Taming The Devil

By Priiiii09

120K 5.5K 183

Anamika, a girl from India went to New York to do her PhD. She's innocent, kind and caring. A girl from typic... More

1. Saving Him
2. Awake
3. Getting to know him
4. Missing Him
6. Awkward
7. Love
8. Secret
9. Worry
10. Jealousy
11. Care
12. Confusion
13. Where did you find me?
14. Courting you
15. Home
16. Attack
17. Sleeping together
18. Naked
19. Things Got Heated
20. Meeting Parents
21. The Breakfast
22. Not a Gentleman but a dangerous beast
23. Parents
24. Conversation
25. Sleeping Beauty

5. Party

6K 264 10
By Priiiii09

Anamika's POV

Tears filled my eyes at his sudden outburst. He rubbed his hand accross his face after noticing my tears. Growing up in a loving family where you're the star of everyone's eye, these kinds of harsh treatment fills your eyes with tears.

I heard a deep sigh from him as he composed himself and said in his deep voice, "I'm really sorry for shouting at you. But I've been worried about you because you weren't answering calls or replying to my messages."

Warm tears falls down my cheeks as I gathered my voice to explain "I..I was busy...in the..in the lab. And..and didn't had time...to check..my...my phone." I said inbetween my sobs, my voice breaking.

After dinner he dropped me to my home. Before leaving he once again apologized to me. His eyes showing how guilty he actually is. Although I already forgave him, it's not like he had gone something too much and i understand his anger.

If I were in his place and couldn't contact my friend for two day, I would also be angry. I passed him a soft smile and went inside my apartment building. After I reached my apartment, I directly went to bed. I'm so tired that as soon as I lay down in bed I instantly fall asleep.

In the next few day, me and Alexander has gotten really close. We talk in messages, calls and meet up whenever we could.

I would be lying if I say I'm not attracted to him. He's nice, caring and handsome. But I can't really afford to be in love with someone like him. I know my mother will never accept him. And even if my father manage to convince her, I know the relatives will pressure them and then mummy will be all 'what will the relatives say' and 'what will be our image in the society'. That's the main reason I don't wish to fall for him. Not to mention that somebody like Alexander will ever fall for a traditional Indian girl like me. I mean he's handsome and capable. Capable because I know by just looking at his car that it's expensive. Although owning a car is just another common thing in India, I mean, most of the middle class people are able to afford one. And that's something people buy before thinking of buying a house.

So my growing feelings for him, it's better to bury them in the depths of my heart, because it doesn't have a future.

As I was taking readings of the latest experiment, I heard Emily calling me. She's one of my co-workers, I have developed a good relationship with. She's a good collage but far from friends.

She told me about her birthday party tonight, at some club. Well, I never went to a club before and of course I never drank alcohol. Because i was told from a young age that those who consume any type of addiction are bad. I mentally rolled my eyes as I remembered their addiction of drinking 'chai' (tea).

We'll it's the first time someone has actually invited me out after I came here, we'll except Alexander. Gosh!! I'm thinking about him alot more than I should be.

Anyways, I should try it out before I judge wheather I liked it or not. I decided to go to her party.

I went back home and get changed. I don't have that much of a dress for a party. But there's actually something in my closet that I can wear.

I wore the dress and paired it with my black heels and let my naturally wavy hairs loose over my shoulder. I decided to wear a white coat as the temperature has started to drop down.

I grabbed my white bag and keys and locked the door.

I hailed the cab when I reached downstairs and told the driver the club's name. I decided to drop a message for Alexander to let him know that I'm going out with a friend, so he don't have to get worried.

When I got out of the cab, i looked at everyone dressed so gorgeously that I felt my cheeks heating up. Although I chose to wear this dress but it's still not good enough for this occasion. I saw Emily and the others talking beside the entrance. I made my way towards them and said my hi.

"Oh, Hey Anamika, you're finally here. We were waiting for you." Emily said giving me a hug.

"Thanks for waiting." I said as i returned the gesture. After that she took my hand and almost dragged me in.

As soon as we got inside, the deafening music hit our ears. This place is definitely too loud for me.

"Come, let's go to the bar and have a drink." Emily said and everyone agreed to it. Well looks like I have no choice but to follow them. I followed them to the bar and took a seat as everyone ordered their drinks.

Then the bartender made its way to me. "I'll just have orange juice." I said.

"Oh come on Anamika, it's my birthday and you're just drinking orange juice, it's not fair." Emily said, pouting.

"But...but I've never drank before. I don't know anything about the drinks." I said, trying to come up with an excuse to not drink.

"Oh! So this is a good opportunity for you to try it. You may never get a chance like this again. Wait let me order something good for you." She said and went ahead to order a drink for me. The waiter nodded and mixed some drinks. He then placed a glass in front of me and poured the red liquid. Well here goes nothing. I trust Emily and took a sip. Damn! It tastes nothing like I've imagined it to be. And I actually like the taste. It's sweet and leave a bitter aftertaste.


Hey everyone,

I'm sorry for keeping you all wait. But there's alot in my plate right now, so the updates will be delayed a bit.

And also if you like the chapter please leave a vote and consider commenting because i love reading your comments.



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