Mrs Scuderi

By cute_astrophy

414K 17.3K 1.2K!what are you, twelve?" I yell at her because it's a huge one and not even enou... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty Three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
chapter Thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
side note ;)
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
writer's note

Chapter twenty five

6.4K 315 30
By cute_astrophy

            Fabiana's Pov
"Get her out now! This is family business," mom yells at me not caring whether Amelia is next to me while dad is just watching the whole thing unfold. He can't talk because he needs aid to breathe. Apparently dad had mom call the lawyer about his will like he had everything all planned out. The man looked peaceful with the decision life made for him. "It's okay, I'll be outside if you guys need me," "why would we need you?"mom retorts but she just gives a sly smile clearly respecting that this is not the time or place for all this. She's almost at the door when dad calls out to her and she obeys gesturing for her to lean in and he whispers something in her ear for a while and after she leaves. That was weird. Second time he's talking to her privately. I wonder what he'd think if he found out it was all a sham.

He gestures for the lawyer to start and he does.

"Sir are you sure you want to do this right now?"

"Don't..ques..stion me," he says struggling a bit. The next half hour is him reading the will but I'm not even paying attention because I'm still abit mad that he didn't tell me about his illness and i wasn't prepared to lose him just yet. "What?!"I'm pulled out of my thoughts by mom half yelling in shock.

"You're leaving her in charge of everything? But-"

"But what Gianni? You think I don't know about your affair with my doctor? I'm here because of you,"he says gathering his strength to sit up. "mom what is dad talking about?"Haviana asks the same time I'm about to but mom just focuses her glare on dad. "I had nothing to do with that,"she says tearing up and i can tell this is between them. He looked so tired of the conversation and i could understand why. Whatever they know and we don't clearly mom is being difficult about it. "It's final Gianni, everything is under Fabiana's name as long as she stays married to Amelia, because know she'll take care of Haviana and Camino and you ofcourse. I worked hard for them and if i entrust you I'd be making a mistake and i know it," he says and i realise that this is going to be a huge problem when he's gone. "Kids can i have time alone with your mother?"he asks and we leave hurriedly not wanting to have any more reasons to take sides.

I find Amelia sleeping on the joint seats outside and i can't help but remove my jacket and cover her with because of how chilly it is in here. "If only you treated her the same when she's awake,"Haviana says watching me. "Just being a good friend like you taught me,"i say smirking. "She's your wife Fabia, there's no award for treating her like a person,"she says hitting her forehead slightly in agitation. Camino agrees to stay with Amelia In case she wakes up while Haviana and I go grab drinks for everyone.

"Are you scared?"she asks me out of no where.

"Are you?"

"Well dad has always been there since like forever and he's dad. He's the strongest person i know,"she says with her voice breaking at the vending machine and i just hug her not knowing how comforting works when you're holding back from breaking down yourself. "Let's just make the most of it when he's here,"i say rubbing the tears from her cheeks. I was so consumed in making sure everyone knows it's going to be okay i forgot to be in touch with how feel about all this. When we get back only Camino is there on the phone with presumably his girlfriend. I give him his soda before he hangs up. "Dad is alone now so you guys can go in. I'm too scared to see him like that,"he says genuinely and i can see how red his eyes are. "Where's Amelia and mom?"i ask cautiously.

"Mom just stormed out and Amelia said she needed fresh air to stay awake because she felt bad about falling asleep,"he says and i go to her knowing exactly where to find her and give her coffee despite me knowing how hungry she must be. When i get to the rooftop I'm surprised to see mom there scolding her with her backed up on the edge. It's a bit dark to see properly but as i close in i see Amelia push my mom to the ground and my first instinct is to protect her. "What the fuck are you doing?"i ask her helping my mom up. She just looks exhausted. "She was going to push me over,"Amelia says and it's not that i don't believe her, mom could do that but she's just too vulnerable and going through a lot right now to think straight and she of all people should have seen that.

"I'll have the driver take you home, my family is more important to me right now,"i say not thinking twice. The last thing I'd want is my siblings loosing both parents together. She doesn't utter a word as i dial my driver to pull up. Mom is still sobbing on my shoulder and i rub her back unable to understand what she's going through. "I'm here mom,"i say watching Amelia walk away with her head down. They need me right now and I'd do anything to ease their pain. Once mom has pulled herself together we go back in with her insisting she has calls to make so i go in alone thinking dad is asleep but he's just staring out the window into the city. "Dad why didn't you tell me?"i ask but he's still quiet.

"It wouldn't have made any difference,"he says not even looking at me which irritates me Abit. "It would have! I would have made sure you got the best treatment and you'd have fought it," i say angrily breaking down as i continue. I looked up to him since i was small and he was leaving me? "It's already done mia ragazza. Just promise me you'll stop being difficult with love. It's the most beautiful thing someone could experience,"he says but i don't want to listen to him talking like he's dying the next minute. "This is why I don't want to experience love ever. Look at how broken mom is to be losing someone she loves,"i say and he just chuckles lightly. "Love is not conditional Fabiana and it's timeless too. So enjoy it while it lasts and when it comes to an end be thankful for what it offered you,"he says sounding all smart with his facts.

"Also i want to spend my last days with all of you not on this hospital bed,"he says and i immediately know what to do. A honourable man like him didn't deserve to die in a detergent smelling room so i start making arrangements to have a guestroom set up for him with everything he'd need with the doctors directions ofcourse. "Dad I'll be back in a minute,"i say leaning over to kiss his forehead before going to find the doctor. I don't know how mom and Amelia are going to live under the same roof but right now i just want to do everything my dad wants. When i find his doctor i fill her in on the plan to discharge him and she's not on board with it. "This is the last thing we get to do for him and if that means breaking ever hospital protocol then so be it for you,"i say storming off.

He was my dad. "It's not about that. Your mom needs to sign the release papers,"she says showing them to me and i practically insisted on her coming back with me for mom to sign. It would be selfish of her not to knowing how much dad needs it. I call her to know where she is but meet her in the hallway on the phone. The only words i could make out we're her saying to get it done. I let the doctor walk her through it and I'm greatful she doesn't turn this into a miss Gianni moment. By the time I'm done with everything I'm exhausted. Mom offers to stay with dad insisting we should all go home because it's been days since we slept on actual beds. I was reluctant but dad insisted saying i needed to go home to my wife. The three of us get an Uber home because neither my driver nor Amelia is picking up which is odd because he picks up on the first ring.

When we get to the mansion only Diana is there managing the house as usual. "Where's Amelia?" I ask like i awalys do when i come home and she's not down stairs doing something annoying. "I thought she was with you,"she says genuinely making me become more aware of the situation. "Maybe she went to her parents. Did you piss her off again?" Haviana asks ready to pounce on me of i said yes so i ignore her and decide to wait a few more minutes before burying my own grave with her parents. It's been over thirty minutes and Haviana is already freaking out for both of us. I'm about to call her mom when the door opens and she walks in with a blue sling on her shoulder and a few cuts on the side of her forehead with my driver helping her.

"What happened to her?!"i ask him coldly. I was paying him to drive safely so what happened to my Amelia? Wait what!my Amelia? "Miss there was a car accident and the impact came from her side but i got her to hospital as soon as possible," he says with his voice shaking. "Fabi relax its just a dislocated shoulder," she says softly removing her free hand from around his neck . "Why didn't you call me?"i ask dismissing her and still focusing on him. "He wanted to but i practically smashed his phone. You already have enough on your plate,"she answers for him and it's really getting to me. "shut up and let him speak for himself goddamnit!" I say losing control over my pitch startling her. I need to stop doing that. Haviana holds my arm to calm me down and i do.

I ask her to help her to our room but she's reluctant to leave me alone with him. "Promise you won't fire him,"she pleads and i hate making promises i can't keep. If i don't implement my authority properly how will they get everything done how i ask? "Amelia stop trying me,"i say clenching my jaw but she's still standing there waiting. "Fine i won't,"i say knowing damn well that promise is a good as void. I watch them go into my room before turning my attention back to him. "Your fired. Your monthly paycheck will be handed to you in the morning,"i say crushing any hope he had of keeping this job because Amelia was fond of him. This is why I wasn't friends with my staff because they'd start slacking on their jobs thinking I'd let it slide. So unprofessional.

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