru shouts, before pausing, as the orb of water suddenly stops and floats in front of Kyoku’s calm face.

“Huh?!” the pink haired Ninja cries, her blue eyes widening as she tilts her head to the side. “What’s going on here?!”

Ashley smirks at Kyoku smugly, hands out in front of her and her Katsuryoku activated. She pulls one hand back towards her body, pulling the ball of water away from Kyoku and towards herself instead.

Suddenly, Ashley spins on her heels, dragging the water around her body in a fast circle. After reaching the peak of her third spin, Ashley releases the water, sending it rocketing back towards the pink haired Ninja.

“Irazen!” the girl with the pixie haircut cries, before reaching up and pulling the giant shuriken from her back. Enveloping it with her chakra, the girl heaves the heavy weapon forwards, sending it spinning to meet the ball of water with deadly speed.

It collides with the water, disrupting the orb form and causing the water to splash to the ground harmlessly.

“I’m already sick of you guys…” the girl says lowly, bending her pointer and middle fingers back towards her body.

The shuriken abruptly curves through the air and spins back towards the Leaf Ninja, as if it had been pulled back with a piece of string.

“Move it!” Ashley cries, shoving Neji to the side and leaping up into the trees above her.

“Oh no you don’t!” the girl shouts, following after Ashley, the shuriken following every movement she makes with her hands.

Kakashi scowls under his mask, before spinning around and bending his knees, about to leap after his blonde student.

“Hold it right there Copy Cat Ninja” a voice growls, making said man pause and glance back over his shoulder. His visible eye widens slightly, seeing the huge wolf like creature made of water standing behind him.

“You’re not going anywhere” the pink haired woman smirks, narrowing her icy blue eyes.

Shikamaru does a back hand spring, avoiding a swift spray of shuriken, before leaping on top of a boulder and crouching down, ready to evade the next attack. The Ninja with green eyes and long black hair smiles nastily at him, holding a kunai between each of her fingers.

“Shouldn’t have messed with us Leaf Ninja” she sneers, before suddenly lobbing the kunai at Shikamaru.

“Mess with you?” he repeats, focusing chakra into his feet and abruptly launching himself up into some tree branches. “We were just sleeping! Ugh…..What a drag this has turned out to be…..”

The orange haired Ninja skids backwards, having taken a hit to the shoulder from Neji. She scowls at him, before slamming her hands together and performing some swift hand signs, causing Neji to raise his hands cautiously. What kind of Jutsu could she use?

“Earth Style!” the girl cries, “Earth Dragon Bomb!”

Thanks to the girl pouring her chakra into the ground beside her, it suddenly turns into thick mud. Neji raises an eyebrow, as a large, fierce looking Dragon head forms from the mud, its eyes glowing brightly. He’d never seen this Jutsu before…

Neji’s brows furrow however, when the Dragon opens its fang filled jaws, chakra burning in the back of its throat.

With a loud roar, it suddenly begins shooting powerful, chakra filled mud bombs at Neji, each in rapid succession of the previous one. The brown haired Hyuga widens his stance, placing his arms out to his sides with his palms facing out.

“Eight Trigrams!” he shouts, beginning to spin in a circle, “Palm Rotation!”

As Neji gains momentum, he releases chakra from all of his chakra points, creating an impenetrable force field around his body. The orange haired Ninja stomps her foot in annoyance, as her Dragon’s bombs explode upon impacting Neji’s shield, doing no damage to him whatsoever.

She gives a squeal of surprise however, when Ashley suddenly lands on the ground in front of her, almost making her trip over backwards.

“Hey!” the girl barks, raising a fist at Ashley. “Watch it!”

Ashley’s eyes flick up to the girl, before she rises to her feet and points up into the trees behind the girl.

“Tell your teammate that” she advises, before saluting cheekily and dashing away, wanting to get out of the firing line. A question mark appears above the girl’s head, before she turns around curiously, to see what Ashley had meant.

Her navy blue eyes suddenly widen, before she throws her hands over her head and screams. Dropping to the ground, the girl narrowly manages to avoid having her head severed from her neck by her teammate’s giant shuriken, which is still following after Ashley.

“Tien!” the girl shrieks, cracking one eye open as the black haired girl suddenly leaps down from the trees. “Be careful with that thing!”

Kyoku eyes the pale eyed young man before her carefully, poised and ready to attack if need be.

The young man, who had been watching the fighting going on around him with clear amusement, suddenly spots Kyoku watching him from the corner of his eyes. He turns his head, a tiny, lop sided smile on his face.

“I hope you’re not planning to attack me when I’m not even ready” he jokes, making Kyoku blink her hooded eyes.

“No” she says slowly. “I was waiting for you to attack me.”

The man chuckles, running a hand through his long, midnight blue hair and shakes his head.

“Now why would I want to hurt a woman as beautiful as yourself?” he asks lowly, his eyes twinkling and making Kyoku blink again. Did he really think he could flirt with her? He may have been attractive, but the blue haired guy had nothing on Kakashi, at least, not in Kyoku’s mind anyway.

As soon as the man takes a step towards Kyoku, a kunai knife suddenly appears in the ground in front of his feet, making him pause. Looking up, the man sees Kakashi standing a top a tree branch, visible eye narrowed dangerously at him.

‘Not a chance buddy’ he thinks dryly, before sighing and glancing over his shoulder. The pink haired girl was still coming after him. Had he met her before and offended her somehow, or did she just hate him for no reason? Either way, she was proving to be a pain….

“I’ m not done yet Copy Cat Ninja” she growls, pulling herself up from her crumpled position and taking a deep breath. The silver haired man was fast, and though she herself was a skilled Ninja, Iruzen was having trouble keeping up with him.

“Kakashi” said man sighs again. “My name is Kakashi.”

“Who cares?” the woman snaps, performing hand signs.

“Irazen!” a hysterical voice suddenly screams, making her pause and look to her left. Her blue eyes widen, seeing her green eyed teammate hurtling through the air towards her. “Watch out!”

Kakashi closes his eyes and winces, as the girls collide with a painful crunch sound, before they topple heavily to the ground.

“Don’t touch Shikamaru again” Ashley advises wryly, dusting her hands together and rolling her eyes. Shikamaru can’t help smirking in amusement, seeing the two girls groaning and rubbing their heads as they slowly sit up. He couldn’t believe Ashley had actually just thrown that girl through the air. Although, he figured he should be used to Ashley unorthodox way of fighting by now.

Ashley’s neck wrenches around, as she hears the only male with the enemy Ninja chuckling lowly to himself.

“What’s your problem?” she asks rudely, causing the man to glance at her and smile charmingly.

“Beautiful and strong” he compliments. “You women of the Leaf Village are quite amazing aren’t you?”

Ashley and Shikamaru both deadpan, as the man’s other two teammates rush to help the two girls who had fallen from the tree.

“Alright buddy” Ashley begins dryly, crossing her arms, “What do you want?”

“What do I want?” he repeats, blinking and tilting his head in confusion.  “Nothing at all! I was merely complimenting you and your blue haired teammate. I’m sorry if I offended you in some way. I can’t help myself, if I see a woman and think she’s beautiful, I have to tell her so!”

Ashley’s eyes widen slightly, not really sure how to take the sudden compliment from the slightly weird man, as Shikamaru scowls from behind the blonde girl.

‘Damn’ he groans internally. ‘He’s smooth…..’

“Thanks” Ashley eventually decides to say, although it’s hard to tell if she’s being sarcastic or not.

Kakashi, eyeing the man warily, drops down from the trees and lands beside Kyoku, standing just a little too close to her, trying to get a silent point across. Though he wasn’t technically back with Kyoku, seeing as they’d never really talked about getting back together, he wasn’t about to let this guy hit on her!

“Kein!” a sharp voice suddenly snaps, making the blue haired man sigh and turn around.

“Yes Irazen?” he asks wearily, hooding his now bored eyes. The pink haired woman shoves her orange haired teammate away and jabs a finger in his direction.

Stop flirting with the enemy!” she barks angrily. “You always do that! We’re supposed to be killing them, not hitting on them!”

“Why do we have to kill them though?” Kein questions, placing his hands in the pockets of his white jacket, the dark blue hem shining in the sunlight. “They didn’t do anything, and besides, I can’t bring myself to dispose of two such beautiful women. It would be a shame for the world if their faces were never seen again.”

Ashley can’t help blushing slightly, as Kyoku smiles to herself, finding the young man to be somewhat cute. For a kid anyway. He looked about nineteen or twenty to her and personally, she liked her men to be older than her.

Kakashi, seeing the tiny grin on Kyoku’s face, glares daggers at the blue haired Kein. How was he so comfortable with being so forward? And more importantly……Why was Kyoku smiling about it?!

Neji deadpans at Kein’s ridiculousness, while Shikamaru just sighs and shoves his hands into his pockets. If Kiba had been there, that guy would have been dead and buried already…

“There are women back at in the Waterfall Village!” the orange haired girl argues, pouting at Kein. “And you don’t hit on them.”

“That’s because none of them are beautiful” Kein informs her shortly, earning an outraged gasp from all four of his female teammates. “And I don’t hit on them, I merely make sure that there’s at least one man in the world that appreciates their beauty.”

“Ugh, we don’t have time for this….” Shikamaru mutters as the four girls rush up to Kein and begin shouting at him, before glancing up at Kakashi. “We need to get to the Hidden Grass Village.”

“You guys are going to the Grass Village too?” the girl with the pixie hair cut asks, leaning back from Kein and glancing at Shikamaru.

“Too?” Neji questions, narrowing his pale eyes at the girl. “Are you heading to the Grass Village?”

“I asked you first” she replies dryly, before grinning devilishly, “But yeah! We’re going to be representing Takigakure in the Fighting Tournament at the Grass Village.”

“How interesting” Neji says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Well, we’re going to be representing the Leaf Village there.”

“Hope you suckers are ready to lose” Ashley taunts, placing her hands on her hips and smirking. “Coz after that little display, I can’t say I’m very impressed.”

Ashley” Kakashi sighs, seeing the outraged looks on the female Waterfall Ninja’s faces. “What did Lady Tsunade say about causing trouble with the other Villages?”

Ashley glares at Kakashi for a moment, before releasing a sigh and crossing her arms. ‘Stupid Lady Tsunade…’ Ashley grumbles in her head. ‘Even when she’s not here she's a kill joy….’

“Please ignore the small, blonde one” Kakashi continues, amusement in his eyes as he turns to the Waterfall Ninja. “She has a problem controlling that mouth of hers sometimes.”

“I can control it Sensei” Ashley informs Kakashi indignantly, “I just choose not to.”

“You’re heading to the Grass Village you say?” the male Waterfall Ninja suddenly speaks up, seeing that the conversation isn’t going anywhere. “Well, why don’t we all travel the rest of the way together?”

What?!” Irazen and Tien exclaim, looking appalled by the idea. Irazen steps forwards and punches the young man in the shoulder, an anime vein on her forehead.

“Idiot!” she barks. “Why would we travel with the enemy?!”

“Technically, we’re not the enemy” Shikamaru speaks up with a sigh. “We’re not Allies, but I mean, we’re not enemies either. We’ve never tried to invade your Village or anything, like a lot of the other Village’s have.”

“You’re still the enemy brat” Irazen growls, her harsh gaze causing Shikamaru to pull a face and step back. He did not enjoy being around crazy, angry women…

“How do we know that you sneaky little Leaf Ninja won’t pull a fast one on us?” the girl with orange hair asks, eyes narrowed. “We could be travelling along just fine and then boom! You ambush us!”

“If you’re the great Ninja you think you are, that shouldn’t be a problem” Neji swiftly shoots back, shrugging a shoulder. “At least if we travel together, we’ll all be able to keep a close eye on each other.”

“True” Ashley speaks up, tapping her chin. “If we travelled separately, I wouldn’t put it past you guys to try and sneak up on us for a surprise attack.”

“I was just about to say the same thing” Tien says lowly, narrowing her eyes at a now smirking Ashley.

“Well, since it’s been decided that we’ll be travelling together” the male Ninja speaks up with a closed eye smile, despite the fact that no one had yet agreed to the arrangement, “My name is Kein Shinosuke. I’m a Jonin from Takigakure. Pleasure to meet you all!”

“Kein you dummy!” the girl with long black hair snaps, slapping his arm. “No one has agreed to anything yet!”

“I think it’s a good idea” Kakashi speaks up, glancing at the other four Leaf Ninja, who all nod slowly in return. It would be in their best interest to keep an eye on these Waterfall Ninja, just until they got to the Grass Village. Though Ashley and Neji would be able to keep track of them if they travelled separately, it would just make things a whole lot easier if the Waterfall Ninja kept close and stuck to their word about not attacking each other.

“Well I’m the leader of this team, and I haven’t agreed to anything yet!” Irazen states stubbornly, crossing her arms and glaring hard at Kakashi. She wasn’t going to let him tell her what to do!

“Come on Irazen” Tien whispers in her ear. “If we travel there with them, it’ll guarantee we won’t get attacked along the way! Even if we come across another team, they’re not going to be stupid enough to take on ten Ninja!”

Irazen looks from Tien, back to Kakashi, hooding her eyes as she thinks for a moment. She had heard stories about the Copy Cat Ninja’s many great feats in the past, and though she’d never admit it, she felt quite inferior to him. Despite being a skilled Jonin herself, Irazen was feeling rather uneasy now that she knew a great Ninja like Kakashi was going to be competing in the Tournament. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to travel with the annoying Leaf Ninja, just so he wouldn’t try to attack her and her team along the way…

“Fine” the pinkette eventually growls, hands balling into fists down by her sides. “But you have to give us your word that you won’t attack us in any way, shape or form. Got it Copy Cat Ninja?”

“Yeah yeah” Kakashi drawls, waving his hand nonchalantly. “You have our word. And it’s Kakashi Hatake. Copy Cat Ninja is not my name.”

“Whatever” Irazen sighs irritably, rolling her eyes. “For the record, my name is Irazen Hyogashi, and I’m a Jonin as well as Kein. I’m also Team Leader until we get back to Takigakure. As long as you stick to your end of the deal of not attacking us, we won’t attack you Leaf Ninja either. Team, you may as well introduce yourselves as well I guess.”

“Tien Wakoshi” the girl with the pixie haircut announces proudly, strapping the giant shuriken onto her back. The girl with orange hair gives the Leaf Ninja a closed eye smile, no longer seeing them as the enemy for now.

“Ita Kogato” she says kindly. “Pleased to meet you….I guess?....”

“And I’m Chirin Yugasawa” the girl with long, black hair and green eyes adds. “I’m just a Chunin, but don’t think that means I’m weak!.........Because I’m not!”

Kakashi glances over at his team again, sweat dropping when he sees the uninterested looks on their faces. Seems they couldn’t really care any less what the names of the Waterfall Ninja were. Well, if he was honest with himself, neither did Kakashi, but since they had been courteous enough to introduce themselves, Kakashi and his team sort of had to oblige them….

“Shikamaru Nara” the charcoal haired boy begins, lacing his fingers together and stretching his arms out in front of him. “I’m a Chunin too.”

This catches the attention of Chirin, whose green eyes suddenly flash with new interest, as Shikamaru’s mouth opens in a wide yawn, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Why was he here again?

“I’m Kyoku Mizu” the ex ANBU Captain states coolly, fiddling with some of the long parts of her hair.

“Ashley Minami” the blonde states blandly, arms crossed and eyes boredly staring over at the Waterfall Ninja. Introductions were so tedious….Especially when there were this many people. It’s not like she cared enough to remember any of their names anyway.

“Neji Hyuga” the pale eyed boy finishes the introductions, before casting a pleading, yet incredibly bored look over at Kakashi. “Now can we please get going? We need to get to the Grass Village by tomorrow.”

“I’m well aware of that Neji” Kakashi replies calmly, closing his eyes momentarily, before reopening them and turning to Irazen. “Alright, I think we should travel in pairs. One Leaf Ninja and one Waterfall Ninja, side by side, so as to avoid any talk of ambushes or the like.”

Irazen blinks, before scowling at Kakashi.

“You may be the Leader of your team” she growls. “But we don’t take orders from you!”

“Irazen” Kein sighs softly, shaking his head. “It’s a good idea. Don’t be so stubborn. Let’s try to make this as easy and painless as possible….”

Irazen glares at Kein, before sighing herself and shrugging.

“Fine” she says shortly, waving her hand. “What do you suggest Copy Cat Ninja?”

Kakashi’s shoulders slump slightly. Why did she insist on calling him by his given nickname? Wouldn’t it be easier to call him Kakashi?

“Alright” the silver haired man begins, turning to the females on his team. “Ashley and Kyoku, since you two are the fastest on our team, you’ll be up in the trees on either side of the team again.”

“What for?” Chirin questions, raising an eyebrow at Kakashi.

“In case of an ambush from hidden enemies” Shikamaru provides the answer, rolling his neck. “That way we can have a surprise counter attack ready.”

“Ohhhh….” Chirin breathes, green eyes wide as she stares at Shikamaru admiringly, making the Nara sweat drop.

“Alright then” Irazen speaks up, hand on her hip. “Tien, you’ll be with…..Kyoku and Kein, you’ll partner up with…uhh….the blonde one.”

Ashley smirks at Irazen. Seems the pinkette didn’t care too much for their names either. Her smirk suddenly drops when she sees the dark haired young man striding towards her, smiling charmingly.

“Don’t get any ideas buddy” Ashley warns, bringing her hands up in a karate stance. “I’ve got a boyfriend.”

“I didn’t think that a creature as lovely as yourself wouldn’t have a boyfriend” Kein replies pleasantly, pale eyes sparkling and making Ashley sweat drop.

“I’m anything but lovely” she warns, stepping back from Kein and eyeing him warily. Ashley was naturally a suspicious person, but she found Kein’s pleasant demeanour to be somewhat abnormal behaviour, even for a Ninja.

Kyoku stares at the girl before her, arms crossed and eyes hooded, like usual.

“Hope you can keep up Grandma” Tien snorts, smirking at Kyoku and jutting her hip out to the side. “I’ll try to run slow, so I don’t embarrass you.”

Kyoku tilts her head slightly.

“What was that?” she asks, suddenly standing behind Tien and making the girl jump with fright. Whirling around, Tien stares at Kyoku with wide eyes. How had the woman gotten behind her so quickly?! She had just been looking at her!

“Hey!” Tien barks, brows furrowing. “That’s mine! Give it back!”

Kakashi smirks beneath his mask, as Kyoku tosses Tien’s shuriken back to her, having swiped it without the girl noticing. Ashley’s eyes widen slightly. She’d never really seen Kyoku in action before, but it was very apparent that Kyoku was fast. The blonde hated to admit it, but Kyoku was probably even faster than her.

“I’ll be up front with Kakashi” Irazen suddenly speaks up, catching everyone’s attentions. “So I can keep my eye on him.”

“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” Ashley mutters under her breath, making Kein chuckle softly beside her.

“Neji would be best up the back” Kakashi adds in, “Since he possesses the Byakugan, he can watch the blind spot behind us.”

“Ita, you can stick with the Hyuga kid” Irazen says in an off handed fashion, not caring when Neji sends a killer glare her way. “And that leaves Chirin and Shika….Shika….The kid with the spiky ponytail in the middle.”

“It’s Shikamaru Irazen” Chirin informs her Team Leader, before sending a wink over to Shikamaru, who blanches.

“Whatever” the pinkette sighs, running a hand down her face. “Let’s just get going already.”

“Can we pack up our stuff first?” Ashley asks smartly, waving an arm towards the abandoned camp gear strewn across the ground. “Dumb bitch….”

What was that?!” Irazen explodes, hands clenched into fists again. Ashley smiles brightly at Irazen, bending down to roll up her sleeping bag.

“Nothing!” she sings. “Nothing at all!”

The pinkette grinds her teeth back and forth, eyebrow twitching as she glares at Ashley’s back. She didn’t like these Leaf Ninja, and she wasn’t about to take any attitude from a kid either.

“Just hurry up” she demands hotly, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

Tien and Ita exchange a look, before hanging their heads and letting out mushroom sighs. Irazen was always so…..uptight. She was absolutely no fun whatsoever.

Shikamaru sighs to himself, rolling up his sleeping bag and staring down at it longingly. Oh how much he wished he was still wrapped up in its warmth, sleeping the day away-

“Here!” a bright voice cries, shaking Shikamaru from his thoughts. “Let me help you with that!”

Shikamaru immediately drops his sleeping bag, eyes wide as he sees Chirin looming right in front of him, eyes sparkling brightly. He places a hand over his heart and takes a few hurried steps backwards, as Chirin begins rolling up his sleeping bag for him, before scooping up the Chunin’s belongings and throwing them into his backpack.

“Here you go!” Chirin chirps, holding Shikamaru’s back pack up to him and giving him a closed eye smile. “All packed, and really quick too!”

Shikamaru hesitantly reaches out, before swiftly snatching the bag from Chirin, strapping it to his back and hoping to high heaven that she doesn’t try to help him with that as well.

Ita walks towards Neji, who is sifting through the contents of his back pack, making sure he’s repacked everything. He slowly grows more and more irritated, seeing Ita standing with her arms crossed from the corner of his eyes, just watching him.

“Can I help you?” Neji suddenly asks rudely, almost making Ita jump. She slowly narrows her navy eyes down at the kneeling boy, who is glaring daggers at her.

“I don’t like you” the orange haired girl seriously informs Neji, whose glare suddenly drops.

“Oh no!” he cries sarcastically, throwing an arm in the air. “Whatever will I do now?” That said, he rolls his eyes at the girl and turns back to his bag, smirking when he hears her huff and stalk away.

“Alright” Ashley suddenly sighs, heaving her bag up onto her back. “Let’s get this train wreck on the road!”

“Agreed” Shikamaru gulps, sweat dropping as Chirin continues smiling at him with her eyes closed. She was really starting to creep the Nara out.

“Is everyone packed and ready?” Kakashi asks, glancing around at the Ninja surrounding him, who all nod in return.

“Fine” Irazen says coldly, turning her back on the others. “Let’s get going then!”

That said, she takes off across the ground, making Kakashi roll his eyes and sprint after her, easily catching up and matching her speed. She wasn't going to be leaving him behind any time soon.

Kyoku and Tien leap into the trees, as Shikamaru hurriedly whirls around and chases after Kakashi, with an eager Chirin darting after him.

“Ladies first” Kein jokes, making Ashley roll her eyes as she bends her knees and leaps up into the trees, with the male Ninja quickly following suit.

Ladies first” Ita teases, gesturing for Neji to go before her. Rolling his own eyes, Neji activates his Byakugan and turns to run after his teammates. As he darts past Ita, he quickly throws his hand out and pushes the girl over, making her squeal with protest.

Neji smirks to himself again, as he hears a string of insults being hurled at his back, while Ita leaps to her feet and runs to catch up to him.

Silly, little girl. She didn’t know who she was dealing with….

Okay, I like these questiony things, so Imma ask another one xP

You should all know by now that each Minami Wolf has a different ability. What was the ability of Master Dashi's Wolf, Arelle?

First to get it right gets the next dedication! ^-^ Oh and seriously, if you see that someone has the right answer, DON'T KEEP POSTING THE SAME ANSWER!!! If someone has it, why bother?

Lol, it gets kind of annoying when twenty people write the same comment, despite someone already having earned the dedication ;P

Good luck remembering that far back!

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