Possibility • Beck Oliver

By AngelicStilinski

446K 9.8K 1.4K

When Cynthia Valentine Sikowitz goes to Hollywood Arts with her sister, and her secret gets out, will people... More

cast list <3
1. Back Home
2. Sikowitz's Class
3. New School
4. Bird scene
5. Try Number Two
6. Broken Nose and Lies
7. Beck's Big Movie
8. Movie pt.2
9. Understudy/ Will you....
10. Robbys Blog
11. Dale squires/ Rex Dies
12. Rex Dies
13. Diddly bobs'
14. Cat's Boyfriend
15. Kick-Back
16. Sleepocer
17. Sleepover Pt.2
18. The woods
19. The Woods Pt.2
20. Ping- Pong Scam
21. Don't Be Mad
22. Jade's Play
23. Survival of the hottest
24. She Knows
25. Hospital
26. Wi-fi In The Sky
27. Wifi In The Sky pt.2
28. Freak the freak out
29. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 2
30. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 3
31. Crush
32. Begging On Your Knees
33. Cynthia falls for Tori
Announcemt kinda 🧍‍♀️
34. Cynthia falls for Tori Pt.2
35. Ice Cream For Ke$ha
36. Ice Cream For Ke$ha Pt.2
37. Hospital again
38. Goodbye
39. I love you
40. Robbie's Car Parked In His Butt
41. The Play
42. Prom Wrecker
43. Prome Wrecker
44. Locked up! Part 1
45. Locked up ! Pt. 2
46. Locked up! Pt. 3
47. Locked up! Pt. 4
48. Locked up! Pt. 5
49. Locked up! Pt. 6
50. Helen is here
51. Re-audition
52. Bye Bye
53. Who Did It To Trina
54. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 2
55. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 3
56. Tori makes Sikowitz quit
57. Cynthia beats Tori's Ayas.
58. Andre Get's A Crush Or Two
59. Andre Has A Crush Or Two Pt. 2
60. Cupcake Terror
61. Cupcake Terror Pt.2
62. Cupcake Terror Pt. 3
6.3 Cupcake Terror Pt. 4
65. Cynthia's song for Andre
66. I promise
67. Detention
68. Detention Pt. 2
69. Detention Pt. 3
70. The Gorilla Club
71. The Gorilla Club pt.2
72. The Worst Couple
73. The Worst Couple Pt. 2
74. Breakup
75. Andre's girlfriend
76. Dog Sitting
77. Kiss and make up doesn't mean we're dating
78. The Plan
Trying something out
79. What?
80. Sing A Sorry
81. Jade and Tori's date
82. Tori and Cynthia's duet
83. April Fools Bitches!
84. Bitches Fool April
85. C Batteries
86. Party Bus
87. How Did She Get In?
88. So Did She Ever Get In?
89. Platinum
90. Both of us?
91. The Twins
92. How Could You
93. How About You?
94. Crazy Ponnie
95. She's Crazy
96. Her names Linda?
97. Ponnie?/ The Blonde Squad
98. Blonde, blonde, blonde and blonde
99. Lucky She's Holding Me Back!
100. Trina's Secret
101. Wanko's Warehouse
102. So which one of us is the flattest?
103. The Triplet Twins
104. Hambone King
105. The Real Hambone King
106. The Hambone King! Queen!
107. We're just getting the fruity feel of these costumes
108. D-dont eat the clams
109. A slightly better screen
110 Tinkle-Aid & Feeferdoon
111. I wish i had popcorn
112. I really need some popcorn now
Thank you
113. A murder? Where?

64. A Christmas Cynthia

2.4K 66 21
By AngelicStilinski

Cynthia pov

I smiled walking into Sikowitz class, going over and sitting in my seat when Sikowitz came in.

"All right, young lovers of learning and short pants"

"i do love short pants" Cat said sitting down, as Jade came over sitting next to me.

"Guess what i love"

"what" Cat asked looking at Jade.

"Slapping perky redhead's" Jade said drinking her coffee, as Cat began to laugh, stopping when she looked at her hair

"Now, Jade, dont be a Christmas grunch" Sikowitz said as Beck came over sitting on the floor laying his head on my legs falling asleep.

"Ha-haha, grunch--that's my word" Rex said.

"I cant calm down!"

"it isnt"

"its absolutely the end of the world" Andre and It said coming into the classroom being all loud.

"you have all new semester to make it up!"

"i dont care, I'm just going to give up music. Forget it, forget everything" he said as they sat down and he threw his bookbag on the ground.

"Ho, ho, ho and jingle bells" Robbie said tapping Andres leg.

"Andre, no!" I said as Andre grabbed Robbie chair from under him earning in Robbie and Rex falling to the floor.

"damn" I whispered, shrugging and playing with becks hair.

"i bet that jingled his bells" Jade said, as Robbie got up and Rex groaned.

"i'm sorry, but all yall can just keep the Christmas spirt to yourselves" He said as i frowned, sadly Chase had to go back home for Christmas and new years so he wont be back until mid January.

"Andre, you got a beef with Christmas?" Dad asked.

"I love Christmas beef!" Cat said as i looked at her.

"No, you like Christmas ham, the beef makes you hurl" I said.

"Yeah, every year our brother-" Cat began but was cut off by Jade.

"Cat!" she yelled as Beck jumped lifting his head from my lap.

"Geez, you woke me up" he yawned.

"Ooh, sorry, Beck. Certainly wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class" Sikowitz said fixing Robbie's chair that was still on the floor.

"Thanks. You're the best" Beck smiled laying his head back on my lap as i sighed shrugging.

"Now, before i get my-wha-pas!- teacher on. Andre, why the sourpuss?" Sikowitz asked after doing some Karate kick.

"yeah, why the sourpuss" Rex asked.

"i dont really wanna talk about it"

"Andre wrote a Christmas song for his creative music class" Toridilla said as Andre groaned and moaned putting his hand over his eyes like he was crying.

"And it was a really great song" she said as he moaned and groaned once more.

"But his teacher gave him-"

"dont say it out loud!" he yelled

"Ok. A D!" he yelled, even when he told her not to say it.

"Agh, i said it out loud"

"A D?" we all questioned.

"I've always gotten A's in music. How does a person go from an A to a D?"

"Happened to me in 8th grade" Jade said.

"Well, im sorry, Andre. now...-" he said walking over to me as i looked at him.

"YO!" he yelled in Becks ear as he jumped once more.

"woah! wow, wow" he siad.

"why Becky to sleepy" Sikowitz asked.

"Well me and cy-"Beck began but i slapped my hand over his mouth.

"there's a cricket in his RV. And it chirps all night long, and he cant sleep" I explained.

"so just call one of those bug murderers" Jade said.

"Uh, they're called exterminators"

"Shut up, no one likes you" I yelled at her the same time Jade did.

"Yeah, why sugar coat it?"

"hey, Sikowitz" Sinjin said coming into the room.

"Yea, what is it, boy?"

"I have your Hollywood art secret Santa assignment" Sinjin said eye balls all buggy

"oo, who am i buying a gift for this year" he said all jumpy, skipping over to Sinjin.

"Courtney Van Cleef" he said reading off the pear pad.

"Ohno, that kids a freaky little weirdo" Sikowitz complained.

"She's my sister" Sinjin said as Dad looked at him.

"I know. I dont know why your parents didn't stop with you" he said closing the door on Sinjin

"i taught him well" I said wiping an imaginary tear away.

"Could i please switch Secret Santa assignments with someone. Come on, please? Tortilla" he said as i began laughing.

"UH, sorry, i didn't sign up for the secret Santa thing"

"yeah, none of us did" Andre said as we all nodded, besides Beck he was asleep again.

"why not?" Sikowitz asked.

"Because its stupid" Rex said as i looked at him.

"Is that why Robbie is dressed like Santa?" I asked as Rex laughed.

"why should we buy gifts for random people we dont care about?" Jade asked.

"All right. You kids need a big fat dose of Christmas spirit rammed into your teenage hearts-" he said pinching Beck waking him up once more.

"So theresuch, as your teacher, i require you to participate in-- shhhh-- secret Santa" he said all smiley and girly at the end as everyone began to complain.

"No ad-libbed complaining. Ill text you all your secret Santa assignments. And i expect you all to give very good, very creative gifts" He said

"And what if we dont" Jade asked, as he walked over getting in her face.

"whoever gives the worst gift will have to join me on Christmas Eve for Christmas yodeling" he sad as everyone groaned.

"what's Christmas yodeling?" It asked as me and Jade looked at her.

"Dude!" "Shut up!" "Tori" everyone yelled at her, as Sikowitz began to yodel.

Me and Beck were laying in my bed, as he was running his thumb across my thigh which was laying over his stomach.

"so, what do you want for Christmas" he asked kissing my nose as i smiled at him.

"Nothing, just to be here with you" I said when both of our phones went off.

"Sikowitz?" he asked as i nodded.

"Secret Santa names?" I asked as he nodded placing his phone down as i did the same.

"So, who did you get?" I asked smiling, as he laughed shaking his head.

"I love you but no" he smiled giving me a kiss before getting up to take a shower.

"Rude!" I yelled.

"Just give me anyone else!" I hear Jade yelled as me and a jumpy Beck walked into school.

"Jade, you are Tori's secret Santa, i would hate it, but that be that" he said, as we walked over

"why do i have to-" Jade began but Beck cut her off.

"he said he's not going to change it. so just deal with it. even though we all hate Tori get her some gum her breath be kicking" he said all bouncy

"His heart is vibrating. how much coffee have you drunk?" Sikowitz asked letting go of Beck.

"A lot. like a lot. i dont know, like, maybe seven cups. why? is there a problem" he said as i shrugged.

"His mom told him he had to come home for something, so he couldn't stay the night and actually have a good sleep. So he's drinking coffee so he can stay awake at school" I said.

"lot of coffee!"

"Look, i dont want to be Tori's secret Santa"

"No on would" he said running off.

"Stop bouncing!" Jade yelled at Beck before leaving.

"I cant help it" he said, following me as i began to walk away.

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