A Paw Patrol Story: Special E...

By PawPatrolChaseFan

642 16 17

As Champ tries to find his place in the Paw Patrol, he begins to find himself paranoid as a familiar foe thre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


305 8 7
By PawPatrolChaseFan

1 year before the Calamity…

It was a bright and sunny day in the beautiful land of Hyrule. Young Champ had just been woken up by his father, Bolt.

Champ:(Yawns) Isn't it a bit early, dad?

Bolt:(Chuckles) Maybe so, but it is also a day for a little something.

Champ:Like what?

Bolt:I don't know, maybe your first day of training.

Champ instantly got up and tackled his father.

Champ:You mean it?


Champ licked his father's face as he got off Bolt. Bolt stood up as Champ ran outside the cave.

Bolt:(Chuckles) He's just like his mother.

Bolt quickly caught up to Champ, who was eager to start training.

Champ: What's first?

Bolt:Easy there, my little thunder-bolt. Before I teach you anything, I just want to know if you're prepared to take on this risk?

Champ: Risk?

Bolt:My powers have attracted some dangerous people. The last thing I want to do is put you in any danger. So, are you sure you wanna do this?

Champ: I've been waiting for this my whole life. I know about the risk, and I'm ready to take them head-on.

Bolt:(Chuckles) Atta boy. Now let's start by teaching you how to shrink yourself.

Champ:Shrink myself?

Bolt then shrunk down. Champ looked down, seeing that his father was now tiny.

Champ: Awesome.

Bolt returned to normal size.

Bolt:Now I need you to concentrate on bringing your energy all over your body. This is gonna be a bit painful since it is your first time.

Champ: Why's that?

Bolt:Well, when you're shrinking down, your muscles and bones also have to shrink along with you. And since it is gonna be your first time, your body is gonna need time to adjust to your size change.

Champ:Can all the other champions do it as well?


Bolt:Now go for it.

Champ took a deep breath as he began to focus. Champ groaned a little as he felt pain all over his body.

Bolt:I know it hurts, but you gotta keep going.

Suddenly, Champ realized that he had shrunk down as looked up, seeing that his father was much bigger now.

Champ:Yes, I did it!

Bolt:That was incredible, and on your first try too.

Champ looked around, seeing that everything was now giant.

Champ:Wow, being tiny is like seeing the world in a whole new perspective.

Bolt:Can you try returning to normal size?

Champ then managed to return to normal size on his first try as well.

Bolt: You're a fast learner.

Champ:(Panting) What now?

Bolt: Let's take a break, so you have a chance to catch your breath.

Champ: Okay.

Champ followed his father over to a small river as they began to drink water from it.

Champ:Dad, can I ask you something?

Bolt:What is it?

Champ:What was Mom like?

Bolt:You want to know more about your mother?

Champ nodded his head. Bolt couldn't help but smile as he licked his son's cheek.

Bolt:She was incredible, smart, brave, and very energetic. Every time I look at you, it's like she's still with me.

Champ then hugged his father tightly.

Champ:I love you, dad.

Bolt: I love you too, my little thunder-bolt.

Bolt:Even in death, your mother is still with us. She will forever remain in our hearts.

Champ:So, what's next?

Bolt:Well, I kinda wanna see how fast you are.


Bolt: You'll see.

Bolt brought Champ to a massive open field.

Champ:How are you gonna test my speed? 

Bolt then brought out a stopwatch.

Champ:Where did you get a stopwatch from?

Bolt:I keep this on me to test the speed of the champions.

Champ: I'm ready.

Bolt:Now if you don't do well on your first try, don't be upset, it took me quite some time to become as fast as I am right now.

Champ:I understand.

Bolt started the stopwatch as Champ immediately took off in a burst of speed.


Champ kept running as fast as he could, then he quickly returned to his father.

Champ:How was that?

Bolt's jaw dropped as he looked at the stopwatch.

Bolt:I don't believe it.

Champ:What is it?

Bolt:(Chuckles) You've done something the champions haven't been able to do.

Champ: What's that?

Bolt:You actually broke my record.

Champ: Really?

Bolt:I'm proud of you, Champ. And so would your mother be.

Champ:I wish I actually got to meet her.

Bolt:Me too.

Champ:Do we head back to the cave now?

Bolt:Not yet, now you're gonna learn how to hunt.

Champ:Does that mean I have to kill something?

Bolt:We must be willing to do anything to survive, but as long as you don't overhunt, the balance of nature will not be broken. Dying is a natural part of life, some have a short lifespan while some have a longer one.

Champ:Then what will we be hunting?

Bolt then sniffed the ground.

Bolt:I smell deer nearby.

Champ and Bolt slowly walked through the forest, finding one deer eating.

Bolt:Watch and learn.

Suddenly, Bolt shot green beams out of his eyes, killing the deer.

Champ:What was that?

Bolt:(Groans) My heat vision.

Champ saw that his father was rapidly rubbing his eyes.

Champ:It looks like that is very painful.

Bolt:Yeah, which is why I only use it to hunt. I'm not like Matthew who knows how to really hunt.

Champ: What is Matthew like?

Bolt:He is a very sweet kid, he's kinda like you.

Champ:I hope I get to meet him someday.

Bolt:You will, I know he's gonna love spending time with you.

Champ:(Sniffs) That dead deer stinks.

Bolt:Yeah, I'm gonna take some of the meat out, just stay here.

As Bolt was using his claws to rip out some of the deer meat, Champ was watching as the wind blew, causing the trees to shake a little.

Champ:This place is so wonderful.

Bolt strapped some of the meat onto his back as he walked over to Champ.

Bolt: Let's get going.

Champ:Why don't you take all of it?

Bolt:No need, it's just the two of us.

Champ and Bolt returned to their cave as Bolt started a campfire and started cooking the meat.

Bolt: Learning how to cook your meat just right is very important.

Champ:Dad, why are you doing all of this now when you also said no the other times I asked you to train me?

Bolt:Can I be honest with you?

Champ nodded his head.

Bolt: With all the stuff that's about to come to light, and the possibility of war breaking out, there's a chance that I might not survive.

Champ:What do you mean?

Bolt:Champ, I might die. I'm brutally honest with you. It's something I'm preparing for.

Champ:No, I can't lose you!

Bolt:I know.

Bolt then licked Champ's forehead.

Bolt:(Sighs) I'm going to wash the dead animal smell off me.

As Bolt walked out the cave, Champ began to think more deeply about what his father just said.

Champ:I can't lose my dad. I've already lost my mother. I'm scared to be alone.

While Champ was waiting for his father to come back, he began to hear something approaching the cave.

Champ:(That isn't dad, he hasn't been gone for that long.)

Champ quickly shrunk down and hid behind a small rock. Champ slowly peaked over and saw that a Growlithe had walked into the cave.

???:(Sniffs) That's Bolt's scent. So this is his place? What a dump.

The Growlithe then looked at the cooked deer meat.

???:Looks like he's just finished hunting. He's probably out cleaning himself.

Since the Growlithe seemed distracted, Champ attempted to slowly walk out of the cave until…

???:I know you're there.

Champ shook a little as he turned his head towards the Growlithe.

???:You may be tiny, but it's gonna take a lot more effort for you to sneak away from me.

Champ, knowing that he had been caught, decided to return to normal size as the Growlithe approached him.

???:A kid?

Champ:Who are you?


Champ looked outside, seeing that his father had returned.

Bolt:Why are you here, Zack?

Zack then looked at Champ then Bolt.

Zack:Oh no.

Bolt:Look, I can explain.

Zack:You have a son?

Bolt:Can we take this conversation outside?

Zack then looked at Champ.

Zack:You mind telling me your name?

Champ looked at his father. Bolt nodded his head. 

Champ: It's Champ.

Bolt: We'll be right outside, just stay in here.

Zack and Bolt walked outside. Champ decided to shrink down again and slowly walk outside to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Zack:Out of all times for you to have a kid, now is the worst time.

Bolt: What do you expect me to do?

Zack:Look, I'm not angry, I'm worried about your kid. Especially since we know what's gonna happen a year from now.

Bolt:(Sighs) I know. Which is why I've been preparing him to survive in the world on his own.

Zack:(Chuckles) I like him. But you should have at least told me about him.

Bolt:I was afraid you guys would freak out.

Zack:Well yeah, we all had the same surprise when Gloria gave birth.

Bolt:But you knew about her pregnancy.

Zack:I did. And you should have known that I would have found out about Champ eventually.

Bolt: Please don't tell the others.

Zack:Why not?

Bolt: Because I should be the one to tell them.

Zack signed a little as he placed a paw on Bolt's shoulder.

Zack:I trust you. We all treat you like family. But it would be nice if you were to introduce Champ to the others. Especially Matthew.

Bolt:(Chuckles) How's the little squirt anyway?

Zack: He's with the Princess right now in Puplantis.

Bolt:Have you seen Gloria's son? How's the little prince doing?

Zack:The little prince is doing great, he's been a lot better since his great-grandfather died.

Bolt: I'll introduce Champ once I feel comfortable about it.

Zack: Okay.

Zack:I know you're eavesdropping on us!

Champ then returned to normal size.

Champ:(Giggles) You're very smart.

Zack:I told you already, it's gonna take a lot more effort if you think you can hide from me.

Zack then walked over to Champ.

Zack:I see a lot of your father in you, I hope he can introduce you to the others one day.

Champ:Me too! I really want to meet Matthew!

Zack:I think he would like to meet you as well.

Zack:Bolt, come over here.

Bolt walked over to Zack and Champ. Zack then placed a paw on the side where Bolt had his lightning bolt mark.

Bolt:What are you doing?

Zack:Well, if he's your son, he should carry on your legacy.

Zack then placed a paw on the right side of Champ's body.

Zack:This is gonna sting a little.

Champ felt a slight burn on the right side of body. Zack then removed his paw.


Champ saw that Zack had placed the same lightning bolt mark that his father had on him.

Champ: Thank you, Zack!

Zack then licked Champ's forehead.

Zack: Welcome to the world, champion child.

Bolt:Go back inside.

Champ then walked into the cave.

Zack:(Softly Chuckles) He's gonna be great and strong just just like you.

Bolt:Yeah, he will be, in fact, he'll be even stronger.

Well, after a long time of not writing anything, I'm back! I hope everyone is looking forward to this story. Champ has been through a lot in his life, so try to support him as the story continues.

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