My Sweet boy - Stu Macher x m...

Galing kay songzesura

41.7K 964 45

Started: March 6, 2023 Finished: March 21, 2023 Rewrite: March 24, 2023 2nd Rewrite: May 27, 2023 Status: Com... Higit pa



3.8K 108 4
Galing kay songzesura

Thomas laughs when he saw Stu drinking beer from a funnel, walking in with Sidney and Tatum, as he was standing outside and getting some fresh air.

"Caterer's here." Tatum said, putting the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. She follows Thomas's gaze and saw her boyfriend. "That's mature."

"Where you guys been? We had to start without you." Stu said, standing up and looking down at Tom and Tatum, more on Tom when he saw the brown-eyed boy has taken his jacket off revealing his tank top. He didn't even notice they had moved in the living room until Tom looked up at him.

"I thought we'd make it a Blockbuster night." Randy said, making himself known as he lets the videos tapes splatter across the table.

"I thought everything was checked out." Stu said, looking away from Tom to the videos tapes on the table.

"I had 'em his in the foreign section." Randy said, winking at Thomas who chuckles.

Sidney looks through the videos tapes. "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night- How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" She asked, looking up from the tapes.

"She's the Scream Queen." Randy said.

"With that set of lungs- she should be." Stu said, laughing and looking down at Tom who had sat down beside Tatum.

~ ~ ~

"How many Evil Dead's?" Randy said, taking a votes on which movie's they're going to watch. "How many Hellraiser's?"

Thomas and Stu heard the doorbell rings, as Thomas stands up and walk to the door. "I got it." He said, turning to look at Tatum. "Tatum can you get Stu a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." He said when he notices Stu's beer had ran out.

"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum said, standing up anyway and walking towards the garage door to get the beer but stopped when she saw her brother.

"Hey, guess who's here?" Thomas called out to the crowd. "It's Gale Weathers?"

"This must be big news to be on Inside Story." Thomas said, starting to walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Huge." Gale said, looking around the place. Suddenly coughing and stopping Thomas from walking towards the kitchen. "Can I trouble you for come water?"

Thomas shakes his head, smiling at her before walking towards the kitchen. Not noticing that Stu had followed him inside the kitchen, he only noticed when he feel a body press up behind him making him turned around to look up at the taller man. "Stu?" He said, looking up at Stu who is looking down at him with a face he can't describe. "You alright?"

Stu takes a deep breath, trying to get himself together and nods at the boy, moving back to give Tom his space. "Yeah, just helping you." He said, taking two cups from on top of the countertop and giving them to Tom.

"Thank you." Thomas said, taking the cups and walking back to the living room, after he had pour water into the cup, giving one of the cup to Gale and she thanks him quietly before leaving out the door.

~ ~ ~

Thomas is waiting by the door with Sidney as some people leave through the front door, muttering something he didn't wanna hear. Sid moved to close it when Billy appears in front of her making her jumps.

"Billy? Jesus, you scared me." Sidney said, moving back to stand beside Thomas.

Stu suddenly appears behind his black-haired boy. "Dude. What are you doing here?" He said, winking towards Billy, stopping himself from smiling when Tom leans on his body comfortably.

"I was hoping Sid and I could talk." Billy said, leaning on the doorway.

"If Tatum sees you- she'll draw blood." Sidney said, crossing her arms.

"You guys can go up to my parents room?" Stu said, placing his hands on Tom's shoulders as he leaned his chin on his head. "To talk and...whatever."

"Subtlety, Stu. Look it up." Billy said.

"It's okay. We need to talk." Sidney said, grabbing Billy's hand and leads him up the staircase.

Randy appears from the kitchen just in time to see Sid and Billy disappears upstairs. "What's Leatherface doing here?" He asked, standing beside the two friends.

"He came to make up." Stu said, rubbing his hands up and down Tom's sides and smiles when he feels him shivers slightly against him.

"There goes my chance with Sid." Randy said.

"Like you had one." Thomas said making Stu laughs as Randy turned to him with an offended expression.

~ ~ ~

"Look, here it comes." A teen said, watching the TV.

"The blood's not the right color. Why do they do that? It's too red." Another teen said.

"Here comes another..." Randy said.

"Predictable. Knew he was going to bite it."

"How can you watch this shit over and over?"

"Shh." Randy shushed, head turning to look at Thomas who is cuddling onto Stu's. Well, more like Stu is cuddling Thomas as he had placed Thomas onto his lap.

"I wanna see Jaime Lee's breasts. When do we see Jaime Lee's breasts?" Stu asked, letting Tom fall asleep on his chest comfortably.

"Not until Trading Places in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits till she went legit." Randy said.

"No way."

"That's what she always lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?" Randy said.

Stu finishes his beer, letting Tom change his position on his lap making him straddles his waist and placing his head on the inside of his neck. "What rules?" He asked, pleading his mind to not put those images and thoughts about his friend again.

Randy hits the pause button on the remote and stands in front of the television, explaining. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror move. For Instance. One: You can never have sex. The minute you get a little nookie- you're as good as gone. Sex always equals death. Two: Never drink or do drugs. The sin factor. It's an extension of number one. And three: Never, ever, ever under any circumstances, say I'll be right back."

Stu softly picked Tom up and placed him down on the couch softly, walking over the couch towards the hallway. "I'm gettin' another beer, you want one?" He asked, turning to Randy.

"Yeah." Randy said.

"I'll be right back." Stu said making the crowds cheer as he disappears into the kitchen.

"There he goes folks- a dead man. Wave bye-bye." Randy said.

~ ~ ~

Thomas wakes up from his sleep when he heard Randy screaming about something. He sits up from the couch, stretching his neck and looking to Randy who is standing by the phone as all the people walks out of the house, leaving him and Randy in the living room.

"We were just getting to the good part." Randy said, sitting down beside half-asleep Thomas and returns to the movie. "Watch this movie with me, Tom."

Thomas sits up straighter, and watch the movie with a drunken Randy.

"Do you like Stu?" Randy asked suddenly, turning away to the movie to Thomas who snapped his head towards him.

"What?" Thomas said in surprise, leaning back on the couch.

"Do you have feelings for Stu." Randy repeats, looking at Thomas with a sudden sober face.

Thomas shrugs, not answering his question and focusing on the TV.

Randy sighs, turning his head to the movies.

It's been awhile since they've watch the movie, Randy is now more drunk than before and Thomas is laying down on the couch again, he can see over the couch from where he is laying down on.

"No, Jaime. Look behind you! Watch out! Behind you!" Randy said.

Thomas eyes widened slightly when he saw the ghost masked killer standing directly behind Randy, knife raised above his head as the ghost masked killer held up a finger to their mouth for Tom to stay quiet.

Thomas turned his head to the TV, ignoring the masked killer and watching them in his peripheral vision. Suddenly, the masked killer turn away from Randy, leaving him unharmed making Thomas sighs with relief.

~ ~ ~

Sidney screams when a hand lands on her shoulder, turning around and seeing Thomas standing behind her, looking over at the jeep as well. "Thomas..." She said, standing close to the boy, grateful that he's still alive and here with her.

"He disappeared." Thomas said, eyes roaming the yard while still holding onto Sidney. "C'mon." He said, helping Sidney to the front porch where Dewey's body lay.

Sidney reaches to Dewey's holster and grabs his gun when a voice echo's behind Thomas and her. She turned to see Randy racing to her, limping.

"Jesus, Sid. We gotta get out of here." Randy said, now stone cold sober.

Sidney points the gun forward to Randy. "Stop. Right there." She said, feeling Thomas's hand on her shoulder, whispering to her that Randy is not the killer. But she's didn't hear him as Randy is yelling too loud to her.

"Don't shoot. It's me." Randy said, holding up his hands in surrender.

"Don't come any closer." Sidney said, pulling Thomas back with her.

"Listen to me, Sid. I found Tatum. She's dead, she's been killed...I think Stu did it." Randy said, looking over to Thomas for help.

"It's true, Sid. We saw her on the garage door." Thomas said, letting Sidney dragged him back.

"Don't believe him, Sid." Stu said, suddenly appearing as Sidney spins around to look at him moving up the walk.

"He's lying. He killed Tatum. And Billy." Stu said, moving closer to Tom and Sidney.

"Stay away." Sidney said, pointing the gun in Stu's direction.

"His movie nut mind has snapped, Sid. He's gone psycho." Stu said, looking over at Tom before looking at Sidney.

"Don't listen to him. It's him. He's the one." Randy said.

Thomas wrapped his arm around Sidney's waist, moving her back into the house as she moves the gun to Stu then Randy, back and forth.

"Come on, Sid. Give me the gun." Stu begged, holding out his hands to Sidney.

"No, Sid." Randy said.

Thomas and Sidney shares a short understanding look, they simultaneously steps back into the house. "Fuck you both." She said, slamming the front door shut.

Thomas locks and bolts the door. From the other side as they can hear Randy screaming.

"No, Sid. Open up. Please...he's gone crazy!" Randy said from the other side, fists pounding against the door.

Sidney shakes her head when Thomas looked at her, wanting to open the door and let Randy in. She rushes to the phone in the living room with Thomas trailing behind her. Just as she reaches for it, the phone rings. It scares the life out of them. She yanks it up. "Please! God! Help me!"

Thomas watches her throws the phone down, screaming. He immediately rushes towards her, holding her up by her waist as they moves back to the door.

"Go away, leave me alone!" Sidney shouts to the door.

Thomas and Sidney turns to the staircase when they hear a noise upstairs, Sidney is shocked to see Billy emerging from the top of the staircase.

Billy stumbles down the stairs as Sidney moves towards the stairs. "Oh God. Billy!" She cried out, holding tightly onto Billy. "I thought you were."

Thomas stands still by the front door, watching the whole interaction silently.

"I'm alright. Gotta get help." Billy said, walking towards the door where Thomas is standing, eyes moving towards him for a seconds before looking away.

"He's out there." Thomas said, moving to stands beside Sidney as Randy continues to pounds on the door.

"Please, you gotta let me in. He's gonna kill me!" Randy shouts.

Billy goes for the door and Sidney moves forward, blocking him. "No! Don't believe him."

"It's okay. Give me the gun." Billy said as Sidney hands him the gun. He turned and unlocks the door, opening it.

Randy rushes in, grabbing Billy, pleasing. "Help me..."

"Shh. It's okay." Billy mutters, looking down at Randy.

"Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad." Randy said, moving to stands beside Thomas who has gone quiet.

Slowly, a small smile creeps across Billy's face. "We all go a little mad sometimes." He said, aiming the gun at Randy and Thomas, pulling the trigger. Shooting Randy on the chest area, while shooting Thomas on the upper right thigh making him doubles over by the stairs railing, holding onto his wound with his left hand, while his free hand is holding onto the stairs railing, he looked at Sidney who looks at Billy in horror.

"Anthony Perkins..." Billy said, licking his fingers. "Psycho." He said, turning to Sidney who stands only a feet away. "Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrier."

Sidney takes a step back, looking down at Thomas– who has sat down on the floor– for a seconds before looking up to Billy. She takes another step back into the kitchen, moving right into the arms of Stu. She spins around, her mouth open in a speechless horror.

" me..." Sidney mutters.

Stu stares back at her, eyes wide, lips curled in a subtle smile as he holds a small white box up to his mouth. "Surprise, Sidney." He said, not noticing that Billy has shot Thomas.

Sidney looks back to Billy, then to Stu. She stands between them, her mind racing as she bolts into the living room.

Stu and Billy stands in the entryway, trapping her in. "Where ya going? It's not over yet. We've got one more surprise." Billy said, turning to Stu who has now noticed Thomas. "Stu, I believe it's your turn."

Thomas makes eye contact with Stu, face filled with sweats and tears as he tightly hold onto his wound. He watches Stu walks over to him and rips a part of the bottom of his shirt, wrapping them around his legs, trying to stops the blood from flowing out.

"I'm sorry, baby." Stu mutters, pecking Tom's forehead and standing up when Billy yelled out his name.

Thomas breath heavily, looking to his where Stu had disappears and saw him dragging Sidney's father to the kitchen. He heard Stu and Billy talking to Sidney in the kitchen, as he can feel himself slowly losing his consciousness, and beginning to close his eyes.

Stu looked out the kitchen, and fear filled his chest when he saw Tom eyes closed. "Tommy! Stay up baby!" He shouts, smiling when Tom's lips quirked up, probably drowning in his consciousness.

~ ~ ~

"You alright, Tom?" Sidney asked, sitting beside Thomas medical bed.

Thomas nods, looking up at the hospital ceilings. "What happened while I was passed out." He asked, turning his head to look at Sidney. "You don't have to tell me the full story." He said when he saw Sid's face falters slightly. "Just what happened to Stu and Billy."

Sidney nods, looking up at Thomas, a small smile on her face. "Billy got shoot right here." She said, pointing in the middle of her forehead. "And Stu got electrocuted."

"You know there's a chance Stu might survive that injury." Thomas said, a small frown on his face as he looks at Sidney's nodding with a small smile on her face.

Suddenly there was a knock by the door, making the two looks at the Sheriff Burke standing by the door. "Sidney Prescott? Thomas Woods?" He questions, standing by the doorway.

"That's us." Sidney said, an unknown feeling rising in her chest. As if what Thomas just said was coming true.

"Stu Macher was not found at the house."

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