Dragon Slayer- A Hobbit Fanfi...

By theironwolf26

4.5K 185 9

Gandalf is working on a quest. A quest to take back a homeland for the dwarves. He has travelers and even a b... More

Prologue: The Call
Chapter 1: Dwarves
Chapter 2: To Plan
Chapter 3: To Begin
Chapter 5: Troll, Elf and Hobbit
Chapter 6: Wizards and Elves
Chapter 7: The Last Homely House
Chapter 8: The Twisting Tales
Chapter 9: A Song of Embers
Sneak Peek
Chapter 10: Into the Mountains
Chapter 11: Flickers of Ages

Chapter 4: The Trouble Begins

335 13 0
By theironwolf26

TA 2941
The West

The group awoke the next morning to a cloudy, grey sky. Nyx, who had not slept a wink last night, stood on the cliff, eyes scanning the path forward. Her cloak was again around her shoulders, dancing in the wind that rose up from the plains. As the others packed up, she lifted her gaze to the sky, the grey curtain barely being punctuated by shafts of light.

Hearing the preparations slow down, she turned back to the group and swung atop her horse, taking her place towards the back. The dwarf princes join her as does Bilbo, who is shivering without a cloak. Nyx passes him a spare one she brought. It is much too big for him but it'll keep him dry when the rain inevitably comes.

Little more than an hour into their journey, the rain comes, beginning as small drops into a torrent around the company. Nyx pulls her hood up, frowning as water sticks to her face when it can reach her. The wind had a tendency to blow droplets towards her, inevitably getting her wet despite the cloak. Next to her Bilbo bundles into the cloak she gave him, likely now appreciating how big it was on him.

     The forest is quiet if not for the rain pattering against the leaves, the animals having chosen to wait the storm out. She does not blame them. However, the fresh smell of rain as it strikes the earth below her fills her lungs, clearing her mind from the dark of night. The trees groan slightly in the wind, sending more droplets flying their way as they follow the path of the wizard.

"Hey Mr. Gandalf?" calls Dori from in front of her. "Can't you do something about this deluge?"

"It is raining master dwarf. And it will continue to rain until the rain is done!" Gandalf calls back, turning slightly to face Dori. "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

     Bilbo shivers before asking, "Are there any? Other wizards?" Nearby Bofur tries one last time to light his pipe before eventually giving up.

     "There are five of us. The greatest of our Order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two blue wizards," he pauses evidently having forgotten their names.

     Nyx chipped in then, "Allatar and Pallando, they went east many years ago. Few from these lands have since seen them."

     "And the fifth?" asks Bilbo, turning his gaze back to the wizard.

     "That would be Radagast the Brown," Gandalf replied simply, adjusting one of the straps on the saddle.

     Bilbo, unable to stop his next words, blurts, "Is he a great wizard or is he... more like you?"

     Nyx has to stifle a laugh, a choking sound instead escaping her lips. The others chuckle as well while Gandalf just grumbles. "I think he's a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east. And a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world."

     The others fall quiet and she muses over Gandalf's final words. She knows the truth to them, having spent centuries seeking out evil and destroying it. It was not an easy path she chose but one she does not intend to back down from. For if not her, then who?

     Regardless, the day wears on and the sun soon slips down into the world, breaking through the grey chain of clouds. The light hits their faces, warming their backs and getting smiles out of all of them. They remove their hoods, trying to dry out while they can. Conversation begins again as now they no longer have to shout over the rain and wind, instead able to hold a regular conversation.

     Time passes and the sun begins its steady descent downwards, the rays turning orange and red, sparking like fire across the sky. The group finds a spot near an old abandoned farmhouse and Thorin finally calls for a halt. Most tumble out of their saddles, groaning from the long ride. Nyx slips off her horse, murmuring a thank you to it in her native tongue. She aches less than the others having gone on long journeys before.

     "We'll camp here for the night. Fíli, Kíli, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them," Thorin orders.

     Nearby Gandalf examines the farmhouse, Nyx following after him. "A farmer and his family used to live here," he mutters, glancing over at her. Both understand the potentiality of a threat and she nods in agreement to try and dissuade Thorin.

     "Òin, Glóin, get a fire going," she hears Thorin say, and she and Gandalf turn to him.

     "I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley," Gandalf says to him. Nyx gives a small nod. She doesn't believe Thorin will go anywhere near Rivendell, but they certainly can't stay here. Some of the marks near the house do not look good for them.

     Thorin walks right past them, "I've told you already, I will not go near that place."

     "Why not?" presses Gandalf, following the king. Nyx hangs back, knowing her word is nothing in the eyes of the dwarf. "The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice."

     Thorin turns to face them, "I do not need their advice," he snaps.

     "Since you will not allow Nyx to read the map, we cannot read the map at all. Lord Elrond could help us," Gandalf persisted, briefly gesturing to her. She gives a small nod upon seeing the dwarf glance towards her.

     Thorin's hand drifts to the hilt of his sword. "Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the elves looked on and did nothing! You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father?"

     "You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past," retorts Gandalf. Nyx stays back, knowing any words from her mouth would be like razors, swift and cutting. Right now those are not the words that are needed.

     "I did not know they were yours to keep," snaps Thorin, his anger clear. Gandalf just shakes his head and storms off, deciding the argument is not worth his words.

     Bilbo, noticing the argument, races after the wizard. "Everything alright? Where are you going, Gandalf?"

     "To seek the company of one of the only ones around here who's got any sense," grumbles the wizard, not slowing in his swift pace.

      The hobbit stumbles after him, "Who's that?"

     "Myself, Mister Baggins! I've had quite enough of dwarves for one day!"

     Nyx lays a hand on Bilbo's shoulder before turning to Thorin. "The actions of Thranduil and of those of Mirkwood does not spread to others of my same race. Regardless, I must say sorry on behalf of my kin for the wrongs they have done."

     Thorin stares at her for a long moment. "Were you there the day the dragon attacked? Do you know anything of the destruction Smaug wrought?"

     Her eyes narrow. "I may not have been there the day of the burning but I know much about dragon fire." Upon seeing the disbelieving look on his face, she bends down so her face is closer to his. Her voice is low and deadly. "I have seen dragons plunder cities and raze armies. I have seen them kill and kill and kill."

     With that she turns from him, trying to ignore the growing anger in her gut. She has nothing against the dwarves but yet she must pay the price for those who do. And to be mistaken as a naive warrior with no understanding of death or destruction? She slows, eyes burning into the ground. Images of years gone by flash before her eyes, burning cities and bodies laying all around her. So many dead. Bile rises in her throat before she shakes herself, trying to calm down.

     Nyx wrings her hands then carefully slows her breathing. She cannot change their view of her. She can only hope they could begin to understand what she had seen. After sitting for a while upon a rough stone, she manages to calm down, her breath slowing to its steady pace. Electing not to return to the camp, she heads over to where Fíli and Kíli stand near the ponies, deciding to remain in the company of someone who does not hate her.

     Night had more or less fallen by then and she came upon the two brothers silently. Her steps made not a noise in the quiet, though her keen ears pick out many of the night noises. Animals scurrying about and the distant chatter of the dwarves. The moon rays barely breaks the cover of the trees, shining down in small shafts of silvery light. She creeps up behind them and stands for a while, still and silent as a statue.

     The two finally turn around and see her standing there. Both let out a yelp and jump up in the air, earning a laugh out of the warrior. Kíli smacks her arm, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" he whisper-yelled.

     Nyx finds herself chuckling slightly at the easy camaraderie before turning her attention to the ponies. Her eyes narrow upon counting. "You're missing a few."

     Hearing footsteps behind her, she recognizes the soft patter as a hobbit, her belief confirmed when Bilbo speaks. He is holding out three bowls to them and yet is also staring at the ponies. "What's the matter?" he asks.

     "We're supposed to be watching the ponies," Kíli begins, an awkward hint in his voice.

     Fíli picks up his brother's sentence, "Only we've encountered a slight problem. We had sixteen."

     "Now there's fourteen. Daisy and Bungo are missing," Kíli finished, his eyes once again counting the ponies.

     The dwarves plus Nyx started following a path of crushed branches. "Well that's not good. That's not good at all," Bilbo said as he followed after them, still holding onto the bowls of stew. "Shouldn't we tell Thorin?"

     Nyx winced upon remembering the argument with the dwarf king and his clear disdain for her. Fíli thankfully agreed. "Uh.. no. Let's not worry him. As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it."

     "Well.. uh.. it looks like something big uprooted this trees," Bilbo stammered out, earning a confirmation from Kíli. Nyx bent down to examine the tracks, her eyes following the path of broken trees and uprooted stems. "It's something big and possibly quite dangerous," he added.

     The elf rose to her feet, a frustrated look on her face. "There's a light, over there," Kíli said. The group followed after him, crouching down beside a fallen tree.

     Firelight danced across the trees near them, clear in its orange color. She heard deep, booming voices, and sighed, her fear confirmed. A troll walked past them, a pony under each arm. The brute was grey and greenish, his skin sallow and stretched. A mountain troll. Some of the biggest trolls known to man.

     "He's got Myrtle and Minty," Bilbo whisper-screamed, his voice feeling uncomfortably loud in the elf's ears. "We have to do something."

     Kíli rounded on the hobbit. "Yes, you should. Mountain trolls are slow and stupid and you're so small. They'll never see you. It's perfectly safe, we'll be right behind you," he said, shoving the poor burglar towards the firelight.

     The hobbit protested but Fíli was already talking over him. "If you run into trouble hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl." He took the bowls from Bilbo's hands, ignoring his protests and ramblings.

     "Go get Thorin," she told them, already drawing her sword. She hoped to avoid combat but she would not abandon the hobbit. The princes nodded and immediately went to follow her orders.

     The minutes seemed to wear on as she waited for the princes to return. She had no time to ponder their readiness to heed her orders, focused instead on Bilbo. Nyx watched as he tried to steal a knife from one, trying twice before getting sneezed on. Her lip curled upon seeing the snot and she approached to where she saw the dwarves coming. The hobbit was in danger and they needed to move.

     They wouldn't make it in time. Bilbo needed her. He would end up cooked if she didn't act. She directed herself back towards the firelight stepping into the ring of light. No fear touched her mind. She had no use for it. Courage was what she needed. And that required conquering the fear.

     Drawing the double bladed sword across her back, she approached the three trolls. The blade gleamed in the light and the fire danced across her sharp features. "Drop him!"

     "You what?" asked one of the trolls, stunned by her commanding voice. For while trolls were stupid, they could recognize power, even hidden power. And they saw a deep well of strength and power in the figure in front of them.

     She spun her blade. "I said, drop him."

Word Count: 2215

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