The Sleeping Genuis (Cote x O...

By Grazer00

20.1K 599 162

This story is about a sleepyhead Genuis who die after his college graduation and reincarnated in the world of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

1.9K 71 13
By Grazer00

Continuation of Part 7

Third Person POV

"Besides someone might know about the S-system already" Koenji said it with a smirk

"What do you mean by that Koenji-kun" Hirata said in a puzzled face

"Someone might know something right, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji"

Kiyotaka flinched a little when his name got mentioned

Hakiri POV

'Hmm this seems a little bit off. This is different from the series

"Say koenji Kun do you believe this guy next to me know something about the S system and didn't told us"Horikita who is silent until now finally spoke

"Your quick to know immediately superior girl"Koenji spoke not even batting an eye on Horikita

Before Horikita can speak Yukimura cut him off

"So you already know t"

But before he can finish I cut him off with his words

"How Pathetic" I said it it a loud voice that everyone can hear and full of sarcasm

"What did you say?"

"Besides I already know that this will happen

"Then you should tell us so that we will not have this problem" Yukimura said angrily


"You are part of this class"

"Although I'm part of this class I still have points to live don't need this school to have that privilege"

"Shouldn't you tell us we are your classmates we need to get along" Kushida said in a soft voice

"Yeah you're selfish" Ike said

And the class is now full of murmurs about me

I smile weirdly while standing up while Chabashira sensei is looking at me curiously that followed by my classmate when they notice me standing up

"Do all of you really think just because you graduate in Class A your future is already good"

"What? That's what Sae-chan-sensei told us"

I then smile mischievously while putting my headphone around my neck

"So if sensei will tell us we need to kill each other so that we can reach our desire job you will do it"

"Hakiri-san we don't need to go to that topic" Hirata said

"But it's still the same just because she said it or the school said it doesn't means it's all true, although they are true there's always hole that keep hidden. For example if Koenji help you reach to Class A but all of you didn't change especially the three idiots over there do you really think a good company will accept you three or you will be given another chance to go to your dream school after you fail just because the school said or specifically the government"

The students keep silent while Chabashira had a wide smile on his face

"You should think first if your worthy because your skill and talents are the one that needs to be recognized to get your desire future not some recommendation from this school that can be ignored because you are not worthy" I ended my little speech there and seat back while putting my headphone to my ears

Chabashira is the first one to speak

"Looks like your happy mood has been dampened. If you guys understood the harsh environment you were put in from the start, we wouldn't have need this long homeroom. The midterm is in three weeks, so please avoid getting kicked out of school. I'm sure everyone here can survive without getting any red marks. If possible, please challenge your situation with a behavior appropriate for a capable person."

Closing the door for emphasis, Chiyabashira-sensei walked out of the classroom.

The red-mark students were crestfallen. Even the normally proud Sudou hung his head down in shame.

"What am I going to do without any more points...?"

"I used up the remainder of my points yesterday..."

After Chiyabashira-sensei left the room, the whole classroom was in an uproar.

"Even more than the points, this is a problem with the class.

Yukimura vented in frustration. There were beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Wait, does that mean we won't be able to go to a college we want to go to? Then why did I come to this school in this first place? I wonder if Sae-chan-sensei hates me..."

None of the students can hide their confusion.

"I understand that everyone is panicking right now, but calm down."

Hirata took control of the class, trying to calm down the sense of impending crisis.

"How can we calm down in this situation? Are you not frustrated that we are the class of leftovers and if what Saika san said is true then why did we even come here!?"

"Even if I say I am, isn't it better to work together to get out of this situation?"

"Get out of this situation? In the first place, I don't even agree with this hierarchy of classes!"

"I completely understand your feelings. However, there's no use in sitting here and complaining about it."


Yukimura walked up to Hirata and grabbed him by his collar.

"Calm down, you two. Ok? Surely, Sensei must have explained it to us sternly in order to cheer us up, right?"

Kushida spoke up. She broke the two apart and gently took Yukimura's balled fist in her hand. Yukimura, as one would expect, tried not to hurt Kushida and unintentionally took a step back.

"Also, it's only been a month since school has started. As Hirata-kun said, I think that it's better for all of us to persevere through this situation. Do you think I'm wrong?"

"N-no, thats... Certainly, I don't think what Kushida said is wrong, but..."

Yukimura's wrath has already dissipated away. Kushida sincerely looked at everyone in class D, wishing for everyone's cooperation.

"T-that's right. We shouldn't be impatient. There's no need for Yukimura and Hirata to fight."

"... My bad. I lost my composure for a bit there."

"It's fine. I should've chosen my words more carefully as well."

With the help of Kushida Kikyou, the fight was resolved in an orderly way.

Hakiri POV

"What are you doing?" I said while Hirata is approaching me

"I just want ask you something"

While Hirata is approaching me all my classmate except koenji also look at us

"Is it really true"

"What true?"

"Even we're at class A there's no guarantee"

" Who knows"

"Pls... Saika-san we really need information"

"I won't help you guys but it doesn't mean I will cooperate I will just do the bare minimum and also There is Koenji you can just ask him he may know something"

Hirata turn his back against me while looking at the ground dejectedly and the girls is looking at me with hateful eyes but before they can speak

I stand up and put my hands in my pocket after fixing my headphone position and speak

"If you guys want to ascent there's two gem lurking on this room a boy and a girl who can shift the the system to make this class superior, so if can recognize them and make them help then your in great luck"

"So you say someone is hiding that is very talented?" unexpectedly it is Horikita who ask

"Yeah but a little warning these guys go to this school to run from their current life just like me so if you want them to help you think before you act, your destroying his/her only chance to be a normal student just because of your greed and satisfaction"

After saying all of that I immediately go to the comfort room because we still have a class


"Class dismissed"

As Chie sensei said it today's class successfully ended

For the first time I am the first one to walk outside the room because I'm planning on buying acoustic guitar

At the store

"Miss how much is this?"

"12,000 points"

"Can I try it"

"Yes sir"

After buying the guitar I go to a place we're it's always deserted. This place is at the edge of the parameter of the school where it's almost a forest because of the trees and it's near at the sea. I jump at one of the trees and take a seat to the most comfortable branch I can seat and was fascinated by the view of the ocean.

"I really like this environment where no one's gonna annoy me" I said to myself"

I put my bag and the guitar at one of the branch and bring out my supposedly lunch but I sleep the whole lunch time so I will just eat it here. Although my cooking is quite good it can't compete with the professionals but for me it's more than enough"

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