Enemies [Instagram story]

By Judithwriterrx

38.7K 1K 222

Harry and Louis, the guys who hate each other. Harry doesn't like Louis because of his ego and Louis doesn't... More

I'm sorry


551 14 13
By Judithwriterrx


When Louis woke up at the sound of the shower he immediately knew what day it was today. He went to hang out with Harry today and again, not with the other boys around. And this time he wasn't nervous like last time. Not even a little bit.

He felt different today, mainly because of what happened on Friday and not just the last part of it.

The atmosphere feels different between them, it's a feeling he can't describe. It is a feeling of warmth that he feels around Harry. Not something he'd felt before with any of his other friends. Not even Zayn or Niall.

He has no idea where this feeling suddenly comes from. All he knows is that the feeling is there and that he noticed it since Friday. Maybe that's it, maybe he always felt that way, but he never really noticed. He always knew that Harry was different to him, not just a normal friend. They are just friends, but the feeling feels different. He never felt this way around Niall, Zayn or Liam. It feels weird.

When Harry comforted him that afternoon, it felt nice, he immediately felt calmer in his embrace.

And the moment they looked deep into each other's eyes, it felt strange. He cannot describe it in any other way, it cannot be expressed in words, because he still has no idea what he felt there. All he does know is that it wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

"Louis?" his father called from downstairs. He didn't realize the shower wasn't on anymore. "I'm going to Sophia now. Your breakfast is ready downstairs. See you later!"

"Okay, see you later!" he calls back.

Yes about that. He and his father went to talk that night after Harry left. His father had apologized for not telling about Sophia sooner, but explained that he didn't want to tell him yet because his mother and him just broke up. He wanted to tell him about it when he thought Louis was ready.

Then Louis had also apologized for the indifferent behavior towards Sophia.

After that talk, things went well between them again. They had agreed that from now on they would be honest with each other and no longer withhold things. He had then also told about Harry, to which his father had told him to give it time. First he had to be sure of his feelings and then talk to Harry about it. To avoid confusion.

Finally - after putting everything together - he gets out of bed. Harry is coming in about an hour so he better get ready.

This time he doesn't spend hours doubting his outfit and without thinking about it, he puts on sweatpants with a t-shirt.

After putting on some clothes he walks downstairs where, as his father said, his breakfast is ready, an egg sandwich.

His phone keeps vibrating while eating. As it turns out, the discussion he and Liam had last night is still not over. It also makes no sense at all. Liam thinks the earth is round, how stupid can you be? Of course the earth is flat, how else do we live on it?

@liampayne: okay i knew you were dumb, but seriously lou? The earth is flat?

@louist91: ugh yes liam, you are the one being stupid. but i don't have time for this, i need to go

@liampayne: why?

@louist91: harry is coming over in half an hour

@liampayne: ohhhh i see, you need to look good for your crush, i get it

@louist91: i regret telling you abt it

@liampayne: oh cmon, it's not like it wasn't true

@louist91: funny thing: it wasn't true. i just need to finish my sandwich and brush my teeth

@liampayne: brush your teeth ;) planning on something?

@louist91: liam just shut up yeah? i'm not planning on something, everyone brushes their teeth

@liampayne: mhm, well have fun then

@louist91: thanks payno

After what he said he was going to do (eat his sandwich and brush his teeth) it's almost time. Harry can come any minute. He gets that weird feeling again that he can't describe in his stomach about the idea that Harry will be here soon. And no, not because he is nervous, because that is precisely not the case.

Is this perhaps the time for him to tell about his feelings? He has known Harry for two months now and only noticed it last week. Is he - as his father had suggested - ready now?

It might be better to wait. After all, it's only their second time hanging out together and he doesn't want to ruin it by talking about his feelings. Because if Harry doesn't feel the same the whole atmosphere will be ruined.

He decides to wait.

After waiting a while, the bell rings. Louis jerks up to open the door. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. He runs too fast, causing him to slip and smash his head into the front door.

"Louis?" he hears Harry ask on the other side of the door. Shit

He scrambles to his feet and quickly opens the door. "Hi."

"Did you just-"

"Yeah let's not talk about that. You didn't hear or see anything, okay?" Louis interrupts. He's embarrassed enough already.

"Alright." Harry chuckles and follows Louis into the living room. They plop down on the couch and this time nothing is said about how close they were. It just felt right.

Without any awkward silences, the conversation starts right away. It's not even about anything serious, it's just stupid conversations, but you do learn a lot about the other person.

Louis told about a time when he accidentally got the mixer stuck in his sister's hair and had to cut off a piece of her hair.

He had noticed that when you are telling something Harry is listening to you with all his attention. That's nice, you have the feeling that what you say really gets to him. That he doesn't just smile and move on. He seriously listens to your story whether it's about something stupid or not.

At this point, he just knows he likes Harry. His father had told him to be sure of his feelings first. That is clear at the moment. Maybe you can't like someone that quickly, but then this will be the first time.

Everything about Harry is just amazing.

The way he smiles with his dimples showing. The way he can make you feel so special. The way he puts you first when you need help and really tries to help as best he can. And the way Louis can just go on talking about Harry for hours like this proves enough.

The only thing that bothers him to tell Harry now is that he's afraid that Harry won't feel the same way and that their friendship will be gone in one fell swoop. That's the one thing he's afraid of, losing Harry.

"Are you even listening?" Harry asks, laughing.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about something. What were you saying?" excused Louis, who quickly shakes his thoughts off.

"About what?" Harry asks, tilting his head and looking at him quizzically. Like if he looks long enough he can find the answer.

Is this the right time to tell him?

He knows he decided to wait until later, but maybe it's better if he says it now. Soon he doubts too much and then he doesn't dare at all.

"You can just tell me. If it bothers you I could help you" Harry says when I look at him doubtfully.

"I know. It's just- I don't know if I should tell you."

"Is it bothering you? Do you want it said, but you're afraid of the reaction you're going to get?" Can he read minds?

I just nod my head.

"Then you should tell me. I won't judge you."

Fuck it.

"About you. Us. I- I don't know how to explain it. It's just, since last Friday I started to noticed things." Harry's eyebrows are now drawn together. "The atmosphere between us feels different. It feels warm around you, a feeling that I can't describe. I may have felt this way before, but since Friday I've noticed. Then at that moment when you comforted me I immediately felt better in your arms. I don't really know how to say it, because I have no idea what it is either. But the bottom line is- I like you." Louis takes a breath and looks expectantly at Harry, who seems to be staring straight ahead, processing what Louis just had said.

When it remains silent for a long time, Louis starts to worry. Has he seen everything wrong, doesn't Harry feel the same? Shit. Their friendship is over, Harry will soon just run away and never look back.

Why did I have to be so selfish to tell him anyway. I never should have. Everything is ruined between us now.

When Louis fends off any more worry, Harry finally speaks.

"I like you too."

"What? Don't say this if you don't mean it. I'll understand if you don't like me. We can still be friends, can we? No wait- just forget what I said okay? None of this happened, I don't like-" Louis is cut off by Harry's lips, which softly come to his.

"I really like you lou. I'm saying this because I mean it okay?" Harry says after letting go of the kiss.



"Alright I believe you. But don't you dare lie to me. Then it's over between us." Louis says in a stern tone.

"Oh. Do we have something then? I haven't been told yet then." Harry says with a grin.

"Oh, uh, I thought- I don't know-" Louis trails off. Harry chuckles at Louis' reaction.

How insecure Louis can seem when it comes to feelings. Harry thinks it's cute.

"I'm kidding. But then I think it should be asked" Harry gets up and kneels in front of Louis - who gives him a confused look. "Louis William Tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend?" Harry asks solemnly.

"It's weird that you know my full name, but yes of course. Who wouldn't want that?" After that has been said, Harry stands up and presses his lips to Louis's one more time.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching a movie. And when Louis' father came into the living room and smiled at the two of them, Louis hadn't noticed. He was long gone asleep.

+ +

I'm kinda proud of what I wrote.

Hope you like is as well. Leave a vote if you want you!

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