Shudders: Retribution

By Lilas___

101K 8.9K 15.4K

[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... More

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 12 - The Map

1.8K 157 266
By Lilas___

Art by Emma Drew on Artstation

     Yama angrily huffed out a breath after hearing everything (Y/N) just told him.

     There's some demon running around with the name Zankora?! The Elitists are supposed to be what Zankoku's kingdom once was?! Was this all some sort of joke?!

     After the King was put down, all of the problems should've stopped there. The majority of his kingdom despised him and wanted to be set free. But from what (Y/N) remembered during her time under their control before she escaped, the Elitists all seemed loyal. They didn't dare talk bad about Zankora and were all just as obsessed with her as she is about (Y/N). The poor girl inherited Zankoku's abilities and with the Elitists being the loyal remnants of his kingdom, it's no surprise why they want her back so badly.

     But who even was Zankora? Zankoku never had children and even if he did he would have never pass his power down to anyone. Even in death.

      Was Zankora supposed to be some sort of copycat? Trying to live on what Zankoku planned but in the form of the Elitists? The only difference is that they didn't call her the Demon Queen.

      They called her mother.

      That was all (Y/N) knew about Zankora and the Elitists from what she could remember between phasing in and out of consciousness at the time. They were a cult of demons rampaging around and attacking human communities, forcing the residents to drink that blood. Regardless if they died or not. Yama knew they were trouble but not to this magnitude.

      (Y/N) could tell how furious he was about this information. Hearing Zankora's name had awakened her mind from that dark place she was in. She clutched the strap of the duffel bag with the rifle and bullets inside. Her community wasn't the first one to be ravaged by them and certainly won't be the last...

"My love... My King..."

      The girl shook in fear from those whispers she faintly heard. So cold and raspy, like the wind in an icy cave.

"You come back to me..."

      Her body was still in the middle of transformation and it took a lot of energy from her. She was barely awake for most of the time.

      But she heard them talk. Their awful plans, their sinister laughs. It was a miracle she managed to get out when she did. But even then she doesn't know how she did it. She couldn't remember a thing about that.

"Do you remember where they kept you?" Yama spoke to which she shook her head. "I don't know..."

    They were walking over a break that stood over a creak. Yama was making sure to avoid the roads and paths they took getting here to keep the Elitists thinking but this only meant that he'll have to wing it making his way back home. It did provide him with more of a layout to later memorize in his notebook but it also meant that they'll be going in blind to certain places.

     (Y/N) thought hard to try and remember where the Elitists kept her. She remembers seeing wooden walls and feeling old straw on the ground when they forced that blood into her. But then later she remembers being kept in a dark and cold room for the rest of her memories until she woke up in that mall. She could've been anywhere.

      The only place that Yama could think of was the asylum. It's where Zankoku was based and if it's still standing there could be a chance it's where Zankora is too.

      But he wasn't planning on going back to that horrible place to check. He may want more information about those demons but he wasn't suicidal.

"If they think I'm that Zankoku guy, what if they don't stop coming after me?" Her voice trembled. "If they find us again-"

"They won't." Yama cut in. "Focus on getting far from them first so they don't find us again."

     She didn't say any more. He was right but she can't help but be worried. This was her life and the lives of others being threatened.

"Stop here."

     Her eyes looked up to see Yama looking at a building tucked away in the trees. They were coming upon another small town after hours of traversing the forest roads and avoiding the freeway. (Y/N) followed his gaze and saw that he was checking out a two-story building with the sign 'Timbershade Public Library' on the road.

"We're stopping there?" She asked.

     Yama looked around first before sizing up the place. It could be worth the search. "If I can find a map there things will be a lot easier."

      It looked like a haunted building. Like the ones from the old horror books she used to read as a kid. Any second she suspected a ghost to peek through the broken windows and whisper at them to leave their dwelling. They entered through the front and the whole place was in disarray. Overgrowth, debris, old books, and ladders littered every surface of the interior.

      Yama got to work searching the front checkout desk for a map to help guide them. He didn't like this whole blindly walking to who knows where when there were enemies about.

     (Y/N) didn't stray too far but walked over to a pile of books on the floor and crouched down to them. No surprise that the elements got to them, just like the ones back at that apartment.

     She looked back over to Yama who had to force a jammed drawer open. "Any luck?"

"So far, no." He grumbled. This place had to have a map.

     The girl stood up to go look at other piles of books on the floor. It's a shame most of them were destroyed. Reading was something she did to relax after a long day of work.

     Moving over to the shelves where some books still sat, she stood on her tiptoes to reach a few on a shelf that was taller than her.

     As her fingers graced the hardcover of one, something further down the row scampered on by that made her body freeze up.

     She didn't move but her milky eyes glanced over to where it came from then slowly she lowered herself back down, book in hand, she whispered for her partner. "Yama."

      The male demon didn't hear her as he went to the other desks.

      In another aisle, a couple of books had fallen and made the girl jump. Her hand reached for the rifle that was loaded but then remembered that Yama only said it was for emergencies. The noise could draw others to them.

      She gulped back her fear and inched her way down the aisle to peek at where she heard the noise. On a shelf the aisle over was a newly formed cloud of dust where the books were disturbed.

      Maybe it's just an animal? A raccoon or an opossum?

      When she went to back away, she heard creaking coming from the shelf above her and soon hot breath breathing against her neck. The breath was rugged and deep, she could feel the vibrations of it around her.

      Slowly she turned around and felt drool hit her shoulder.

      Yama slammed another draw shut. If there wasn't a map in this area of the library then maybe there is one deeper in. He just wanted to get out of this forested area as quickly as possible.

      He'll have to find (Y/N) so they can search the back. If there wasn't a map in this library then maybe they can check a city hall or a restaurant. Any other place he can think of that would have maps lying around. He climbed over the desk and noticed that the girl was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't have gone off too far. She usually stuck close to him like a lost puppy.

      When he walked down the aisles to see which one she was in, he started to hear deep growls and breathing that made him tense up.

      He swore under his breath. They weren't alone.

      He followed the growls and soon found (Y/N) backed up into a shelf while a huge animalistic demon towered over her and took in her scent.

     The demon was like a grizzly. Rough down brown fur caked in mud and old blood, large orange and yellow teeth, scars and slashes all over its body, and a third set of limbs that it used to climb over the shelves easily and sneak up on (Y/N) without her seeing it. She kept as still as a statue while the beast sniffed and her eyes trailed over to Yama who kept still as well. His eyes went from her to the demon before motioning for her to stay still. She pursed her lips and shut her eyes as the demon brought its fangs to her face and let out a loud roar.

      Yama lifted himself out of sight to avoid making sounds with his steps and turned towards the other shelves. If he can distract the beast away from the girl, she'll be able to run.

      Clenching his teeth hoping his plan will work, he shoved his arms towards a shelf and sent one barreling against another.

      (Y/N) watched the beast shoot its head toward the crash and let out another deep roar before moving off of her and racing toward the noise. She sucked in the much needed air she was avoiding and turned to run in the other direction. Jumping over books and maneuvering around tall shelves of books, hoping to find an exit that wasn't near the beast.

      Turning down another aisle, she saw a broken exit sign hanging above a side door and raced for it. She looked back for just a second and failed to see the large swing of a fist that flew over her head and slammed into a display case just next to her.

      She screamed and fell to the floor as glass rained down on top of her.

      Yama's plan worked to a degree but now the ravenous beast was chasing him. He had the advantage of using his ability to make himself faster but that didn't stop the bear from following his every twist and turn. Yama brought down another shelf to throw it off but it quickly jumped over it and climbed up onto the shelves with its four front paws. It let out another ferocious roar as it continued its chase.

      When (Y/N)'s scream echoed throughout the abandoned library, Yama quickly put all his strength into knocking the bear back and onto the ground before racing off in her direction.

      She pushed herself to her feet and shook the glass off of her before looking up to meet the eyes of another large demon. The demon who swung at her looked old but insanely muscular. He was even taller than the bear with a white tangled beard and deep gray skin that held years of battle scars. A leather trapper hat covered the majority of his head and his clothes made him look like a lumberjack without the axe. There was no way neither she nor Yama could fight this guy.

     The old demon began stalking up to her with his fist clenched while she steadily backed away towards the door. Her arm hit the handle and she quickly turned to try and open it but realized that the door was jammed.

"What're you doing in my territory?!" The old demon growled. His deep voice boomed over the space and made the girl whimper and cower. All that came out from her was a sorry attempt to form a sentence that made the demon grow impatient. "I asked you a question, girl!"

"W-We just- we-" She swallowed back the lump forming in her throat and did her best to look at him. He had dark eyes that looked like dark voids in space. "We just want a map!"

"A map?" He growled, bringing his large head down towards her while she quickly nodded. "And why should I trust you?"

"I'm being honest!" She pleaded. "That's all we're here for! We'll leave, I promise!"

      The old demon tsked. "And you'll bring back your Elitists friends to come ravage my home? Not a chance."

      The Elitists? "We're not with them! We're trying to get away from them too!"

      This made the old demon look her up and down. She didn't have a skull like those freaks. But you can never be too sure.

      When he made a move, she cowered even more and shielded her head. "I-I used to be a human! They killed my family!"

     This caused the demon to stop.

    Just then, Yama came rushing in and grabbed onto her arm before forcing her to run with him down a back hall. She yelped from the surprise but started running too after seeing her partner.

     She could hear the roars of the bear demon behind them but nothing from the old guy.

      Together they reached an employee's only room that they entered before Yama whipped his arms around to slam two double doors shut just as the bear crashed into it and furiously tried breaking the doors down.

      (Y/N) fell against a table and looked around to see lockers and other old furniture like couches and more bookshelves. But then she started to notice a large makeshift bed and a room further down that held old deer bones in a dumpster with a fire pit next to it.

      When her eyes looked closer at the bed she realized that there was a smaller one next to it that was empty but surrounding it were worn teddy bears and a locket that lay perfectly on a pillow.

     Her eyes softened at the sight but another crash from the door made her look back to Yama who was having trouble keeping the beast from getting in. She searched the room for a way out and found a rectangular window towards the ceiling that they can escape through. "Yama!"

     He glanced back to see her climb a desk to the window and push the glass open. He started inching towards her while keeping focus on the door.

"SORREL, DOWN!" Came the voice of the old demon from the other side of the door. Soon the ravenous beast trying to break in finally stopped and quieted down.

      Both Yama and (Y/N) kept still and silent. He looked back at her and gestured for her to go through the window. She nodded and went to pull herself up but the door to the room was kicked open with enough force that Yama felt it in his arms.

      The old demon came climbing inside and saw (Y/N) rush to climb down the desk she was on and pulled Yama back closer to her.

      The large demon huffed and glared at them. Yama subconsciously moved (Y/N) behind him, trying to figure out what to do.

     Between this guy and that beast, they weren't going to be as easy as the Elitists.

     Silence crept into the room between the bigger demon and the doctor size each other up.

"They killed your family?" The old demon growled, now staring at (Y/N) who hid behind her partner.

     She realized he was talking to her and slowly nodded. "We're not one of them. I promise."

     Her hand made its way to Yama's, wrapping her fingers around his for comfort.

     The old demon seemed to loosen up and turn back to the beast behind him who waited for his command to attack the two intruders. "Off with ya' now! Go! Git!"

     He was sending it away? They watched the demon shoo off the beast who snapped its jaw at him before turning to leave with a gruff. Heading back to the library floor.

     He turned back to them and sighed. "Sorry about that. Thought you were one of those Elitists fellas."

"We're not wearing skulls." Yama stated the obvious. "You and that thing just tried to kill us."

"I have to protect my turf." The old demon huffed. "It's all I have left after those freaks took my family too."

      He met eyes with (Y/N) when he said that and she glanced back to the smaller bed next to the larger one. The demon saw her looking and shook his head, going over to the couch and plopping his large body down onto it. It creaked and dented against his weight. "My wife and my child. Hunting trip gone wrong."

     Seeing the old demon take a seat and hearing what he said made (Y/N) relax but Yama still kept his guard up. A look of sadness crossed the girl's face as she watched the older demon. "What happened..?"

     A long dragged out sigh came from the demon. "They had been harassing us for weeks. I used to work for the King until the bastard died and they knew that. The more I refused to join them the more aggressive they got. But after a couple of weeks of nothing from them, my wife and I thought it would be safe enough to go out hunting. Took our daughter with us so she can learn something about catching food."

     He stopped, deep growls emanating from his throat as he lowered his head. "Then the freaks got the jump on us. My girls weren't as strong as me so those Elitists thought to take out the weaker ones first before going after the big guy. I managed to kill them but I was too late for my girls..."

     (Y/N)'s eyes fell to the ground. She knows how he feels and it hurts hearing it happen to others. The Elitists only wanted him. His poor wife and daughter didn't deserve to be killed.

      Her hand slipped from Yama's and she went over to the old demon and bent down to meet his gaze. "I'm so sorry..."

      The old man looked at her before moving his sight up to Yama who folded his arms and leaned against a table. He held a straight face while the girl showed him some concern.

      He looked back down at the girl and thought of what she said before. "You said you used to be human? That true?"

      She nodded and looked at her clawed hands. "They destroyed my community... took my family. They made me drink this blood and-"

"Zankoku's blood?"

     (Y/N) looked up surprised and so did Yama who narrowed his eyes. She stood back up. "We're not sure if it was."

"Had to be." The old demon huffed. "He was the only demon around able to do that to humans. I only ever saw him do it once to these three human kids who wanted to join him for whatever reason, years before he died. Made them drink his blood then after hours of pain and misery they became demons. Stupid kids."

     (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she turned to look at Yama. He finally spoke up for the first time since the tense air calmed down. "You sure that's what happened to her? She was recently turned and the King died 20 years ago."

"Been that long, huh?" The old demon chuckled. "The King's blood always had its surprises. It's not like any other demons'. It was its own kind. I wouldn't be surprised if those Elitists freaks managed to preserve it all these years."

     (Y/N) glanced back down to her arms, seeing her veins through her skin that pumped what could be his blood. Was her blood its own kind too?

"Marsol." The old demon huffed and leaned back against the dented couch and relaxed his muscles. "The name's Marsol. Excuse, Sorrel. He's my pet."

"I'm, (Y/N)." The girl introduced herself before turning towards her partner. "That's Yama."

      The doctor gave her a look, not asking to be introduced.

"If you're still looking for a map, there's some in one of those boxes over there." He gestured towards a far corner with small boxes stacked up. "I don't need them."

      Yama sighed and went to go find one while (Y/N) have Marsol a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"At least one of you has some manners." Marsol grumbled while Yama tsked. He wasn't going to be polite to someone who just tried to kill them, unlike the naive girl.

      (Y/N) couldn't help her small chuckle. "He's not used to people, don't mind him."

      Was she forgetting she was one of those 'people' not too long ago? Yama ignored the girl and pulled out a box to finally grab a map from.

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