It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m...

By Liz_Vega

1.6K 140 0

*This story is the sequel to my Niall fanfic "It's Complicated". If you haven't read the first one you will b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Part 1)
Chapter 11 (Part 2)
Chapter 11 (Part 3)
Chapter 11 (Part 4)
Chapter 11 (Part 5)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Final Chapter

Chapter 7

54 8 0
By Liz_Vega

Aisah's POV

After taking a shower, I dressed in shorts and a blue tank top.

I was on a mission, and it was time to do my job.

I walked outside and saw everyone just hanging out in the living room.

I watched Liz and she smiled then just put her attention back to her boyfriend.

I would've left my spy days behind for a relationship like that, why wouldn't Liz do it?

Now I looked at Zayn who noticed me and smiled, I did a motion for him to follow outside; which he did.

"What's up Mrs. Alcoholic?" he said in a joking matter.

"Oh please, you were way more drunk than I was" I said blushing a bit remembering how we kissed last night.

I couldn't do it... I couldn't make myself use Zayn for information.

We were standing on the balcony of the beach house.

Suddenly while I looked away, Zayn took my right hand and stepped in closer.

"You remember everything right?" he asked looking me in the eye and I just nodded.

"Good... I think I kind of like you Ais, just wanted you to know that" he stated and I felt my cheeks heating up but didn't say anything.

He stepped even closer and I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"So, what did you wanted to tell me?" he asked slowly, smiling at my nervousness.

"I just wanted to..." why can't I do it, damnit.

I sighed, "I like you too" I whispered and his smile grew.

"Good girl" he said amused and I looked at him confused.

"I was not lying Ais, I like you... but I love Liz and if you would've asked about her, I would be disappointed but in the end if I had to choose, I will always be on Liz' side" he said serious and I was surprised.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered with a sinking feeling that he knew my secret.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" he stated while tightening the hold on my hand and pulling me inside the cabin, and locking the door behind us.

"I have no clue what you mean" I said trying not to panic or give anything away.

Not guilty until proved otherwise right?

Liz's POV

She was calm but her eyes gave her away, she was scared.

"We're not going to hurt you" I said and she looked at me.

"Why would you?" she asked trying to sound clueless but there was a small tremble on her voice that went against her act.

"Okay, we are all grown people here so let's act like it. We make decisions, we deal with the consequences alright.  So please Aisah Matanog, cut the crap and tell the truth" I said and I saw Zayn look at me with a frown, he was not used to me acting like this.

Ais looked surprised by the mention of her last name.

"How do you know my last name?" she asked slowly.

"I've got friends" I said with a smirk and she looked at the ground.

"It is you..." she stated.

"Of course it's me Ais and I know that deep down you've always known, but your conscience was dying with guilt and liking Zayn made it 10 times worse".

"How do you know that?" she asked still not looking at me.

"Typical rookie mistake" I said matter of fact and she snapped her eyes up at me.

"Take it easy, I didn't mean it as an insult, I was a rookie once...long time ago and it was not the same, I was trained to be a weapon not a manipulative bi..." I didn't finish the sentence because it wouldn't be anything nice what came out of my mouth, I hadn't noticed I was angry until I almost called her a bad word.

I took a deep breath to calm down.

"They tortured you for the training didn't they?" she said with pity in her eyes.

"This job is not for the weak" I said coldly and she flinched at my tone.

"You are ruining your life, why on earth would you throw everything you could have for something as stupid as this, and if you think you'll just have to get information all the time you're wrong, they will decide that you'll be more helpful if you got more training and they will do to you what they did to me but worse because your Captain is a merciless jerk and will fuck you up, alright. You will go through so much pain that you will think you're dying but you're not, because everything is pain, and death... is peace" I felt every eye in the room on me, this part of me that none of them had seen wasn't the "sweet" Liz they were used to.

"They call it being strong... I call it hell. But then I met this guys, I met Niall who made me feel again, care again so I wanted to give back to him what he gave me and now... now my chance to be happy it's going to end before it really begun" I finished and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Liz I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was getting into, but I never confirmed him it was you, maybe I could..." she started saying but was cut off by a male voice.

"Maybe you could what, lie to me and make me believe it's not her" said Ais Captain who had apparently gotten inside unnoticed.

"I would have to trust you, which I don't" he finished.


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