Reverie's Realisations

By RainbowsArePoop

268 0 0

life, just as it is More

wish you knew
10. Keep yourself busy with stuff you enjoy doing
12. Never stop reading good books, keep watching good movies.
5. There will always be certain things you can't tell your parents
11. Run, but not from your problems.
14. Sometimes, you just need to be with the feeling
8. Nude is natural, not disgusting
2. Your career is more important than anything
6. Don't hope for certainty
9. It isn't a breakup if it is a good break up
1. Your opinion matters
13. Take decisions that are difficult
3. You'll thank yourself when you're grown up and healthy
4. Accept everyone for who they are, don't expect others to accept you
7. The guy you love isn't going to necessarily be there till the end.

15. Everything always works out

4 0 0
By RainbowsArePoop

doesn't it?

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