Notice me

By InNeedOfHollyWater

37.7K 1K 270

As a small girl, she hoped for a prince to come and save her. But growing up she realized no one will save he... More

Welcome darlings.
01 | Prince
02 | Sign
03 | Project
04 | Drained
05 | Alex
06 | Candy Cane
07 | Nightmares
08 | Glasses
09 | A Guest
10 | Threat
11 | Rain
12 | 10 Dollars
13 | Abuse
14 | Notice Me
15 | Teddy Bear And Bouquet
16 | Help; Part 1
17 | Help; Part 2
19 | Plan G
20 | Pinky Promise
21 | Weak
22 | Bye Bitch
23 | Letter
24 | Rumors
25 | Court
26 | Connection
27 | Pretty Girl
28 | Criminal
29 | Father
30 | Old Man
31 | Friends
32 | Change Of Plans
33 | Question
34 | Cliché
35 | Finally Saved
Former Ending (Didn't Make It)
Tips From Me

18 | Why?

770 25 8
By InNeedOfHollyWater

Sienna's POV:

I look down at my cuffed hands. The background noise is full of fingers hitting the keyboard buttons repeatedly and occasional clicking of the mouse.

I raise both of my hands. The officer in front of me instantly watches my movements, his hand hovering over the gun attached to his waist. I scratch the itchy spot on my face.

Damn. Calm down. I'm the one with cuffs.

I drop my hands back into my lap. Behind me, I hear someone enter the room. I don't bother to turn because not even second passes and the cop is in front of me. He stands next to the officer who was typing into his computer the whole time. The new cop leans closer to the sitting officer, his hand going on either side of the desk. I look elsewhere.

Mhm, nice wall.

They discuss something that I can't hear. Before I can examine the other wall someone stands in front of me. I look up, my eyes locking with the cop.

"What motivated you to--"

I cut him off. "I didn't do what you thought I have."

He sighs before sitting on the other side of the table right opposite me. "I'm Victor."


He motions for me. "You are?"

Is he trying the technique of good and bad cop? Bring the bad one out so it's more dramatic.

"Sienna, but that you know."

He nods, confirming my words. "You are young I know this can be intimidating."

I run my tongue on my teeth. "Really? Because it only takes a raised arm for your friend here to almost point a gun at me."

Victor turns to look at his colleague who is already glaring at me. "Get out." Victor orders.

He hesitates.

"Now." Victor almost barks out.

The guy stands up and leaves but before he can I send him a smug smirk.

Victor looks back at me. "As I said I won't make it scarier--"

"Yeah, your friends took that into their own hands." I sarcastically retort.

He lifts his brow.

"It's nice how you cops tackle people when they are not being aggressive rather... Violently." I grit out. "Oh, and you must like pointing guns too, huh."

"You had a weapon."

I roll my eyes. "The said "weapon" was lying on the ground further away from me and I didn't use it against anybody."

"Not even against Alexander Adwell?" He pushes.

I furrow my eyebrows. "No. The knife didn't even have blood on it."

He nods, contemplating his next question. "Why did you have it with you?"

"Why are you assuming it belongs to me?"

This seems to catch him by surprise. Before he curses under his breath. "It has your fingerprints on it."

I roll my eyes. And I thought I had him. Boring.

"Tell me what happened."

"Why, you won't believe me."

"I will." His tone holds a promise.

I eye him for a while before I start telling him. From the phone call to El Chapo and his 2 elves... to me being tackled to the ground.

"And you brought a knife because he called you to come to him?"

"He sounded desperate in the call and after seeing the location I knew it was a part of a town that girl like me shouldn't be in. So yes I brought a knife. And I was right. Three musketeers were waiting there above already injured Alex."

He nods. "What about the drugs?"

My heart skips a beat. I forgot about those.

Okay, I now know that the hand I felt was Alex putting the package in my pocket. But I just don't want to believe he did that. Why would he do that?

To save himself, Sienna.

People care only about themselves no one else.

"Sienna?" Victor's voice brings me out of my head. "To whom do the drugs belong?"

I'm so angry and hurt that I want to say Alex but I can't bring myself to it. I can't do that to Kane and Lili... Natalie and Ethan. He's old enough to go to prison. I can't. I simply can't.

I shake my head. "I don't know," I say defeated.

He positions his elbows on the table and intertwines his fingers together. "You don't know if they are yours or Alex's or the 3 others?" He questions. "There were fingerprints on the package. Yours and 3 more unidentified. Do you know something about that?" He elaborates further.

I stay silent, watching my hands on my lap.

"Okay. Simplified question. Were they yours or not?"

If I say they were not mine he would know they belonged to Alex. When explaining what happened I didn't mention anything about the 3 dudes being close enough to me to hand me them or hide them inside my jacket.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest.

I don't know what to do. Even if I wanted to say something, I can't. I feel almost paralyzed.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "We contacted your parents. They have been informed about everything." His tone changes at the word parents. "I believe you that you didn't harm Alexander. But if you stay quiet about drugs then..." He exhales. "It will get serious, Sienna."

I fight back the tears threatening to spill.

"Last chance. Come on." He says and I must have imagined the pleading tone in the sentence.

He waits longer than I expected. I hear the creaking of a chair when he stands up. "Ok."

My eyes remain on my hands.

He stands there for a minute before heading out of the room. The door shutting behind me indicates he fully left.

I tightly close my eyes.

☆ ☆ ☆

Next day...

"You are going to juvenile."

That sentence is on repeat in my head since I have been told. Right now I'm home with Victor and another cop waiting outside of my house while I pack my shit.

Mom didn't even look at me and dad wanted to yell at me for sure but is holding back because of the cops. I move as slowly as I can, postponing the departure as much as I can. The juvie is about an hour-long ride from here.

The word must have spread since my phone is basically blowing up with texts and calls from Cheryl, Kane, Dominic, and surprisingly Alex.

I want to say goodbye to them but at the same time, I'm scared. Particularly scared about meeting Kane.

I zip my bag. I look around my room. I don't even know how long I will be there. The court is still yet to be to decide if I'm innocent or not. But most of the shit is pointing at me and they believe I'm the type to flee during court processing so... Yeah. They rather have me monitored there.

I take my bag and head downstairs.

"This is how we raised you?!"

I look up and see father storming my way.

"You were buying drugs with the stolen money?!" He comes too close to my liking, his tone getting louder with every word.

What stolen money? I glance at mom who hides in the kitchen. The fucking 10 dollars. And Gods know how much more she took from his or my wallet.

"NOT SO BRAVE NOW, HUH?" I can practically feel his breath on my face. I take a step back.

"Sir, calm down and step back." Victor enters the house after hearing yelling. He clenches his jaw and steps closer to me and father.

I see dad contemplating something after seeing Victor but he decides against it and steps back.

"Let's go."

I follow Victor out. I load my bag inside the car. Just as I'm about to go inside, a car stops in our driveway.

Fucking hell.

I stare at it.

Soon all three of my friends jump out.

Kane eyes Victor.

"Who are they?" Victor asks his arms resting on the roof of the car.

"My friends." He nods and looks elsewhere.

Kane walks to me but leaves a decent distance between us. "Cousins huh?" He grits out. "So that's why you acted suspiciously and were offended when I asked you about drugs the day we were assigned the project! That's why you were so against the idea when all four of us met and Dominic had an idea!" he takes a deep breath. "Why?" He pleads. "Why my brother? Why did you drag him into that shit? He would never do it out of nowhere."

I quickly shake my head. "That's not true--"

"Cut the bullshit." He wipes his eyes. "You don't even know how much I wish for this to be all nonsense."

It is, please have faith in me. I want to scream.


He takes a step back. "I'm sorry. Goodbye, Sienna." He makes his way back to the car.

Cheryl and Dom walk to me. They hesitate but eventually, they engulf me in a hug.

"I know you are innocent. Act like it there, okay? So you come back as soon as possible." Dom whispers. "Bye." He smiles at me before walking back to the car.

I look at Cheryl. "Why didn't you say anything? You know I would never judge you. At least not before you would give me the full explanation."

"I'm sorry."

She gives me a sad smile. We exchange a few more words before she too walks away. "Goodbye."

I stood there. Paralyzed. Or secretly I was hoping that maybe, just maybe mom would walk out to say bye. She didn't.

I shut the door of the police car after taking a seat in the back.

I feel Victor looking at me through the rear mirror.

The car moves.

The other cop looks like he is in his own world. Giving zero fucks about anything around him.

"It is not regular juvie." Victor breaks the silence.

I look at Victor. "Elaborate?"

"It's more like a school with plenty of dorms. You can freely move around the school grounds but know you are still monitored. Try to make friends, they will help you."

"So it's not a juvenile detention center?"

He shakes his head.

Well damn. And they say that school = prison is only a joke.


From the bottom of my heart, I HATE this chapter. It is SO poorly written but no matter what I do, what I change there's is no difference.

This chapter has bad vibes 😭 However it's needed... 😮‍💨🙄

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