By heyitz_aira

5.7K 188 1.2K

Izuku Midoriya lost his hearing as a kid, when he and his parents had unfortunately got into a car incident... More

Are You Deaf or Something!?
A Stick Up His Ass.
Chest Against Back.
I Win.
I'm Not Showing You.
A Bruise From The Ball.
Cayenne And Oregano.
The Rainbow.
The Blond.
His Past.

I'm Sorry.

1K 24 140
By heyitz_aira

author's note:

also, im sorry if this book offends anyone in any way, that was not my intention, i just did it to develop the plot 😭

also, @R-RIZZUKU helped me developed parts of the plot, tysm! Go follow :)

"I love you, Izuku." Katsuki felt the corners of his lips turn up into a small, tiny smile.

Wait, I should probably start from the beginning. Right, sorry about that—


Izuku, being only a kid, lost consciousness from the sudden impact his family experienced. His mother, his father, and him had gotten into a car accident. Izuku's head slammed against the airbag in front of him, however, from the powerful impact, it created a sort of explosion-like sound, making his ears take the life changing damage.

He remembered hearing a loud ringing in his ears, but it was only for a brief second as his eyes gave in, going unconscious.

The next thing he remembered was waking up on a hospital bed. The bright white lights flashed above his head, he squeezed his eyes shut, as that was the first thing he saw. He noticed how quiet the room was, he couldn't hear anything, except for the loud ringing in his ears again. It pained him so much that he started crying, tears fell out those pretty green eyes, onto freckled cheeks. He yelled out for his mom, his dad, but the ringing was so loud that he couldn't even hear his own voice over it.

He felt a pair of larger arms touch him, one wiping his tears away, and the other rubbing his small back gently. She was shushing him, uttering words to comfort him, probably. But he couldn't hear it, he could care less about that right now. He was so confused, he was in the car, and now this? Anybody would be confused. He just wanted his mom right now, to hold him in her arms, tell him that everything was okay.

The lady comforting him was a nurse, he could tell by the clothes she was wearing. She gestured that she would be back quickly, and to stay put. He nodded, why would he choose to go walk around anyway? He didn't know anybody here. He just wanted his parents back.

A few minutes later, he saw a man with a stethoscope around his neck, a white coat over, and a name on the coat to the right side of his chest. The doctor. He whimpered, still looking for his mother, but the doctor calmed him down, using his soothing voice. "I wanna see my parents." He stuttered out. "Where's Mama and Dada?" He added, tears pricking his eyes once more. The doctor assured him that everything would be fine, and that he'd see his mother soon.

Izuku couldn't understand a single thing, he thought his ringing was so loud that he couldn't even hear the doctor properly. "M-Mister... my- my ears, they hurt really bad.." He covered his ears as he said so. The doctor rubbed his back, he said a few extra words, but Izuku couldn't hear, he just wanted to see his mother. "P-Please bring me to my M-Mama." He sniffled.

After some time, he was brought back to his mother. He practically jumped onto her, hugging her tightly, burying his face into the crook of her neck. She rubbed the small greenette's back, assuring him that everything's okay now. But Izuku couldn't hear any of it, he didn't respond to anything, he just stayed quiet, hugging her close to himself.

"Fortunately, nothing else happened to his body, just bruised here and there, but they should be fixable and heal overtime." The doctor informed Inko.

"N-Nothing else? What do you mean? What happened to him?" Worry laced heavily in her soft voice, she kissed Izuku's cheek, and gradually combed his hair in her hands.

"I'm sorry, but from the sudden impact, it caused his eardrums to burst and start to bleed, in conclusion, your son is suffering from hearing loss."

Inko looked devastated, tears formed at he corner of her eyes, making her grip her son tighter as she fell into a cry. "W-What- What happened to my husband?..." She asked, hoping he was okay.

The doctor stayed quiet.

The silence bothered Inko, it was too loud. "What happened to him," she asked sternly, the more the silence was held for longer, the more worried she grew.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Her worry was replaced with Horror and shock. "NO! HISASHI!" She cried out loud. Pain echoed through the room as the doctor left to give her time to mourn.

Hisashi Midoriya. Both of them were the exact same. Izuku was like a Carbon copy of him, except for most of his features, he got them from his mom. They'd have this- this Daddy-Son day every Friday, and go play right after Izuku came back from school. Hisashi would clear his schedule for the entire day, since that day was to spend with Izuku, and Izuku only. Hisashi would often work over time, just so he'd get that free time with Izuku.

Other than being a great father to his child, he was an amazing husband too. He took care of his wife, who he loved so dearly. He would cook, clean, and spend time with her whenever he got the chance too.

Saturdays are typically the days they all come and cook together as a family. Izuku would mostly watch them, and love helping around when they were making dessert, he called himself the "taste-tester" after all.

Sundays are usually days they go out for lunch, and have fun together. It was truly a happy family, until that car crash.

Since Hisashi was the only one working, Inko quickly found herself in a tight place when it came to money, and had to take up a job herself. Thankfully, they paid enough for food, the rent, and helped buy some additional things for themselves too. Izuku could get hearing aids, but he insisted to his mother that he was okay, that he didn't need them at the moment. He knew how to read lips already- well, sort of. Something he did a lot was to watch people's lips as they talked from when he was having trouble saying a few things here and there, and from that, he learnt how to pronounce things. He wasn't a complete expert at it, but he could understand basic things, and that's all he needed to accomplish in order to get on with his life.

Plus, he knew how his family's financial situation was now, and hearing aids would just add to his mother's stress, as they were still very expensive.

Alright, them being financially unstable at the moment was one reason, did he have any other ones?

Yes, yes he did.

Because once he was allowed back to school, it was absolute hell.

Izuku hated that he was deaf, to be honest. He tried to act as normal as possible, and tried to fit in with everyone else, but it was obvious he wasn't the same.

People would say all kinds of things about him, laughing, pointing and telling each other:

"The universe gave him everything but the ability to hear!"

"Nevermind. What's the point of telling you anyway."

"You're deaf and dumb, right?"

"Yo, deaf and dumb!"

"Hearing disability."

"He's not normal. He's disabled."

"He can't even afford hearing aids!"

He didn't want hearing aids in the first place. Not if he was hear that all the time.

They weren't worth hearing. That's what he kept telling himself, to feel better about himself. People would also pity him, telling him that they're sorry (it was rare, but it happened) he didn't want pity. He just wanted to be treated like an equal. Yeah, perhaps he didn't go to the best school in his neighborhood...

Inko didn't exactly know what was going on with him at school. She figured something was wrong from the change in her son's mood every day when he came home. Of course, she couldn't blame him, they experienced a major death in the family, but this felt as if it was something else.

Every time she'd bring up the subject, the little boy would brush it off, saying that they had a lot of homework, but she knew her son. She knew he was hiding something. And she had a feeling it had something to do with his hearing.

Every time she'd bring up the hearing aid subject, he was quick to drop it, telling her that he was doing great on his own, and they should just probably wait until he's okay with it.

"I'm really okay, Mom." he told her. "It's just hearing aids. You can get them later for me! Please just take care of yourself..."

The boy would always end those types of conversations with that exact line at the end. It seemed like he was more concerned about his mother's health. She worked day and night, just so they could live comfortably. That's why Izuku often found himself doing as much as he could to help his mom as soon as he came back from school. He wanted her to be happy, and less stressed. Which is part of the reason why he started sometimes helping his neighbors out for the extra money. With that money, he bought snacks, medicine for whenever his mother was hurt or sick, or even those Allmight card packets you get to collect. And when she asked him where he got the money from, he told her everything.

His mother frowned, mainly disappointed at herself that she wasn't good enough for her son. But Izuku assured her that that wasn't what he thought, he just wanted to try it out, and see how it was.

He was hoping that one day, he'd get into his favorite high school, specifically designed for the high academic and sport achievers.

They recently designed dorm rooms in the campus to increase safety, and with that he'd make his mother's life easier, since she wouldn't have to take care of him anymore.

U.A was his dream school to go to after junior high. It was popular for the famous singers, artists, actors, and professors that went there.
It also had good security, a large campus, and much more. It was one of the biggest and best schools in Musutafu. Only the smartest went there, or you'll have to be really good at sports, which, uh, Izuku probably wasn't the best at. Sports was his weakness, but he was really good with his studies. Even though he was hard at hearing, he had gotten better at reading lips, along with the fact that since all the teachers write down everything they teach on the board, he scored one of the highest in his school. So when he applied for his second year at U.A, he got accepted without a second thought. (He wasn't accepted the first time) He also got the hang of speaking, he practiced it night and day so he would sound just like he used to, before the accident.

He was practically jumping all over his room in excitement, he couldn't even believe it! The fact that he was smart enough, good enough, actually able to go to such an amazing school, really got him to be one of the happiest people alive.

Inko was more than happy for his son. But from her side of the whole happy celebration, she was really gonna miss him. Having him by her side was great help, he took great care of her, even from when he was a kid. But she was glad that at least now he wouldn't have to struggle alongside her anymore, he was gonna be in good hands. Izuku promised he would visit her as often as he could.

And there he was, at the entrance of his dream school, right in front of him. His mouth fell agape, his eyes sparkled like they've never before. He couldn't believe the actor who played Allmight went to the same exact school he was gonna go to.

Oh yeah, while collecting those Allmight cards, he got obsessed with the hero too. He was probably his biggest fan. With his extra money from the neighbors, he found himself buying anything Allmight themed that fit his budget. And it just never stopped. His suitcases were probably at his dorm by now, and one of them was dedicated just for his Allmight stash. And thankfully, he knew where his dorm was too. He got to check it out a few days ago, but only in the dorm. Unfortunately, he couldn't make any new friends either, since the day he checked it out, there weren't many people to interact with.

No, no, Izuku! It's not the time to think about those things, you're about to enter the school Allmi— I mean, Toshinori Yagi went! He corrected himself, reminding himself that it was the actor who went to the school, not the fictional hero.

And with that, he got excited once more. He was so excited that he almost tripped when he got to the entrance.


He felt an arm grab his backpack from the handle on top, pulling him back up. Izuku thanked whoever saved his head from bashing against the hard ground in his head before realizing he should probably thank them verbally. Izuku turned around to look at this unknown person. And man, it was one of the most attractive people he had seen.

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