Arrogant Alpha, My Mate(AAMM)

By thailia1

304K 9.7K 937

A mate, Alexis had always wanted hers. She thought that he would be the kindest person she had ever met. Then... More

Arrogant alpha, my mate(AAMM)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chpater 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

16.6K 538 47
By thailia1

Let's do this thing.....yeah!!!!!!


Alexis' P.O.V.

I waited not so patiently for Alisha to finish getting ready.

Soon after we left her room, we arrived at the meeting doors.

I looked down at myself.

" I'm not good enough for Carter," I thought.

" WHAT! Don't say that," Alisha screeched and I jumped.

" I didn't say anything," I protested.

" Yes you did, you said that you weren't good enough for Carter," she said and I shrugged.

" I'm not," I said frankly.

" But he's your mate," she said.

" I know he is," I said," and I know I may seem invincible but what if this is just a ploy to win my heart then break it by rejecting me like he promised when we first met,"

" Oh come on Alexis, he was in High school and he was dumb," she said and I laughed humorlessly.

" You know, it's funny. I said the same thing when we first met and he slapped me," I said and she gasped.

" Really?" she breathed out.

" Yep, I would never tell him but I ended up needing surgery because it shattered half my bones on that side of my face. Even wolf healing wasn't enough on it's own," I admitted and again she gasped.

" Why wouldn't you want him to know that" Alisha asked.

" Well really it's harder for me to talk about it because the same thing happened a week later on the other side," I said meekly.

" Carter slapped you again," Alisha said quietly.

" What, no," I said quickly.

" Well then, what happened?" she asked aloud.

" I'd rather not talk about it," I said.

Just then,Carter walked in, a big grin on his face.

I instantly smiled but I was sure he knew it was fake.

" Hey, what are my two favorite girls talkin bout?" he asked.

" Just girl stuff," I lied smoothly.

" Okay then, are you ready to go in?" he asked cheerfully and we both nodded.

He wrapped his arm firmly around my waist and brought me closer to him, taking a deep breath.

He let out a sigh, smiled, then pushed open the doors.

The was already alive with chatter from other alphas and betas.

Most of them turned and gave me disgusted looks.

I was confused as to why until I remembered that Carter had been a player before he knew I was his mate.

They just thought that I was one of his toys.

My face contorted into one of disgust.

" Good evening," Carter said but people kept talking.

I rolled my eyes.

" I got this," I whispered in his ear.

He nodded.

" HEY, SHUT UP AND LISTEN OR YOU WILL BE SEPARATED!" I shouted and everyone instantly became silent and turned to me.

" Why should we listen to you, he's just gonna bang you then drop you," some guy in the crowd said and I was by his side in a second.

I grabbed him by the collar and had him half way up the wall in less than a second.

" You might wanna be careful, she's the future Luna of this pack," Carter called and the guy's eyes widened in fear," Everyone, I would like you to meet my mate, Alexis Silaret,"

The guy's eyes widened in fear even more.

I dropped him and was back by Carter in the blink of an eye.

" Hiya," I said grinning.

They all bowed their heads in submission and I groaned.

" Nooooo, please don't bow, I'm not royalty," I whined and I heard Carter chuckle.

Everyone looked up, giving me a weird look but saying nothing.

They sat in their seats as well as us.

" Okay, my mate would like to propose an idea, so she will begin this meeting," Carter said and I nodded.

" I propose that we train the females in the pack as well as the men," I said.

There was an instant uproar.

" That is insane, we will not make our women fight," someone yelled.

" I agree, the women don't belong on the battle field," someone else said.

There were many more comments like that until I couldn't take it anymore.

I stood up angrily and shouted," Would you all shut up,"

Everyone became instantly quiet.

" Thank you. Now I know how strange this is but I have seen first hand how much the females need to learn to fight. I'm not proposing that we make them fight in the field but I say that they should learn enough to hold their ground if attacked by a rouge," I said.

Everyone was silent.

" I will personally go to each pack to help train some of the females who I feel have the most potential to help the others learn," I said," please, you may now voice your opinion,"

They were completely silent for a few moments until a voice that I knew well spoke up.

" I think it's a good idea, our females are defenseless right now. I approve," my brother said and I flashed him a grin.

" Good to see ya big bro," I thought and he nodded then winked at me.

" I approve as well," another voice said.

Soon voices were chorusing their agreement.

I still heard a few protests but they died down when I held my hand up.

" I understand if you don't approve and if you don't,then you don't have to. And for those concerned about males being close to your mate then train them yourself. That is all," I said, sitting down.

The rest of the meeting dragged on and by the time it was almost done, I was ready to leap out of the room.

Then someone caught my eye.

It was Riley, she was here.

" I'm sooooo bored," I thought and she looked at me.

I could tell she was trying to hold back laughter.

" Stop it Alexis, if I laugh I"m gonna get in trouble," she thought back.


She cringed from the noise and I almost giggled.

" It isn't for a couple hours," she said and I grinned.

" Yeah, but you gonna find your mate," I said and she blushed.

" I hope so, you both seem so happy," she said, eyeing Carter.

" Oh, idea. I'll be right back," I said.

This time I zoned into Carter's thoughts.

" Are we almost done, I'm booooooored," I whined and I saw the corner of his lips tug up a little.

Haha success.

" Almost," he replied.

" Yes," I cheered.

Tuning back into the meeting, I actually paid attention to what the people were saying.

" And now, the last matter of business. Blake and a few other routes were spotted on our territory about a week ago. I fear they are coming this way. I think we need an immediate plan of action," Alpha Chrick said.

The dude was a russian werewolf whose pack had migrated here.

" Um yeah, about that," I said, not even trying to hide my boredom," I had an encounter with said rouges and I killed all but two. We now have Blake and his right hand man in captivity,"

Everyone turned and stared at me.

" Oh hey, that was the last matter of business. Meeting adjourned," I said quickly before another idiot could make a comment.

" But," someone protested and I shot him a glare.

" I said the meeting was adjourned, it was all nice to see you. I'm leaving" I said," Riley, let's go,"

She stood up and bolted to me.

" Let's go," she said and I nodded.

Alisha hurried to us and left with us.

I grinned.

It was good to be back with my best friend.

" Soooooo, do ya think you'll find your mate today?" I asked.

" I don't think so," she said, looking at the ground unhappily.

" wait, your birthday is technically in 4-3-2-1," I counted down, looking at my watch.

Her head shot up.

A grin broke across my face.

" He's coming?" she said but it sounded more like a question.

A moment later the door opened, revealing Ryan and a very confused Carter.

" Alexis, what the hell is going," Carter began to demand.

" Shhhhh," Alisha and I hissed at the same time.

I took Alisha's hand and pulled her towards the door.

" I'm gonna leave two alone but if I end up with a Godchild from you in the near future, I will have to kill you both. Understood?" I asked.

They both nodded absentmindedly.

" Good," I said as I closed the door.

" Okay, what?" Carter asked.

" Today is Riley's 18th birthday," I explained.

He just looked at me blankly.

" Oh my God, you are so damn dumb. They are mates," I said, probably sounding quite rude.

" You do realize that you just used foul language. Now I have to punish you tonight," he thought to me.

" I was planning on it," I thought back.

His eyes shot wide open and I smiled innocently.

I took Alisha's, who was looking between us blankly, hand and began pulling her.

" Come on, it's time to begin your training," I said.

As I walked past Carter, I felt a slap on my ass.

" Carter!" I exclaimed.

" What?" he asked innocently.

" You're gonna regret that tonight," I warned.

His eyebrow raised but he didn't get a chance to ask what I meant as I dragged Alisha away.

" wait," Alisha said as I closed the door behind me.

" What?" I asked.

" I'm not in workout clothes, shouldn't I change?" she questioned me and I rolled my eyes.

" Nooooo," I drew out," it's not a rogue is gonna be like ' oh your not in fight clothes, I'll wait for you to change before I kill you'"

" Um, isn't that a little excessive?" Alisha asked.

" No, now we are gonna start with the basics," I explained,"come at me,"

" I'm sorry, what?" she replied.

" Come at me," I commanded.

" Um, okay," she said, saying it more like a question than a statement.

She ran at me and I simply stepped out of the way.

" Try again, I'm trying to see your technique," I explained.

She came at me again.

" Okay, I've seen enough," I called as she barreled past me.

" Geese Alexis, I'm pretty fast and you're just stepping around me," she complained but I ignored her.

I was on a mission.

" Okay, what I noticed is your sloppy on your run in. You need to be thinking about what happens if I can react the way I did. If I step out of the way you need to be quick in changing direction," I lectured.

She nodded so I knew she was listening.

" Ok, try again and remember what I said," I commanded.

She took a few steps away from me then turned to face me.

Taking a deep breath, she charged again.

This time, I stepped out of the way a little earlier.

It was soon enough that an untrained wolf could sense and react.

She changed her angle slightly and headed straight for me.

At the last possible moment, I launched myself into the air.

I felt her run right under my feet and I smiled.

" Good, good that's much better," I praised and she grinned.

She was already flushed from work and it intently occurred to me that she had no fitness training.

We continued with sparring for another three hours until I saw she was near her breaking point.

By that time, our friends had all come out and were watching but she seemed oblivious.

I knew the feeling well.

" Again!" I shouted.

" I can't," she gasped out and I saw tears in her eyes.

She keeled over, looking like she was gonna be sick.

Bryan began to rush forward.

" Stop," I commanded, the alpha tone clear in my voice.

Needless to say, he was pissed.

" Alisha remember the fear you felt when we were ambushed. What if Bryan was severely injured and couldn't fight when that happened. If the rogues attacked would you be tired or would you fight to your death," I shouted at her.

She looked up at me, her eyes black with fury.

No doubt because of the theory I had just told her about.

She let out a snarl and charged.

As she was about to reach me, I jumped into the air.

By this time though, she was halfway expecting this.

Reaching quickly up, she grabbed my foot and yanked down.

I had anticipated this, however, and did a tuck and roll to avoid getting injured.

Standing up, I dusted myself off and flashed a triumphant smile at her.

She look back at me in surprise.

" I did it," she whispered in astonishment.

Taking her by the arm, I turned and smirked cockily at Bryan.

I handed her off to him.

" I would thank you not to interrupt my training sessions or you won't be allowed at all. Believe it or not, I know what I'm doing," I said and he nodded, remaining silent.

I pushed past everyone but someone grabbed my shoulders.

It was Carter.

I turned.

" Come on," he thought and I raised an eyebrow.

" Where are we going?" I asked.

" there's this awesome little diner I know about, we're going there for dinner," he stated.

" Um, I hate to state the obvious but I reek," I thought back.

He leaned into my hair and took a deep breath.

" You smell fine to me," he smiled.

" Ya, nice try. I'm going to take a shower," I announced veering towards the bathroom.

As I was about to close the door I popped my head out.

" Don't do anything stupid," I chastised and he nodded, sitting on his bed.

I could tell he still was brainstorming on stupid ass stuff to do so I just gave him a look and went back into his bathroom.

The warm water felt good as I stepped into it.

I had to use his shampoo and soap because I didn't have my stuff on account of me being kidnapped.

" great, now I smell like him that's gonna be construed," I muttered.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and looked around the bathroom.

I nearly face palmed myself.

" Damn it all," I muttered,"why does the girl always forget her clothes,"

Making sure my towel was firm around my chest, I walked to the door.

From what I heard, he was completely silent.

" he must be asleep," I reasoned with myself as I turned the knob.

The second I had, I regretted it.

He was literally right outside the door.

As in, I plowed straight into him with only my towel on.

My checks, no doubt, were now red.

" Well, hello there," he said, seeming quite happy with himself.

Looking in his hands, I saw that he was holding a pile of what looked like Alisha's clothes.

" I think you might need these, but I'm perfectly fine if you decide against it," he said, almost hopefully.

His eyes were dark and I knew that if my towel dropped, all hell would break loose.

He could barely control himself when I was I'm short clothes, let alone none.

I was scared.

I wasn't ready to be marked, I wasn't sure that this wasn't just a scheme to break my heart.

Backing up as far as I could, my back brushed the wall.

I stopped and he grinned.

" Give me my clothes," I demanded but my voice wavered and he seemed to pick up on this.

He smiled.

" hmmmmm," he pretended to think.

" Oh come on,I'll do anything," I reasoned.

" anything?" he questioned.

" ya, I'll train your entire pack, I'll help keep the guys in your pack in order, I'll fix your," I rushed through, genuinely scared.

I was cut off by his fist pounding against the wall a few centimeters from my head.

Looking over at him, I saw that his eyes were more black than I had ever seen them.

Then it occurred to me what I had done.

" Damn it," I muttered and he let out a snarl.

I knew there was only one way to calm him down.

But kissing him could be a bad idea.

He was already unstable and this could tip the scale.

So I had to decide, possibly get marked or get my face shattered.

It didn't take much time to decide.

I stepped quickly forward and pushed my lips to his.

He reacted almost instantly.

Grabbing me, he pulled me towards him roughly.

My towel began to drop.

I broke away and grabbed it just as it was about to fall.

He seemed dazed and I seized the opportunity.

Grabbing my clothes, I sprinted to the bathroom.

I heard him swearing from outside the door for a good 15 minutes.

Figuring it would be best if I didn't go out, I silently opened the window.

" What is with this family and having windows in their bathrooms," I thought.

I climbed out of it and looked down.

I saw Dennis walking around and grinned.

" Dennis," I shouted through our link.

He stopped and looked hurriedly around.

" Look up, numbskull," I replied and he looked at me.

I put my finger to my lips and he nodded.

" I'm coming down," I thought back.

" wait, what," he replied but I was already coming down.

He reached up and caught me, dropping me gently to the ground.

" Thanks you very much," I thanked him, walking into the house.

I went upstairs and opened the door quietly to Carter's room.

He spun around and his eyes widened when he saw me.

" You were just," he began but stopped and looked back and forth between me and and the bathroom door.

" Yeah, about that, do you guys all have windows in your bathrooms because that really isn't smart?" I asked.

" you were just," he repeated and I took his hand smiling.

" yeah, I jumped. You were freaking out and in all honesty, I was scared. Now, why don't we go to that diner you told me about," I suggested.

We got in his car and drove all the way there in silence.

When we got there I tried to open my door but Carter locked it.

I turned to him to ask what he was doing but he was gone.

" what the," I muttered as I looked around.

Turning to face my door again, I let out a sharp breath.

Carter was right there.

He unlocked the door and pulled it open.

I looked at him strangely and he chuckled.

" what?" I asked.

" you find it strange that I'm helping you," he replied.

" Nooooo," I drew out," I find it weird that your locking me in your car to try and help me," I giggled.

He smiled, took my hand, and we walked in together.

" Well howdy there Carter, who's this sweetheart?" a lady in about her fifties asked.

" this is my mate and future Luna of OUR pack, Alexis Silaret," he introduced me, emphasizing the our.

" Well aren't you cuter than a ladybug on a flower," she said, pinching my cheek.

She led us over to the corner booth where a window let in the sunlight.

" Here's your favorite booth, have fun and keep this booth clean," she said as she handed us our menus then walked away, leaving my mouth hanging open.

" Yup, that's flo," Carter chuckled and I turned to him.

" wait, her name is actually flo? Can that get any more cliche?" I asked and he chuckled.

" No, I don't think it can," he replied, also chuckling.

I put my chin on my palm and gazed out the window.

His chuckling stopped and I was about to look over when his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

It happened so fast that I wasn't prepared for it and my face nearly banged into the table.

" what the hell Carter?" I whisper yelled and he didn't even respond to me cussing.

He just stared at my wrist.

Then I realized what he was looking at.

The pinkish brown scars that were and always will be on my wrist.

He reached out and I tried to pull my other hand back but he grabbed it and looked at it.

" What," he began angrily but I cut him off.

" It was a long time ago, three years," I rushed out and instantly regretted it.

He looked up at me, realization dawned on his face.

" because of me," he whispered.

" no, no," I lied, which I hoped was convincing.

" You can't lie," he replied and he sounded angry.

I had seen it on tv and thought it might help.

Needless to say, it didn't.

It just hurt like hell and freaked the crap out of anyone who figured it out.

" I did this," he repeated.

I looked at the table because I couldn't bear the hurt in his eyes.

" yes," I admitted as a tear rolled down my cheek and splashed on the table.

He pulled my wrists up to his lips and kissed both of them.

The action sent tingles through me and I looked up smiling.

" I'm so sorry," he said quietly and I nodded.

There was a mutual understanding that I had forgiven him.

Carter's P.O.V.

She finished giggling at flo's name and, putting her chin in her hand, she looked out the window.

Something caught my attention on her wrist and I grabbed her wrist.

They were lined with scars.

" what the hell Carter?" she whispered angrily but I was to angry to care about her language.

I went to grab her other wrist and she tried to pull it away but I grabbed it.

It too was riddled with scars.

What," I began angrily but she cut me off.

" It was a long time ago, three years," she rushed out.

I looked up at her, realization,no doubt, dawning on my face.

" because of me," I whispered.

" no, no," she lied.

" You can't lie," I replied and I was angry.

Not at her, but at myself.

" I did this," I repeated.

She looked at the table.

" yes," she admitted as a tear rolled down her cheek and splashed on the table.

I pulled her wrists up to my lips and kissed both of them.

The action sent tingles through me and she looked up smiling.

" I'm so sorry," I said quietly and she nodded.

I had hurt her so many times and now there was this.

Right then and there I promised myself that I would never hurt her again.

I also promised myself that I would do everything in my power to make it up to her.



Okay less serious matter this is so fun to write and I hope you liked it and if you didn't well to bad. Stop hating. Luv ya ma peeps

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