Izuku Yagi: next God of War

By Soulless_Author06

715K 13.6K 9.6K

In this story Izuku Yagi is forgotten by his parents and basically tortured by his twin sister and former fri... More

Am I Cursed?
new beginning
Road To U.A
U.A Entrance Exam
decision/ Training
class 1-A
battle training
class representative
USJ attack
Extra training
Sports festival part 1
Sports Festival part 2
Sports Festival Part 3
Hero Names
Drunk Mistakes
The Rage Of A Father
Not a chapter
The newest Shimura
Final Exams
Final Exams Part 2
Day at the Mall
Training Camp part 1
Training Camp Part 2: Return Of The Blue Flame
The Beginning Of A New Journey
The Woods
The Lake of nine
The Next step
A new realm
A favor in Alfheim
Red Riots trial
Izuku's trial
Brok and Sindri
Fixing The Bridge
Snowball and the Wolf
Flowers in the rain
Going Away Party
The Goddess Freya
Forgotten Memories
The curse
The Return
Ultimate moves
Revealing The past
appointments/ meetings
Provisional License Exam Part 2
Liscense Exam Part 3
The Gala
The Big three
UA'S new TA
New training regimen
sir nighteye

provisional license exam part 1

3.3K 73 21
By Soulless_Author06

It was early in the morning, Izuku was on top of Heights alliance, meditating and doing his best to control his rage

Izuku thought: I wonder if I can turn off this... Hope-aura thing, it's distracting.

Izuku was knocked out of his thoughts by the door opening

Nemuri: Izuku? What are you doing here?

Izuku: I could ask you the same

Nemuri: when are you going to cut your hair?

Izuku: dodging the question

Nemuri: I needed air

Izuku: okay... But I don't know when I'll cut my hair

Nemuri grew a smile, one Izuku knew too well

Izuku: no! We're not doing this now-

Izuku's arms were grabbed by vines and he looked over the roof to see Momo and Eri

Eri: papa! I taught mother the rune!

Izuku: ah crap

Momo pulled him off the roof and he was dragged off with his other wives

After a few moments, Izuku came out with an undercut, and the top part of his hair braided

Izuku: are we done?

Ochako: don't be a baby! You look great

Kyouka: totally!

Rumi: I might just take you back to the bedroom

Eri: why? Are you guys tired?

Ochako: exactly, papa makes us get up super early

Izuku got up and started walking to the kitchen, the blue aura still covering everyone

Izuku took a deep breath and tried to look past it, he cleared his mind and soon he didn't even notice it

Ejiro: new haircut?

Izuku: I was forced

As the rest of the class came downstairs they all commented on Izuku's haircut

Iida: good morning class rep! I approve of your new haircut! Truly fitting!

Katsuki: quiet kiss ass!

Katsumi: it's too early for this shit!

Izuku: watch the language around my daughter!

The twins apologized and shut their mouths

Izumi: Izuku what time is the license exam?

Izuku: it starts at 10:30 we have a few hours, I suggest you prepare everything you need

Izuku grabbed a protein shake and started heading for the door

Rumi: where are you going?

Izuku: I need to talk to uncle sho, and Vlad

Rumi: why class B's teacher?

Izuku: I need him to sign a few things

Eri: can I come?

Izuku: of course, Fen! Come here, boy!

Fen came running with his leash in hand

Izuku: Snowball if you will

Eri put the leash on fen and walked with Izuku

Izuku: are you excited Eri?

Eri: about what?

Izuku: your baby siblings

Eri: mhm! I want to be the best big sister ever!

Izuku: and how do you plan on doing that?

Eri: Hmmm, take care of them, play with them, protect them... And-

Izuku: love them?

Eri: yeah!

Izuku smiled at his daughter's words and patted her on the head

Eri: papa, if we're gods... Why do you have to hide it?

Izuku: that is a complicated answer snowball, grandfather said it like this "from now until the end of days we are marked" so it's kind of a way of keeping your uncles, aunts, and mommies safe

Eri: would people really hurt them?

Izuku: you know better than anyone snowball... People can be evil

Eri: but... Grandmother Faye said that not everyone is evil

Izuku: she's not wrong, but to be honest that's what I'm stuck with right now

Eri: what do you mean?

Izuku: as a kid, all I wanted to do was save people, after I ran away I stopped caring. That's why grandfather trained me to fight and think like that, while Atreus and Mimir taught me to care

Eri: what about now? Why did you want to become a hero?

Izuku: I wanted to change the world... Make it better, but I'm not sure if that's what I want

Eri: huh?

Izuku: I mean... Things have changed, I... I need time to think about it

Eri: why can't you save people and change the world?

Izuku: because... Because that's not my priority anymore

Eri: then what is it?

Izuku: you, your siblings, your mothers. I have so much to fight for... So much more to protect

Eri: then I'll help you, I'll protect everyone too!

Izuku: my brave girl, then should we start your training?

Eri: mhm! I want to be strong like you papa!

Izuku put Eri on his shoulders and held Fenrir's leash

Izuku: only if you promise, to use your strength in the service of others

Eri: what does that mean?

Izuku: only if you use your strength to help people

Eri: of course! What else would I use my strength for?

Izuku: I have no idea, sweetie

Soon they arrived at Aizawa's dorm, he looked more exhausted than usual

Izuku: you alive?

Aizawa: no

He said while face-planting onto his bed

Izuku: before your nap sign these

Aizawa didn't even read them and signed

Aizawa: before you go, you should make yourself smaller with your illusion magic

Izuku: what? Why?

Aizawa: you've attracted a media presence, if you were smaller you'd be less easy to spot in a crowd

Izuku: that's bull

Aizawa: it was Nezu's idea

Izuku: uh! Fine

Izuku made himself 5'10 and walked away

Aizawa: tattoos too!

Izuku: I hate this!

Izuku called Itsuka and asked where her teacher was, soon after Izuku and Eri made their way to the gym where Itsuka said her class would be

When they got there the two classes were fighting over who should use the gym, even though it would have been enough for both classes

Izuku: Vlad! Come here, please

Vlad King: what does the son of All Might need me for?

Izuku: I need you tonight this

Vlad: what's this?

Izuku: these are joint training forms that the classes have agreed upon

Monoma: I never agreed to this!

Itsuka/Izuku: Too bad it was a majority vote!

Vlad: no

Izuku: why? What reason do you have to disagree besides this petty rivalry you started with my uncle sho back in your UA days?

Vlad: my class is advancing just fine without 1-A. If this happened you'd just slow em down

Izuku: or we'd all learn faster together, there's no point in a division when we attend the same school and will fight the same battles

Vlad: what do you know about this?

Izuku: I was raised by one of the world's best army generals, trust me when I say that division is the worst way to learn, especially when you take into consideration that we're already used to learning side by side with others

Vlad couldn't deny that he was in a box, but he decided to put his pride on the line

Vlad: fine, under one condition

Izuku: by the gods, what?

Vlad: you beat me in an arm wrestle, no quirks!

Izuku: okay

Momo made them a table and they both put their right arms on the table

Vlad: you are about to learn why you can't rely on that quirk of yours too much

They got into position and started, Izuku didn't move his arm and watched as Vlad was struggling

Vlad: ah! What's this arm made of? Steel?

Izuku: the base is Yggdrasil mixed with other magical elements, but the outer part is made from a variety of metals and artifacts-

Vlad: wait! That's cheating! Using a tool!

Izuku: then let me use my real arm

They switched arms and Vlad felt ready to put the son of All Might to shame

But seconds later the same result, Izuku's arm wouldn't move

Vlad: I-said no quirks!

Izuku: yeah, and I'm not using a quirk

Eri: papa's super strong

Setsuna: I wonder how strong he is in the-

Itsuka chopped the top of her head and reminded her that there was a child in the room

Izuku: I'm tired of this

He slammed Vlad's arm onto the table and got up

Izuku: we should get ready for the test

*Time skip a few hours*

The bus arrived at the training site, and Izuku and Momo led the class to their designated Area

Ochako: Izuku it sucks that you have to disguise yourself

Kyouka: I know our poor baby

Izuku: not in public please,

Momo: what? We can't show our loving husband some love?

Mineta began crying but had finally learned better than to mess with the Demi-god

Izuku: c'mon let's-

Emi: Shota!

Emi came running to her husband, she leaped into his arms and embraced him

Emi: I missed you, sweetie

Aizawa: Emi please, not in front of the class-


Izuku: blackmail!

Aizawa: I have so much more on you

Izuku: you're bluffing

Aizawa: one text to your mom and the whole world knows about you and your wives

Izuku: touché

Emi: don't hate Izuku send me that photo!

Izuku: I already did-

???: Is that him?

???: No way, he looked super crazy on TV

???: He doesn't look so tough

???: I could probably take that freak

Izuku looked around to see that the other students around them had noticed him

One of Emi's students approached Izuku and looked up at him

Shindo: I thought he'd be bigger

He has black hair and an exposed chest, he looked kind of plain looking

Another student approached Izuku, this time he was looking down at Izuku

Inasa: Hello there!

Izuku looked up at him with a bored and annoyed expression

Izuku: this is going to be a long day

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