[Helluva Boss] The Shattered...

By TheBorgerMan

95.4K 1.5K 2.2K

You die and go to hell, and there you find yourself working at I.M.P Along the way you manage to become frien... More

City Of The Damned
Meeting the crew
A Place To Somewhat Call Home
Getting Along
Loona's Got Some News
When She Needs You Most
Having A Talk
We Did Again Boys
A "Quick" Mission
Some Much Needed R&R
Spending The Day With Loona
Back To The Office
A Talk With Dad
A Tribute To Our Fallen Book
Loona's Confession
The New Couple Of I.M.P
Another Talk With Dad
Moving In
Self Worth
Reversing Roles
The Grand Finale
Stay Tuned

I.M.P vs New York City

2.3K 36 73
By TheBorgerMan

 Do not take this chapter seriously all of it was meant to be a joke! If your name Is Karen, Jessica, or if you live in new york I'm sorry if I offended you. Now on to the chapter.


Loona and I were sitting at her desk just chilling when heard the compy phone ring.

Loona: Hello IMP.

Client: I'd like to request a hit.

Loona: Name of the target?

Client: Karen.

Loona: Where does she live?

Client: New York.

Loona: Is that all?

Client: That's all the information you require, and I'm willing to pay $500.000 for her death.

Loona: Whatever bye.

She hung up and went on her phone causing me to stare at her.

Loona: What?

Y/N: You gonna tell me who that was?

Loona: Just some client.

Y/N: You going to tell the others about the job.

Loona: In a minute.

Y/N: Alright I'll do it.

I called the others into the meeting room to discuss the mission.

Moxxie: So who's our target?

Loona placed down a photo of the target.

Blitzø: Oh, it's one of those again.

Millie: Another Karen?

Moxxie: Can't say I'm surprised. 

Y/N: You guys have Karens down here?

Blitzø: Karens are quite common down here.

Y/N: Wow shocker.

Loona: Finding them is going to be a little more complicated than usual. 

Moxxie: Why's that?

Loona: She lives in New York.

Blitzø: I've always wanted to go to New York.

Y/N: Why?

Blitzø: To see Spider-Man.

Y/N: But-

Loona placed her paw on my shoulder.

Loona: Just let him have this one.

Y/N: Alright.

Loona: Thanks, he needs this.

Y/N: Mhmm.

Moxxie: So she could be anywhere in New York?

Loona: That's what the client said.

Blitzø: Alright, Y/N we're going to need you on this one.

Loona: Ah come on.

Blitzø: Sorry Loony but we're going to need his sense of smell.

Y/N: What makes you think I'm going to be able to smell the target?

Blitzø: Good point, but we still need your help on this one.

Loona: Do you think I could come with you guys this time?

Blitzø: Not a fucking chance Loony.

Loona: Come on I can defend myself, and you know that better than anyone.

Y/N: I think she should come with us.

Blitzø: No.

Loona: Pleeeeasssssseee.

Blitzø: No Loony!

Loona: I'll be careful I promise.

Blitzø: I don't know Loony.

Loona: Pleeeeasseeeeeee.

Blitzø: fine fuck it you can come.

She got up and hugged Blitz.

Loona: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Blitzø: But you have to stay with Y/N if things go south.

Loona: Okay.

Moxxie: Wow, I'm impressed Loona. You're not throwing a fit or anything.

Loona: I get to go to New York and spend time with my boyfriend. Why would I be upset?

Moxxie: Good point.

Y/N: Are we ready to go?

Loona: Hold on I need to ask someone something.

Y/N: Once Loona's down with that are we going to be ready to go?

Blitzø: We should be ready to go by then.

Y/N: Alright let's get the portal up. 

Once got the portal up and walked through it. We then found ourselves in a back alley that smelled like rotten hot dogs. 

Blitzø: Wow, this doesn't look too much different from hell.

Y/N: Yeah, a lot of crime happens in this area.

Blitzø: Y/N and Loony!

Loona: How are we gonna smell anything in this city?

Moxxie: She has a point, sir. It does smell rather bad back here.

Y/N: Ugh god, it smells like a rotting corpse back here.

Blitzø: Well do what you guys can.

Loona and I changed into our human forms and waited for infections from Blitz.

Loona: Wow, that's what you looked like before you died?

Y/N: Yeah.

Loona: How long were you going to hide this from me?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Loona: You look amazing! 

Blitz interrupted us. 

Blitzø: Alright listen up! There are more than eight million people in this city, so if we're going to do this we're going to split up. Loona and Y/N you two go downtown and see what you can find. 

Y/N: Got it.

Blitzø: Millie, Moxxie you two are with me.

Millie: Where are we gonna look?

Blitzø: We're going to go look on the other side of town. We'll meet back here once the job is done.

Everyone went their separate ways.

Loona: You know where we're going right?

Y/N: I have no idea.

Loona: So we're going to wander around aimlessly until we find the target?

Y/N: Yup.

Loona: Ugh this is gonna suck.

Y/N: Well we could enjoy New York and look for the target at the same time.

Loona: So we can multitask?

Y/N: Yeah. Think of this as a mini-date on the job.

Loona: So like a mini-date?

Y/N: Yeah kind of.

Loona: I'd love to go on a mini-date!

Y/N: So what do you want to do first?

Loona: I'd like to get some coffee, and maybe go for a walk in the park, and we'll see how things go from there.

Y/N: Sounds like a plan.

I held out my arm for Loona to take hold of. We then walked off to give New York's coffee a try.

Y/N: You want to try this one?

Loona: World's best cup of coffee?

Y/N: Yeah.

Loona: I don't see why not.

We walked into the store and walked up to the cashier.

Cashier: Hello, welcome to Franicicos Dinner. How may I help you today?

Loona: I'll have a black coffee, please.

Cashier: And for you sir?

Y/N: I'll have an espresso. 

Cashier: Alright just a moment.

She walked away to get our orders.

Loona: This place seems nice.

Y/N: Not a bad place for the living world.

Loona: I've always wondered what life would be like up here.

Y/N: Really?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: Huh, guess you learn something new every day.

The cashier then came back with our orders.

Cashier: Here are your orders.

Loona: Thank you.

Cashier: That'll be 12.50

I paid for our drinks and joined Loona outside the restaurant.

Loona: This coffee isn't so bad. 

Y/N: Not bad.

Loona: You know as much as Earth is fucked it's not so bad.

Y/N: It was a lot more fucked back when I was alive.

Loona: Well you're with me now, and that's gotta be better than being up here right?

Y/N: Of course it is. 

Loona: Can I ask you something?

Y/N: Of course Loon.

Loona: What happened with your last girlfriend?

Y/N: She just kind of stopped talking to me...I haven't heard from her since I killed myself.

Loona looked concerned about that last part.

Loona: What a dumbass.

Y/N: Why is she dumb?

Loona: For not wanting to stay in a relationship with you.

Loona reached over the table and grabbed my hands.

Loona: You're you, and you're perfect!

YN: You think so?

Loona: I know so.

Y/N: You want to walk around for a little bit?

Loona: I'd like that.

We walked around a little bit until I froze when I saw someone making out on the bench.

Loona: You okay baby?

Y/N: Let's get out of here.

Loona: Why what happened?

Y/N: Let's just go.

Loona: Is something wrong?

The woman looked at me with a surprised face.

Jessica: Y/N Is that you?

Y/N: Umm yeah.

Jessica: It's nice to see you again.

Y/N: Nice to see you too I guess.

Of course, I was being sarcastic. 

Jessica: What happened? I heard you killed yourself. 

Y/N: Well I didn't.

Loona spoke up sounding rather confused.

Loona: Hold on you know him?

Jessica: I'm his ex.

Loona looked at her with eyes of anger.

Loona: So you're the bitch that stopped talking to him randomly?

Jessica: Of course, that's how you told it.

Y/N: You stopped talking to me! What else am I going to tell her?

Jessica: About how terrible of a boyfriend you were.

Loona's face twisted into one of rage.

Loona: Excuse me!

Jessica: He was a terrible boyfriend he was always working and never made time for me, so I dumped his sorry ass.

Y/N: I worked multiple jobs to keep my apartment. 

Jessica: All I hear is "I'm a bad boyfriend that couldn't make time for you."

Loona: He's the best boyfriend someone could ever wish for, you're just too dumb to realize what a great thing you had.

Jessica: You guys are together?

Y/N: Yeah.

Jessica: You dumped me for some stupid goth chick. 

Loona: Says the one who dresses like a slut.

Jessica: Oh, fuck off.

Loona: You're such a piece of shit. No wonder he dumped your ass.

Jessica: I can't believe you Y/N.

Y/N: You stopped talking to me. None of this is my fault.

Her new boyfriend walked up to us.

Chad: Who's this guy?

Y/N: Her ex.

Chad: Oh, so you're the loser she wasted her time with.

Y/N: Oh, so that's who it is huh? 

Jessica: I deserved better than you Y/N, and frankly that skinny goth could do better too.

Loona kneed her in the stomach and flipped her off.

Loona: Bitch.

Chad was going to punch Loona only for me to punch him in the ribs instead. 

Chad: Agh fuck! You never told me he was that.

Jessica: I don't remember him being that strong, and how can a skinny little bitch like you hit like a fucking semi truck?

Loona: You ever work out you fat sack of shit.

Jessica: Oh, go fuck yourself. 

Loona: Unlike you, people actually want to have sex with me.

Jessica: People want to have sex with me to bitch.

Loona: Your boyfriend and his baby dick don't count. 

Chad: Fuck you bitch!

Loona and I walked off but Jessica said something before we could.

Jessica: I wished you killed yourself, Y/N. You're a pathetic human being and you know it. 

This sent Loona into a raging spiral, she ran up to Jessica and kicked her right in the face causing blood to come out of her mouth. Loona leaned down to her level and punched her in the eye.

Loona: You are the most pathetic human being I have ever met, and if you ever think someone is actually going to love a stuck-up snotty little bitch like you then you might want to reconsider your already pathetic life decisions.

Loona walked away and led me to a nearby bench to sit down. I sat down in silence covering my face with my hands. 

Loona: Are you going to be okay Y/N?

Y/N: I-I don't know Loona.

Loona: Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N: Not right now.

Loona: Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Loona: You've been there for me ever since we met, and now it's my turn to be there for you.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Loona: I'd like to make tomorrow all about you, and please don't fight me on this.

Y/N: You don't have to do this Loon, and you know better than anyone that I don't like being the center of attention. 

She cupped my cheeks, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me. She broke the kiss but continued to stare at me.

Loona: Y/N, I can't stand seeing you like this, please just let me treat you for once. Let me take you out for lunch, let me comfort you, let me listen to your problems, let me be there for you, let me make you feel special, please let me be there for you.

I know Loona wants to repay me for being by her side for a year, and as much as I'd like that I just wasn't feeling it.

Y/N: Loon, as much as I'd like that I don't want to go out tomorrow. I'm just not in the mood.

Loona: That's okay, we'll just spend the day in bed together. We could have breakfast in bed, we can snuggle under the covers, watch a movie together, look at the stars, and just enjoy each other's company. It'll just be me and you.

Y/N: I-I just don't know.

Loona: Please babe, all I want is to give you the pamper and treatment you deserve.

Y/N: But-

She hugged me tight cutting off my train of thought.

Loona: You took care of me, and now I'm going to take care of you.

Her hug seemed rather worrisome than her normal hugs. At this point, I knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Y/N: O-okay.

Loona: Thank you, you won't regret this I promise.

I hugged her back.

Y/N: I know I won't,

Blitzø's pov

Moxxie Millie and I were hiding in an alleyway after hours of looking for the target.

Moxxie: Sir, we've been looking for hours. 

Millie: We've looked all over the city at this point. Where else do you think she could be?

Blitzø: I have no fucking idea, Mill's. But I'm getting pissed off with how long this is taking. 

Millie: Maybe the other two have found something.

Blitzø: I'll call Loony.

I called Loony's cell and thankfully she picked up.

Loona: What?

Blitzø: Have you found anything yet Loony?

Loona: No, nothing yet.

Blitzø: Let me rephrase that. Have you ever been looking around?

Loona: We have, and we found nothing.

Blitzø: Fuck.

Loona: We'll let you know if we find something.

Blitzø: Alright Loony stay safe.

She hung up while I turned back to M&M.

Blitzø: They've got nothing.

Moxxie: Well she's got to be somewhere.

Millie: We have to keep looking around.

Blitzø: Where should we look next?

Millie: Maybe between 75th and 76th street.

Blitzø: God this place is confusing.

Moxxie: Maybe there's a map somewhere.

Blitzø: Not a bad idea Mox, but we have to stay hidden.

Millie: Blitz people think we're in costumes pranking people. 

Blitzø: Wait really?

Millie: Yup.

Blitzø: Oh...well, let's just look around and kill her then.

Moxxie: Anyone want to see what new york has to offer?

Blitzø: Fuck it, might as well have some fun while we're up here.

Millie: Are you guys hungry?

Blitzø: I could eat.

Moxxie: There's a hot dog cart over there.

We walked out but were interrupted by some lady. 

Karen: Where do you think you're going?

Blitzø: Do go get hot dogs.

Karen: Where are your parents?

Moxxie: One is dead and the other is head of the mafia. 

Millie: back home.

Blitzø: One sold me for 5 dollars and a used condom and the other dead.

Karen: You kids can't be out here by yourselves. 

Blitzø: We're adults, dipshit.

Karen: That's harassment.

Moxxie: How is that harassment?

Karen: I have my rights!

Millie: What?

Karen: Are you deaf? I said I have my rights!

Blitzø: Listen we just want a hot dog, so if you could kindly fuck off and leave us alone that would be great.  

Karen: Excuse me?

Blitzø: Fuck off you stubid bitch!!

Karen: What gives you the right to talk to me like that?

Blitzø: Alright fuck this.

I pulled out my flintlock and shot her right in the chest.

Moxxie: That was the right thing to do here.

Blitzø: Thank you, Mox.

Suddenly the police arrived and looked at us.

Police: Freeze!

We held up our arms while they looked at the corpse.

Police: Oh, shit, my bad. False alarm people it's just another dead Karen. Alright, you folks are free to go, sorry about that.

Millie: Thank you, officer. 

Moxxie: Wait did he say, Karen?

Blitzø: I guess this was the target.

Moxxie: Let me see the picture.

I handed Moxxie the picture as he compared them.

Moxxie: Yup that was the target.

Blitzø: Well, I guess it's back to hell.

We opened the portal for us and then opened a portal for Loona and Y/N. 

Loona's pov

I was texting Blitz so he could open the portal for us.

Blitzø: Portals going up sweetie.

Loona: Okay thanks.

We walked through the portal and they immediately noticed Y/N's saddened look.

Millie: Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going though some shit, right now. 

He walked away leaving the imps kind of confused. 

Moxxie: Is he okay?

Loona: He's going to be okay.

Blitzø: What happened?

Loona: He ran into his ex. 

Millie: Damn that sucks.

Blitzø: Well another well done. You can all go home now. 

Loona: Blitz, can I talk to you for a sec?

Blitzø: Sure Loony what is it?

Loona: Can it be in private, please?

Blitzø: Oh, okay.

We walked into my office and sat down.

Blitzø: So, what's up Loony?

Loona: I was wondering if Y/N and I could have a day off.

Blitzø: Why?

Loona: He ran into his ex and he's feeling a little down.

Blitzø: So why am I giving you the day again?

Loona: I got him to agree to a relaxing day in bed together. 

Blitzø: Ugh god Loona.


Blitzø: Oh, sorry.

Loona: He had a rough day and I just want to be there for him right now.

Blitzø: So you want to comfort him all day?

Loona: Yes.

Blitzø: You know what fuck it. Sure you two can have the day off tomorrow.

I rushed up from my seat and gave him the tightest hug I'd ever given him while shrieking in excitement.

Loona: Eeeeeeee! Thank you thank you thank you.

Blitzø: L-Loony I *cough cough* can't breathe.

Loona: SHit sorry.

I set him down and gave him a softer hug.

Blitzø: Much better.

Loona: So you ready to go home now?

Blitzø: Yeah yeah, just try and control your strength when you're excited.

Loona: I will I promise. 

We all then went home together after a long time in New York City. 

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